When your 11 year old has psychological issues; seek out an "unbiased" homosexual

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by sec, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    the poor little girl. Instead of getting the type of help it appears that she needs, the parents went to an agenda pushing homosexual at a local university.

    And Dr. Wells does not have an agenda at all and of course would have consulted the parents to get their daughter some help

    the link below is the camp with which he's affiliated where they encourage boys to be girls and girls to be boys.

    debrarae and (deleted member) like this.
  2. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    I have yet to wonder if you have even one ounce of empathy in your body.

    What would you do to this child? Tell me.
  3. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    have looked at my surroundings, wonder why she feels that I wanted a boy instead of a girl, gone to counseling myself so i could get guidance, and then if it continued, bring her so she understood that she is a female.
  4. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    And what if that did not work?
  5. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    OK, I'll play

    what if it did?
  6. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    It wouldn't. But I suspect you'd keep trying anyway- you being an expert and all in these matters. :roll:

    One more time, what would you do when it failed to work?

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Why don't you ever actually quote from your sources?

    I am glad to step up and provide it though

    EDMONTON – When 11-year-old Wren Kauffman goes back to school this week, he won’t be hiding the fact that he’s actually a girl.

    Teachers, friends and other students at his Edmonton school know the truth — that he’s a girl on the outside but feels like a boy on the inside. And that’s why, even at such a young age, he has chosen to live in the world as the opposite sex, and not keep it a secret.

    “If you’re not yourself, then it kind of gets sad and depressing,” says the freckle-faced kid with short-cropped hair.
    “I’m glad that I told everybody.”

    More students these days are not just coming out in school as gay but also as transgender or transsexual, and they’re doing it at younger ages, says Kris Wells, a researcher with the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services at the University of Alberta.

    Some studies shows six out of 1,000 students experience transgenderism. About one out of 170 teachers are transgender.
    Wells says his office gets calls and emails from parents and schools across the country at least once a day asking for advice. A few years ago, he helped a child swap sex roles while in Grade 2 at a Catholic school in rural Alberta.

    Some students and their families choose a more secretive approach, switching schools or even moving to other provinces, so they can start fresh, he says. Others transition over the summer and return to school in the fall identifying with their new sex.

    Brave students, like Wren, proudly announce who they used to be — and who they are now.

    Wren, born Wrenna, says he doesn’t remember a time when he didn’t feel like a boy.
    Growing up, he hated wearing dresses. He liked Spiderman and dressed up as comic book hero The Thing one Halloween. When he was five, he had his mom take him to a hairdresser to cut off his long, brown locks. He wanted to look like Zac Efron from the movie “High School Musical.”
    Wendy Kauffman says she and her husband, Greg, knew their daughter was different. She would often ask: “When do I get to be a boy?” And she pleaded to be born again in order to come out right.
    They thought it was a phase. Then they thought their child might be gay.
    But as Wren got bigger, so did the sadness and frustration.
    Kauffman says it finally hit home when Wren was about nine and Kauffman was tucking her six-year-old child, Avy, into bed one night. “She said to me, ‘You know, Mom, Wren is a boy and he told me to tell you.’”

    Kauffman says she got a bit defensive. “‘I said, ‘Well, I know Wren wants to be a boy.’
    “Avy said, ‘No, Mom, he REALLY wants to be a boy.’”

    Kauffman, tears welling up in her eyes, says it was a pivotal moment. Her youngest child had seen it all so clearly and, now, she did too.
    Kauffman later told Wren: “I love you whether you’re a boy or a girl and I understand now. And we’ll figure out how we can help you. And we’ll do it together.”

    Wren and his family say they have gone public and been in the media this year so that others going through the same situation know they’re not alone. Kauffman hopes other parents realize how important it is to really listen to their children. Wren wants other kids to know it’s OK to be who they are.

    Kauffman says she and her husband initially consulted with Wells about Wren’s transition and he first started living life at home as a boy. After about a year, they were ready to tell his school.
    Wren was in Grade 5 at Belgravia School, where students occasionally gathered in sharing circles to talk about life events such as the separation of parents or a family death. He took his turn to tell his classmates that he was now living his life as a boy.

    Some kids had questions, but they were all supportive, Kauffman says.

    The following year, Wren transferred to Victoria School of the Arts. At first, he was private about his actual sex, but after a few months he told friends and shared his story with his class.
    There are a couple of older transgender students at the school, but Wren is by far the youngest.

    He says it hasn’t been a big deal. He uses the boys’ washroom “which, by the way, is much grosser than the girls’ bathroom.” He also changes in a stall in the boys’ gym locker room.
    Wren has started monthly drug injections to pause female puberty. When he’s about 16, he’ll decide whether he wants to start injecting male hormones. At 18, he’ll be legally old enough to have sex reassignment surgery.

    Wren says he’s not sure yet if he wants to take that final step. He’s just excited to start Grade 7.

    His school is part of the Edmonton Public School Board which, in 2011, became the first in the province to develop a policy to protect gay, lesbian and transgender students and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation.

