About the Holocaust

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by stan1990, Mar 11, 2019.


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  1. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I hope that you're not relying on the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg (IMT-N) for anything other than complete hoaxes, fabricated atrocities, inflated statistics and Allied - Soviet propaganda.

    The IMT-N itself was nothing more than a vengeful Soviet style "Show Trial" that was universally condemned by any ethical jurist who had any connected to it.

    After all, the IMT-N is where Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson charged the Germans with using a newly invented "vaporizer" to "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz(1).

    Even President Eisenhower's more ethical brother charged that the IMT -N were" "...a black page in the history of the world"(2).
    US Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone regarded the "trials" as a "... high grade lynching party" and a "... sanctimonious fraud"(3)

    Finally, "To this day there is no air photo evidence to support the alleged mass murder of the Jews at any location in Europe occupied by the Germans during World War Two."CONTINUED BELOW (4)

    I look forward to reading your response regarding the inflated figures of people murdered at Auschwitz up to January of 1945.
    It is neither admitted nor widely known that the Communists used Auschwitz as place for rape, torture, executions, forced labor etc. after the war.


    (1) "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    EXCERPT "At the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a "newly invented" device to instantaneously "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz "in such a way that there was no trace left of them." No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales."CONTINUED

    (2) "President Eisenhower’s Brother, An Attorney, Condemned The Nuremberg & Eichmann Trials"

    QUOTE: "I think the Nuremberg trials are a black page in the history of the world…I discussed the legality of these trials with some of the lawyers and some of the judges who participated therein. They did not attempt to justify their action on any legal ground, but rested their position on the fact that in their opinion, the parties convicted were guilty…"

    Edgar N. Eisenhower, American attorney: Brother of President Dwight D. Eisenhower

    (3) "The Greatest Swindle of All Time"

    QUOTE: "Chief US prosecutor Jackson is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg......I hate to see the pretence that he is running a court and proceeding according to common law. This is a little too sanctimonious a fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas."
    - US Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone

    (4) “Air Photo Evidence”
    "The Bottom Line

    To this day there is no air photo evidence to support the alleged mass murder of the Jews at any location in Europe occupied by the Germans during World War Two. Further, air photo analysis refutes the claim that the 'Nazis' had intended, at whatever time, to keep events in the alleged extermination camps secret. In many cases the air photos provide clear proof that some of the events attested to by witnesses, such as the destruction of the Hungarian Jews or the mass executions at Babi Yar, did not in fact take place. We may hope that the release of Soviet air photos dating from the time the camps were in operation will shed further light on these issues. The fact that these photos have not been published to date may already speak for itself. That the photos in western hands were altered in order to incriminate Germany, and were first published by the CIA, is also very significant indeed." CONTINUED

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2021
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  2. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    [​IMG] :salute: - Jazz
    Grau likes this.
  3. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    That doesn't refute the Holocaust.

    quote: "The Jews could still be killed after they had served their purpose."
    The real history is the evidence. Think of the "Sonderkommando" in Auschwitz, who had to pull the dead out of the gas chambers. All of them were Jews. Most of them were murdered later. :(
  4. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Not a single Holocaust denier will recognize the IMT-N. :D
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
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  5. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Yes it does.
    As I understand the standard holocaust narrative(SHN), the Holocaust Industry claims that the Germans attempted a genocide based on whether you were Jewish or not. You have claimed that the Nazis wanted all of the Jews under their control dead simply because they were Jewish.
    That claim, as I have repeatedly shown, is false because the Nazis allowed known Jews to become high ranking members of the Nazi Party(1) and high ranking members of Germany's military some of whom received Germany's highest military honors(2).

    According to the impartial Red Cross, millions of Jews were allowed to exist with the rest of the population with certain restrictions(3) and there was no evidence of genocide(4)

    There is no evidence that this happened

    What evidence? The only evidence you've cited are contradictory, silly stories that are physically impossible and debunked Holocaust Industry propaganda from MSM.

