History of Islamic Jihad

Discussion in 'Ethnic & Religious Conflicts' started by 762nato, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Mushroom (your post is to big to quote on my phone, so I have do it this way).

    1. What country and city did you go?

    2. This is typical Hasbara.

    A Hamas official has already said they no longer use their Charter. It was even taken off their website. People who try and throw this out don't know these things, because they don't care.

    Also, Hamas has not destroyed "Israel", despite what their Charter said. It is one thing to say something, and another to actually do it. Despite saying they wish to destroy "Israel", they've formed ceasefires with the Zionist state. They've stopped launching rockets into "Israel" and even last month while Gaza was being bombed and the Zionists continued breaking ceasefires made by Hamas, they still tried for ceasefires rather than war.

    Meanwhile, the Likud party platform talks about NEVER having a Palestinian state. And unlike Hamas, they have been and contiue trying to follow through with this.

    Why should Hamas recognize "Israel" when "Israel" will never recongize Palestine? Does that not sound stupid?

    3. Looks to me like in this case the EU is seperate here since both the EU and Germany are both European.

    Besides, this is nothing compared to the recognition of Al Qaida, a true terrorist group.

    4. I assume you know one side of the conflict very, very well. That is a problem. The IDF, who has actually used Palestinians as literally human shields, made these claims after the international community condemned them for killing thousands of people. How convieniant, eh? Yeah....

    As I said before, if you want to talk about Hamas, Hezbollah, IDF, Shin Bet, Settlers, Zionism, Palestine, "Israel", or anything involving the Arab-Israeli conflict I'd be happy to do it in another thread, leave the ignorance here.


  2. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Then there is a problem. Who put him incharge? Oh wait, was it during his Pentagon dinner after 9/11?
  3. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    No the Muslims in America had a vote. They elected the American terrorist Anwar al Awlaki as their leader and made the terrorist Major Nidal Malik Hasan, MD, his second in command.

    All jesting aside, I was reading Der Spiegel recently about the rising tide of anti-Muslim feeling in America. It's getting stronger not weaker. American opinion is becoming very hostile.
  4. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Ahh my bad then.

    Glenn Beck helps.
  5. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Ten years of war and unceasing terrorist attacks from jihadis and American Muslim lone wolves have fixed the Arabs in American minds as the permanent enemy. We grow more hostile year by year.
  6. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Funny, when before this the American gov't was supporting, training, funding, and arming these same groups....

    But yea, American's have all the reasons in the world to hate every Arab while the Arabs have no reasons to hate America, right?
  7. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The hatred is mutual. It will continue from generation to generation.
    changed and (deleted member) like this.
  8. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Probably. To much has been done for anything to get better.
  9. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Certificate from an Imam ? HA HA HA. This is America you stooge. Imams have no validity here. They are just considered nuts. The quiz i gave you doesn't anybody or anything to certify it. It stands on its own merits. Every person and things listed has a story (long or short) attached to it, and all have to do with Ilamists trying to turn America et al countries into an Islamic state.

    You don't need any certification other than from me. You're using that as a flimsy excuse to escape revealing that you have no clue about the hundreds of people and things in the quiz, who are importantly associated with Stealth Jihad. And before I showed the excerpt from the Explanatory Memorandum, I don't think you even knew the meaning of the word "Stealth Jihad".

    And Jasser isn't a right-wing puppet. And opposition to Stealth Jihad isn't just a right-wing thing. There are plenty of liberals who have strongly condemned it including : Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Howard Dean, Bill Maher, Geraldo Rivera, et al.
    changed and (deleted member) like this.
  10. changed

    changed New Member Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    It's funny reading some of these posts when other people think they are smart. America knows that pretty much EVERY one of those (*)(*)(*)(*)ers over there who try to ACT like our friend or even like they are our ally are a bunch of back stabbing terrorist in burkas (sheep's clothing) So, I say use the SOB's and watch our back and the first wrong move they make toward us, stick it to them.
  11. changed

    changed New Member Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    OJLEB, I hope you do understand we get the world news here and know "Israel" Is alive and well. We even know when Hamas launches even one rocket over there.

