What has Feminism taken away from you?

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by Gwendoline, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Here are some questions for the resident-feminist-whiners - since they're the one's most interested and active and denigrating of feminism in the Women's Rights Section at PF. Please try to refrain from the babbling Nazi-hairy-fat nonsense. It's adolescent and limp-lettuce-dribble.

    Here then, some questions for the resident-feminist-whiners:

    How has feminism impacted on you PERSONALLY?

    What exactly has feminism taken away from you as a male?

    What does feminism prevent you from doing in your life?

    Does it bother you as a male that 'feminism' isn't under male control? (LOL)

    Do you think whining and denigrating feminism on a political forum will help you bring feminism under male control (LOL LOL)
  2. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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    You are actually asking about what psychological problem they have, involving women.

    I kind of think you dont want to know, and its very doubtful they understand themselves well enough to attempt an answer.
  3. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    The questions are probably more about my own observations than with anything else. Just as they like to draw their conclusions about feminists, well, here I am drawing my conclusions about them... camoflaged as questions... because I'm a devious feminist. LOL.
  4. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Here are some questions for the resident-feminist-whiners - since they're the one's most interested and active and denigrating of feminism in the Women's Rights Section at PF. Please try to refrain from the babbling Nazi-hairy-fat nonsense. It's adolescent and limp-lettuce-dribble.

    Ad hominen attacks are the last bastion of a position that cannot withstand scrutiny

    Here then, some questions for the resident-feminist-whiners:

    Ad hominen attacks are the last bastion of a position that cannot withstand scrutiny

    How has feminism impacted on you PERSONALLY?

    Feminism prevents me (or tries to prevent me) from exercising free speech, from personal autonomy, from competing in the free-market, and from interacting with women as a moral equal. Because of feminism, it’s nearly impossible to get a job at a University, with the state, or the federal government (where most of the jobs in science are located) as a white male due to affirmative action, despite graduating with honors.

    What does feminism prevent you from doing in your life?

    As a result of feminism, I’m not getting married or having children because divorce and family courts are openly hostile towards men. Feminism prevents me from pursuing a career in science despite graduating with honors and earning one of two high distinctions awarded in Applied Molecular Biology.

    Does it bother you as a male that 'feminism' isn't under male control? (LOL)

    No, it bothers me as a rational person that feminism is under the control of irrational ideologue lunatics. It bothers me that feminism is politically correct and therefore it influences public policy that discriminates against my race and gender. It bothers me that feminists exploit the popular perception by many people that feminism just means ‘equality’ when in reality feminism today is mostly a supremacist hate movement. It bothers me that feminism hurts women, men, and children for power and wealth. It bothers me that feminism influences public policy and as a result I have to pay taxes to support feminist policies that are based on feminist theories that aren’t supported by proof, but rather are discredited by proof. The lies promoted by feminists bother me. The hate promoted by feminists bothers me. The anti-intellectualism used by feminists to silence dissent bothers me. The anti-intellectualism in the form of ‘bogus science’ used by feminists to influence public policy bothers me.

    Do you think whining and denigrating feminism on a political forum will help you bring feminism under male control (LOL LOL)

    It doesn’t matter which gender controls feminism, feminists can be either gender. What matters is that feminism is a supremacist hate movement that hurts women, men, and children for its own benefit.
    However, the tide has turned and feminism is being exposed for what it really is and as a result, feminist programs and policies are beginning to be revoked, such as the 65 million euro that Scandinavians withdrew from the Nordic Gender Research Institute after it was revealed that the NGRI was exposed as a fraud that used ‘bogus science’ to influence public policy.

  5. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    I've heard too many of this (*)(*)(*)(*) at a young age when it can still influence you. To be bombarded with this stuff from all sides it was once one of the aspects which made me think of my self as a worthless individual.

    I dont like that question, because I in some way I am thankful for that. I have (not only because of feminism) lost any homelike feeling for the society I live in. In some ways it has opened my eyes. On the other hand I envy from time to time the ignorance of all the people who think we represent a shining example of a society and should lesson others, to have illusions of justice and so on.

