Teen Transexuals

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by rstones199, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. rstones199

    rstones199 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg52wBzwV8k&feature=related"]Sunday Night - Girls will be girls (Part 2 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

    To all the people you think transition from one sex to another while a teen is child abuse, you should watch this.

    If you think given an 11 y/o hormone blockers is child abuse, you should watch this.

    Not all the Ken and Barbie dolls will come off the line 'perfect'.

    PS: the video is part 2.
  2. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Still child abuse. Coupled with a parenting fail. I'm not surprised the guy at the beginning supports it. He had the same problem.

    People who make an identity out of a flaw will seek to normalize that flaw and criticize anyone who objects to it. Because they cannot separate themselves from the flaw. So they see any objection to the flaw as a personal attack on them. Even though it is not.
  3. spt5

    spt5 New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    It appears that transsexual body operations work during or before puberty because at that time they can influence the gender specific development of the sceletal system, and the entire body. After puberty, transsexual operations are more like just creating freaks. So I think the old lawyer woman is right.

    I am not transsexual, (hetero male), but I think that if the operation must be done, it'd better be done before/during puberty.

    Side question: when it is not a change from a boy into a girl, but the other way around, from a girl into a boy, how do you do it? I guess it is possible to "dig a hole", but how do you "build a pole"? The new sex organs MUST work, right?
  4. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    I'm sorry but I don't think it's ethical to have gender reassignment surgery done on a child.

    Early teenagers and children about to reach puberty are awash with feelings, emotions, and ideas that they are not yet mature enough to deal with. To put them through a gender transition is just...unthinkable to me.

    Do I think it's child abuse. No, but I just can't see a child being able to make a decision like this. They don't understand the massive impact this will have on them. They don't even fully understand, in my opinion, what being a male or female actually is. This is a life altering decisions that they are not truly prepared to make.

    I can't support children going through these drug treatments or surgeries.

    Different methods. Usually requiring taking muscle tissues, skin, and other graft material from other parts of the body. Or in the more technical fashion tissue can be grown these days. Google it if you want technical info.
  5. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    There are a couple of methods. Without getting too graphic: A full-sized penis will likely require grafts of tissue from elsewhere (arm, thigh).

    As for how well it "works", results tend to be mixed.

    The point is not necessarily to build an equally functional penis, but one that satisfies aesthetically. Trans people sacrifice a lot to make their outward appearance match their gender identity.
  6. Uncle Meat

    Uncle Meat Banned

    Jul 13, 2010
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    Ah, just like conservatives. I see.
  7. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    yes, when kids don't know jack about crap, or their elbow from their butthole.
  8. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    If a person is leaning toward and diagnosed to be a proper candidate for such transitional surgery... then there is more to consider in that, than what you think/believe is 'right'.
  9. spt5

    spt5 New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    This has just occured to me. The Chinese claim that they have recently accomplished the world's 1st successful penis transplant. (Wikipedia: "penis transplant".) A 44 year old (straignt) male shredded his penis accidentally, and a brain-dead 22 year old's penis was transplanted on him. They had to reverse the successful operation not because of medical reasos, but because the new owner wanted it reversed.

    Does the gay/lesbian (or any) community think that trans-gender operation would be welcomed in the future when it doesn't have to interfere with other body parts, but simply uses penis transplantation?
  10. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    The gay and lesbian communities (yes, plural) don't have a monolithic opinion on this or any other issue.

    The method makes no difference to me personally, speaking as one gay man. I would instead defer to trans individuals to determine the solution that works best for them.
  11. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Oh no! Despite being pre-warned by the title of this thread, I was thinking about ..... that girl in the first segment of the video. :sad:
    You do have to admit she is pretty hot for someone born with a penis.

    But, yes, the child obviously had a poor upbringing without a proper male protector to set an example. This is what can happen when you raise a little boy in an ultra feminised home.

    People should be able to be happy in whatever gender God decided to give them. What is going to happen when the child gets older and starts dating? There is going to be trouble. Not many men are going to sleep with a girl that formerly had a penis, however hot she may appear.

    On the whole, I think this clearly shows that, while men and women tend to have sexual differences, society should not be actively imposing gender roles. There would be no need for the child to physically change genders if society was just able to treat a child according to its nature, rather than its physical gender.
  12. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    How did you reach such a conclusion?

    Again, how did you reach such a conclusion?

    The debatable existence of God aside, what should be clearly isn't. It's therefore irrelevant to the discussion.

    That's frankly her business to worry over, not yours.

    Admirable sentiment, but it has little, if anything, to do with gender dysphoria.
  13. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Him, a boy who cant accept his gender, and a homosexual man, who cant accept his sexuality, will likely make a lovely couple. They could pretend to be normal.
  14. parker

    parker New Member

    Sep 1, 2008
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    Child Abuse would be to not let the child express their true gender identity.
  15. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    If expressing a "true gender identity" requires $10s of $1000s worth of cosmetic surgery, perhaps it is more cosmetic, than "true"
  16. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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  17. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    I don't know, I feel like I'm caught in something I really don't understand. Personally, I'm turned off by it and don't find it appropriate to have something like this done to a child... things are just a lot easier if you express the same gender you are born with, and you are automatically denying the child a "normal" life by doing this. But at the same time, if the child is going to do it one way or the other, I can also see how it's easier for the child to do it younger rather than older.