    For example:

    • Moshe Peer's astounding Holy Shoah tale - Gassed six times by the Nazis and survived!! - Claims people were murdered in gas chambers at Bergen-Belsen

    • William Lowenberg's astounding Holocaust tale - Had a magic thirst-quenching pebble, did not drink water, survived on his saliva for 3 years

    • Yankel Wiernik's Holotale - Babies torn in half, woman leaps 10 ft barbed-wire fence, guards nail inmates' ears to walls, jews roasted on giant outdoor hibachis

    • Testimony from the Eichmann Trial by Leon Wells - Dug up and burned bodies, used bone-grinding machine, ate lunch on top of corpses

    • Irene Zisblatt's incredible Holocaust tale- Ate and retrieved diamonds from feces, had 2 post-sterilization children, weighed 40 lbs when liberated

    • Rivka Yosselevska's absurd Holocaust fable - Escaped biting jew corpses, witnessed geysers of blood” CONTINUED(5)

    If millions of people were killed in homicidal gas chambers, there would be hundreds of homicidal gas chambers all around German occupied Europe but according to the Red Cross and honest survivors, they did not exist.
    They were never mentioned in the intercepted German radio transmissions, and there are no work orders, no blueprints, no photos etc of homicidal gas chambers anywhere.(6)
    The only drawings of "gas chambers" were the ones used for defumigating old blankets, clothes etc to prevent the spread of typhus.

    I'm still waiting for you to explain how the Nazis could have killed about 11 million people without leaving mountains of human remains at these "Death Camps".

    (1) "List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent"

    EXCERPT "Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent."CONTINUED

    (2) “Hitler’s Jewish Army”

    EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

    In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

    Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)(*)and concentration camp guards(*)(kapos).

    So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?

    “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.”CONTINUED

    (3) Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its activities during the second world war (September 1, 1939 - June 30, 1947), Volumes 1 - 3 (complete)


    "Not All Were Interned

    Volume III of the Red Cross Report, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the "aid given to the Jewish section of the free population," and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps, but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population. This conflicts directly with the "thoroughness" of the supposed "extermination programme", and with the claim in the forged Höss memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing "every single Jew he could lay his hands on." CONTINUED

    (4) Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its activities during the second world war (September 1, 1939 - June 30, 1947), Volumes 1 - 3 (complete)


    “No Evidence Of Genocide

    One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims.” CONTINUED

    (5) “Dozens & Dozens of the Most Outrageous Tales of the Holocaust”

    (6) “The 'Problem of the Gas Chambers’”

    EXCERPT “Concerning the crematoria of Auschwitz, there is just as there is generally for the entire camp and overabundance of documents and invoices down to the last penny. However, concerning the "gas chambers" there is nothing: no contract for construction, not even a study, nor an order for materials, nor a plan, nor an invoice, nor even a photograph. In a hundred war crimes trials, nothing of the sort was ever produced.”CONTINUED
    RoccoR likes this.
  6. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    As I stated earlier, every ethical jurist who had anything to do with the Soviet style Nuremberg vengeance "Trials" condemned them.

    In addition to the condemnations below, even President Eisenhower reviled the "trials" as: "... a black page in the history of the world."


    "Travesty at Nuremberg"

    Do the war crimes trials prove the Holocaust narrative? Consider the following quotations from Nuremberg-contemporary authorities and other sources:

    “The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence.... The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.......”

    - From the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (a.k.a the Nuremburg Farce)

    "I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled. Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamour of the time. The concept of ex post facto is not congenial to the Anglo-American viewpoint on law."

    - US Associate Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, Nuremberg contemporary

    "The Nuremberg Trials have made the waging of an unsuccessful war a crime."

    - Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery, 1948

    "... a fantastic desecration of the ideals of Western Civilisation, and appalling miscarriage of justice... a misuse of evidence for vicious ends, all of which will someday be exposed as a shocking travesty of high legal and moral principles."

    - Professor Henry M. Adams, Ph.D

    “About this whole judgment there is the spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice. The hanging of the 11 men convicted will be a blot on the American record which we shall long regret.”

    - US Senator Robert Taft, 1946

    "Chief US prosecutor Jackson is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg......I hate to see the pretence that he is running a court and proceeding according to common law. This is a little too sanctimonious a fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas."

    - US Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone(1)


    So, it's not just those who reject the fraudulent and profit driven holocaust story who condemn the Nuremberg "Trials" where the defendants were tortured, beaten to death, had their family's lives threatened, denied access to facts that proved their innocence and other abuses commonly found in totalitarian "trials".