    It has taken away some opportunities when I studied, because there were an awful lot of financial ressources reserved for women only, but that was no problem for me, I made my way then.

    Its not only feminism, but after all I dont want to get marry and raise a family anymore, what I thought once the highest priority in my life. Just an example, I could give severals.

    I am not even sure if it is. What makes you sure it isnt?

    I dont think you can denigrate feminism after all. How to lower people who cannot even sink lower? As for whining ... this is a political forum . It is of course a standard procedure of feminists to immune themselves to ridicule anyone shows a dangerous opinion of his own which does not conform the feminist ideology.

    I am convinced for some parts feminism is to some parts under the control of men. Its a great propaganda instrument to provoke, ridicule, humiliate other cultures or to spread hate pictures of other cultures for their so called misogyny they must be punished. Many men use that instrument imo. It gives our population here a great feeling of superiority over agressive and beasty Russians, over backward and disgusting Arabs and creates the atmosphere of cold or hot wars. When in 2001 an attack on Afghanistan was to be prepared, I remember all those fine feminists walking from TV show to TV show explaining how primitive those Afghans treat women to create the right atmosphere. I am sure at least to some part they were doing just their "job". I regret deeply, I cannot avoid to support this by taxes.
  6. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Feminism prevents you from exercising free speech? What do you mean, you go on and on and on with your 'free speech' here all the time. How does feminism challenge your personal autonomy? You are a SEPARATE human being. You are not joined at the hip with anyone else. Unless you are, of course, lol.

    And whining about work. Well, guess what? I was discriminated against big-time when I was younger because employers were concerned / claimed I'd make babies and leave. I was discriminated against as a woman on those grounds and that was unfair. In the very early, early days, women weren't allowed to vote and women were excluded from universities and jobs. A great many gifted, bright and intelligent women had their talent go to waste because they were barred from participating at university and in jobs and the public domain. So cry me a river.

    You've already written in the 'outcome' of your marriage. You see it ending in divorce. Not a good place to start from. There are enough anti-feminist women around for you to meet and find a kindred spirit in and have a nice life. How you 'perceive' reality is often how it becomes. Self-fulfilling prophecy and all that. If you do right by your partner and she does right by you there's no reason to find yourself in court with anyone being hostile to you.

    And don't blame your inability to pursue a career on feminism. What a cop out.

    You see, I consider YOU a supremacist hate movement'. You bash away at feminism at every opportunity. Yet you claim feminism is a supremacist hate movement. That's your perception. A perception I don't share and one I find loopy. No doubt you'd have been fine in those early days when women were kept out of public policy and kept away from jobs and universities and kept away from voting. Yeah, those days when men had a 'monopoly' on all of that. Women have made long strides. Very long strides. But you whine and don't want to celebrate the long strides women have made. It's like a resentment for people like you. You think feminists are cheating you out of a career. Good grief. The thousands of super-smart women in the past who were excluded COMPLETELY from study, from publishing books, from pursuing their goals of having a career. If you want a career go and get it. I had to rise above horrendous violence perpetrated by my father to know my own worth and to push through to believe in myself and to move through severe PTSD to realise myself and to get a career I enjoyed and to stay with it for decades. And to honour myself... in spite of shocking violence in my past. And you whine that feminists stop you from a career. What a huge and sorry cop out that is.

    Yes, supremacist hate movement. Seriously, grow up. Don't sit around complaing about feminists, it's unproductive, get to work on getting that career you want. Be strong and push through for it. God knows women have had to push through for so much that they'd once been denied.
  7. MaxxMurxx

    MaxxMurxx New Member

    Aug 18, 2013
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    I was married and have a son. When my son was two years old he had cancer, was undergoing multiple surgeries and chemotherapy. The whole thing was going on for one year. In the middle of it my wife told me from one day to the the other that she would leave - and left. So I grew up my son alone. Later I learned that my wife had discussed her options with 2 female friends who were (and are) militant feminists advising her to "develop her self".

