Marching to the beat of society.

Discussion in 'Civil Liberties' started by robini123, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Is society like the Borg, where we are to all be assimilated into the collective? It sure feels this way at times. The moral majority from my perspective wants to force itself upon us all. And from what I can see, the moral majority uses their God as a battering ram against those whom are different. Sometimes I feel like I am in Iran and that the morality police are out in force. Adhere to the principles of our loving and tolerant God or we will make you!

    I cannot tell you how many times I have been told that I am going to burn in hell. For example; one woman told me I was going to burn for playing Dungeons & Dragons. Really? Burn in hell for playing D&D. Seems kind of harsh. But her speaking for God and judging me in God's stead is fine I guess. Apparently she skipped the part in the Bible that said judge not lest thee be judged. And I was under the impression that judgment of ones eternal soul was the sole dominion of God.

    Why is it that so many of the moral majority, that try to force feed me their views and want to make me adhere to the dictates of their God... why is it that so many of them in the end get caught up in sex scandals, have a love child. So much for family values. And it happens enough to make the news again and again. And I bet those that are exposed in a sex scandal are just the tip of the iceberg. I bet in homes across America there are millions of hypocrites talking the talk but not even coming close to walking the walk... but they sure insist that I walk their walk...(their walk), not my own path.

    I am middle aged, have long hair and have a mature sexy little petite fiancee who never wears a bra. So believe me when I say, judgment abounds in my life at the moment. But then I remember that I live in America, the greatest Nation on Earth... IMO. A nation where it is not against the law (not in Idaho anyway) for a man to have long hair or a woman going braless.

    Our Country was founded by men and women who were running from the Church of England, religious persecution, and a monotheistic rule. It is so ironic that a Country founded on freedom is populated by a majority that wants to rob me of it.
  2. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Good point, OP. The morality police are annoying. I get accused everyday of being a racist/sexist/homophobe/Islamophobe/bigot/etc. etc. etc. for not supporting abortion, gay marriage, and a myriad of other ridiculous politically correct "moral" causes. And the hypocritical people who attack me for these things are the very same ones who walk around all day long bragging about how "open-minded" and "tolerant" they are. They love to talk the talk, but very few of them can be bothered to actually walk the walk. They hold me to a standard that they, themselves, do not even practice.

    Indeed, society is like the Borg.
  3. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Gee, Robini, I thought you were going to talk about those who want to control every aspect of our lives through laws and not through peer pressure. Let's face it, you post is quite predictable for a leftover hippie but there is no law against going without a bra or you having long hair, is there? No, we have to wait for the liberals and socialists to get mandatory--drop that salt shacker--behavior control. It requires liberal faith--don't you dare swat that kids butt--to really require, actually require under penalty of law, behavior. It's liberals who posit that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle so we have a generation of boys being raised by women alone. And then we wonder what happened to men.

    Get real, Robini, and quit whining. I've never "fit in" and get far more grief from liberals than conservatives.
  4. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Ecuse me for showing my age here, but what the h*ll is a borg? Is it in reference to the former tennis player Bjion Borg? :omg:
  5. Prometheus-

    Prometheus- New Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    It is not peer pressure that moves people to behave in such ways but rather the call of alturism form the parasites that are the goverment, the church, the people. Whatever word they use for it God, King, Society. It is merely a way of control all for the greater good, and they see it as there duty to make sure that everyone complies with their views.
  6. botenth

    botenth Banned

    Nov 18, 2007
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    In many countries, you can go topless.

    Is that freedom?

    I really think, and I've sid it before, you need 3 things to be free; justice, truth and law.

    The more truth and justice, the less need for law, and freedom is a right that is widely acknowledged.

    Hey, I don't mind if you walk down the street stark naked, as long as you don't poke anything in my nose.
  7. JohnJefferson

    JohnJefferson New Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Morality has no place in government. The government, above all other things, needs to abide by moral relativity, evaluating the laws, not under the pretense of religious, social, or cultural mores, but whether they abide by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Now that is a nice thing to say, but lets face it, the government is so entrenched by the moral right, that doing this in modern society (at least in the USA) is nearly impossible.

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