    (1) "The Greatest Swindle of All Time"
  7. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Nope, it doesn't.
    According to Nazi belief, all Jews had to be removed from society since they're the worst enemies. The fact that this "removal" has sometimes been postponed does not change this doctrine. A Jew was never safe under the Nazi regime. He could have been killed at any time and nobody would care. :(
  8. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    I think so. But the "black page" about it was the Nazi crimes and what contemporary witnesses had to say.

    From the victims' point of view, the Nazi era was absolute horror. We people today cannot even imagine that. Even so, some of us try to deny the Holocaust. How pathetic is that? :(
  9. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    The reason why governments teach people to focus on the Jews is that they want people to think that slaughter was all because of "Mad-Man Hitler" and not due to an overbearing and out of control government.

    All of these things you describe are due to governments - not individuals. Your government does not want you to know this.
    Grau and Jazz like this.
  10. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Wunderbar! We got some fresh opinions! Welcome, Mister Newhart!!
    RoccoR and Grau like this.
  11. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    First of all, it was President/General Eisenhower more ethical brother who condemned the farcical Nuremberg "Trials" as "... a black page in the history of the world" (1)

    He actually said:

    "I think the Nuremberg trials are a black page in the history of the world…I discussed the legality of these trials with some of the lawyers and some of the judges who participated therein. They did not attempt to justify their action on any legal ground, but rested their position on the fact that in their opinion, the parties convicted were guilty…"

    Edgar N. Eisenhower, American attorney: Brother of President Dwight D. Eisenhower

    He was clearly stating that it was the Nuremberg "Trials" that were a black page in the history of the world, not the horrors of the Nazis which were, by the way, no worse than the Allied treatment of the German POWs and civilians.

    Once again, I don't deny that the holocaust happened. I've simply shown over the previous pages that it has been grossly exaggerated and exploited so that all but the most gullible and professionally brainwashed could believe the current, imaginary Hollywood - Holocaust Industry "product".

    The same Hollywood - Holocaust Industry(1) propagandists that were lying about "human skin pocketbooks", "human fat soap", shrunken heads etc then are lying about "homicidal gas chambers", 6 million Jews and 5 million others murdered etc. now.

    You can't even explain where the 1.1 million human remains are at Auschwitz or the 800,000 at Treblinka(2), (3) but you're willing to believe that the Nazis murdered about 11 million people with only contradictory hear say as evidence.
    As you say: "How pathetic is that?"

    (1) "The Hollywood Directors Who Filmed the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps"

    EXCERPT "George Stevens, John Ford, and Samuel Fuller, best known for their work in Hollywood, all documented the Allied liberation at the end of the war.
    But during this period of war, they were acting less as artists than as functionaries of US propaganda and information efforts, working for the US Armed Forces and Secret Services.CONTINUED

    (2) “Treblinka: Revealing the hidden graves of the Holocaust”

    EXCERPT “Despite this, in a later statement they said they had discovered no mass graves."CONTINUED

    (3) "Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves"

    EXCERPT "The team carefully examined the entire Treblinka II site, especially the alleged “mass graves” portion, and carried out control examinations of the surrounding area. They found no soil disturbance consistent with the burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed. In addition, Krege and his team found no evidence of individual graves, bone remains, human ashes, or wood ashes." CONTINUED
  12. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    So, from what I understand you and Grau don't believe Hitler was a Socialist?
  13. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    I don't know what Grau believes, but of course, Hitler was a socialist, he was the leader of the NSDAP.
  14. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Thank you for joining in on this thread. I'm always grateful for different perspectives on this topic especially from individuals who are willing to think for themselves rather than simply regurgitating what they've been fed by via residual Allied propaganda, the fraudulent Holocaust Industry(1), (2) and its complicit MSM / Hollywood myth makers.

    I believe that Hitler was a Socialist but would have embraced almost any form of government that would save Germany from Communism, dismemberment, starvation and anarchy.

    There's no way that Germany or any country could have abided by the draconian Treaty of Versailles and survived as a nation

    I hope that you understand that rejecting what has come to be the standard, fraudulent holocaust narrative has nothing to do with anti Jewish or pro totalitarian sentiment as there is more disinformation about Hitler and WW 2 than perhaps any other topic.



    EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED
  15. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    The greatest enemy and threat to Germany and most of Europe in the 1920s, 1930s & 1940s was Communism and since the vast majority of the Communist leadership in the 1920s and 1930s was Jewish, that is the primary reason that some Jews were persecuted.
    Other Jews were either members of the Nazi Party(1), members of Germany's military(2) or lived with some restrictions in the general. population.
    Since there were Jews who were Nazi Party members, German soldiers and free members of society, it is just another Hollywood - Holocaust Industry myth that all Jews were in danger of being arrested, sent to concentration camps where they were immediately gassed and then cremated just because they were Jewish

    It was both the German Zionist Federation and Germany's National Socialists who agreed that Jews should live apart.
    That was the foundation of the Haavara Agreement that had the full support of Germany's Zionists.


    The goal of Germany's National Socialists was to transfer Jews who were not supportive of Germany and its war against the Communists, not exterminate them.

    By the way, Hitler was not some raving madman who wanted to take over the world.
    He invaded Poland because in spite of 100 appeals to the League of Nations, the Poles were massacring ethnic Germans(3).
    Hitler attacked Russia because it has been proven that Stalin planned to sweep Westward and conquer all of Europe.

    Meanwhile, Hitler sent Rudolph Hess with a peace offer to withdraw from conquered territories in order to fight the true enemies of the West, the Communists but Churchill, with America in his pocket, preferred a war to expand the British Empire.

    (1) "List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent"

    EXCERPT "Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent."CONTINUED

    (2) “Hitler’s Jewish Army”

    EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

    In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

    Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)(*)and concentration camp guards(*)(kapos).

    So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?

    “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.”CONTINUED

    (3) "The 1939 Danzig Massacres of ethnic Germans which caused Hitler to invade Poland"

    The 1939 Danzig Massacres

    EXCERPT "In the months leading up to the German invasion the Polish Army and independent Bolshevik units had been slaughtering German nationals in the Danzig corridor. Mass killings of thousands of civilian ethnic

    Germans (Volksdeutsche) by both civilian and Russian NDVK Jews, who

    were confident that Poland would quickly defeat Germany. Many

    apparently expected to take possession of German farms and businesses.

    An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres

    carried out prior to the 1939 invasion.

    Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at

    least as early as April 1939, with smaller incidents stretching back to

    the close of WW I -- you haven't been told that by the Mass Media, or

    the fact that these atrocities were one of the main causes for the

    German invasion of Poland.

    Germany had protesting in writing to the League of Nations literally

    dozens of times with no results." CONTINUED

    (4) "Germany invaded to pre-empt imminent Soviet attack"

    (5) "Hitler didn't want world war"

    EXCERPT "Hitler didn't want a world war, and had no stomach for fighting England, according to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Louis Kilzer, author of "Churchill's Deception" (Simon & Schuster, 1994).

    Hitler believed the future of Western civilization depended on the cooperation of Germany and her Aryan cousins: England and the United States. His territorial demands were limited to conquering Communist Russia, which he regarded as a proxy for Jewish world ambitions. He was determined to avoid fighting a war on two fronts.

    The "miracle at Dunkirk" was in fact an extraordinary peace overture to England. We don't normally associate Hitler with such magnanimity.

    In May 1940, the British were on the verge of defeat. The English army was trapped at Dunkirk. Rather than take them prisoner, Hitler halted his generals for three days allowing 330,000 men to escape.

    "The blood of every single Englishman is too valuable to shed," Hitler said. "Our two people belong together racially and traditionally. That is and always has been my aim, even if our generals can't grasp it." (Kilzer, p.213)

    Rudolph Hess, the Deputy Leader of Nazi Germany, was in contact with the Cliveden group and flew to England May 10, 1941 to negotiate peace. According to Kilzer, Hess had Hitler's complete blessings. CONTINUED
  16. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    But, if Hitler didn’t murder the Jews, he couldn’t have been a socialist or wanted to create a racial-community. I guess he wasn’t a REAL National Socialist then or that National Socialism doesn’t promise to build a racial-state.
  17. RoccoR

    RoccoR Well-Known Member Donor

    Aug 12, 2010
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    REF: About the Holocaust
    SUBTOPIC: Questions of Motived
    ⁜→ Bob Newhart, Grau, Pitbull, et al,

    PREFACE: I would like to join our other friends in welcoming you to the thread. Great having you...

