The End of America

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by usfan, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    It has been a gradual process. It has not happened overnight, nor is it complete. But the basic concept of America is fading. It is becoming just another statist, government centered bureaucracy.

    The uniqueness & influence of America over the last couple of hundred years has been this unusual concept in human history: Government of the people, by the people, & for the people. It was founded on the principle that government should serve the people, not vice versa. Government was to secure our rights to life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness. The emphasis was freedom. People had the freedom to live, take risks, face dangers & take responsibility for themselves. Government on the national scale was very limited & had little impact on people's day to day lives.

    The idea of america is for citizen representatives to honor their responsibility to secure the rights & freedoms for the rest of us. Those ARE high ideals, & tyrants have hidden behind those kinds of words for centuries, perhaps millennea. It is still a goal we can aspire to. I know perfection is impossible, with people being what we are, but the concept of America is too important.. too unique in history to let it die. We have had thousands of years of kings, dictators, emperors, coalitions, juntas, parliaments, caliphates, & any other ruling system you want to name. They have always been state centered. Oh, they might be benevolent, or treat people ok, generally, but they are still the rulers, & the rest of us live by their whims. They have the power, & wield it at their pleasure, not for the rights & freedoms of the people.

    This message is getting lost in the muddy convolutions of noise & hysteria in our current political climate. The basic ideals are at times given lip service to, but they are not the driving force. The driving force seems to be for the politicians to grab the power, so they can make the rules. They promote themselves as the most benevolent rulers, who will rule us fairly, but they still intend to rule. This attitude is the major indicator that we have lost our center. We are no longer a republic of free people, but are choosing our dictators in a corrupt system where we pay them to oppress us.

    Most of the problems we face are because of the politicians, & bureaucratic decisions. They spend taxpayer's money freely, tossing it out like parade queens throwing candy. They start wars & meddle in other nation's affairs. The promote utopian programs that encourage irresponsibility. They have incurred a crippling debt that we may never recover from. But instead of wising up & voting for fiscally responsible officials, we continue electing big spenders to run the gravy train. But it will end, & badly. Financial collapse is almost always related to spending more than you take in, whether you're an individual, a family, a company, or a nation. People have a basic desire for security, & the illusions the politicians sell are very seductive. They promise to take care of us.. feed us, house us, give us water, cell phones, cable, & free health care. But these are not things that a government can provide for its citizens. The productive workers of the country are the only ones who can produce enough substance to buy these things. Money printed out of thin air to pay for free stuff will only lead to bankruptcy, which will hurt most the people politicians pretend to help.

    So is it inevitable? Is America doomed to become just another state centered system where govt rules supreme? Unless we stop voting for frauds & charlatans who promise us goodies from the public treasury, the financial basis for the nation will collapse. Unless we value the individual & champion personal liberties, the state will continue to whittle away at our freedoms until we are just another nanny state. If there is a collapse of our currency, which seems to be coming, the void created will likely be filled by a powerful entity, promising order & stability. Those are never good for individual freedoms. I do not know how long we can last in the current direction. But if we do not correct our fiscal problems, the future looks grim.

    BTW.. merry christmas..

    I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. ~James Madison
  2. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Despite declining in status, the United States of America remains the global hegemon. The world order continues to be unipolar. All contrary claims are strictly alarmist and highly subjective.

    Regarding substantive matters, I agree that the ideals of this country are changing. Our foundation based on liberal political philosophy and Anglo-Protestant values is moving to increasingly emphasize equality of opportunity and equality of result. Whether one considers this good or bad is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that this shift in sentiments is occurring.

    Moving to the state of this country's problems, I must say that it is dubious to believe 'most' of the hardships we endure are because of government. This is highly opinionated claim that requires extraordinary empirical evidence to prove. Do not get me wrong, government plays a pivotal role in perpetuating a plethora of issues, yet without a robust quantitative analysis, it is impossible to say to what extent they are to blame. That is all.
  3. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    From another post stating that we have seen 8000 new NRA members a day, we can only hope that that number far exceeds the number of new socialists lining up at the government trough each and every day. First we have to get rid of obama and obamunism to feel the renewed insurgence of liberty and Constitutional Law.
  4. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    There is no "end" to America. We may falter from time to time, we may lose wars or even our global hegemony, but America will always live on, because that is what we do and that is what we have always done, from the very beginning.

