Finding and Fixing the root causes of Mass Shootings

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Lee S, Aug 5, 2019.


    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Served 13 months in-country and never saw a dead gook with 13 magazines.

    Never saw a Marine carrying 13 magazines for his M-16.

    Assault rifles like the Sturmgewehr-44 and AK-47 and the M-16A1 are used differently in combat than other infantry rifles like the M-14, M-1 Garand, etc.

    In combat when armed with a real infantry rifle you take deliberate aim at your target while with assault rifles the fire team or rifle squad put a large volume of fire into the "beaten zone" which is suppose to increase the odds of hitting your target by 50% or at least that's what the flawed study said.

    This required carrying a large quantity of ammunition and having a logistical system set up to resupply the soldiers while in combat. With helicopters it was possible in Vietnam.

    During WW ll the average American soldier or Marine ammunition expenditure for 24 hours of heavy combat was around 80 to 90 rounds. They hit the beaches or went into an assault carrying around 100 rounds. One kill.

  2. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    It is self evident. If you don't know a shooter is coming - people are going to die prior to someone with a weapon being able to respond.

    The element of surprise is not easily dealt with.
    jay runner likes this.
  3. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    Can't you understand you can't offer anything? Your party will be in the grave with the Whigs soon.
  4. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Even in Dayton where the response by trained and adequately armed police was near immediate...over 30 people were shot (9 killed) in 30 seconds...because the attacker was armed with an assault rifle
  5. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    The amount of magazines being carried in Vietnam is totally irrelevant, the ammunition load of 22.3 pounds (the average weight that can be carried) was simply calculated with enough 30 round magazines to hold the rounds. The 330 to 390 round range for the AK-47 type is based on magazine weight in 1994 vs 1949 and the magazines are backwards compatible to older AK variants. The AK-74 5.54x39mm (10.7g) cartridge is close to the AR-15/M-16 5.56x45mm cartridge in weight, therefore the amount of rounds and magazines that can be carried is slightly less with the AR/15/M-16. That would still put the ammunition load for the AR-15 to be around 510 rounds with 17 30 round magazines based on an estimate (I haven't found the exact gram weight for the cartridge yet).

    It should be obvious, both superpowers designed sub-.30 cal. weapons with cartridges similar to the .223 Remington cartridge for the logistics value gained by carrying more ammo in the ammunition load. It should also be obvious the same development benefits the mass shooter trying to inflict the most casualties on unarmed civilians.

    I haven't come up with good data yet of weapons failure, but based on what I've been told, I seriously doubt someone can shoot 540 rounds in an AK-74 or 510 rounds in an AR-15/M-16 without weapons failure. At some point, a second weapon is needed to shoot beyond a certain amount of rounds.
  6. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Check your facts. You are in error.
  7. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    That's idiotic, who has to bribe someone to do what they are going to do? Get the picture, they don't like you or your cause, period. It's you and no one else.
  8. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    If you can't point out the error, why post?

    I'll tell you why, because you would rather say something meaningless and simply claim the person was in error.
  9. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I’ve been trying to get people to think for themselves. There were not over 30 people shot in Dayton. I asked you before if you knew the real statistics of that shooting and you never answered. I just find it fascinating the people who are exploiting the tragedy are the most ignorant of the facts. One begins to wonder if the repetition of false information is intentional. And why is there no desire to know the truth? Are we willing to make decisions for ourselves and others based on false information given to us by media and politicians? I’m not willing to. Join me. :)
    jay runner likes this.
  10. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    So promising poor people all this free **** isn't bribing them? Your understanding of human nature is at best limited.
    jay runner likes this.
  11. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    And your party offere them poverty in perpetuity nothing would actually be an improvement.
  12. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    I don't know how many times I've posted the stats. 44 rounds were shot in 32 minutes causing 9 fatalities and it was something like 27 injured. I think a lot of the early confusion is over the amount of injured being higher than the amount injured by gun shot.

    The Dayton shooter was using a hundred round magazine/drum, 250 rounds with him and body armor.

    I didn't see anyone besides you claim 30 were shot in Dayton when you denied it. How many being shot does it take?

    "A mass shooting was carried out in Dayton, Ohio, United States, on August 4, 2019. Ten people were killed, including the perpetrator, and 27 others were injured. Fourteen of the injured were shot by the gunman, who was killed by police within 32 seconds of the first shots.[6]

    A search of the shooter's home found writings that showed interest in killing people, and a preliminary assessment did not indicate he had a racial or political motive.[7] The attack occurred just 13 hours after the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas."


