Ok, feel free to expand on your points then. Let’s start with your first point on why you would support someone that is the opposite of a moral leader: “oppose elective abortion”. How do you believe that would come about?
They both live in the same state. Trump could move to another of his properties to solve that issue. As to De Santis, his handling of China virus overall in his state, re opening, no mask mandate, in person education, the anti riot and looting measures, voter reforms, tax policies, and crackdown on big tech social media censorship are all big pluses in my book.
When religious people are faced with choosing between two then very worldly people running for the same office, we are going to vote for the one who appeals to us for our support and makes promises to enact things we seek and to protect our liberty. Trump kept virtually every promise he made to us. Wicked witch Hillary offered us nothing and neither did uncle Joe.
Not sure what you mean. To me, support or opposition to abortion rights is an absolute moral issue. Thus it trumps (no pun) almost everything else.
So you can pick evil as long as it is the lessor evil? Can you point to where in the good book it says that? Matthew 16:26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? If trump is a decent man I wonder what you would say about a man that had one wife, no signs of adultery, attended religious services regularly, doesn’t use religious props, doesn’t condemn others... oh wait, you hate him and still support the one that does none of these things!
Exactly. Those of us who are Christians and who voted for Trump had very good reasons for doing so. The real questions are what reasons did Hillary or Joe give us to vote for them?
Again, how do you think the state could force women to not have abortions outside of making them become an unwilling incubator? So you would pick a leader no matter how evil over someone that is moral in all other areas just over legal access to abortion? Because that is just terrifying
You needed them to tear gas non-violent protesters and hold up a religious prop? If that is all y’all need no wonder he had almost 100% evangelical support.
Biden opposes his own church on several issues and favors using government power to coerce people into acting in direct violation of their religious beliefs. As to adultery,Jill’s ex says that her and Biden were doing it while they were still married and before Bidens first wife died in the car crash. Doesn’t Bidens church preach against marrying a divorced person? Particularly since she had no biblical grounds for hers?
trump was having sex with prostitutes while his third wife was pregnant with their son. You do have a point about opposing their church, trump wins that round because he doesn’t have a church to oppose. Making religious people act “in direct violation of their religious beliefs”, by this do you mean asking that they abide by the same laws as all other Americans? Romans 13:1-2 "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."
Where I come from we have a term for those like stiff mike who have blind faith in some alleged sky pappy ... SUCKERS...
Why? To some of us killing what we consider babies is a pretty big deal. And you stop abortions by prosecuting the abortion providers.
There are many other methods to induce a miscarriage, what do you want to do with these women? What if they ho to another nation where abortion is legal?
When speaking of moral character, especially on a religious scale, it matters greatly when seeing what is acceptable vs not acceptable, there are dozens of verses on truth and fidelity and following individuals lacking a moral compass. When these people are the ones trying to restrict rights from others it points to blind hypocrisy
Not necessarily true. And what if they have drugs imported or purposely cause a miscarriage, what will the penalty be?
Pelosi had her own photo op shortly afterwards, with the entire Congress bowing down and that was embarrassingly disgusting. Trump's photo op is light in comparison.
Pence's pandering is pathetic. If Pence is a real Christian he would know that Biden is appointed by God. For there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
Persona non grata with any one who does not like a back stabbing Judas. And he supported Biden stealing the election. Or maybe shutting down polls with Trump ahead and then pulling out boxes of ballots hidden from under tables is how elections work down under. We shall see how the Arizona audit now underway plays out.
So the Christian voter choosing between Biden and Trump is justified in voting for the one whose policy goals and promises most closely identify with their own. God also said to obey His law whenever there is a conflict between mans law and Gods law.
I guess you chose to believe that the US is a nation of believers. I sometimes wonder if some on the Right also believes that every else is the same as them (and that they just need to wake up from their sin). Divergence from said awakening is projected to be tampering by the illuminati. Q takes it further. The non-believer ring-leaders are commiting treason and are going to be court martialed and executed.
Pelosi gassed protesters and held up a religious book she has never read as a prop? I must have missed that