Why are Trump supporters silent when it comes to Trump?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Sandy Shanks, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Trump knew perfectly well he lost the election. His very own commission told him!

    The AP reports, "The disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

    "In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”

    "Republican President Donald Trump convened the commission to investigate the 2016 presidential election after making unsubstantiated claims that between 3 million and 5 million ballots were illegally cast.

    "The commission met just twice and did not issue a report."
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  2. MiaBleu

    MiaBleu Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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    Of course he knew he lost (he would have to be a moron not to know)...as he had a plan for just such a loss and he activated it by denying his loss and blaming everyone but himself for the loss. He has never dealt maturly with loss in his lifetime.......as his ego can't tolerate "loss" In his mind he is the perfect specimen that is always right and a constant "winner" Contact with reality is tenuous at best.( reinforced by him living in his own selective bubble) It is sad...as he never had a chance at learning to be a decent human being. His childhood role models were not exemplary.

    Hmm. Wonder if he will arrange for gold plated toilet seat if he ends up in prison. (just musing )

    He should have a psychiatrist on speed dial.
    Hey Now likes this.
  3. Gateman_Wen

    Gateman_Wen Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Why are Trump supporters silent when it comes to Trump?

    Because defending the indefensible is hard!
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  4. MiaBleu

    MiaBleu Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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    If not almost IMPOSIBLE.
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  5. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Trump wants to try the fake electors/Jan.6 trial in the media.

    That would be a huge mistake on his part. He would lose, just as he will lose the general election if he is the Republican candidate for President.

    CNN reports, "“In a trial about First Amendment rights, the government seeks to restrict First Amendment rights,” the attorneys said in the court filing. “Worse, it does so against its administration’s primary political opponent, during an election season in which the administration, prominent party members, and media allies have campaigned on the indictment and proliferated its false allegations.”

    Are Trump's lawyers that incompetent? They want to turn evidence over to Trump who has never learned to keep his mouth shut. Trump's big mouth has caused many of the charges against him in his three criminal indictments.

    His lawyers don't know that? Allowing Trump to put his interpretation of the evidence, allowing Trump to go public with the evidence will be the kiss of death.

    I hope Trump's lawyers win this one.
    MiaBleu likes this.
  6. MiaBleu

    MiaBleu Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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    As Trump does not know the meaning of : Right to be silent or what you say can and will be used against you in court." He has THREE ( forth one coming) indictments now so the right to be silent applies He keeps digging his hole even deeper .with his reckless mouth.
  7. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Because unlike we already know that trump is only the current banner carrier shoot him and we will find another.
  8. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Will the judges in the porn star buy-off case, stolen docs case, and the fake electors/Jan. 6 cases give some consideration to Trump's lawyers because their defendant has been indicted for multiple crimes?

    Defense lawyers know that an innocent defendant wants a speedy trial to declare his innocence. Trump wants to delay the trial as much as possible.

    Even Trump's followers believe he is guilty. That is why they are completely silent about Trump's three criminal indictments.

    CNN reports, "US District Judge Tanya Chutkan scheduled a hearing for Friday at 10 a.m. ET on the scope of a protective order – the rules imposed for the handling of evidence – in the special counsel’s election subversion case against former President Donald Trump.

    "This would be the first hearing before Chutkan, a judge who has already come under criticism from Trump supporters and received increased security.

    "Her move to schedule it for Friday morning comes after Trump’s attorneys – pointing to his busy legal calendar, which includes a Thursday court hearing in Florida in the separate classified documents case – had asked for the elections case hearing in Washington, DC, to be scheduled early next week.

    "The Trump side had said that they had “lost” Friday as an option."

  9. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Perhaps this is why the forum's Republicans remain silent about their party.

    Sandy Shanks said:
    Republicans continue to make extremely unpopular decisions!

    The leader of the Republican Party and the leading Republican candidate for the Presidency has been criminally indicted three times, possibly a fourth happening soon in Georgia.

