McCain: "GOP is killing itself"

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Ronstar, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    no, i'm telling the truth, you should try it one day
  2. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    I thought that title of this thread was, "McCain is killing himself".

    I got all exited over nothing.

    gun in mouth.jpg
  3. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    I did just did tell the truth when I said Barack Obama was mentored by a Communist. Obviously you know it's true, or else you wouldn't have rambled on about him not being a Muslim, not being a Communist, Obama had more than one mentor, etc. But of course, his Communist mentoring shows in policies and/or positions like his desire to ban guns, his desire to take over health care, and his desire to militarize the police. These are all known, true and easily verifiable positions and events I have mentioned.

    Next time, just be honest. Just say something like, Ace, I know Obama was mentored by a Communist. I really don't like you bringing it up, so now how about I do a little tap dance to avoid the uncomfortable truth. If you want honesty, that should be your next move.

    Oh and take a good look at what a card-carrying Communist and Obama mentor looks like:


    Now that you've been slapped around sufficiently, I now offer you the opportunity to point out anything I've said about Obama that isn't true. After all, you said I should try telling the truth some time. So how about it? Show me my lies.

    One last point: I submit to you you don't know what the truth is. You don't know if Obama is a communist or a Muslim. Neither do I. I do know he said in an interview "my Muslim faith". I don't know about you, but i have NEVER accidentally said I was of a faith that I am not. And let's face it, Obama's smarter than I am, and certainly much smarter than you are. As for being a Communist, that's a pretty subjective term. With these things in mind, I would suggest you bone up a bit on telling the truth, and start by applying it to yourself.

    tick tock tick tock tick tock


    Have an awesome day! It was fun rubbing Obama's Communist mentoring in your face!
  4. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    sure i do, i look at the evidence

    he's made book deals worth millions, that's called capitalism

    obama has attended church for decades, that's what christians do

  5. Kessy_Athena

    Kessy_Athena New Member

    Sep 29, 2010
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    Oh, where to begin? So much stupid to pick apart...

    Firstly, in my very best Inigo Montoya voice, "Communism. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." Communism is a socio-economic system based around a classless society and communal ownership of the means of production. It has nothing to do with gun control or "militarizing the police."

    Obama has never advocated banning guns, taking over health care or militarizing the police. Well, to be honest, I have no real idea what fevered conspiracy theory you're referring to by "militarizing the police," so I really can't state with certainty that Obama has never advocated it.

    Closing some of the loopholes in the current law requiring background checks for gun purchases is not banning guns. Nor is banning high capacity magazines or assault weapons, anymore then prohibiting private ownership of nuclear weapons.

    Obamacare is not the government taking over health care. All health insurance will still be provided through private insurance companies - there won't even be a public option. And even a single payer system would not be the government taking over the health care system - it would be the government taking over the health insurance system. All hospitals, clinics, doctors practices, pharmacies and so forth would remain in private hands under a single payer system. No one is talking about nationalizing health care in that manner. Well, aside from delusional conspiracy theorists like Glenn Beck and company.

    What exactly are you talking about by "militarizing the police" anyway? Is there any thought process behind it all beyond, "Obama is evil! Obviously he's out to get me!"? There's been no discussion of any real expansion of police powers since the Patriot Act was passed. As you seem to be factually challenged, I'll remind you that was years before anyone had even heard of Barrack Obama.

    And what exactly was the point of posting that picture, anyway? "Oh, look, it's a black man - be afraid!!!"? I'll be very curious to hear if you can come up with any rationale for that picture that doesn't make you massively racist, because I honestly can't think of any.

    Incidentally, as I live on the other side of the country, I'm not all that familiar with the details of California politics, and I honestly can't be bothered to read up on it for the sake of someone who can only laugh like a complete idiot when presented with facts that you don't like.

    By the way, $10 says that when Democrats take over Austin, all you big states rights conservatives will go running to Washington to save you from those horrible liberals. In fact, I'll bet you'll go running to the federal courts and hope for a little judicial activism to save your sorry hides. You'd better just pray that Scalia and Kennedy are still on the Supreme Court at that point, since right now, it's looking like there's not a snowball's chance in Hades that there will be a Republican President to appoint conservatives to replace them.
  6. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    A few points, as I have limited patience for people like you who choose to use dishonest tactics. With regards to communism- as I mentioned, subjective meaning. Your "it doesn't mean what you think it means" schtick: also just as subjective. To say communism has nothing to do with banning guns simply ignores historical fact that disarming citizens is virtually always a prerequisite to communism rising.