    BLUF: The government cannot exist without the support and protection of its citizenry.

    Bob Newhart Posting #.png


    The Leadership of a Government, like the Executives, and the Praetorian Guard, are "people." The people protect the government. If the "people" Praetorian Guard is removed from the equation, the government will be placed in jeopardy.

    You may recall, that the US Capitol was under siege recently, but was ultimately protected by Capital Police and the military. Similarly, HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) has its armed guards, and a military wing (Palestine Islamic Jihad • PIJ) to protect it.

    government • A term used primarily to connote the organization of public power within any given territory. In this sense, it is said that a government is an essential element of the State. The term is further used to connote the executive organs of States in their relations with one another.
    SOURCE: Parry & Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law / John P. Grant and J. Craig Barker. -- 3rd ed • Copyright ˝ 2009 by Oxford University Press, Inc. • PP 248
    Once, for any number of reasons, the Praetorian Guard (made up of people) evaporates or is co-opted → the government becomes vulnerable. HAMAS (a terrorist organization) exists because it has the support of the people. The people are the strength behind the government. IF the people openly agree to support the government, THEN they are as guilty as the government.

    Just My Two-Dracmai worth,
    Most Respectfully,

    Attached Files:

  18. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Gosh, I get such an urge to go into the garden and start eating worms!

    Anyway, I know Hitler had plenty of people support and he was protected by his Leibstandarte, an SS group of devoted boys and men. I remember that my eldest brother, who joined in 1940, was for a time guarding Hitler's headquarters in Berlin. Later he went with the 1st Panzer regiment, Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, under the guidance of Sepp Dietrich to the Russian front... and never came back.


    Here is A Short History of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler

    So sad for all the wonderful boys and men who were used as canon fodder or for torturing.
    Grau likes this.
  19. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    No this is absurd.
    Partially correct. Are you going somewhere with this?

    I agree with "consent of the governed."
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
  20. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    Thank you.

    I will continue here.

    Let's take a simple case of consent of the governed - prisoners in a prison in the US. At this point you may think that it is impossible to discuss consent with prisoners in a prison. How can they consent to anything?

    1. They consent when ever they eat food.
    2. The consent whenever they walk where they are told.
    3. They consent when they participate in strip searches.
    4. They consent when they poop in the toilet.

    If all the prisoners refused to do these things, the prison would fail to function. One could say that the guards could kill all of the prisoners but then the guards would have no one to rule over.

    The governed are governed because they consent to be.

    The next part is how much power the governed will allow the government to take. Once the governed give the government the power to they have to defend themselves, they have relinquished all power that they have. At that point the governed are no better than the prisoners in a prison. They have allowed the government to dictate their lives. They are now at the whims of whomever has the most power - whether it be mob rule or a dictatorship.

    One can try to appeal to the mob or dictator but those who are kind or freedom-loving rarely have influence with the media or the dictator.

    This is why I oppose all socialists - even those that don't call themselves such.

    Socialism has been around for a long time.

    1 Samuel 8:10-18 NLT
    So Samuel passed on the LORD’s warning to the people who were asking him for a king. “This is how a king will reign over you,” Samuel said. “The king will draft your sons and assign them to his chariots and his charioteers, making them run before his chariots. Some will be generals and captains in his army, some will be forced to plow in his fields and harvest his crops, and some will make his weapons and chariot equipment. The king will take your daughters from you and force them to cook and bake and make perfumes for him. He will take away the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his own officials. He will take a tenth of your grain and your grape harvest and distribute it among his officers and attendants. He will take your male and female slaves and demand the finest of your cattle and donkeys for his own use. He will demand a tenth of your flocks, and you will be his slaves. When that day comes, you will beg for relief from this king you are demanding, but then the LORD will not help.

    People freely choose socialism and there are varying degrees of socialism.

    I like to think of the following scale. You can decide where various countries are located on this scale.

    group tyranny <----------------------------------------------> individual liberty

    In the end, there is a tyranny which is enforced by the group or the individual liberty to do freely what one wants.