    Respect and esteem for today's women, like for anyone who does not see that every "right", every "freedom" comes with one or more obligations. "Power" without "responsibility" is: danger.
    Being aware of those obligations in responsible people come from their moral, ehical or even religious backgrounds. In those not having that background, the law must set the limits. The right to own firearms comes with the obligation not to use them against others, except as a last option of self defense. The right to drive a car comes with the obligation to respect the rules of traffic. A large part of those rules are not written down but have developed in societies' complicated social interaction codes like "politeness", "chivalry" or "humanity". All those obligations are denounced to be "patriarchaic oppression" by today's feminsts. They want high profiled leading roles in societies (power) but don't understand that it comes with the obligation to care for the whole society (responsibility). That actually makes them a threat.

    In my own person: Feminism has made me misogyn. I know it, I accept it and I say it openly. Attacking me as "patriarchaic oppressor", "potential rapist" or "child molester" doesn't change it for the better, it makes it worse.

    Having a happy relationship with a woman, founded on love and mutual respect.
    If feminism can't control itself, it should be controlled by the law. That is why feminist law makers presently re work the law in Western societies. The result is something nobody anymore can associate with "justice" or "responsibility". Those laws already haing been reworked by female law rapists are empowering scripts for anti male hate pogroms. Being the law doesn't make them to be ethical or just. Which social instance controls feminism is comletely irrelevant as long as there is one. The same way it is irrelevant what sex, gender, skin color or religion composes the majoity of that instance. Only one grou must not take part: feminism. Feminism presently is not counter balanced by any serious opposition. That fact alone invalidates the feminist mantra of the "oppressive Patriarchat". If that would be so powerful, oppressive or even exist, feminism would'nt exis the way it does.
    All the above is called "balance of powers" in societies, which currently severely is out of shape if not abandoned at all.

    The first step of progress is "identification of the problem". What you call "whining" and "denigrating" is in reality the process of problem identification. During that process hidden probems can be revealed, alleged problems can be shown not to be problems at all or problems can come out to be problems caused by other, unrelated factors in need of alternative solutions. The question shows that the author neither has a clue about the complex general procedures of problem solution, nor aout interactions and codes in societies, nor about innovation and progress itself.

    That problem identification process can take some time. In the feminsim debate everything feminists present must be considered if accurate. If accurate, the problems must be solved, if not, the argument must be discarded. It takes time. Feminists try to outrun that process. That makes them an own problem. If they have not enough self critics to recognize the damaging part or their behavior, that will lead into destruction of the society. Most likely the end will be some kind of civil war. It is therefore in the interest of society, not of "men", to "control" feminism, the same way "fire arm possession", "drugs" or "terrorism" is "controlled" by societies, meaning to reduce the harmful effects. "Control" is the replacement for "responsibility" in places where responsibility does not exist.

    PS: My son is 33 years old today
  8. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    At bottom, we are people. Ideology aside, that's all we are - human. I was treated as a worthless individual as I was attempting to grow up. So that's something that you felt... and something that I felt too. So there's one thing we have in common, not forgetting I'm a feminist.

    'Society' is tough in any era. And just try to imagine someone telling you that you are excluded and not allowed to vote. How would that make you feel? That's something that happened to women back then in 'society'. Was that a shining example of society then?

    Good for you.

    There are women who share your anti-feminist perspective. You could share your 'world view' with a woman who shares your 'world view'.

    We have a long way to go to resolve violence in our world, don't you think? I don't think humans will ever evolve to the point where they are not at war somewhere with someone. Husbands with wives. Neigbours against neighbours. Country against country. And yes even the feminists and the anti-feminists. Yet at bottom all we are is human... mortal fragile things here for a short while to make a fist of our lives and do our best and try to understand the world around us...

    Feminism is made up of people... they are human as you are human... they hold a different view to you... you don't like their view they don't like yours. But it's not the end of the world.
  9. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    That's a great test of your character that you hung in and raised your son on your own. Something you must feel very proud of.

    We know that men also leave women holding the baby to run off to something or other. But we don't call those men 'feminists'. Some call them scoundrels I guess, or irresponsible and things like that. I personally wouldn't label it 'feminism' because would you tell me that the men who run off leaving the woman to bring up a baby on her own are 'feminists' too? I think it comes down to a person's character, not to feminism. Plenty of feminists are in committed relationships raising families. I think it comes down to a person's character... whether they hang in with a marriage and with their children or not.