    Hamas can't make the rules, they start launching rockets at their schools and bomb the crap out of them and them say, "Oh, ok we will cease fire now that we have blown the hell out of a bunch of your citizens and know your pissed off" Hamas does this over and over and this gets old. Hamas does not have the right to start something and say cease fire when they know they are going to get hit back.

    Hamas are nothing but a bunch of terrorist and murdering thugs. And most of Palestine shows themselves partying on the streets when Hamas does such hanus crimes, so I don't think much more of them.
    Hamas has NOT been trying to do anything that is good and you saying so will never convince the majority of us here.

    No, it is another terrorist group

    and as I said above, They dance in the streets and pass out candy when ANY of the God awful terrorist deeds are done by the terrorist! Dance like a terrorist, happy like a terrorist? You know that saying, if it looks like a duck?


  12. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    The nation of Qatar, the capitol of Doha if you must know. But it was the same in Kuwait as well.

    And I do not care if they "no longer use their charter". They refuse to reject their charter. That says it all.

    If Hamas was to formally reject their charter and draft a new one, then you might have a point. However, they have never formally renounced their 1988 Covenant. And this is still the document they follow to this day.

    Show me proof that they have rejected it (not just "do not follow it"), and then you might have a foot to stand on. Otherwise, you have nothing.

    The KKK has not destroyed blacks in the US. Nazi Germany did not destroy all Jews in Europe. That does not mean that they stopped trying to achieve their goals.

    And I am sorry, but every "cease fire" I can ever remember, Hamas was the one that violated it, not Israel.

    In fact, just looking at the list of rocket attacks into Israel from Palestine is an amazing thing to read.


    And remember, most of this was during a formal "cease fire". Either Hamas does not give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about such things (which it states clearly in their covenant), or they have absolutley no control in the country they themselves claim to be in charge of.

    Which is it?

    First of all, why not ask Jordan and Egypt why they did not recognize Palestine in 1948? After all, they are the ones that refused to allow Palestine to come into existance at the same time the UN founded Israel. Why did they continue their occupation of what should have been Palestinian land?

    And you are very-very wrong. The nation of Israel recognized Palestine all the way back in 1993 when they signed the Oslo Accords. Try telling the truth, instead of ignoring facts.

    On 20 August 1993, Yitzhak Rabin, Bill CLinton, and Yasser Arafat all signed the Oslo Accords, in which Israel recognized the nation of Palistine, and Palestine recognized the right of Israel to exist.

    However, in 2010, the Hamas government rejected the Oslo accords. Therefore, you can be technically correct in that claim. However, not because of any actions by Israel in rejecting the rights of Palestine. But because of the actions of Hamas (the current ruleing party in Palestine) in rejecting the rights of Israel.
  13. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Yup, okay. Sounds like your just an idiot who made up a quiz. Good for you :)

    Jasser is a tool, nothing more. When you are liked by Glenn Beck, you lose all your reliability.

    Swing and a miss....
  14. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Haha that's cute. You think you get world news in America? We barely even get that in Canada. Fortunately AIPAC isn't as strong up here.

    But if you got world news and propoganda, you'd know that Hamas isn't the one launching rockets at "Israel". Hamas had nothing to do with the Eilat terror attack in August. And Hamas has become more queit - some would say moderate - right now.

    I suggest doing some research into the conflict, and how the ceasefires came to be and what went down in August of this year.

    I'd like to see these videos of dancing Palestinians after Hamas terror attacks.

    If I can't convince you, I'm wasting my time. Too bad, just another brainwashed Zionazi...

  15. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I've never been to Qatar, so I can't speak for the Qatarese (?) but just because they do something doesn't mean it's right. Right now, Syrians are being slaughtered for protesting. Right now, the Taliban tries to prevent girls from getting education. Right now, Al Qaida is blowing up themselves and cars in the streets. Does that mean they are right? No. This is the same case in Qatar.

    Their Charter isn't used anymore. Did you read my post? It's irrelevant to Hamas. They use their election platform or whatever it's called (I forget) on their website in place of where the charter used to be. It's funny, Zionazi's use the Hamas charter more than Hamas does now.

    The proof is in Hamas' response to last months bombing of Gaza. The proof is when Hamas arrested a group of Islamic Jihad for launching rockets into "Israel" a couple months ago. The proof is in the ceasefire in effect right now.