    Even that wiki article says 14 were shot by gun fire in one place and 17 were gun shot in another.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
  13. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Perhaps there is hope. I guess letting Wikipedia inform is better than just swallowing media stories whole. I’ve seen injury reports as high as 37 wounded, 9 killed.
    This is the latest such claim and the one I responded to.

    Do you ever ask yourself why media reports injuries not attributed to gunshots the way they do? Nah, who am I kidding. Thanks for finally learning a little about the event you are exploiting. If it feels good to learn, check out the data on victims with multiple vs/single gunshot wounds and apply that information to your claims the weapon is an excellent choice for killing people fast. It may take some actual work. I doubt it’s on Wikipedia. It took me about 1/2 an hour. Shouldn’t be too much of a burden for someone as passionate about accuracy in information and saving lives as yourself.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
    jay runner likes this.
  14. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    I've been saying the same thing on this forum for years, but nobody wants to hear it because it comes from a Human. Piss poor parenting prodigiously produces pathetically pronounced pathological people. Period. That's why Criminal Violent Behavior exists whether firearms are involved or not. The firearm is nothing but a factor of net result of causation which has its origins in piss poor parenting that produces Reprobate Minds who then never mature emotionally beyond the point of the pathology (neurologically mapped and ingrained through continuous negative/neutral childhood inputs to the brain) their youthful environment provided. It really is just that simple - yet just that complex as well.

    America is now dealing with a nearly full blown Reprobate Mind roaming the streets looking "well adjusted" on the outside, yet having no capacity to choose right over wrong - let alone fully appreciate the moral distinction and differential between the two. Every solitary Social Disorder in America (excepting Mental Disorders by way of genetic and/or birth causation) comes down to Piss Poor Parenting and its Net Effect on the forthcoming life of those adversely impacted by it.

    Bad Parenting is a Disease and we should be treating it that way. It is a Pathology that needs to be rooted out of American Society. A Destructive Force that needs to be finally dealt with in fully transparent and permanent ways. Bad Parenting is the Number #1 cause of the death of the fabric of our Republic. Yet, we pretend as if this gigantic Purple Elephant is not sitting smack in the middle of our National Living Room.

    Bad Parents = Failed Republic. The math is simple and so is the Final Solution. But, we don't want to talk about that. We hate looking ourselves in the mirror and admitting we screwed up. We are Americans and our pride goes before our fall. And, when we fall we always refuse to admit that we have fallen. That way we can continue to delude ourselves into the blissful unrealistic opinion of our endearing and unending Greatness.

    Piss Poor Parenting Produces Pathological People. It ain't rocket science. I know rocket science and this ain't it.
    557 and Lee S like this.
  15. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    It's the human nature of people in cities to not want to have anything to do with Republicans, period. Why bribe people who support you? Only cities can fix cities.

    Why don't you do yourself a favor and examine how much federal spending is done in each state for the taxes the federal government receives from those states? You can also get the most recent budget reports showing detailed government spending in each state. The details of the report even include things like how much each branch of the service pay to someone claiming your state as home. All government programs have the amounts of spending listed for each state.

    It gets old hearing right wingers cry about people getting freebies, when the fact is their states are the places in the country getting freebies. I've examined the figures down to minor details of how the budget was spent. Except for Texas, red states are on the dole. California is sending in more taxes to the federal government than it gets in federal spending.
  16. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    How does funneling money from the middle class up to the elite - offer a way out of poverty ?
    How did outsourcing our manufacturing base help to alleviate poverty in this country.
    How does allowing Oligopolies to engage in price fixing and other anti competitive practices which keep the little guy from competing help ?
    How does allowing healthcare extortion - to benefit the Insurance and Healthcare Oligopolies help ?

    Your lost in platitude fantasy land.
  17. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    All of that and the access to assault weapons that can shoot 500 in a matter of minutes.

  18. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    I know how to shoot and it's obvious a directed shot with an AR-15 type weapon is more lethal than spraying ammunition.

    From the evidence I've seen, it looks like the Dayton shooter cleared the entrance area of the bar and planned to enter it. I'd like to see a total reconstruction to be sure. The shooter was at that bar, left and came back to that area.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Understanding America’s Rifle
    The term “modern sporting rifle” was coined to describe today’s very popular semiautomatic rifle designs, including the AR-15 and its offspring. These rifles are used by hunters, competitors, a lot of Americans seeking home-defense guns and by many others who simply enjoy going to the range.