    Obama on banning guns: he supported a hand gun ban in Illinois, so you are either lying or ignorant when you say he never has supported banning guns:

    You say he has never supported a government takeover of healthcare. That is easily debunked using Obama's own words/positions as well:

    And yes of course, single payer health care is a government takeover, your laughable denial aside.

    Regarding California politics: at least you've admitted your ignorance on the matter, good job. Having been raised in and having lived in California for over 30 years, I do know a thing or two about the political situation there. California is broke. Several cities there have already gone bankrupt. The "high speed rail" scam brewing there will cost the state at least $60 billion and leave them with a boondoogle that will further drain resources there. The prison system and the rest of the state is overrun with the expenses of cowtowing to ilegal aliens. The fact that you live on the other side of the country shows.

    Now as for the rest of your babbling about conspiracy theories, Glenn Beck and babbling rants about Democrats taking over Austin- BORING. I'm not interested in Glenn Beck. I'm not interested in your babbling about non-existent conspiracy theories. And your prediction? Who cares? It may happen, it may not. It's simply your desperate wish, nothing more.
  7. Kessy_Athena

    Kessy_Athena New Member

    Sep 29, 2010
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    So I point out that you said something that's just plain wrong, and your response is that it's all subjective? Yeah, now there's some real honest tactics. I guess your definition of dishonest tactics is arguing with actual facts based in reality? The word "communism" has some quite specific meanings. Ignoring those meanings and just using the word as a sloppy shorthand for "All those evil people I hate," isn't subjectivity; it's stupidity.

    On the off chance that you're interested in making an actual intelligent argument instead of mindlessly repeating bumper sticker slogans, I'll give you a few tips. Don't just make vague blanket statements like "Disarming citizens is virtually always a prerequisite to communism rising." That's just lazy. Give specific examples instead, such as "Stalin issued thus and such edicts in whatever year," or "Mao took this particular action at this time under these circumstances." That's how you make a strong, verifiable argument that doesn't sound like you just made it up out of thin air. Of course doing that would involve doing actual research and expose you to the risk of actually learning something, so I'm not holding my breath. But please, feel free to prove me wrong. I'll be both shocked and pleased.

    So you think that requiring guns to be licensed and registered is the same as the Men in Black bursting into your home and confiscating your weapons at gunpoint, huh? So I guess that means you think that we have a ban on cars in this country? Hey, the government makes you get a license to go fishing - help, help, we're being repressed! You think that voting against a law to make it legal to use an illegal gun in defending your home is disarming the citizens? So I guess you think there should be a law that if you're driving a stolen car without a driver's license and get into an accident, you should get off so long as you swerved to try to avoid the accident? Banning assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and handguns is taking away your rights? Well what about your right to own a hydrogen bomb if you want one?

    So do you have an actual response to the fact that a single payer system would be a government take over of the health insurance system, not the health care system as a whole? Or does your argument consist of nothing more then "Nuh-uh!!!!"?

    Kudos on not even trying to defend "militarizing the police" or "Take a look at what a communist looks like." I'm glad to see that you haven't completely taken leave of your senses - I suppose there's hope for even you.

    Of course I acknowledge it when I'm ignorant about something. What did you think - I was going to claim to be omniscient? See, I do this weird thing where I actually look stuff up and check my facts before posting. You might want to try it sometime.

    And as I tried to explain, I don't want the Democrats to take over in Austin. I realize this may be a difficult concept for you to wrap your brain around, but I don't think that I'm always right and things should just always go the way I want them to. Democracy is rule by the people - all of the people. Any one group simply getting their way all the time is not democracy. I believe in democracy, and I think getting people with all kinds of different view points contributing to making policy makes that policy better. I think that any group being completely shut out of governance and being denied a place at the table is always wrong, even if that group is a bunch of crazy idiots. And single party rule is antithetical to democracy and good governance. Any party having a lock on power is an invitation for abuse, no matter how enlightened or well intentioned that party is. We're all human, and we all need other people to keep us honest. In the long run, the Democratic party having a lock on power would be just as bad for the nation as the Republican party having it, or any party.