    So are people responsible for their government. In the end, I hold the people who do evil responsible for evil. In WWII, there is a lot of evil being done by all sides. Did some sides like the Japanese, Russian, and Germans do more evil than others? Yes. So why does everyone focus on the Jews which are only 6 million? compared to 80 million or so total deaths due to the war?

    Primarily because the death of the Jews is the trait of National Socialism while the mass slaughter of people of people in general is a trait of Socialism. Marxist Socialism is doing its best to make National Socialism like bad so that people don't look at what Leopold II, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. did. Their murder and evil is on a scale surpassing Hitler and the Socialists don't want anyone to know. Socialists don't want people to understand that Leopold II started a Socialist regime in the Congo. They want to blame it on capitalism and individual liberty.
  21. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Have you seen this?

    The 1939 study of Arthur Ruppin, Professor of Jewish Sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, gave 16,717,000 Jews in the world in 1938. 17 Because Ruppin (who passed away in 1943) was considered the fore-most expert on such matters, on account of many writings on the subject over a period of many years, the estimates of other pre-war sources tend to agree with him. Thus the American Jewish Committee estimate for 1933, which ap-
    pears in the 1940 World Almanac, was 15,315,359. The World Almanac figure for 1945 is 15,192,089 (page 367); no source is given but the figure is appar-ently based on some sort of religious census. The 1946 World Almanac re-vised this to 15,753,638, a figure which was retained in the editions of 1947 (page 74, 1948 (page 572) and 1949 (page 289). The 1948 World Almanac (page 249) also gives the American Jewish Committee estimate for 1938 (sic
    ), 15,688,259 while the 1949 World Almanac (page 204) reports new figures from the American Jewish Committee which were developed in 1947-1948: 16,643,120 in 1939 and 11,266,600 in 1947.

    No Evidence Of Genocide

    One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83).

    Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78. By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.

    In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff) - Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. "Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged" (Vol. III, p. 594).

    DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER published his Crusade in Europe in 1948. In 559 pages General Eisenhower does not mention the German gas chambers in which it was—and is--claimed that millions of Jews and others were “exterminated.”

    WHY NOT?

    Are you a student? Why do you think Dwight D. Eisenhower, the man who directed World War II against the Germans on the Western front, the celebrated General who would become President of the United States, would write a history of that war and not mention the greatest WMD (gas chambers) ever known to man? Do you think, maybe, it just slipped his mind?

    Are you a professor? At the close of WWII it was claimed that four million victims were exterminated at Auschwitz alone. Keeping in mind that General Eisenhower did not mention gas chambers in his Crusade in Europe, can you provide, with proof, the name of one person killed in a gas chamber at Auschwitz? Do you believe it wrong, immoral perhaps, to ask this question? Tell me why. I can be reached at bradley1930@yahoo.com

    Bradley Smith, Founder
    Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust

    Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948, Winston Churchill's The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found.

    Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi "gas chambers," a "genocide" of the Jews, or of "six million" Jewish victims of the war.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    Jazz and Grau like this.
  22. RoccoR

    RoccoR Well-Known Member Donor

    Aug 12, 2010
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    REF: About the Holocaust
    SUBTOPIC: Questions of Motived
    ⁜→ Bob Newhart, et al,

    BLUF: T


    Yes, agreed. And to a reasonable extent - that makes them responsible for the overt governmental actions.


    The Arab Palestinians, especially those in the Gaza Strip, voted for and have allowed the HAMAS Government to exist for longer than a decade. They not only openly support the actions of HAMAS, but as you can see, the citizenry of the Gaza Strip demonstrated by the tens of thousands along the border day-after-day for more than a year (Great March of Return).

    This is not just a government gone rogue, but an entire people → gone rogue.


    Annex • Plan of Action, Section II • Measures to prevent and combat terrorism, Step 13, The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (2006) • A/RES/60/288, states:

    13. To step up national efforts and bilateral, subregional, regional and international cooperation, as appropriate, to improve border and customs controls in order to prevent and detect the movement of terrorists and prevent and detect the illicit traffic in, inter alia, small arms and light weapons, conventional ammunition and explosives, and nuclear, chemical, biological or radiological weapons and materials, while recognizing that States may require assistance to that effect;​

    This non-sense about the Gaza Strip being a "prison" is completely absurd. It is no more true than to say the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Principality of Monaco, or the Principality of Liechtenstein are prisons. The difference is, neither Luxembourg, Monaco, or Liechtenstein have an extensive demonstrated history of criminal behaviors and the use of terrorist tactics that reach beyond their territory. The Gaza Strip has NOT engaged in the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations (A/RES/25/2625) since the time of the unilateral withdrawal by Israel in 2005. In fact, the Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip never actually ceased hostile activities even during the actual withdrawal. And remember that the Maritime Blockade did not go up until 2009.