    Wren says he hasn’t been subjected to any harassment. Just some teasing when he first came out — one student winked and called him “Mr. Kauffman.” A couple of others asked for proof that he was actually a girl, but Wren laughed it off and told them he wasn’t prepared to pull down his pants.

    Wren says he knows it won’t always be this easy and he’s prepared for the possibility that he may be bullied later in life.
    “People tease me right now and I can handle it. The way that I like to look at it is that they’re just practice for the real jerks in life.
    “And, besides, if they say something to me, then they don’t have to be part of my life … I don’t think I need people who don’t like me.

    Sounds to me like this child is getting the help that he and his parents believe is the right help.

    But maybe you think you know what is better for this child than his parents?
  8. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    because I don't buy into the "born that way" like you do; much like you don't buy into the "learned or environment behavior" which I believe. Neither of our beliefs can be confirmed
  9. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    did you miss the linky which I provided? Did you miss the linky linky which I also provided for the cross dressing camp?

    So, do you think the homosexual whom the parents consulted would work to help the girl be a girl? Or, do you think his agenda would sway his "diagnosis"?

    No need to answer the rhetorical question. Chalk up another little girl who will be messed up thanks to "mom and dad"
  10. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Seriously- why do you do this- you provide a link- give some wierd analysis of what you claim the link says- but avoid actually quoting anything from the link.

    Are you just afraid that if people read the article they will not agree with your analysis?

    What homosexual- and why is that relevant?

    I think I have ever reason to believe that you have at least as much agenda in your posts as whatever homosexual you are talking about.

    Chalk up another child struggling to deal with problems, who is used as a tool to promote an anti-homosexual agenda.
  11. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Yeah, but the problem is, your theory never works. Sexuality is not unlearned or changed- ever. Even the head of Exodus International admitted that and closed up shop.
  12. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    It's those little details that make a big difference! :)
  13. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    and there are those who claim they switched from being homosexual to heterosexual; but those people are being dishonest, aren't they
  14. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I'm skeptical about this too. The seemingly increasing numbers coinciding with a simultaneous increase in an ever more matriarchal culture seem to point more to social engineering than natural causation.
  15. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    My question would be whether that crap is any better or worse than indoctrinating kids with older, more traditional religious nonsense :D

    I do like your stupid Guy Fawkes mask, by the way. It makes you look very mysterious and edgy.
  16. Stagnant

    Stagnant Banned

    Sep 26, 2012
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    You know what? I not only second what Lee said about you not having a shred of empathy, I'd like to add that you have absolutely no honesty. If you actually read the article, you'd see passages like this:

    You know, where it's documented that the child has shown signs of gender dysphoria for essentially their entire life, and that your characterizations are utter bull(*)(*)(*)(*). I seriously wonder - what help do you think this kid needs? There is significant evidence that gender identity is hardwired into our brains, and no amount of psychotherapy aimed at changing it will work. No, I know, let's just ignore the scientific evidence and sign this kid up for John Paulk's non-functional therapy. I honestly wonder - what is wrong with you, Sec? Why are you this dishonest in such a way that anyone and their dog can see instantly that you're lying to us? I mean, at least make it (*)(*)(*)(*)ing believable. Like this:

    If you were a moron with the pattern recognition of a retarded goldfish and didn't automatically double-check every claim you make (because up until now, probably about a majority have been (*)(*)(*)(*)ing lies), this might be slightly believable. Good show, you're getting better at being a liar. Bryan Fischer would be proud. I don't believe a word of what you say, and none of that bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is actually on the site, but hey, at least some people who don't already understand that you are a pathological liar would fall for it. I don't know how you live with yourself, personally, but I'm not a pathological liar, so I wouldn't know what it's like. Maybe you just need therapy.

    "Seemingly"? Come on, man, how 'bout some actual statistics?
  17. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Well, I mean how many stories were there like this 20, 30, 40 years ago? You've noticed an increase too, have you not?
  18. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    You're hearing more about it because people aren't that afraid to talk about it anymore. There have always been transgendered people. Twenty years ago, I had a transgendered woman as a roommate. It's not that unusual, and never has been.
  19. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I'm not saying this isn't some of it too, but I highly doubt it was this common overall back then. Especially with the culture, itself, becoming more feminized.
  20. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    it's anecdotal crap but you wish to believe it because it's personal with you. I can understand that. There is absolutely zero medical testing proof that we are born heterosexual, homosexual or cross dressers. You believe because you want to believe yet chastise those who wish to believe in a higher being.

    Who needs a mirror?
  21. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Explain what you mean by culture becoming more "feminized", because I'm not seeing it. We start wars every few years now like it's our hobby. Just because people aren't (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s to minorities as much anymore, the culture is more "feminized"? You also seem to see this as a bad thing.
  22. Stagnant

    Stagnant Banned

    Sep 26, 2012
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    There's an increase in the stories, but that's easily attributed to the societal shift - it's no longer taken for granted that these people are sick or wrong, and it's seen as a major political battleground now. No, if you want to assert an increase in the number of homosexuals, you need some actual data.