    I also understand that the way people are born doesn't always fit neatly into the 2 sex paradigm that people are used to. Often physical traits are inappropriate for the given technical sex, and there's no reason to say these "intersexual" individuals should express one gender or the other. Suggesting that you SHOULD express your gender strictly based on what chromosomes you have is somewhat arbitrary and meaningless argument to have without the knowledge of what chromosomes are to begin with. If we didn't know about chromosomes, then we would only define "sex" based on the physical attributes present, which are sometimes ambiguous. The linkage of gender to chromosomes is a man-made concept... we simply decided that your chromosomes dictate sex, rather than your biological development. When things just go wrong, there's no reason to choose one "correct" answer vs another, every definition is arbitrary.

    It's more difficult to sympathize with this when the gender identification is purely mental without any direct (visible) attributes that link them to the opposite sex, but in theory, the same arguments could apply.
  18. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    NewsFlash from the Scientific community ,we are all Females and the testes are just dropped ovaries .The penis is a reversed vagina with a uterus stuffed in,gee don't you do science anymore .

    Yes kiddies we all start as FEMALES!

    And if there is a timing problem with the brain development ,then ,we get people with male wired brains in female bodies and visa versa ,gender reassignment ,the need for which is determined by medical professionals over a protracted period with many physcological and medical tests ,such as measuring for levels of Testosterone and Estrogene,they determine objectively the male or femaleness of a human .Not social factors or lifestyle.

    you can't hide transsexuality ,and it ISN"T a sexual orientation by the way.

    And it should be corrected at the earliest possible moment if the individual involved wishes it ,BTW ,the creation of a penis isn't that hard for modern surgical techniques.

    Transexuality is basically a healthy human ,who thru no fault of their own were BORN ,with a disconnect between what is betwwen the ears and what is between the legs and Nothing more or less ,a sexual identity it is NOT!
  19. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Oh just to clarify their is only 2 sexes that any human can fall into ,Male or Female .Neuter is no sex or without testes or ovaries and isn't a sex but a treatable medical condition.

    AND an EXTREMELY rare occurence ,but by definition not a Sex.
  20. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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  21. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    In one study conducted on 17 male-to-female gender reassignment patients, "About half were sexually attracted to males; about one-third were bisexual; and nearly one-fifth were sexually attracted to females." Other studies have suggested that as many as 70 percent of male-to-female transexuals are still sexually attracted to other women, and thus go on to lead new lives as lesbians.

    In another study, out of 25 female-to-male transexuals, 15 (60%) identified as gay (attracted to men), 8 (32%) as bisexual, and 2 (8%) as queer. All were comfortable with their gender identity and sexual orientation. The female-to-male group was more bisexual than the nontransgender gay/bisexual control group.

    Apparently sexual identity is not about sexual orientation most of the time. So in general, somewhere between 50-70 percent of the people that undergo gender reassignment surgery were not homosexuals before the operation.
  22. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    There may only be 2 sex's, but making a definitive line between the two represents a false dichotomy... i.e. you are not necessarily "entirely male" or "entirely female" with nothing in between. Your genes orchestrate the development of your biological sex, but things are not necessarily orchestrated perfectly. Damaged genes, or genes that are otherwise not expressed as expected may not result in a human that came out "entirely male" or "entirely female". At this point, the debate becomes "well what it it?"

    Is it male? is it female? Is it neither or both?

    And what do we base that on? Purely based on the genetics? Or based on how the body developed? Or based on how the person feels? You can't necessarily base it on genetics, because sometimes genetics is the cause of the abnormal gender development. The body development is ambiguous itself. Usually the decision is left to the parents, although sometimes a person will change their mind when they get older.

    The situation is difficult for those who do not show physical attributes of anything but their own physical gender. This doesn't necessarily mean that the brain didn't develop in a different way, but it makes it harder for people to sympathize.
  23. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Before you go any furthur and ,a minute of correction is necessary ,WHAT THE HELL IS QUEER,if not Gay\homosexual,when discussing these serious questions ,its good to use medical science terms ,such as homosexual ,Bisexual ,and hetrosexual ,as Queer what the hell is Queer sexuality/ Go on explain it we are waiting????????????

    don't worry we already know you cannot and sound serious after trying .Queer are you sure you dopn't mean questioning ?

    and some links to These 'studies would be nice BTW,and by what you say" Gay" means hetrosexual females who are atrracted to men BTW!

    allyou have to do is use Homosexual bisexual and hetrosexual and we canm then undertand you!
  24. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Because so that you can understand it ,because sometimes when God hands out human sexuality he gets it wrong ,or goes on a coffee break ,who knows why God likes to torture humans so ,hey he likes killing infants as well after all ,sometimes i think his Right -hand man is Adolf Hitler and Dr Mengle'.
  25. TaraAnne

    TaraAnne Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    I will take a shot at this since I am a transexual woman. I honestly think that a female to male transsexual would probably welcome something like this. I say probably because each person is different. I think that if done correctly, and it functioned then they would have no problem with it. However, if it was still experimental I would say no. The reason behind that is I am always asked if I would love to have children. Yes I would one thing I will never get to experience is pregnancy. I think if there were away to do it, I would be open to it, but if there were risk such as harm to my baby or me no way. Plus being an experiment does not really excite me at all. The good thing is there are a bunch of wonderful children out there without loving families so adoption would be natural choice for me. The science behind these surgeries are always getting better, you just have to way the options as the individual to make the right choice for yourself personnally. Hope this helps

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