Major Study Finds Masks Don’t Reduce COVID-19 Infection Rates <<MOD WARNING>>

Discussion in 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) News' started by Bluesguy, Nov 19, 2020.

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  1. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Of course masks work. I’m the most pro mask member on PF. Read my posts on the subject.

    But I’m also intelligent enough and honest enough to admit N95 masks are not the same as homemade cotton masks like the ones in the link I supplied. Fauci claimed they are identical and has never retracted that statement.

    If Fauci had advocated for a program like South Korea implemented I may have some sympathy for him. He did not. He lied instead and you have no evidence anyone told him to. I will never “drop” this fact.

    Go ahead and ignore me. I’m very concerned about the 1000’s of lives Fauci’s lies have caused to end. I think it’s terrible and I’m personally upset with myself for not combatting his lies sooner before they caused so much damage. It’s something I’ll regret the rest of my life and I’m on record here on PF admitting in the past.

    You can not blame Donald for Fauci’s lies. Fauci is a grown *ss man. He should be held responsible for his actions. If he’s not mature enough to do his job under a flawed president he’s not fit for the job.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
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  2. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    He came clean after having misled people. We agree, I think, on why Fauci told people masks weren't needed. What he did was wrong, IMO, but to his credit he explained.
  3. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Correct. Telling the whole truth is Fauci's job and that has to do with integrity, not "maturity." Trump would have fired him, but so be it.
    557 likes this.
  4. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Well integrity is definitely part of it. But I don’t consider lying and then compounding lies to cover the original as mature behavior. It’s what 5 year olds do.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  5. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    There is nothing Fauci has side that has not being him saying exact opposites from himself.

    No one on earth is more responsible for covid-19 than Dr. Anthony Fauci. He is who made it possible in the first place.
  6. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Five-years-olds, bureaucrats, and politicians trying to escape being held to account.
  7. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    How is Fauci responsible for a pandemic that originated in China?
  8. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    The virus lab in China is a biological warfare research facility pursuing gain-of-function research. This means finding viruses in mammals rarely harmful to humans and evolving them to be harmful, lethal and highly contagious to humans (mammals of the homo sapien species.)

    Such research has been worldwide banned completely. However, Dr. Fauci was the most famous voice advocating a limited lifting of the ban, specifically even his agency to help finance it - in Wuhan, China, claiming it is necessary to be able to know how to rapidly create vaccines in the event someone else makes such biological weapons.

    Stop... Dr Fauci and Bill Gates etc advocating for and financing pursuing making biological weapons in an otherwise worldwide banned type facility - IN CHINA. Not very pro-American, is it? Why no other WMDs to develop in China too?

    Not long after being in full operations, supporters and backers such as Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci, even President Obama predicted in 2019 the world needs to prepare for a pandemic. Self fulfilling prophesy.

    Whether deliberate or accidental, regardless of motive or lack of any motive, the Wuhan virus lab would not exist but for Dr. Fauci's influence and fame. Without the Wuhan virus lab, there would have been no outbreak of covid-19 in Wuhan. Without the outbreak in Wuhan, there would be no covid-19 because it would not exist.

    That's how. Maybe his motives were perfect, but no one is more responsible that Dr. Fauci. You certainly recognize the massive influence capability he has, don't you? Who dare challenge a word he says? The expert of the experts. Whose expertise is responsible for this pandemic they now claim is evolving to vastly more horrifically more contagious stains - as much as 5,000% more - and the new never-before type rushed vaccines probably won't work on those worse new ones.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  9. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Especially N95 and better respirators which he also said weren't necessary for the general public. In fact, N95 respirators can protect us and if enough were worn in a community, transmission could be greatly reduced.
    He eventually identified that as his reason.
    He admitted he lied about the effectiveness of masks to protect the supply for healthcare workers.
  10. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I won't get into it, but there is good reason to believe the virus came from nature, not a lab.

    These rest of what you claim should be backed up by solid evidence.
    Many accusations without support.
  11. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    A medical mask doesn't need to be an N95 mask. You're just inventing that it is, to make up a fake reality that Fauci lied.
    You've pushed the goalpost beyond down right stupid arguments. You proved nothing with all them sources you put up.