    We've been through far worse situations than we are now.
  5. Tobaccoroad

    Tobaccoroad Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Members of FDR's future "Brain Trust" took an illicit trip to the Soviet Union in 1927 where they were given tours of the purported 'Economic Miracle' in the Ukraine and a personal one on one meeting with Joseph Stalin himself.
    Six years later when the 'Brain Trusters' found themselves in power in FDRs 'New Deal' they tried their own hands at imposing various "Stalinist, Collectivist' measures on the US economy. Their only result was producing economic results stateside that somewhat resembled the catastrophic effects of the Stalinist economic disaster in the Ukraine where millions died of starvation. The rest of the worlds economies had improved substantially by the time WWII arrived while the United State's remained firmly mired in the Great Depression. Roosevelt, himself, bragged that he would not cease experimenting with the US economy until it improved. He had to die first, before it regained its footing and its health. Same problem and cure that exist today.

    From Jesse watters "Watters World" segment on Fox News

    "I voted Obama because if Romney win, no more food stamps."

    56 per cent of CNN's viewers actually believed Susan Rice when she made her five station stop tour of lies the Sunday after Benghazi.
  6. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Irrespective of the nice, comforting words in your Constitution, and the 'guarantees' of freedom you believe you have, be aware that any government will only allow you to be as 'free' as it feels comfortable with. Freedom is an illusion; a state of mind carefully spoon-fed to you from the day you are born, and nurtured and reinforced by pledges of allegiance, nationalistic symbols everywhere (flags, eagles and the usual paraphernalia) and everyone telling you how exceptional America is. The fact is that America is no more or less 'exceptional' than anywhere else, and the government does rule supreme and has done forever. Just try not paying your taxes for an example of your 'freedom' to be thrown in jail for not coughing-up your cash for the government's coffers.

    Merry Christmas.
  7. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    I read that entire deal of how progressive liberals were duped by the communists under Stalin's rule. Entire chapters from the book 'DUPES' devoted to ...How America's Adversaries have Manipulated Progressives for a Century by Paul Kengor. The Communist Shangrala for American progressives became known as "Potemkin Progressives".

    The 1920s was the first full decade for the Soviet Communist Party, the Communist Party in America, the Comintern, and Communist parties around the world. In the 1920s Stalin had not yet taken the helm, and many leftists had been hoodwinked into thinking Lenin was a friendly fellow. Of course, even in the late 1920s, once the brutal Stalin had fully assumed power, many liberals were still being taken, seeing him, too--unbelievably--as a jovial chum.

    Statists running the USSR invited American progressives to the Soviet Union and, among other forms of propaganda, subjected them to carefully managed tours of "Potemkin villages." A fake village--'Potemkin Village' was set up to dupe foreign progressive visitors into believing that Communism was producing a glorious new world. The Soviets built not only villages but, more often, showplace buildings, factories, and farms. Just as important was what they prevented visitors from seeing. Through this artful stagecraft the Soviets manipulated legions of gullible Westerners. I call these dupes "Potemkin Progressives."

    Potemkin Progressives were usually people of impact--educators, academics, journalists, union organizers--kind of like what we see today with America's elite liberals. The Soviet strategy was not to convince the duped to sign up as Soviet citizens and stay, but rather to send them back home to the non-Communist world raving about Lenin, Stalin, and the alleged grand achievements of Bolshevik Russia. Many of these Western elites/leftists did just that.
  8. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Of course futuristic projections are speculative. But i believe history supports my subjective opinions. There is not much point talking about a collapse after the fact. I don't think this projection is alarmist at all. It is a reasonable expectation, given the circumstances.

    I agree. The nation is slowly moving from center right to center left. Redistribution is en vogue & mainstream, something that would have appalled both citizens & representatives 50 yrs ago.

    I don't see how else to view it. No one forced the govt to spend us into oblivion. Businessmen did not pass laws, elected representatives did. The govt prints the money. Ultimately, it is the failure of the electorate, since we elected these fools. But instead of realizing our error, we double down on stupid, & continue down the same path to economic collapse.

    Some people, even allegedly smart people in positions of authority & influence, seem to think we can print money & it will retain value. They do not see any connection between currency, gdp, & true production. But never before in the history of mankind have we been able to do this. Why would we think we can do it now? Hegemons rise & fall. America could have lasted longer, but for the greed & foolishness of the voters.

    It is not my intention to fix blame. But if we don't recognize the problem, how & why it has perpetuated itself, we cannot fix it. It might be too late to fix it, & i don't think the american public has the will to make the sacrifices. $1T of overspending every year is unsustainable, & will lead us to bankruptcy & the collapse of the currency. If & when that happens, there will be a power struggle & massive instability. That is a recipe for totalitarian leaders with a charismatic solution. It just does not include personal liberty.

