At least we have quite a lot in common on the more political stuff? Oddly enough my realization, or revelation came when I was at my son's wedding in Rochester Cathedral - I'm sitting there listening to all the 'go forth and multiply' stuff and I suddenly thought 'WTF am I doing here??' I should've seen it coming because I was the only kid I know who played hookey from his Sunday school years ago. lol
you questioning the world experienced a violent western civilization who colonized about the entire world,.... yeah the trolling is strong in this one.
Christianty represents some of the higher evolved people on earth, and as they evolve, they realize there are no sky daddys, and they leave the religion. Islam however is at the other end of the spectrum.
Those 'colonized' areas of the world tend to do better than the others, however much depends on who was doing the colonizing.. Perhaps you can offer some specific examples rather than 'the entire world'.
I went to Sunday school less than 10 times during my childhood and, at around eight or so, buried a Bible I had won (encouragement likely) for getting one of the commandments right. However I don't confuse religion with God. Christianity, as in the NT, is more of a philosophy than a religion.
Yes, it has a lot of problems despite the $billions received from the Western democracies. Do you have any rational explanation for that?
I have - it's because development aid money never gets to where it's supposed to get to . . . it all ends up in Swiss banks.
The Swiss are also the same people who became rich during WWII by being 'neutral'. I'll likely be 'neutral' when the Muslims take over Switzerland.
That makes them culturally muslims but not religious muslims, just like most "christians" today are culturally christians but not religious. This applies to jews as well. No one is disputing the fact that the majority of muslims aren't religious, like the rest of us. But it's their religious minority that is causing problems around the world presently. If they could reform like all the other religions have done, then we wouldn't have this present mess.
well, take Mozambique. The western democracies build 2 universities in about 500 years. They became independent in 1975. They got 24 universities now. That rather paints the picture of how it was... they were bled dry to the bone economically and kept as dumb as possible under thug rule. A couple of billion hardly gives any relieve. The US spend trillions on Afghanistan and Iraq,... it didn't got them anywhere. Seems your rather ignorant about the value of a buck for the masses and what the impact was of colonizing nations. To say "Those 'colonized' areas of the world tend to do better than the others".... is just trolling nonsense.
We wouldn't be in this mess if the US lied about those WMD weapons that Iraq didn't have. The senseless attack the US made on Iraq, massacring around, deliberately causing total anarchy with their regime change, caused the rise of ISIS and their spread to Syria that caused millions of people to flee and 100.000's people to die. The EU must be grateful for that fallout. The US already had their totally senseless war in Afghanistan against the Taliban who didn't do anything to them. And the same imp (Bolton) who caused those catastrophes is now sending 100.000's of troops towards Iran. The same US previously helped out Saddam Hussein with a WMD war against Iran. The same US previously made a coup against the elected government of Iran. And here you are, saying Muslims are the problem, while the problem are the Americans massacring all over the middle east. Heck... the genocide in Yemen could never have been possible without the help of the US. It's them Americans at every turn. People living illegal in the West Bank,... 15%.. American citizens!
Do you feel the African nations would have been better off without the involvement of western democracies, that they would have done better in their 'natural state'? How were Africans 'bled dry to the bone economically'? Why did they not bleed other foreign nations dry economically? It would seem that one culture was far more advanced than the other, and still is today. Would you agree?
There was nothing backward about the Ottoman empire. By thieving their natural resources and making them work for dirt low wages. Is this all new for you?
I have no problem with businesses and government buildings not allowing people to come in with face-masks, an outright ban, no, not unless also ban winter ski masks a cop should be allowed to ask you to remove the mask for identification purposes in things like a traffic stop too I know many Muslims at work and not a one wheres a burka, so not a requirement of the religion 1 and 2 are ok, 3 and 4 would cause an inability to identify a shoplifter, ect...
When they wear their tents it is easy to stuff things inside. Lots of videos of them shoplifting. also they are used by men to hide weapons for robberies and other Muslim stuff.
That was a while back and they didn't have much of a legacy, apart from a footstool. Africa still has plenty of natural resources, though human resources are often the most reliable over the long term. Perhaps Africans, and other cultures, should look to themselves for any changes which could make them more successful in today's world. Have you ever considered why Africans also pay each other 'dirt low wages', or why they never advanced as far as the Europeans? You like the easy answers, which is to blame it on others. That's the excuse many use rather than looking at themselves.
That was right before the western democracies applied their thug rule over large parts of that empire, buddy. It didn't go anywhere from that point. So the west is clearly at fault for them ending up like that. And that's rather opposite of what you think. Yup,... it's because of the foundations of their currently not so bright foundations were laid by mostly draining the lands from it's resources, compulsive (child)labor and so no making sure no education was available. If the UK had to repay the gold they stole out of Africa, than they would end up being completely bankrupt in a way that they left their colonies behind: with nothing, maybe a 2 universities at best.
In fact Africans treat each other with a great deal of thuggery, and always have. And yet British colonies are the most dominant in their areas. We can look to the USA, Canada, Australian and New Zealand as clear evidence. The US also assisted Japan to become a modern industrial democracy following their WWII defeat. The Portuguese, Spanish and Germans were second rate at best. You make the mistake, which even Europeans have made, that all cultures are similar. They are not. We have to get past the idea of race and focus on culture. That's really where human strengths and weaknesses lie.