    You need to prove where he lied, champ. That is your claim!
    It already was a fact that there was a shortage in masks in the BILLIONS. So there was no need for Fauci to repeat a fact that was already known inside the government.
    Donald didn't do crap with that knowledge, because he did not believe in wearing masks. It's all his fault.

    You're just calling Fauci to be a liar without any prove, just to white wash Donald of all his lies about covid.
    Donald, who mocked people who wore masks in the past.... that got 1000's of people killed.
    Donald, who lied about that hydroxychloroquine works.
    And you're deliberately not responding for the sake to white wash Donald and falsly accuse somebody else.

    Your so called evidence lies with the non existing +11.000 votes that Donald didn't get in Georgia.
  12. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Fauci said that the people shouldn't be using masks, due to a massive shortage and only the few masks around should be used by the sick and the medical staff. If Fauci would have said that everybody should get medical masks, even though we got a shortage in the billions... than it would lead that hardly any sick and medical staff would be wearing masks. That would turn hospitals into super spread locations causing all the medical staff to get sick. The medical staff being at home on a massive scale in quarantaine would have been a total disaster.

    Seems obvious that such a hypothetical situation is so simple to understand and acknowledge that it would occur, that it becomes downright dishonest to claim Fauci made the wrong advise or was lying somewhere. People who do so, only rant this utter nonsense to white wash Donald for the disaster that happens under his watch.
  13. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The interview he gave in March was about medical masks. That would also include other masks than N95 who aren't that good.

    There weren't enough by a LONG SHOT. His advise was based on REALITY... get it... REALITY.
    Not FICTION.

    I already proved he said that immediately in the interview in March 2020.

    Nope. He wasn't aware that home made masks were just as good as medial masks back in March.
    It got figured out in June that home made masks work about as good as medical masks.
    Poster 557 put up 5 sources proving this.
  14. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    What kind of masks was Fauci “protecting”? Masks from surgical supply stores that he wanted healthcare workers to have. Specifically level 3 surgical and N95. Did you think he wanted to save masks proven to be ineffective in healthcare settings? One of my links from a study years ago shows masks less than level 3 surgical and N95 quality don’t protect in healthcare environments. Are you making the argument Fauci was trying to get healthcare workers access to masks that couldn’t protect them and would result in their infection and possible death?
    He said people didn’t need to be walking around with masks in March. Flat out lie.

    He said we didn’t know C19 “could” spread asymptomatically at that time. Flat out lie.

    He said the masks he was protecting for healthcare workers are equivalent to cotton homemade masks. Flat out lie.

    You have not provided evidence Donald is a ventriloquist and Fauci is his dummy. That may be the case, but all evidence points to the contrary.
    When people make false claims with known empirical evidence to the contrary they are lying. Unless Fauci is a total incompetent, which I don’t believe, he said numerous things he knew/knows are not true. It matters not why. Saying something false when you know it’s false is a lie. Fauci has lied repeatedly.
    LOL. You concede defeat when you go to strawman argument about Donald. You concede absolute defeat because I’ve never voted for Trump and am glad he is not the president elect. All the evidence I’ve provided is peer reviewed published data. You have now shown yourself to be a denier of science. Not a good look when discussing a viral pandemic.
  15. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I recall him saying masks weren't needed by the general public. We can all decide for ourselves if he was justified by circumstance in misleading the American people.
    Well, that's the rationale for the fib. I don't think it was necessary, but we do know Trump was unwilling for political reasons to order confiscation of PPE from wholesalers and retailers.
    What's with you, anyway? You're accusing me of dishonesty for telling the truth about Fauci misleading the public, and now you're accusing me of supporting the maggot in the White House? :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
  16. truth and justice

    truth and justice Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    There was no evidence that they did need to wear masks outside. People don't wear masks during a bad flu season so if Fauci had said that everyone should wear a mask in March when there was less than 10,000 known cases and less than 100 deaths in mid March in a country of 330M he would have been sacked and laughed at for being a clown.
    Did he say that they were equivalent? If so, do you have a link directly saying that? And actually the link below dated Feb 17th 2020 states that Fauci said "masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn't really do much to protect you". Unless you are saying that he stated that HCW masks also have leakage that doesn't "really do much to protect you" either then clearly he did not say that they were equivalent?