    You clearly have a strong character to have done good by your son and raised him. That's wonderful.

    ^^^ This I find condescending. Women want equality.

    The same way feminism has made you a self-proclaimed misogynist... many misogynists have made women feminists. So there you go.

    I am a feminist and I am NOT attacking you.

    As I've said twice already, there are anti-feminist women who would share your view of the world... and you'd most likely find happiness with them. Not every woman is a feminist, far from it. Plenty of women are seeking love and mutual respect and plenty that are not feminists.

    I detect hysteria.

    According to you--

    I detect more hysteria.

    That's wonderful. You must be proud.
  10. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Yes, I read that, sorry to read that stuff.

    It is your strange conclusion, that anyone who is opposing feminism wants to inverse it and take away any civil rights of women. My grandmother was able to vote in the Republic of Weimar, thats nearly 100 years from now. Pretty much "back then".

    Women should have the same illusion as any male EU citizen, that she or he is able to change things via vote. As for me, I dont vote anymore (last vote was an exception).

    And I dont see it as a tough era as a such, I have fluent water and electricity and can live gladly with it. I dont even know really bad hunger (lets say nothing to eat over the last 72 hours or so). In some aspects it is a fantastic time. Its rather a political frustration.

    I think you got that wrong, you can always find a partner who share certain views. I dont think a majority of women is feminist at all or looking for an opportunity to falsely accuse a man of rape or anything. And by the way, no political system can protect you from making the wrong choice and trust someone you should better not have trusted. It is about a lack of perspective how things could work out good for children. Maybe this consideration is wrong (without any optimism you should not have been born after all).

    This is not just about feminism but about all those strange political correct politicians who rule over us in Brussel and Strassbourg, who have never been voted at all. A kind of self-celebrating political caste who justify their lack of democratic legitimation with their own morality. They dont need to be voted, because they have to fight the fight against the evil men or the clima change or the intolerant people who dont want a refugee camp next to their door or whatever they have on their minds.

    If I got to know a women I wanted to raise a family with, I would certainly leave here and definitely not raise children here. This is becoming more and more like the GDR was once, when my parents told me (correctly), what an evil regime it was.

    Sounds to be the trial for a nice reconciling end, but my point was, that I am sure, that feminism is at least to some part under the control of men. Besides, I dont have any sympathy with the Taliban or so, but I think its no coincidence, when feminists are invited into talk shows to talk about those barbaric Afghan men.

    The political correctness can be used to justify anything as stigmatizing anyone. In the last years, there is nothing politicians here are more worried about than a few punk girls in Russia impriosoned for 2 years for vandalism and gay rights in Russia.
  11. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Crying "ad hom"at every turn is pretty very sophisticated!

    The insults are creative and very intellectual.

    Oh, and complaining that a theory is not proven? Priceless!
  12. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Are we expected to believe a word of this?
  13. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    As a feminist, I expect you'll believe what you want to believe regardless of what evidence presents itself :roll:

    The President of The Evergreen State College, as the delegate of the Board of Trustees, hereby reaffirms that The Evergreen Sate College is steadfastly committed to equal opportunity and diversity as principles necessary for a just society and a quality education. An important goal of the College is to create a learning and working environment that is inclusive, hospitable to, and reflective of our diverse society - an environment that nurtures respect for cultural diversity and encourages excellence. The Evergreen State College is implementing an Affirmative Action program to achieve this goal and to employ and retain members of underrepresented affected groups among its administration, faculty and staff. The College Affirmative Action Plan and programs are established in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Federal Office of Contract Compliance Programs, Federal Executive Order 11246, Rehabilitation Act Section 503, Governor's Executive Order 93-07 Affirming Commitment to Diversity and Equity, Re-establishing Affirmative Action and Prohibiting Discrimination, Governor's Executive Orders 89.01, 96-04 and 98-01, RCW 28 B.10, 39.19, 41.06, 49.60, and 49.74. Consistent with Federal and State law, the plan provides for equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all aspects of college employment regardless of protected group status: race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
    The Affirmative Action Plan documents the College’s goals and strategies for the recruitment and retention of well-qualified members of affected groups as staff and faculty, specifically women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Vietnam Era veterans, disabled veterans and people with disabilities (the affected groups), where they are under-represented in our workforce. The plan does not establish quotas of any kind or timelines for the achievement of goals, but identifies the levels of diversity present in labor markets relevant to College recruitment and establishes those levels as goals the College aspires to in its employment of administrators, staff and faculty. The Affirmative Action Plan also outlines program activities and strategies the College utilize to retain its diverse employees.
    The President of the College is responsible to the Board of Trustees and to the Evergreen community for implementation of the Affirmative Action Policy, and for recommending the resources necessary to make the policy productive and effective. The Special Assistant to the President for Diversity Affairs is the President's designee responsible for the Affirmative Action Plan and promoting equal opportunity, and is also responsible to provide guidance and support for management’s implementation of the plan.
    All members of the Evergreen community are required to abide by the provisions of this policy. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
    The addendum attached to this policy contains the college procedures for the implementation of this policy.
    Copies of this policy are available to the public. The College’s Affirmative Action Plan is available for viewing upon request. For information regarding this policy, contact: The Evergreen State College, Special Assistant to the President for Diversity Affairs:
  14. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Feminists resort to ad hominen attacks because there's no scientific proof to support their beliefs. :wink:
  15. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    As a feminist, I expect you to believe what you want to believe regardless of the evidence that presents itself :roll:

    Do You Receive a Lighter Prison
    Sentence Because You Are a Woman?
    An Economic Analysis of Federal
    Criminal Sentencing Guidelines
    The Federal criminal sentencing guidelines struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2005
    required that males and females who commit the same crime and have the same prior
    criminal record be sentenced equally. Using data obtained from the United States Sentencing
    Commission’s records, we examine whether there exists any gender-based bias in criminal
    sentencing decisions. We treat months in prison as a censored variable in order to account
    for the frequent outcome of no prison time. Additionally, we control for the self-selection of
    the defendant into guilty pleas through use of an endogenous switching regression model. A
    new decomposition methodology is employed. Our results indicate that women receive more
    lenient sentences even after controlling for circumstances such as the severity of the offense
    and past criminal history.

    http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/?p=11474 NY Judge: ‘System Contains Built-In Gender Bias’December 9th, 2010 by Robert Franklin, Esq. A higher score on the Probation Assessment Tool (PAT) means a recommendation that could lead to eventual dismissal of charges. A lower score means probation or lockup, not to mention the juvenile delinquent tag. [Judge] Hunt claims PAT routinely rewards girls with 14 extra points for gender alone, while boys get 0.

    A juvenile male who commits a sex offense is 46 times as likely to be arrested and charged with a crime as a juvenile female who commits the same offense. (J.A. Ray and D.J. English, "Comparison of female and male children with sexual behavior problems", Journal of Youth and Adolescence 24(4): 439-451, 1995.)

    http://drhelen.blogspot.com/ "When a woman kills a man she gets an average sentence of 6 years. When a man kills a woman, he gets an average sentence of over 16 years." Dr. Helen Smith

    http://glennsacks.com/blog/?page_id=1000 #6: “Official Department of Justice statistics show that men commit 70% of all murder of intimates. However, when other factors are accounted for, including unsolved murders, poisonings mistakenly classified as heart attacks, and contract killings classified as "multiple offender killings," women have been shown to be at least as likely as men to murder their current or former spouses or intimates.” Source: Dershowitz, Alan M. 1994. The Abuse Excuse: And Other Cop outs, Sob Stories and Evasions of Responsibility. Boston: Little Brown, pp. 311 313. See the pages "Wives Also Kill Husbands Quite Often" at http://www.uiowa.edu/~030116/158/article...witz3.htm. Source: 1994 95 U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics Publications Catalog, publication #. NCJ 43498, “Murder in Families.” Source: Warren Farrell, Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say, Penguin Putnam Inc., 1999, pp. 150 151. Source: This is also explained in detail in my column "Let's not 'Learn' the Same Lessons From Blake That We Learned From OJ" which can be found at http://www.glennsacks.com/lets_not_learn.htm.
    For update see : “does feminism discriminate against men?” Dr Warren Farrell 2007 Oxford University Press