    A Republican President caused the unpopular decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

    71% of Republicans are opposed to stopping Vladimir Putin's aggression. They side with Russia, not NATO.

    A Republican Senator is wreaking havoc with our military's chain of command because of an abortion issue.

    Overall, 64% say they favor stricter gun control laws, with 36% opposed. The NRA-sponsored Republican Party refuses to consider gun control legislation.

    Maybe that is why Republicans remain silent. They know key Republican policies are very unpopular. They don't want to be embarrassed.

    If that is not the case, will some Republican speak up?
  10. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Well, that's at least a notch better than republicans, who have bad eyesight and bad hearts.
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  11. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Total silence from the forum's Republicans.

    They want to choose our next President.
  12. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I have been saying this for a long time. Trump's followers are out to destroy the Republican Party.

    Since about half of the party and a number of party leaders have turned against Trump, it is conceivable that is exactly what a revengeful Trump intends to do.

    This Republican agrees with me.

    CNN reports, "J. Michael Luttig, a conservative retired federal judge and key adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, declared on Wednesday that “there is no Republican Party” and said former President Donald Trump is even more dangerous than he was in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

    “American democracy simply cannot function without two equally healthy and equally strong political parties. So today, in my view, there is no Republican Party to counter the Democratic Party in the country,” Luttig, who advised Pence on how to handle the January 6, 2021, election certification vote, told CNN’s Poppy Harlow on “CNN This Morning.” “And for that reason, American democracy is in grave peril.”

    "Luttig, who holds bona fide conservative credentials with longstanding ties to the Supreme Court, has become increasingly outspoken in sharing his criticisms of the GOP, calling the party “spineless” in June over its continued support of Trump.

    “A political party is a collection and assemblage of individuals who share a set of beliefs and principles and policy views about the United States of America. Today, there is no such shared set of beliefs and values and principles or even policy views as within the Republican Party for America,” he said on Wednesday."

    As shown here, today's Republicans can't even talk about their party!
  13. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    CNN reports, "Former President Donald Trump argued in court filings Wednesday that he should not be required to go to a so-called SCIF – a sensitive compartmented information facility – to discuss with his lawyers the classified evidence in the documents case that special counsel Jack Smith brought against him in Florida.

    "Instead, he is proposing that he be allowed to discuss those materials at a facility “at or near his residence” that was previously approved for discussing classified information when he was president.

    "Trump’s lawyers did not specify which residence, arguing that doing so in a public filing would pose security concerns, and stressed that they aren’t seeking to physically take the documents to the facility.

    "Prosecutors had raised concerns about a proposal from Trump’s lawyers that they be allowed to discuss classified material with the former president at his “office at Mar-a-Lago, and possibly Bedminster.” Allowing such discussions at a private residence would amount to “exceptional treatment.”

    "Prosecutors also noted that Mar-a-Lago – Trump’s Florida resort – is where Trump’s alleged crimes took place."
  14. MiaBleu

    MiaBleu Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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    Trump and his cult have already DESTROYED the Republican party. It is no longer the advertised party of "values" and laws. (Conservative)
    The party has been contaminated with the effects of a lawless , ruthless, vengeful and sarcastic person. The R's are now of two categories: Those that fanatically support one man and one part that is afraid of him Ergo he CONTROLS all of them. Like the dictator he really is. Another term in office will give him the chance to complete the process. This canonly turn ugly...... if this nation wants to remain a democracy.
  15. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Most rightwing partisans only have one choice come election time. Even if they can’t stand Trump many will still vote for him as they see him as the lesser evil when compared to the left. Politics is not about what is moral or ethical, it is about which leaders and which party will be most effective in promoting policies the partisan like.

    In pursuit of a desired ends it is human nature to justify any means, moral or not, then delude ourselves that we are not hypocrites when we really are. This applies to the left every bit as much as it applies to the right. It is our nature.
  16. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    In the meantime, Trump's followers are avoiding any mention of Trump. That is just plain nuts, but they are not the most informed bunch.