    Now, here is what he said on Feb 17th, 2020 (not March):

    Q. We see everyone walking around in masks. Do they work?

    A mask is much more appropriate for someone who is infected and you're trying to prevent them from infecting other people than it is in protecting you against infection. If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn't really do much to protect you. And for example, people start saying, should I start wearing a mask? Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.

    Q. Can you catch COVID-19 from someone who doesn’t have symptoms?

    A. In respiratory-borne illnesses, the driver of outbreaks are usually the people who have symptoms. I'm sick. I'm in the subway. I sneeze on you. I cough on you. There is asymptomatic transmission in other infections. The extent to which that is impacting the coronavirus epidemic, we don't know. But we're having early case reports which are now making it pretty clear that some degree of asymptomatic transmission occurs.
    Notice the word "now". At the time "now", there were 15 cases in total and zero deaths

    And notice that on Feb 17th he said "But we're having early case reports which are now making it pretty clear that some degree of asymptomatic transmission occurs."

    All this was said on Fen 17th, so not March and not what you claimed he said
  17. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Five year olds AND pathological adult liars advancing an agenda.
  18. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    His "advise" wasn't true.
    You bet he didn't think homemade masks weren't as good an N95 respirators. You do understand he wasn't protecting the supply of surgical masks which are of little value in caring for COVID-19 patients.
    An N95 respirator protects the wearer. Put a surgical mask over respirator one-way valves to protect others.
  19. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    You and others like you are the exact reason I believe Fauci was wrong to tell a white lie to protect the supply of N95 and better respirators. It gives you room to up the ante with propaganda that Fauci is a pathological liar.
  20. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I can judge him only by his public behavior and history. Judging from those, influenced by the data showing the phantom virus to be only as deadly as the flu, he is a fear-monger and pathological liar advancing a wicked agenda.
  21. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Propaganda Alert!
  22. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    In the 60 minutes interview of march he talks about the masks that people in China and South Korea wear. Those are not N96 masks, but level 3 surgical masks.

    In the 60 minute interview of march he literally says... it's the POINT that it would lead to shortages to people who really need it. And that's the sick and the healthcare workers that he previously said that they need them.

    So it's obvious you never saw the 60 minutes interview,
    yet claim he lied during that internview.

    You're just full of it.

    My point is Fauci's point.... that there weren't enough surgical and N95 masks around for all, and so only the people who are infected and the people treating them should have them.

    You are again leaving out that his advise in March was based on a massive shortage. He made it... HIS POINT.
    We've discussed this before that this is just a dishonest way to make that conclusion.

    That is the truth, since you have endlessly failed to prove that spreading asymptomatically was known in March.

    source it, champ.

    I never claimed that Donald is a ventriloquist.
    I claim he never bothered to get enough masks when it was known that there was a shortage ranging in the billions.
    source from March: U.S. stockpiles, yet has only 1% of 3.5 billion masks it needs

    I claim that Donald was not interested in masks.
    source from October:

    You do just everything to scapegoat somebody and now picked Fauci.
    You never even saw the 60 minute interview. Pathetic to see you claim he lied there.
  23. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    It's easier to fool a man than it is to explain to him how he has been fooled.

    You don't know propaganda when you see it. That's the way they like it. If you can get them asking the wrong questions, you don't have to worry about the answers.
  24. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You made no argument how his advise on the REALTIY at hand wasn't true.
    You only made an argument it wasn't true when you got a hypothetically non existing reality.....
    Good show.

    Indeed. I don't recall he ever said that.

    He said so himself that it was "THE POINT" of it all during his interview on 60 minutes that those masks should be used for covid patients and medical staff, due to a shortage.

    This reply has nothing to do with what I wrote.
  25. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I figured you out.

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