    “I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administered; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.” ~Benjamin Franklin
  9. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    There is no historical basis for that view. Powerful nations rise & fall. I am not talking about a geographical place, but an ideal.. a concept of a govt of citizen representatives who secure the freedoms of the rest of the country. THAT is the america that is ending. Economic collapse will be our waterloo.

    I don't want it to happen. I'd like a free land for my grandchildren. But my generation has lost the vision of america. We have sold our birthright for a mess of pottage. The upcoming generation seems to think collectivism will work, & that you can have something for nothing. We are in a downward spiral that will be very difficult to stop.

    I don't care if we are a world superpower. I'd like to see us pull way back in the world meddling department. But that is only a part of the problem. The entire nation has been mismanaged & corrupted for decades, & it seems to me we cannot stop the decline.
  10. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    No more food stamps = starvation which = death.

    Why vote for someone who has said that he'll kill you if elected?
  11. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Of course there are no 'guarantees' for freedom. It must be protected, cherished, & fought for in every generation. But in spite of your disdain for the american ideal, words ARE powerful. Those words were fought for & died for.

    You are quite wrong about freedom. We are as free as we are in our mind. At some point, we can choose civil disobedience, or even armed rebellion to express that freedom. Certainly there are liars & charlatans who would tell us we are free as they fasten our chains, but those of us who are actually free will not submit to it. This is perhaps a fine distinction, & those who perpetrate muddy definitions will not understand or agree, but freedom is something you take, not given.

    I don't consider paying taxes an abridgment of freedom. It could get to that, & the first american revolution was waged with that as a key factor.
  12. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    First you need to prove that the two groups are mutually exclusive.
  13. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    America, like Rome, won't last. It is being destroyed from the inside out. We're watching the beackon of freedom being turned into a socialist welfare totalitarian state. Don't make a Mohamad video. Turn in ur gun, and leave everything in the capable hands of an all powerful government. Soon, everyone will have a government job because private bussines is the devil and must be destroyed. Profit is evil. That is till the government goes bottoms up like the USSR. Our reluctance to control spending will be our downfall. Many liberals secertly hope to see America burn too, and will celibrate the day it happens like the islams that celibrated the 9-11 attacks.
  14. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    If America is truly going into decline, then you can at least make a profit off of it like I'm doing. The gloom and doom business isn't fun, but it's very hard not to profit off of America's mistakes. Especially when the Government makes it so lucrative for me to do so.
  15. usfan

    usfan Banned

    Feb 5, 2012
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    I see O as a symptom, not a cause. R ran on jobs. The voting majority did not want fiscal responsibility, jobs, or personal liberty, but free stuff. O promised them free stuff, & they voted for him.
  16. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    and why try to fix an ecconomy when destitution and dependence are the sorce of ur power.
  17. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    There's still some freedom up in Montana. There's hardly a political presence and all of us residents are truly free to do what we please. Taxes are super small (no sales tax). The communal force in Montana is religion and work, not government.

    The last example of genuine American freedom.
  18. ptif219

    ptif219 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    Obama has killed the American Dream
  19. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    could not have said it's your backup
    for your perusal
  20. Swamp_Music

    Swamp_Music Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2010
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    Paying taxes to support that which is not listed in the Constitution is "an abridgment of freedom." Why do should we be FORCED at the point-of-a-gun to pay for extra constitutional activities of government?
  21. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    For which? We HAVE been through worse, we've always made it through and came out stronger for it.

    If you're referring to my belief in America's unique ability to survive, you're right, there is no historical precedent. That's why it's called unique.

    I don't think it is, though. I think we're trying to find our way, and that we'll come out of the darkness better than ever.
  22. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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  23. stevenswld

    stevenswld Banned

    Aug 23, 2010
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    The real reason we invaded Iraq and fought Omar Gadaffi was that both were planning to demand payment in gold for their oil. They saw the value of the dollar going south. Our political gurus knew we had no gold to back our currency and we couldn't afford oil if the gold standard went into effect. This would have caused our wealthy leaders to lose billions. Gold, not oil or weapons of mass destruction was the only reason. Do your research.

  24. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    With its leaders being bipolar.

    View attachment 16840

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
  25. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Who is the government? Its the people and if the People decide that private business is evil, then so be it. And if after a period of time they decide that business isn't evil, then so be it. America should not be run by corporate interests if a majority of the people do not want it.

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