    "Lesser evil than the left?"
    Trump stole classified documents, then obstructed the investigation into the theft. He attempted to overthrow our elected government. He has been criminally indicted three times.

    Please tell me what is the greater evil committed by the left?
  17. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Partisans on each side play to their strengths and minimize, deflect or avoid their weaknesses. This is human nature when it comes to tribal conflict. I can recommend some good books on the psychology of political tribalism if you are interested in seeing the commonality rather than the differences.

    As for who is the greater or lesser evil, I do not care as I reject evil not matter if I see it as the greater or lesser evil. Currently I see the right as the greater threat to our democracy, but I refuse to stand with the lesser evil. Anyway assessment of the greater or lesser evil is subjective. I like moral and ethical integrity which is in short supply on both sides.

    Want to play a part in the decline of our democracy then focus on the evils of the out group. Want to actually make America great again then focus on addressing the evils of the in group. Can’t see the evils of the in group then you are blinded by political loyalty as I once was. The right does not give a damn what the left thinks about them anymore that the left gives a damn what the right thinks of them. Partisans calling out partisans is a waste of time.

    I have no political loyalty which makes it much easier for me to examine the similarities and differences of complex political groups.
  18. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Some Republicans speak about dreamy platitudes with lecturing principles to avoid the real issues in this thread -- their party leader's three criminal indictments, and the strong possibility that Trump will end up in prison.
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  19. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Partisans on both sides dodge and deflect inconvenient truths. I don’t like it when the right does it anymore than when the left does it. Politics is a motivated reasoning and confirmation bias cesspool where the confirming is cherry-picked and the disconfirming is dodged, deflected or outright rejected. With motivated reasoning we see what we want to see and we do not want to see our tribe as being inferior to the other tribe. Human nature is fairly predictable once you know where one’s loyalties lie.

    Mark my words, Trump will not spend a day in prison. He is too powerful. We have all been lied to when the powerful tell us Justice is blind or no one is above the law. Obviously some are above the law, like Trump. Frankly Biden is so weak with independent like me that I now think Trump has a real chance of beating him. Every time I see Biden say or do something stupid I cringe as it brings us another step closer to Trump ver. 2.0. I wish the democrats would kick Biden to the curb and replace him with someone more attractive to middle America who are the ones that have the most say on who wins.
  20. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Sandy Shanks said:
    There is no rule that says multiple trials involving one defendant must be in the same order as the multiple indictments.

    The grand jury for the classified documents case is in Florida. The grand jury in the 2020 Presidential election case is in Washington D.C. Trials are normally held in the same locale as the grand jury.

    D.C. judges, many of them liberal, are less inclined to put up with Trump's shenanigans and trivial delay motions.

    It may be advantageous and, arguably, in the best interests of our country, to try the Jan. 6/2020 Presidential election case first, and sooner is better than later.

    That was written nine days ago. On Aug. 1, Trump had not been indicted yet for his failed attempt to overthrow our elected government.

    CNN reports, "Federal prosecutors who’ve brought the 2020 election interference criminal case against Donald Trump are seeking to start the trial on January 2, 2024, days before the anniversary of the attack on the US Capitol and the Iowa caucuses.

    "The special counsel’s office said in a filing Thursday that its presentation of evidence in the trial would take “no longer than four to six weeks,” meaning that Trump may need to spend his weekdays in court before a jury in the crucial first two months of a presidential election year, as primary voting begins for Republicans.

    "A January 2 trial date would vindicate the public’s strong interest in a speedy trial – an interest guaranteed by the Constitution and federal law in all cases, but of particular significance here, where the defendant, a former president, is charged with conspiring to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election, obstruct the certification of the election results, and discount citizens’ legitimate votes,” prosecutors wrote.

    "They also propose to have jury selection done in December, before the winter holidays.

