Why would anyone hate cops???

Discussion in 'Civil Liberties' started by ryobi, Apr 17, 2015.

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  1. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Why would anyone hate cops??? Personally, I love them, especially the bad ones, the worst the better imo.

    A cop violates your civil rights, and you might get a million, or multi-million dollar payday.

    What's not to like about that???
  2. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Cops are just people doing a job when you get down to it. But some of them do heroic things on the job, while there's inherently some level of taking away people's rights on the job, whether justified or not. They're expected to uphold the law, while many everyday citizens knowningly or unknowingly violate the law, so for many people there's a discomfort that makes it harder to associate with cops. Overall I think fear is more common than hatred.

    That said, there seems to be an increasing sentiment that cops are biased against certain groups of people and treat them unfairly. Now that I'm older, I do recall how differently cops treated me when I was a teenager. Black people feel like they're treated differently as well. Being treated differently by cops is a big thing, because it means you're more likely to not be given the benefit of the doubt and imprisoned. So some see cops as the enemy.
  3. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    There are a lot of cops out there that can be real totalitarian assclowns... I don't hate all cops but I do hate the tyrants out there....

    Also, many cops use flawed logic. They use an "us vs them" (cops vs the people) mentality, and that breeds and attracts all kinds of messed up people - plenty of whom have no respect for individuals or civil liberties. The position within itself attracts people who are seeking power and rarely individuals who want to serve and protect, and when you challenge their authority with civil liberties they will beat you up for it, tase you or makeup charges just because they can and most times get away with it. The cops have given me the business for asserting I have civil liberties - they don't care that we have a constitution they need tofollow - none of that matters - in their mind the constitution is a piece of paper that gets in the way of getting the "bad guys" whatever a "bad guy" actually is. Yeah notice how they refer to everyone except for themselves as "bad guys" for trivial nonsense like weed or public intoxication...

    I suppose my point is that cops aren't always right, quite often they're wrong, yet society generally trusts their judgment which is a massive flaw when it comes to both society and cops.

    Of course there are plenty of cops out there that have no desire to bully people or abuse their power.
  4. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    So cops can break the law just as long as they're enforcing the law?

    See that's the problem.

    Cops do shady things like pull people over for no reason then search their cars, or pull people over because they appear to be "trying to lose them" because they made a turn they didn't like.

    Most cops ignore probable cause and get away with it.

    Cops just cant pull over random people, walk up to random people or go to random homes and start searching the people or property without probable cause - yet it happens all the time, and to justify their tyrannical actions they just make lies up... Yes - cops just make (*)(*)(*)(*) up to justify their tyranny. Of course they get away with it because in most peoples minds the cops is ALWAYS right and the accused is ALWAYS wrong.

    The cop is generally just as bad as the "bad guy" if he cant respect and follow the consitution.
  5. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Rule 11/flame bait thread

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