is communism acceptible?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by endfedthe, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Yes i am completely ignorant when it comes to metallurgy , it is far outside my interests but i am into sailing and boats are synthetic , new materials are discovered often and you should never reject innovation , if you are into engineering you should know that.
    Like technology change so does society and with an increasing pace , communism as i said is a possible scenario , capitalism for ever is not.

    Okay , i tried to explain that in communism it does not matter how much you make , it is the relation between labor and it's products that matter, in communism a laborer owns the product of his labor , in capitalism and slavery he does not.
    Community owned and geographically restricted banks > private investors .
    Greed and envy is very common among chimps , ouragotangs and other species in our ape family , some of our own species are still carrying those primitive characteristics but fortunately their numbers are dwindling , evolution you see...
  2. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    After he first seized power, Lenin purposely instituted a simple-minded and unworkable form of Communism so he could say, "See, the people are still lazy and greedy, so we will have to reluctantly impose totalitarianism until they become New Men. Then we can gradually wither away the state."
  3. jomatoci

    jomatoci New Member

    May 15, 2013
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    They got their chances and wasted them. Now there are a bunch of senseless excuses.
  4. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Oh yes, and we have seen how that worked in the past, have we not?

    You simply become a slave to the state. Things like "Competitive Wages" no longer exist, and you take what they are willing to give you and like it. The vast majority of slaves on this planet in the 20th century lived in the "workers paradise" of Communism. Where nobody has anything (except the commissars), and everybody is equal in misery.

    And yea, you talk about evolution. Is it not strange that half of the "Communist" nations of the 20th century are no longer there? That they all self-destructed under their own failures? Yea, we have seen evolution, that is why the USSR is on the ash heap of history.
  5. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Lenin did everything wrong making decisions with his friends behind closed doors , he may be your ideal communist but he is not mine.

    What part of "there is no state in communism" you do not understand , USSR had a state capitalism system exactly for the reasons you posted , being a communist does not mean that i am in any way affiliated or ideologically connected to the freaking Bolsheviks ,.
  6. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    I see. So your proposed solution is to do what exactly? Destroy every system on the planet to run some kind of experiment? To roll back the entire planet to say 4,000BCE?

    Every single "Communist" states ever has promised to be "classless", and we have all seen how that has worked out, have we not? To be honest, I have absolutely no faith in the concept of Communism simply because I have no faith in the honesty and integrity of people. As a group, people are lazy, self-absorbed, and will corrupt and take advantage of any system to get ahead, even at the expense of others.

    Communism might work well, in say Fantasyland. But as we have seen every single time it has been tried is that it is a colossal failure. In fact, quite often it has been worse then a failure, it has been an absolute disaster and horror.

    Yes, I do in fact understand, because I live in the real world. Not in some delusional fantasy where things have no consequences.
  7. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I am tired of posting the same things, communism is a possible scenario for the post-capitalist world . If you lived under feudalism your "real world" would be full of aristocrats , incest and serfs , stuff change . Thing is that you can not jump from kindergarten to university same way you can not make communists out of uneducated farmers . Communism was never a failure because it was never tried , Mao and Lenin and Pol Pot tried to achieve a classless society by manipulating everyone, this is not how it is suppose to work .
    Honest and integral societies give birth to honest people with integrity , this is why you are teaching ethos to your children and expect them to take it a bit farther improving themselves and society as a whole. Take a look on history , as we progress we distance ourselves from both jingoism and corruption , it is not a surprise that politics are full of idiots with big egos , the intelligent ones simply avoid becoming part of the circus .
    Communism is a form of direct democracy that requires from people to be educated, cooperative, honest with a will to contribute to society , personal ambition for self improvement and an ego under control to understand their mistakes , obviously this can not be done with the stock available today or the one they had 90 years ago.

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