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_87xNNN2l4 Dr. Warren Farrell on Sexism of Women-only Right to Choose

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZzMNKqGfnc Prof. Stephen Baskerville, author and child support expert;
    http://www.stephenbaskerville.net/h...tp://stephenbaskerville.net/whatotherssay.htm The war on Fathers Dr. Stephen Baskerville
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZzMNKqGfnc Stephen Baskerville 9/26/11 Interview
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEGnweYCadg Stephen Baskerville Message To Family Court Victims
    Book: “Taken into Custody; The War Against Fathers, Marriage and the Family”

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZdil1Jy3l0 Michael Coren & Kris Titus Discuss Father's Rights
    Family law lawyer Kris Titus : “The incentive there for a woman to place a claim of false allegations on a man is full custody of the children and full child and spousal support. That’s a pretty big incentive. The majority of first time batteries actually occur after a separation.”

    While child support (like divorce itself) is awarded ostensibly without reference to “fault,” nonpayment brings swift and severe punishments. “The advocates of ever-more-aggressive measures for collecting child support,” writes Bryce Christensen of Southern Utah University, “have moved us a dangerous step closer to a police state.” Abraham calls the machinery “Orwellian”: “The government commands … a veritable gulag, complete with sophisticated surveillance and compliance capabilities such as computer-based tracing, license revocation, asset confiscation, and incarceration.”

    Here, too, “the burden of proof may be shifted to the defendant,” according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Like Kafka’s Joseph K., the “defendant” may not even know the charge against him, “if the court does not explicitly clarify the charge facing the [allegedly?] delinquent parent,” says NCSL. Further, “not all child support contempt proceedings classified as criminal are entitled to a jury trial,” and “even indigent obligors are not necessarily entitled to a lawyer.” Thus defendants must prove their innocence against unspecified accusations, without counsel, and without a jury.

    http://www.barbarakay.ca/index.php?optio...&Itemid=10 National Post Wednesday, 17 November 2010
    Debtor's prison for dads
    Imprisonment for debt is sometimes grouped with torture and slavery in human rights discourse, and was abolished here under the 1869 Debtor's Act as "not consistent with the morals of the day." Debtor's prison was only reinstated at the urging of radical feminist legal activists in the 1980s for one group: fathers behind on support payments.

    In what Mr. Millar calls "inverted justice," Canada is one of a tiny handful of Western countries that jails men for an essentially civil offence without the procedural protections accorded real criminals, such as: the right to remain silent, the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty, the right to an impartial arbiter and the right to legal representation.

    Reliable data demonstrates unequivocally that this regressive form of taxation disproportionately affects blacks, aboriginals and the poor, since the highest rates are reserved for those with the lowest income (under $20,000 a year). Moreover, so-called "deadbeat dads" can't declare bankruptcy. "Deadbeat dads" is, by the way, a terrible slur on the majority of dads who want to pay, but can't; women who deny fathers legal access to children are never jailed or called "deadbeat mums."

    http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/enews/...10531.html In response to a question from an F & F activist, [Newt] Gingrich told the crowd that the family law system has an 'extreme anti-male bias.'