    "The Iowa caucuses are scheduled for January 15.

    "Judge Tanya Chutkan of the federal court in Washington, DC, ultimately will decide the trial start date, a decision she is likely to make by the end of this month."
  21. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    The AP reports, "Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday he won’t sign a pledge to support the Republican nominee if he loses the GOP presidential primary, flouting a requirement for appearing in the first debate later this month."

    “Why would I sign it?” Trump said in an interview on the conservative cable network Newsmax. “I can name three or four people that I wouldn’t support for president. So right there, there’s a problem.”

    "Trump said he will announce next week whether he’ll participate in the debate."

    Once again Trump displays his ignorance. If he doesn't sign the pledge, he can't participate.

    Those are the rules.

    With the exception of Trump's base, every American but he knew that.
  22. MiaBleu

    MiaBleu Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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    He, as usual, will create as much drama/ theater about each aspect of his legal cases AND his campaign for POTUS All drama , no substance. He has become too predictable now.
  23. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    The thread title speaks for itself. Trump's followers are so pathetic they can't even defend themselves, let alone their savior, Trump!

    “When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules."
    “We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
    "Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
    ***********************************************************************************************************Donald J. Trump, Jan. 6, 2021

    “In a criminal case such as this one, the defendant’s free speech is subject to the rules,” US District Judge Tanya Chutkan.

    CNN reports, "US District Judge Tanya Chutkan set the tone for how she would preside over the election subversion against Donald Trump in a hearing Friday focused on what limits would be placed on how the former president can handle the evidence prosecutors will be turning over to him.

    "Chutkan kicked off the hearing – the first in the case before her and one that took place in her courtroom at DC federal courthouse – noting that while Trump’s rights as a criminal defendant would be protected, his First Amendment right to free speech was “not absolute.”

    "The judge closed the hearing with a promise that the case would advance like any normal proceeding in the criminal justice system, but warned that the more “inflammatory” statements were made by a party, the quicker she would need to move toward a trial to preserve a fair jury."

    “It is a bedrock principle of the judicial process in this country,” she said, while quoting precedent, “that legal trials are not like elections, to be won through the use of the meeting hall, the radio and the newspaper.”

    “This case is no exception,” she said.

    This is a tough judge. Trump and his lawyers better watch their step, meaning none of the funny stuff going on in Florida with a Trump-appointed judge. Have Trump's lawyers found a lawyer for the groundskeeper yet? Walt Nauta, Trump's valet pulled the same stunt and got away with it.
  24. MiaBleu

    MiaBleu Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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    In the REAL world one cannot defend Trump . His "defense" llies in the myth of the man ...the one HE himself creaqted. and his cult bought into. Not for a second would anyone support a dem candidate with his awful personality and baggage load. If he were a Dem.... he would have been in jail a long time ago.
    Sadly ideologies can have a firm grip on a collective mindset.

    Actually, IF they are silent (his supporters), then maybe they are startingtorealize he is not the person they have been worshiping.

    (OR they are quietly plotting their revenge)

    REALITY: Trump is a criminal defendant. that wants to be POTUS. In any other world of reality this would be laughable.(and IS, just as it is a tragic statement on this nations politics.
    This country can no longer claim to be an example of democracy that works smoothly with high ethical standards.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2023
  25. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    rump is stupid beyond belief. He just can't help himself, and he will not listen to his lawyers. Now commits witness intimidation, and he hasn't even been indicted yet.

    The Daily east reports, "Georgia’s former Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, a Republican, was the witness at the center of the early morning tirade from Trump, who has been raging for weeks as the Fulton County grand jury seemingly inches closer to filing criminal charges against him over alleged efforts to meddle in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia."

    Trump's reaction? “I am reading reports that failed former Lt. Governor of Georgia, Jeff Duncan, will be testifying before the Fulton County Grand Jury, He shouldn’t.”
    MiaBleu and FreshAir like this.

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