    Except that given what we know about sexuality, that wouldn't make homosexuality more common. These old Freudian ideas, that homosexuality is caused by an overbearing mother and an absent father, or that gay men are overly effeminate, are utter crap.

    No. According to the information we have, the child has been convinced that he was the opposite sex for all of his life before therapy. Then the licensed therapist checked it out and came to the same conclusion. This is about as solid of evidence as we can get without cross-examining the kid's entire life, which is what the therapist proceeded to do. Oh, but I guess because the therapist is gay - wait, where the (*)(*)(*)(*) did you read that? I can't find anywhere that Wells is gay! But either way, the licensed therapist confirmed that yes, this child has fairly severe gender dysphoria. I'd ask what it would take to demonstrate to you that there is a problem - a transwoman threatening to cut off her dick, maybe - but then I remember that that didn't matter to you in the slightest in the case of Tammy Lobel, so what the (*)(*)(*)(*)'s it gonna take?

    Even if this were true, there is very solid medical evidence that we are born with a certain gender identity.
    http://behavioralneuroscience.org/n...aab - 2008 - Brain a journal of neurology.pdf

    Hell, just (*)(*)(*)(*)ing google it. And transsexuals is not the same as "cross dressers". This is the kind of thing that would make some transsexuals beat the (*)(*)(*)(*) out of you.

    Oh look, more lies.

    Again, for everyone: Sec is a pathological liar. Do not take anything he says on his word.
  23. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    I think honestly what should happen is that grownups should back off. All of us. Kids don't have the same sexual and gender baggage that grownups do. Gender doesn't mean that same thing to them as it does to us. To a kid, gender may be something as simple as what toys she's supposed to play with, or something like that. I liked boy toys as a kid because ADD and the like, and most girl stuff just wasn't as stimulating as my brother's gameboy. I'm a nerd, but girls didn't have legos, and I like that stuff. So these people would have looked at an active kid playing with dinosaurs and watching Star Trek and James Bond and said "transgender", but I'm not. I just have a brain that needs more stimulation than can be provided by Barbie.

    That's my thing, grownups are being waay to quick to pin a label on a kid, and thus tell him what he's supposed to be. If he wants to wear jeans, fine. I would personally try to be gender neutral with those kinds of things until the kid is sure. Once a label gets pinned on, you're reinforcing that behavior, it's hard for the kid to just "walk away".

    If you were a moron with the pattern recognition of a retarded goldfish and didn't automatically double-check every claim you make (because up until now, probably about a majority have been (*)(*)(*)(*)ing lies), this might be slightly believable. Good show, you're getting better at being a liar. Bryan Fischer would be proud. I don't believe a word of what you say, and none of that bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is actually on the site, but hey, at least some people who don't already understand that you are a pathological liar would fall for it. I don't know how you live with yourself, personally, but I'm not a pathological liar, so I wouldn't know what it's like. Maybe you just need therapy.

    "Seemingly"? Come on, man, how 'bout some actual statistics?[/QUOTE]
  24. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    again, for the 8 forum members who regularly visit this subsection we know that cross dressing, homosexuality etc is personal with you. You want to believe the anecdotal stuff and that's OK. As I've said to you before, I have a leap of faith that there is a God. I do not condemn you for your beliefs because it probably helps you get through the day.

    But, spare me your sanctimonious crap and holier than thou attitude. All that you have are beliefs and "opinions" from "experts". There is absolutely zero medical proof that one is born homosexual, heterosexual or a cross dresser.
  25. Stagnant

    Stagnant Banned

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Except that with transsexuals, it's not just "wants to play with boy toys" or "likes makeup and wants to dress up like a girl". These are children who fundamentally believe that they are or ought to be/need to be the opposite gender. I wish it was that simple, but it isn't, and the further into puberty you get, the worse the prospects are for the treatments available to work. There is not a single psychologist who would look at a girl who enjoys Transformers and James Bond and say, based on something as simple as that, "Yep, that kid has gender dysphoria". Because that's not how gender identity works. And this idea that kids don't understand what gender means... I'm sorry, that's fundamentally false.

    What evidence would you accept that this child has gender dysphoria? Testimony by her parents alone isn't enough for me either, but then they got a licensed, experienced therapist on the case, and he confirmed it. If that's not good enough for you, then nothing ever will be.

    My "beliefs"? Okay, tell me. What are my "beliefs"?

    All I have is 50 years of research into sexuality and gender, the say-so of virtually every relevant medical organization, and yes, the "opinions" from "experts" that you are so quick to ignore. You do realize that you don't become an expert if your "opinions" are baseless, right?

    Sec, do you understand the difference between a transsexual and a transvestite? Before I read this post, I was convinced you were a pathological liar. Now I'm still pretty stable on that opinion, but I think you might also just be disturbingly underinformed.

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