Riding any wave with Trump...Why?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by MJ Davies, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I find it really strange how Trump supporters just ride out on any wave in the ocean. It's almost like they *completely* block out the insanity of his actions. I mean, weren't these the same people that stood behind Bush's stance to NOT negotiate with terrorists? That's not like a choice between chocolate or vanilla ice cream.

    How can any reasonable person just do a 180 on something that huge?

    As far as the timing issue, and I'm no military expert, I believe what is currently happening is what was planned to happen. Look at the parallels.


    I believe that some time in mid to late Summer, Trump knew he was in trouble relative to re-election.

    Instead of fully engaging in leading and modeling CDC recommendations, he placed his bet on the 1st stimulus check.

    It was clear that was not about helping the American people, but a campaign advertisement
    (they were delayed because he wanted his signature printed on them and a letter mailed out to each recipient)<- tone deaf.

    His next tactic was to drop seeds of doubt about the election process going so far to claim that if he lost, it could ONLY be because of election fraud by Democrats. This was way before Election Day.

    Then, he appointed DeJoy who immediately cut overtime hours, authorized the removal of mail boxes in certain neighborhoods and shut down countless mail sorting machines (this was probably designed to disqualify ballots with date stamps beyond the state's Board of Election rules for accepting ballots).

    Trump also relied on the fact that most voters do NOT understand Election Board rules - which vary from state to state.

    For examples,

    (1) in some states, a ballot is considered "on time" if it is post-marked within X number of days after the close of polls on Election Day.

    (2) in some states, completed mail-in ballots HAVE to be completely counted BEFORE the close of the last polling place on Election Day.

    (3) in some states, completed mail-in ballots CAN'T be opened or process until AFTER the close of the last polling place on Election Day.​

    There's a ton of various laws in all 50 states and those are a matter of record with each Election Board.

    NONE of it is fraudulent or illegal. But, Trump framed that as *suspicious* to his supporters relying on the statistical probability that they would not know that was false. And, we clearly see on PF that many of them still believe that initial lie.

    It makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever that an election worker would send everybody home, open boxes stacked underneath a table and feed those ballots into the machines in FULL view of cameras she KNOWS are there.

    But, it gets crazier. At no time since that video was released has that person been named, arrested, called in for questioning or even "outed". Why not? These people can find the blood type of a person's first pet when they were five years old in the center of a swamp five inches from the center of the Earth and NOBODY has intel on this video and person? That's too ridiculous to even be funny.

    My theory is it was staged. Trump or his people had that recording made and "leaked" to fan the flames of doubts about the election process.

    Sidney Powell, his own pick said it aloud.

    Sidney Powell's legal defense: 'Reasonable people' wouldn't believe her election fraud claims




    Soon after Biden's inauguration the media was swarming with photos and videos of people at the Southern border. They all had on matching t-shirts that read "Biden, let us in."

    Think about that for a second. These people traveled X miles over Y days in the scorching heat between their point of origin and our country's border and they don't have a speck of dirt or sweat stains but the shirts look like they just came from a dry cleaner's press?

    We are supposed to believe these people are seeking asylum due to the poor conditions in their home countries, have come here to seek a better life than they could attain in their home countries and they all took a side trip to a t-shirt shop? On what planet does that make sense?

    And, lo and behold...guess who is standing by with his handy dandy Memo from the 45th President admonishing "Biden's border"?



    He negotiates with terrorists sometime in early February 2020 (in effect, giving them *heads up* on an end date when the Afghani people (non Taliban) will be without US military support).

    He removes a sizeable portion of our soldiers.

    He authorizes the release of 5,000 of these psychopaths.

    He set the end date.

    My theory is he did it this way so this *situation* would fall under Biden's watch (his supporters try to deny it but he KNEW last Summer he wouldn't be re-elected. He sealed his fate in the Axios interview).


    And, where does all that leave us?

    With Trump standing by at each turn saying "I told you this would happen if you let the Democrats win.

    To his supporters that *looks* like he is very intuitive and intelligent (he's neither).

    To his supporters, the people in whom he has instilled fear about everybody that don't look like them, he appears to be their only "HOPE".