    What I wish for is that conservatives would stop indulging in this silliness that reality is whatever they want it to be. Ignoring the facts and what's really going on will not benefit you. And it harms the nation and me. I want a strong, rational conservative movement to advocate for business and small government. We need those points of view and expertise. Trying to write regulations without input from the people being regulated is sheer insanity. And conservatives have come up with some real innovative approaches to problems. I want your help, because you know things and have ideas that I don't. And you can't do that if you've got your head stuck in the sand.
  8. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Ummm... NO. The "subjective" comment was made in the context of whether Obama is a communist. He was mentored by a Communist. That is fact. And contrary to your desperate assertions otherwise, gun control has plenty to do with communism. If not, then show me all the communist countries that have or had strong gun rights for citizens. You can't because there aren't any. With regards to militarizing the police, of course that has to do with communism. Communism, like many if not most leftist ideas, requires government force. You know, forcing people to buy health insurance, telling people where they will live, etc etc . You have yet to show where I'm wrong about anything. I have thoroughly trounced your silly ideas about communism.

    If you are too ignorant about the history of communism to know that gun control virtually always precedes it and need examples, then you are simply too uninformed about the topic to bother with. As I already told you, I have limited patience for people like you who use dishonest tactics. You want an essay? Become a teacher and assign one.

    More dishonest tactics. I have never seen Men in Black, therefore have no idea what you are babbling about once again. You have simply made a tirade of silly statements and have attempted to attribute them to me. Nice try, no sale, and your attempt to project has been declined. I simply pointed out that you were WRONG about Barack Obama not wanting to ban guns. Rather than simply accept I proved you wrong, you launch this silly little rant.

    As I mentioned, I have limited patience for dishonest people. And dumb ones too while we're at it. Of course, if we get single payer health care, it's a government takeover of health care and not just health care insurance. Government already tells insurance what they have to cover. For example, government requires women be given free birth control. Government mandates how medical records are to be kept. Government mandates that there be no lifetime limits on coverage. Of course single payer would be a government takeover of health care. If you cannot or will not accept or admit that, then you simply have no sense whatsoever.

    Why defend the obvious. Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's mentor, was a communist. Therefore, of course a picture of Frank Marshall Davis is an illustration of what a communist looks like. Who would want to dispute that, and why does it need any defending? Because you're obsessed with his skin color? Pu-lease. A communist is a communist is a communist. Skin color is just something dumb liberals latch onto when they have no argument. As for militarizing the police, that is simple fact as well. Look into "police assault vehicles" and educate yourself. And then catch up on Obama's goal of a "Civilian National Security Force". While I do find it amazing you don't know about the most basic things, I must admit your ignorance on these matters is becoming a bit pesky. For now, I will gladly continue to educate you. Or would you now say Obama's Civilian National Security Force is a not an Obama idea and goal?

    Yes of course, you care about the Republican party. Guess what? That makes one of us. I think both parties are run by clowns. To think that continuing to rely on the same clowns to get us out of where these clowns have gotten us? Now THAT is the insanity, and apparently it's YOUR insanity. Don't think for a moment I share your delusions. I don't.

    Reality is reality. It's not what anyone wants it to be. For example, your "reality" that gun control has nothing to do with communism is a delusion. Your shtick that you don't want Democrats taking over in Austin? Pure dishonesty. Your insistence on relying on these two current parties to solve the problems they have created? Insanity. Your rant about wanting a "rational" conservative movement? More dishonesty. What you want is conservatives and others to simply bend over, grab their ankles and do things your way. That is the "rational" you seek, so let's cut the crap and quit acting like it's anything but that, shall we?
  9. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    get a grip on reality, that doesn't make him a communist

    his actions show that he isn't a communist, some people even assert that he's the polar opposite of that, a corporatet fascist
  10. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    So... tell me how I have no grip on reality- specifically. I merely stated he was mentored by a communist. You have tacitly conceded it is true. So....

    1) Since you said I should try telling the truth some time, what have I not told the truth about?

    2) What else have I said that indicates I have no grip on reality?

    Please be specific, as so far you have been flailing about endlessly, changing the subject and moving the bar.

    3) There are a few areas which clearly show the influence of Obama's communist mentoring. For example, his government takeover of the student loan business, his desire for government taking over health care, and his desire to ban guns. Whether or not Obama is a communist is subjective. No one can say for sure. You certainly cannot. I cannot. That would be as laughable as when you said you know Obama isn't a Muslim when in fact neither you nor I can say for certain. But I am curious.... have you ever accidentally said "my Muslim faith", "my Jewish faith" or otherwise accidentally said you were of a faith that you really aren't?

    So enough of your nonsensical babbling. Now answer the tough questions or take a hike.
  11. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    the point is that he isn't a communist or a muslim

    no, i'm not a politician

    and obama was discussing his alleged muslim faith, you know, the misinformation advanced by liars

    so there's the lie for you
  12. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Maybe, maybe not. None of us can say for sure.