    The KKK was not an elected political party. And Nazi Germany would of accomplished it if the countries didn't go to war to stop it. Hamas hasn't destroyed "Israel" simply enough because they can't.

    Islamic Jihad is behind most of the rocket fire. As well as PRC. Do you even know what those groups are? Hamas has even arrested some of the people firing rockets.

    "Israel" responds to the rockets, with ZERO proof Hamas is behind them, by bombing Gaza. But let us ignore this.

    I'm not going to get into Oslo until you educate yourself. Hamas is not the ruling party of Palestine. It's Gaza. Google the PLO.

    What I will say is this, "Israel" is doing everything in it's power to prevent Palestinian recognition in the UN right now. "Israel" occupies Gaza, and continues settlement building and expansion in the West Bank, both illegal. "Israel" imposes an illegal blockade of Gaza, crippling the Gazan economy all the while using the excuse of weapons smuggling to try and justify it (ignoring that rockets continue being fired in open "Israeli" fields despite this) - this is collective punishment which is illegal in international law. And then you actually want to say "Israel" recognizes Palestine and expect me to believe it? Haha.

    Oslo is dead. Long dead.

  16. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    This is a perfect example of what really ticks most of us off. Here we once again have the "Oh pitty poor Palestine, Israel is picking on us for no reason!" cry once again.

    Why not be honest to yourself and everybody else. You see, because those of us that really know and understand things know when you are not being honest.

    For example, the Gaza Blockade is not being done by Israel.

    It is being done by Israel and Egypt.

    But funny, because you do not mention Egypt as taking part in it, nor does most of the media. Now why is that?

    And the ruling party in Palestine since 2006 has been Hamas. Not the PLO. The President of the Palestinian National Authority is Mahmoud Abbas, of the Fatah party.

    However, Hamas holds the majority in the Legislature, as well as the Prime Minister. So trying to say that they are not in contol is another lie.

    As I said before, Hamas has not revoked or re-written it's Covenant. Therefore, it is still in effect. And contrary to what you say, it sure looks like they are following it.

    And of course Oslo is dead, Hamas killed it. As per their statements in their Covenant.

  17. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Egypt opened the Rafah crossing for people AFTER Mubarak was removed. That's the thing, it wasn't the Egyptian people supporting the blockade, it was a dictator living off American taxpayers money to be nice to "Israel" that supported and got involved in the blockade.

    Mubarak was just a puppet, and while the Rafah crossing is open "Israel" continues their part of the blockade.

    Look, you don't get it. Hamas only has control of Gaza. West Bank is if you will, illegitimately ruled by Abbas (the PA) how is this hard to believe?? It's not some big secret.

    It's Abbas and the PA going to the UN, not Hamas. Hamas has nothing to do with the UN bid.

    Educate yourself in the conflict.
  18. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The terms of Abbas and the Hamas folks have expired. Why haven't the Palestinians held new elections? This is an inconvenient question that Palestinians avoid answering.
  19. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    What about Canada labeling them a terrorist organization ?
  20. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    If Hamas was so goodey-twoshoes as you try to make them out to be, why do dozens of countries around the world condemn them as terrorists ? You think maybe it's because their leaders haven't seen your post here in Political Forum yet ? :laughing:
  21. changed

    changed New Member Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    I don't know who your playing ball with with, but clearly you don't know know how to play the game.
  22. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Because Hamas and Fatah haven't completed their supposed reconciliation deal yet....

    lol what about Canada? Of course we do, America does....

    Because when they first formed, they were using terrorism. I'm not living in the 1900's though. This is nearing the end of 2011, try and keep up.

  23. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Yup. This is 2011. That's right. And Hamas is still considered a terrorist organization by dozens of countries. Seems logical that most countries would be delighted to remove a group from terrorist designation IF that were honestly possible. Fact that they don't shows that Hamas is still a bunch of terroists. 5 Muslim Brotherhooders from the now defunct Holy Land Foundation are sitting in prison with 2008 life sentences, for terrorist funding - TO HAMAS.
  24. MegadethFan

    MegadethFan Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2010
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  25. MegadethFan

    MegadethFan Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2010
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    I still cant understand why Hamas could, by definition, be called a terrorist group. They certainly use terrorism, but so does Israel and the USA, or more specifically, Likud, Kadima, Republicans, Demcorats etc etc.

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