    They say the best salespeople know how to reach their target audience. And, Trump IS good at that. He completely exploits his supporters (as he did on January 6, 2021 and left them out in the cold) relying on them to NEVER question any of it. He has already fed them the conclusions he wants them to believe BEFORE the event actually happens. There is no way to do that unless you're the person CAUSING the event to happen.

    And, for the life of me, I do NOT understand why anybody who is not a billionaire would send money to a billionaire. Notwithstanding any of the stuff above...WHO DOES THAT? Why is that NOT OBVIOUSLY a con game?

    In short, grifters gotta grift.
    He always been a con man.
    He's done quite well for himself with that schtick.

    Stomped our Constitution.
    Praised Xi while lying to our faces about COVID.
    Almost got our VP kidnapped and/or killed.
    Fired just about everybody around him except the daughter he has a nasty sex crush on and her husband with equally slippery ethics.
    Hung his own supporters out to dry (probably calls them losers for not accomplishing their mission).
    Price gouged to the tune of $148,000,000. [https://trumpgolfcount.com/]
    Set up our soldiers and allies.
    Created a crater of division within our country.
    And stands on the sidelines with a play-by-play of how he can make it all better.

    Here's the million dollar question: WHY DIDN'T HE MAKE ANYTHING BETTER WHEN HE HAD THE SEAT?

    I almost feel bad for his supporters.

    They wait like "always a bridesmaid, never a bride" and he NEVER delivers.


    Yet, they wait with bated breath for "the next time to be different" (the never-ending mantra of the domestic abuse victim).
    Cosmo, Melb_muser, bigfella and 11 others like this.
  2. GrayMan

    GrayMan Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I don't know about all that. I just know that the left is trying to take our jobs away if we don't get the vaccine. Then prevent us from entering stores. Then indoctrinate our children with racist proprogana. Destroyed any order we have on the border. Silence our political views on election integrity and ban us from society anywhere they can. Now they put in a president who had seven months to tell thousands of Americans to leave Afghanistan and be honest about the situation but instead let their lives be at the mercy of the Taliban. I'm not even going to go into all the other crap.

    Even if Trump was a tenth as bad as you say he is, he would still sound better than what we got going on now.
    garyd, ToughTalk, Matthewthf and 6 others like this.
  3. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    It does seem strange that Trump and Pompeo facilitated the release of 5000 Taliban radicals at that time. Now at a critical time in the final days for the US there in Afghanistan, these same radicals that Trump got released, negotiated with and invited to Camp David as a lame duck loser, kneecap our effort to get out smoothly and suddenly take over the country. It does seem pretty weird. Especially since instead of sharing Intel and cooperating in the peaceful transition of power with the incoming President, he pulls this “stop the steal” crap and then after inciting a crazy insurrection which fails miserably, he abandons the White House before his term is even over refuses to welcome the new President to the White House and absconds to Florida. Unf*cking believable. In my lifetime, I have witnessed 11 peaceful, respectful transfers of Executive power here in the US. Nothing even remotely like the crap Trump and his crooked regime pulled after he lost has ever happened in US History. Not even close. Fortunately, the Senate armed services committee are already getting set to launch an investigation into just WTF transpired in Afghanistan during Trump’s lame duck last year and what the hell he was up to after he got beat in the election. I can’t wait to see Pompeo grilled for days regarding why he let these a$$holes out of prison and buddied up with them before all of our people were safely the hell out of there. Like Ricky Ricardo often said: “They sure got some ‘splainin’ to do. I can hardly wait.
  4. Joe knows

    Joe knows Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    For talking down the guy so bad you sure are giving him a lot of credit. He planned this to happen to Biden? Get out of dodge. Biden could have backed out just like trump backed out of the Iran deal. The Afghanistan withdrawal was not forced by Congress, meaning he had all the power in the world say “never mind, we’re changing terms or dates”. You can’t hang that on Trump.

    Trumps plan was bad, I’m not defending it but this is Biden’s now. If trump was such a bad leader then why did Biden follow his lead?

