- The Thought Leader - by David Brooks

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Oy vey ... here we goad agin' Folks.Another example of how
    spin doctors operate.This time in the personage of a smallish and
    balding person,with irregular teeth,yet with an endearing countenance
    of troubled concern and smiley face hope.He regularly appears on
    - Meet the Press - and is booked as a conservative.He's about as conservative
    as Donald Duck after winning a huge lotto and told to keep it to himself.
    Yet, that's his ruse.That is how he gets away with all his crapola directed
    at conservatives who fail to see the light in the same prism of politics as he.
    In short { since he's a smallish jew } he satisfies literally No Conservative with
    his very liberal take on issues,meant exclusively to smooth-over the near
    rabid policies and governance of these Obama dimocrats.He's just doing
    his job.Care of Newsweek or NPR or PBS Newshour, all told probably have
    3 people on staff who aren't Liberal.And of course he'd be considered one
    of those lowly three.Which means he's shilling out.No different than the
    varied Spin Doctors who diligently spun their webs to carry water for Clinton
    during the Lewinsky scandal.Names like Ann Lewis,Doug Hattaway and
    Julian Epstein.
    Does " little jewish man " David Brooks define in clear and definitive
    language what a " Thought leader " is or give examples.Not really.
    Suggesting that " little boys and girls in ancient Athens grew up wanting
    to be philosophers.In Renaissance Florence they dreamed of becoming
    Humanists. " Sounds all nice and flowery as if maybe this land of
    milk and honey is definitely short a few Tiny Tim { musician } known
    for strumming his ukulele to " Tiptoe Through the Tuplips " in a quite
    aggravating high pitch voice.Then again you too might sing that high if
    given the birth forename { Tiny Tim } and born to a Polish Jewish mom,
    and Lebanese Catholic father with the forename Butros.
    Again ... Oy vey.As " little jewish man " Brooks goes on to decipher
    what a Thought leader should encompass. " A Thought Leader is a sort
    of highflying,good-doing yacht-to-yacht concept peddler. "
    That's a real Oy vey !.Talk about the gelt.I thought Jesus chased the
    money peddlers out of Temple.What mamser they were for using the Temple
    as a place to peddle.Such narrischkeit for this nudnik journalist to espouse.
    As if that wasn't insulting enough,Nudnik Brooks goes on " there is no writer
    so obscure as a 26 yr.old writer.Soon he will be writing his blog posts marked
    by coruscating contempt for extremely anodyne people." Yeah right.
    Spot on thar " little jewish man " with the " yacht-to-yacht concept peddler "
    schlock talk.
    I guess it's abundantly fitting that Nudnik Brooks is at Yale or supposed
    to be as of this year ... Teaching a course on - Philosophical Humility -.
    Ya don't say.
    I wonder how many students will " Look at him,shteiging away,mamash
    shtark,in his corner as usual. "
    No I doesn't.
    Never did and probably never schwill.
  2. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    If you're going to comment in something, it helps to show us what you're talking about.

    We're used to your incoherent jibberish.

    This one comes laden with a healthy dose of anti Sematism in the bargain.
  3. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    "Not only was it authentic frontier jibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age!"

  4. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Actually the jibbersish is well masked by the many and varied jewish men
    as well as " little jewish men " Like Brooks at the N.Y.Times and also
    on - Meet the Press -. But then you nudniks wouldn't know yer bein'
    played like a game of 3 card monte at a Carnival,if'n yer own mommies
    were standing next to you,pleading to move on.Move along,this is no
    place to be dawdling.
    The Mainstream media which is chock full of Liberals and liberally educated
    grads from Columbia and the like,and also many " little jewish men "
    who are thought to be Conservative like Brooks or Mayor Bloomberg
    but not surprisingly have sold out and it shows.There is no hiding it.
    So when I read an article entitled - The Thought Leader - it manages to
    pique me interest.
    I mean,in this vastly decaying climate of groupthink and doublespeak
    and all things wonderful since Obama is in charge,I have to wonder.
    What gives.Is - Farenheit 451 - already here.Is it that pervasive yet
    concealed.A normal citizen can't see it from the clouds.Or are we
    living the - Days of Wine & Roses - and I just can't seem to feel it.
    Man is born without his own consent.Well not even that is a truism any longer.
    Abortionists and Liberals and the entirety of the Democrat Party has seen to that.
    The last vestige of a free man is his Free will.To be a Free thinker.
    That is what scares me about some " Thought Leader ".
    " What's a man's first duty ? The answer is brief : to be himself ."
    " The strongest man in the world is he who most stands alone "
    -- Henrik Ibsen

    How quick a week passes and the Thought of Mandella.
    He was a " thought leader " once upon a time.

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