    2019 Naval Blockade of Gaza.jpg
    Please take notice that a majority of the current adjusted limit is ≈ 15 Nautical Miles. There are some cut-out areas required to protect vital Israeli National Interests. But for the most part, the fishing limit has more than doubled since the Naval Blockade was originally established. And based on the threat posed by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), this may be further adjusted.

    The Gaza Strip was not blocked off immediately upon the withdrawal; it was earned by their actions. In fact, there is a Route of Safe Passage established between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

    This is still on the books, but due to the callous disregard for human life, and the hostility demonstrated by the Arab Palestinians, it is simply too dangerous to allow the utilization.

    Most Respectfully,
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
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  23. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    Was Hitler a socialist?
  24. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I looked up the definition of Socialism and the following is what I found:

    SOCIALISM: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

    Apparently, simple Socialism has nothing to do with achieving racial purity just as I doubt that Hitler, himself, murdered a single Jew.

    It seems that Jews were allowed to hold high ranks in the Nazi Party and serve in Germany's military as the realities of World War wore on.

    It would seem that Hitler, himself was not as hostile to Jewish individuals as we've been led to believe as he even honored many of the 100,000 Jews who served in Germany's WW 1 military(1) even after .

    Additionally, Hitler had several Jewish friends primarily from his time in Vienna(2) and also befriended a young Jewish girl who shared his birthday(3)

    Finally, I suspect that very few people have heard of the Rosenstrasse protest in which a large group of non Jewish women and children demanded the release of their Jewish husbands and fathers. Their protest was successful in that Goering finally released the 2,000 Jewish men so that they could rejoin their families.

    It would seem that with all these exceptions that Germany's Jews could not have been persecuted for simply being Jewish but for being real or perceived threats to the German war effort.

    (1) “When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers”

    EXCERPT “The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine.” CONTINUED

    (2) “5 Jews Hitler Actually Liked”

    EXCERPT “Surprisingly, during this time in his life, Hitler also had extremely good relationships with Jewish people. At his house in Vienna, almost all of his friends were Jewish, with Josef Neumann being the closest.

    And when Hitler took over Germany, he spared some of his old Jewish friends, kept some in his party, and even formed new friendships.” CONTINUED

    (3) "Remarkable tale of Hitler's young Jewish friend"

    EXCERPT "According to the auction website, Rosa and her mother had joined the crowds outside Hitler's Alpine retreat Berghof in 1933 on his birthday.

    It is thought that when he discovered Rosa had the same birthday, he invited Rosa and her mother Karoline up to the house - where these photographs were taken.

    Not long afterwards, it was discovered that Karoline's mother had been Jewish, making Rosa Jewish in the eyes of the Nazi state.

    But this did not dissuade Hitler from carrying on his friendship with girl, to whom he had sent a signed copy of the photograph." CONTINUED

    (4) “The Women’s Rosenstrasse Protest”

    EXCERPT “Between February 27 and March 6, 1943, a group of non-Jewish Germans protested outside of the Jewish community building at Rosenstrasse 2-4 in Berlin. At the center, 2,000 Jews had been imprisoned, comprised mostly of the Jewish husbands of non-Jewish women and the male children that came from the mixed marriages.

    Women and children, even as guns were held to their heads, refused to leave or back down. The SS were ordered not to shoot because the protests were not viewed by Joseph Goebbels as political, but rather as women desperate to keep their families together. On March 5, men in SS trucks threatened the crowd with automatic weapons but still they remained. On March 6, all of the people imprisoned at Rosenstrasse were ordered to be released by Goebbels, finally ending the protests and going down in history as one of the most substantial acts of resistance in Germany against the Nazis.” CONTINUED
  25. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    So, take your pick. Was Hitler not a REAL National Socialist? Or do you claim National Socialism doesn’t promise to build a racial-state?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021

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