    The southern boarder issue you speak of I somewhat agree. Someone bought them those shirts or they bought them on their own (which I doubt) you’re explanation was an assumption so let me make an assumption. Maybe they were given by a Mexican government who doesn’t want all of them in their county. Maybe they were supplied by Biden to garner political support for them. Who knows… that’s all just assumptions anyway right (same as yours)

    As far as making things better, he did. He had best unemployment rates for every demographic was under Trump. He gave us justices that care about gun rights. He slowed the illegal immigration that is now exploding. He didn’t allow Syria to gas their citizens. He lowered my taxes. He didn’t kill Americans without warrants like the administration before him.

    now let me say what I hate about him. He banned the bump stock. That utterly infuriated me and still does. He was part of starting the unconstitutional eviction bans. He opened doors to a more intrusive government in many ways of trying to alter definitions to get his way with these things.
  5. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    It just doesn't sit well, does it? Around the time all that was taking place, it was listed on his accomplishments page. I'm not sure if that was on the WH page or part of his new blog page since leaving the WH. Regardless, it was said that it was removed when stuff hit the fan in Afghanistan recently.

    I know his staunch supporters think he walks on water but I never, ever would have guessed they'd be cool with ANY POTUS inviting terrorists to our country for a gathering. That is just WAY out of bounds if not outright treason.

    I didn't expect him to be overjoyed about losing the election (I mean, nobody ever *wants* to lose) but his behavior was awful.

    I don't know if you heard about it but he fired the WH staff the morning of the inauguration before leaving so the Bidens were locked out for a few minutes until someone inside opened the doors for them. That is just so petty and undignified.

    I remember back when some people were furious at Melania for ripping up Jackie O's Rose Garden and levelling Michelle's vegetable garden. It was seen as an affront to two of our dignified First Ladies and that's understandable.

    So, in that sense, it wasn't impossible to imagine them being *cool* toward the Bidens but I didn't expect him/them to go THAT FAR. And, it makes me wonder why his supporters aren't concerned about those kinds of things. It represents exactly who he is and that's very, very ugly.

    I'm sure he already has his lawyers coming up with some spin to pin all this on Biden and his more rabid supporters are going to try to whitewash it just like they did the Capitol riot. And, there again, did you *ever* imagine that a true blue American would be okay with ANYBODY harming our law enforcement officers? I've seen quite a bit from Trump (and his supporters and other Republicans licking his boots) that I *never* dreamed possible for people to tolerate and even try to justify!

    He lost the election because he didn't lead us during the pandemic. It's not complicated.
    I'm going to check back here for your comments on that when it happens. ;-)
  6. Flynn from Az

    Flynn from Az Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2021
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    I feel Bad for people who engage in wild conspiracies.:rolleyes:
  7. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Anything that makes the left meltdown is worth riding along.
  8. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    No. Trump is just a straight con man. Other people do the planning. His limit is "person, man, woman, tv, camera" and tweets. He couldn't even manage to write a whole page on his short-lived blog. No, he's severely allergic to thinking.
    Biden <beeped> up. He owned it though so bonus for not being a petulant child.
    Yeah, go ahead. I'm taking a guess (as you noticed). I just know it wasn't random.

    The thing that bothers me about that is what we see on this and similar forums. People get these little tidbits of info or a photo here or there and are convinced they have it all figured out. The partisan wars are just ridiculously negative and unproductive but they can't make their brains move off that page. These photo ops and social media tidbits are designed to keep fueling that fire (and as long as some let it ignite them, we're not spending time in constructive conversations).
    Oh, wait. I didn't start paying attention to politics again until the Fall of 2019. Who killed Americans? Obama?
    What do you think would have happened if he didn't put a stop gap in evictions during the first wave of the pandemic?
    Yes. He is extremely self-entitled. No doubt.
    Cosmo, Hey Now, Quantum Nerd and 3 others like this.
  9. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    All I can tell you is, if Americans are beheaded in the streets of Kabul (which is looking more than likely as we have already started pulling our troops) the lefts continued Trump bashing is going to take on a whole new look.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  10. Rampart

    Rampart Banned

    Oct 27, 2017
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    i'm certainly not rooting for the taliban, are you?
  11. ShadowX

    ShadowX Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    We are confident he wouldn’t abandon us in Afghanistan with the taliban.
    ButterBalls and HB Surfer like this.
  12. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    If you are attempting to make the argument that hypocrisy is well....hypocritical.....You'll need to mow your own damn lawn first bud and remember, casting stones in a glass house has a way of returning to sender @MJ Davies
    ButterBalls, HB Surfer and joesnagg like this.
  13. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    None of that matters. He hates the right people, that's all that matters.
  14. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    To the SANE people in the room...does that make a lick of sense?