    Though modern sporting rifles are increasingly popular, they are too often misunderstood.

    The central reason these firearms are misunderstood is political. Though the semiautomatic design used in today’s pistols, rifles and shotguns was invented in the late-nineteenth century and was popularly sold to consumers in America and Europe in the early twentieth century, the modern sporting rifle has been called a “weapon of war” by those who want to ban them.

    Though some modern sporting rifles might cosmetically look like fully automatic rifles the military uses, modern sporting rifles by law have many internal differences.

    To dispel the myths about modern sporting rifles so that we can have honest and factual discussions about them here are the facts about these rifles.


    Modern Sporting Rifle Facts
    • Modern sporting rifles are among the most popular firearms being sold today.

    • The “AR” in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.”

    • AR-15-style rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic, a machine gun. Automatic firearms have been severely restricted from civilian ownership since 1934.

    • If someone calls an AR-15-style rifle an “assault weapon,” then they’ve been duped by an agenda. The only real way to define what is an “assault weapon” is politically, as in how any given law chooses to define the term—this is why the states that have banned this category of semiautomatic firearms have done so with very different definitions.

    • AR-15-style rifles can look like military rifles, such as the M-16, but by law they function like other semiautomatic civilian sporting firearms, as they fire only one round with each pull of the trigger.

    • Versions of modern sporting rifles are legal to own in most states, provided the purchaser passes the mandatory FBI background check required for all retail firearm purchasers.

    • Since America’s founding, civilian sporting rifles have evolved along with military firearms. The modern sporting rifle simply follows that pattern.

    • These rifles’ accuracy, reliability, ruggedness and versatility serve target shooters and hunters well. They are true all-weather firearms.

    • Modern sporting rifles are chambered in .22 LR, .223 (5.56 x 45mm), 6.8 SPC, .308, .450 Bushmaster and in many other calibers. Upper receivers for pistol calibers such as 9 mm, .40, and .45 are available. There are even .410 shotgun versions.

    • These rifles are used for many different types of hunting, from varmint to big game. And they’re used for target shooting and in competitions.

    • AR-15-style rifles are no more powerful than other hunting rifles of the same caliber and in most cases are chambered in calibers less powerful than common big-game hunting cartridges like the .30-06 Springfield and .300 Win. Mag.

    • The AR-15 platform is modular. Owners like being able to affix different “uppers” (the barrel and chamber) to the “lower” (the grip, stock).

    • They have been commercially sold to the American public since the 1960s.

    • They are commonly-owned, with more than 16 million modern sporting rifles owned by civilians by 2018.

    • And, they are a lot of fun to shoot!
  20. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    I don't see them complaining, or trying to like your kind. They aren't dumb.
  21. Gary/Dubya

    Gary/Dubya Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    What sport needs 100 round drum magazines?

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Target shooters and plinkers who don't like spending half of the day reloading ammunition magazines.

    Actually 100 round magazines are only good for plinking, shooting cans like beer cans and other kind of cans.

    Ammunition is really heavy.

    100 rounds of .223/5.56 weighs 2.69 lbs.

    Now a six pack of can beer weighs around 5 lbs.

    So one has to decide how much beer they plan to drink and how many rounds of ammunition will be needed to shoot those empty cans once the beer in in your belly ?
  23. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Of course it's human nature to go with the guy that promising you free stuff. The poor and downtrodden will always vote for the greater of two Santa Clauses. That in most cases is why they are poor and down trodden they keep waiting for all those pie in the sky promises to come through. After all all those Democrats couldn't be lying to them could they? Well of course they are.
  24. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Of course it is however the number that will die maybe significantly smaller if there is one or more people able to return fire. Hence Dayton shooter killed a hell of a lot fewer people than did El Paso shooter.
  25. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    How about we stop telling people they are entitled to everything, that society owes them a living, that everything that happens in life is somebody else's fault. Doing that has a lot of people believing that they have been cheated out of their rightful happiness by the rest of us; that it is all some kind of a plot against them personally- and they are the victim we chose.

    When you tell that to millions of people. there will be a substantial number of them that will wind up with such hostility for the rest of us that they easily justify mass murders. We are doing a poor job today of demonstrating and teaching personal responsibility, self-respect, pride, character and the things that build boys and girls into responsible men and women. The weapon used has nothing to do with it- the motivations behind it have everything to do with it.
    Creasy Tvedt and 557 like this.

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