    So what if you're not a politician? And what lie are you talking about? Let's have some specifics. Who has told a lie? And about what? And why didn't Obama, brilliant legal scholar, say "my alleged Muslim faith" instead of "my Muslim faith" if that's what he meant?
  13. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    people that tell the truth can tell that he's a christian, birthers just rely on innuendo and lies

    because you're lying about it

    if you watch the video in context, he did say that


    at: 0:01 in the video

    STEPHANOPOULOS: You mention your Christian faith. Yesterday you took off after the Republicans for suggesting you have Muslim connections.

    at: 1:11 in the video

    OBAMA: Let’s not play games. What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come–

    STEPHANOPOULOS: Christian faith.

    OBAMA: — my Christian faith. Well, what I’m saying is that he hasn’t suggested that I’m a Muslim. And I think that his campaign’s upper echelons have not, either.
  14. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Nonsense. Those are their best chances. McCain is a RINO loser, he should keep his mouth shut.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Who is your top candidate? Has she done anything you can point to? Just one positive thing? (Other then to vote for the Iraq war)
  15. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    You're still wrong. No one knows what is in a person's heart. In Obama's case, there is certainly reason to be skeptical. Your vague babbling about birthers has nothing to do with this conversation. Your attempts to attribute things said to me when I haven't said them is hereby rejected.

    Now regarding me "lying" about Obama saying "my Muslim faith". All you have done is proven me to be correct. I said he said "my Muslim faith", and you have provided video evidence verifying my claim. So you'll have to come up with something with actual substance and merit to substantiate a claim that I have lied. So specifically- I said _____________________ and you say I'm lying because you have ____________________ to show I'm lying. There, I've made it very simple for you. Now fill in the blanks. OR- keep the tap-dancing routine going, I love watching you flail around so desperately.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Amen dude. John McCain is an establishment goon, and part of the reason we are in the mess we are in.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Amen dude. John McCain is an establishment goon, and part of the reason we are in the mess we are in.
  16. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    no, the preponderance of evidence i've presented makes it clear obama is a christian

    the lies you posted make it clear that you're being dishonest

    you're lying, i showed that obama says he's a christian and was refuting republicans that say he's a muslim

    the video i posted makes it 100% clear
  17. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    You still have yet to show I lied about anything. Obama says a lot of things. He lies constantly. He said he'd close Gitmo. It's still open. He said he'd cut the deficit in half. It's still a trillion dollars. Obama saying anything doesn't prove anything. Only a fool would take what Barack Obama or pretty much any other politician says at face value.

    Certainly the preponderance of evidence suggests Obama is a Christian. But still, that's a long, long way from a definitive answer.

    So let's try this again. I'll make it even simpler for you.

    Ace, when you said, "______________________________", that was a lie. It's a lie and here's the evidence it's a lie: __________________________.

    If you decide on another tap dance rather than present actual facts, we'll just assume you know your accusation of me lying was bogus and that you can't back it up.

    There, I've made it really easy for you.

    Good luck- you're going to need it. LOL
  18. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    what a joke

    no wonder you guys lost so miserably
  19. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    As previously stated, I was giving you one last chance to show what I lied about. You have chosen to change the subject once again.

    Your concession is noted. I suggest next time, you actually read and understand what you are posting about before accusing others of lying when you simply have no evidence to back up your assertion.

    I also suggest you take the last word, as it appears you need it desperately.

    Have a nice day!
  20. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    it's clear you lied about obama saying he's muslim, he hasn't ever said that, just the opposite
  21. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    Obama is Jewish?

  22. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Now it's you who's lying. I said Obama said "my Muslim faith", which he did. In fact, you were kind enough to post the video of him saying it for me. Thanks if I forgot to thank you for that earlier.

    Now can you show where I said something other than Obama said "my Muslim faith", or would you like to talk about the 2012 election, the Dodgers or perhaps global warming as your next diversion from reality?
  23. DevilMay

    DevilMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
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    Can Obama close Guantanamo Bay without Congress? Honest question.

    As for the deficit....


    So on track to be HALF the Bush deficit by next year.. hmm
  24. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    he was referring to his alleged muslim faith, as republicans were accusing him of

    which is what the whole conversation was about

    so yes you lied, i'm telling the truth
  25. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    None of it will matter when Obama Care crash lands into tens of millions of peoples lives in January. It's the end of the Democrat Party as we know it.

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