    http://glennsacks.com/blog/?page_id=1000 #8: Access and Visitation Denial: Three-quarters of divorced fathers surveyed maintain that their ex-spouses have substantially interfered with their visitation rights. Source: Joyce A. Arditti, "Factors Related to Custody, Visitation, and Child Support for Divorced Fathers: An Exploratory Analysis," Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 17, 1992, pp. 34, 39. A study of children of divorce found that 42% of children who lived solely with their mother reported that their mother tried to prevent them from seeing their fathers after the divorce. However, only 16% of children who lived solely with their father reported similar obstruction. Source: Glynnis Walker, Solomon's Children: Exploding the Myths of Divorce (New York: Arbor House, 1986), p. 83
    Source: Cathy Young, Ceasefire!: Why Women and Men Must Join Forces to Achieve True Equality, The Free Press, 1999, p. 209.
    In another study, 40% of divorced mothers admitted that they had interfered with their ex-husband's access or visitation, and that their motives were punitive in nature and not due to safety considerations. Source: p. 449, col. II, lines 3-6, (citing Fulton) "Frequency of visitation by Divorced Fathers; Differences in Reports by Fathers and Mothers," Sanford Braver et al, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1991. Source: J.A. Fulton, "Parental Reports of Children’s Post-Divorce Adjustment,” Journal of Social Issues 35, 1979, pp. 126-139.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he7NHLYuLBg The Legal Influence of Misandy and Pseudoscience - 1 Walter Fox : Certified specialist in Criminal Law by the Law Society of Canada
    http://www.youtube.com/user/walterfoxlaw...sults_main Walter Fox : Lawyer's channel
    “In this new equal world where all we hear from feminists is talk about equality, there is no equality in that area [family court]; they’re not giving that up” Walter Fox - Lawyer - TV Ontario: Men Maleness and Equality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLJ0vXXWEYo
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWp_PtlsJ...ure=relmfu Domestic Violence Reality - the exception vs the rule. Walter Fox on DV Law in Canada

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-t-pi...l#comments The "Y" Factor: Gender Bias, Child Custody And The Great Parenting Myth David T. Pisarra; Family law attorney, newspaper columnist and author.

    In the emotionally-charged world of child custody, there is a fundamental myth that both enslaves women and disenfranchises men. While there are inherent animal instincts hardwired into our species when dealing with infants, parenting is a learned behavior. And the myth that women automatically know how to be a good parent solely by virtue of having given birth doesn't only put unfair expectations on women but minimizes the role of men in the rearing of a child. Short of not being able to breast feed, men have the same abilities to protect and guide the development of a child as women. Yet this myth propagates the notion that men are innately incompetent to nurture a child which, unfortunately, plays itself out daily in Family Court.

    From a legal perspective, most courts are obligated to focus on the best interests of the child. However, the reality is that a gender bias exists due in large part to the antiquated notion that women make better parents. And even though statistics show unequivocally that children raised in single parent homes with limited or no access to both parents are at a far greater risk to commit crimes or abuse drugs, many men face an uphill battle when trying to assert themselves into their children's lives In the late 19th century, the "Tender Years Doctrine" was created which presumes that the mother should be granted custody for children 13 years and under.

    While it is rarely used as today, and has been replaced with the "Best Interests of the Children" doctrine of child custody, this shift didn't fully take hold until 1989. But having been in countless court cases where I've seen men who wanted nothing more than to be actively involved in their children's lives fall victim to a system that regularly sides with gender over parenting skills, it's clear that statutes alone aren't enough to change the preconceived biases that still exist.

    Just as no man should automatically be deemed an inattentive, emotionally distant and a poor caretaker by virtue of his chromosomal makeup, neither should a woman be presumed inherently skilled at caretaking, being attentive to the emotional needs of her children, or a more nurturing parent purely by virtue of her uterus. All aspects of humanity are relative. No one is "all good," just as no one is "all bad." Yet when it comes to child custody, the unique skills and life experiences of the individual, of either gender, are too often passed over in favor of outdated thinking that carries little weight in today's society.

    http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/charlott...08863.html British psychotherapist and former family attorney Charlotte Friedman: My experience both when I was a family lawyer and now as a therapist is that it is so much harder for a father to maintain a close or sometimes any relationship with his children after divorce or separation. My experience is that if a mother alienates her children against the father or subverts contact, then the court really can do and does do very little about it.

    http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=20436437 SALT LAKE CITY — A group of women posing as birth mothers met with a handful of Utah adoption agencies to hear their pitch on why they should place their child for adoption and how they can keep the birth father from knowing.
    "I was dumbfounded when I went in," said one pregnant woman posing as a birth mother from out of state. "The stuff that they were telling me, I really almost couldn't believe it."

    Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nkgezojs...ure=relmfu 1 of 2 - Child Protective Services Predators and Corruption - Senator Nancy Schaefer

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arVPZHgTc...re=related A CPS insider reveals "secret rules" that corrupt "Child Protection Services" Inc. must follow:
    Carol Rhodes, former FOC officer, Author : “Friend of the Court, Enemy of the Family”

    http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/?p=16423 Father Denied Custody Because He ‘is a man and the child is a girl’ June 3rd, 2011 by Robert Franklin, Esq.

    Book: Barbara C. Johnson “Behind the Black Robes: Failed Justice”

    http://www.uakron.edu/law/lawreview/v41/...inal08.pdf This article will analyze the most significant changes in the manner in which individuals who are charged with the crime of rape are prosecuted for that offense. In the last thirty five years, there has been a steady erosion of the due process rights of those accused of rape… The goals of the reformists were not just to change the laws relating to rape, but to change society’s view regarding the need for women to have autonomy in sexual relations.

    http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/2012/0...ore-cases/ female attorney lying about abuse

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaXINizSj...re=related CPS Juvenile Family Court Criminal Racket – Lawyers, Judges & Activists Speak

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...knows.html Gay sperm donor must pay out for daughters he barely knows
    Mark Langridge, 47, has not seen the family he helped create since 2004
    He says he cannot afford payments, which add up to £8,000
    Mark Langridge didn’t want children, but his lesbian friends did – so he agreed to donate his sperm.
    Now his ‘act of kindness’ has come back to haunt him 13 years later, after he received a letter demanding child support payments.
    Mr Langridge has not spoken to the family he helped create since 2004.
    He was not named on the birth certificates of the two children, and played no role in their upbringing – but the Child Support Agency insists he has to pay £26 a week to support them.
    He says he cannot afford the payments, which will add up to £8,000 before both children reach adulthood.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0cBZcc6F...DC&index=5 Falsely Accused To Win Custody Of My Kids
    Emotional Testimony

    Court Abuses of Fathers
    The horrors of divorce for men: from the kidnapping of their children, to the financial enslavement by a corrupt judiciary, to the suicidal despair of fathers denied access to their children post-divorce by spiteful and vindictive spouses.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9oQajDZX...re=related The Nervous CPS Worker


    http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/2012/0...nti-child/ parental alienation

  16. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    ....and as a feminist, I don't expect a response to that evidence once it presents itself. As a feminist, I expect an ad hominen attack, possibly some lies, or possibly both, but I don't expect a response to the evidence-lol

  17. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    No fresh baked cookies when I got home from school

    fresh baked cookies
    Eating fresh baked cookies

    Only when I want cookies, fresh-baked of course, not those gay elf things they sell at the store

    Do you know how to make fresh-baked cookies?
  18. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I doubt it. Feminists generally aren't capable of doing anything useful :roll:

  19. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    It would be cool if scientists genetically engineered manatees to be the size of goldfish so that I could have a pet manatee in my kitchen.
  20. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Yep, not a response to the evidence :smile:
  21. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    They might be able to whip their S&M slave enough that they will do it for me ;)
  22. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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    At least you are funny for a change!
  23. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    That's true :smile:
  24. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Now in January the public television and radio stations get their paycheck from me. I have removed my television years ago, cause I was tired of the (*)(*)(*)(*), they wanted to indoctrinate me, but they have changed the law, they get the 50 € now simply from every household. A disgusting program director called that "Democracy Contribution". Yes, what a great democracy contributaion, everyone has to pay, to be bombarded with eco-, leftist and feminist (*)(*)(*)(*). Now they can teach younglings from early on that men are evil and women are fine. And make sure the right proportinal represantation of women as program directors and producers and bring us their program of political correctness to school us stupid citizen. A very democratic "Democrazy Contribution". I am wondering a little, because according to the feminist propaganda many women are occupied in minimum wage sectors and earn too less. I dont think 50€ all three months is neglectable for people with minimum wage. But when it comes to end this compulsary levy then this would of course be too much of female solidarity.
  25. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Many men are not getting married because they know they will get reamed in a divorce. Any man who gets married, unless he gets a rich widow or heiress, needs his head examined!

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