    Since when do we elect our governmental representatives on their stand-up routines? I'll give him that. He's kinda funny off the cuff (except the crap that denigrates people and childish nicknames - Oh, yeah, you just said that).

    I'm going to start writing my memoir. I want my descendants to KNOW I did NOT have a hand in this hot mess.

    P.S. His dance moves, alone, crack me up. The rest = Cringe.
    Quantum Nerd likes this.
  15. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Trump is in my rear view mirror and I have no interest in discussing him at all. But let me suggest this. It seems to me that every time the left is challenged on current issues, they don't defend what the administration is doing. Instead they start talking about Trump. Trump is out of power. Either defend what the current administration is doing or do something about stopping it. Being consumed by Trump helps nothing at all.
  16. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Trump did wonders before Covid gave the demedia a platform for their hate.

    Biden enters office, overturns all of Trumps gains and we now have a disaster on the border, disaster in Afghanistan, inflation, a ne Covid wave, and Biden begging OPEC to increase production.

    What does the demedia and the left do? Treat Biden as perfect and can do no wrong. It’s laughable.
  17. joesnagg

    joesnagg Banned

    Aug 12, 2020
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    Trump, Trump, Trumpity Trump, Trump, Trump, Trumpity Trump, Trump, Trump, Trumpity Trump, Trump, Trump, Trumpity Trump, Trump, Trump, Trumpity Trump.....:yawn:
    FatBack, ButterBalls and HB Surfer like this.
  18. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    If he is in the rearview mirror, why is he holding rallies? Seems to me, he is preparing to run in 2024. And even if he doesn't run, he wants to be the king maker in the Trump party. So, he is far from being in the rearview mirror. Hillary, on the other hand, is in the rearview mirror, although conservatives still like to bring her up often to justify Trump.
  19. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Trumptity Trump, Trump.

    Are you cool with negotiating with terrorists? Or did you agree with Bush Jr.?
    Lucifer and Quantum Nerd like this.
  20. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Talk is cheap.None cheaper than Biden and his Woke numbskulls.
    At least Trump talks up America and Americans.That should be Job One
    for any POTUS.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  21. Melb_muser

    Melb_muser Well-Known Member Donor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Tell me this...who's in charge of the Republican party now?
  22. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    He has the following. I know several Trumpers that sent nasty letters out to McConnell, Graham and a few others when Trump had his attorney send a "cease and desist" letter to the RNC to not use his name for fundraising. Those Trumpers told those guys in no uncertain terms they do NOT support the party. They support Trump.

    His word alone can break somebody's stride. It's really obvious in Florida. DeSantis just ticked off a bunch of school board members and parents by following Trump's lead. That seems bizarre since Trump lost re-election because of his COVID response.

    Basically, whomever is on the ticket need his supporters' backing. They've made it clear he runs the show.
    Statistikhengst likes this.
  23. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Nostradamus was Correct about his Predictions for 2021.
    That Zombies would appear.Biden being the head Zombie.
    A glare to his eyes and quickly walks away from the podium after
    addressing The Most Dire situation in Modern American History.
    Unforgivable to the Max.The exact opposite of leadership.What are Americans
    just supposed to lollygag over that like Goth Zombies on Sabbatical.
    Biden also walks around as if on eggshells.Like an old man recuperating from
    having sprained both ankles.Either that or he desperately needs to take a
    good dump { Number 2 }.
    ButterBalls and Hoosier8 like this.
  24. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    So the CEO's of every company requiring their employees to be vaccinated before returning to work are all lefties? Do you check under your bed for the bogeyman before you go to sleep at night?
  25. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Well it ain't any Control freaks.Like Democrats maintain.
    Pelosi is on record to be the All Time leader in Abuse of power as
    Speaker-of-the-House.It's proveable.

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