Gay Teen Suicide: A Range of Causes

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by Silhouette, May 26, 2011.


Do you think the scenario in the OP is a plausible cause for gay teen suicide?

  1. No, it's utter rubbish

  2. Possibly, I'd have to see more data

  3. Yes, I think it's possible

  4. Absolutely. I even know of such a case that is very simliar

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  1. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    This isn't about "someone who is trying to make you straight". It's about gay kids being able to make themselves straight if they were molested and want to repair an original imprinting to reflect what they see themselves as [straight]. You would remove that choice. I would uphold it whether that means their choice is to stay gay or go straight. IT'S THEIR CHOICE AND TAKING IT AWAY MAY ACTUALLY BE CAUSING THEIR SUICIDES!

    Yeah, find a number to call to talk to someone if you're having suicidal thoughts...just as long as the person on the other end of the line doesn't allow you to try to escape compulsive gay attraction and try to have a sexual relationship with a member of the opposite gender... Ist verboten.

    You SHOULD get to the bottom of precisely why my posts enrage you Johnny. That is the entire point of this debate. Rage like that is often indicative of underlying issues that my frank discussion is provoking. That is often how therapists get to the bottom of problems in their patients BTW.

    You should notice your own red flags Johnny and stop preaching a mantra you don't fully susceptible kids you may be leading their demise..
  2. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I don't buy that for a moment; certainly not after the things you've related in this thread. Your expressed agenda goes far beyond the claim/purpose quoted above.

    And although this thread is about to close... people can still go back as see what you've claimed.

    Even so, though there is the possibility (in your mind) that you're doing what you've claimed above... I'd say your approach to accomplishing the same, has surely been a dismal failure in the face of the realities which so many endure today.

    I hope you start another thread, so we can go around on this some more. :)
  3. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    [ame=""]Here are some gay guys...[/ame] ...who in certain ways feel the way I felt years ago (even to the point of setting some point in time, where I thought I'd be "over" the gay).

    In reality, I accept that people struggle with "homosexuality" (for whatever reasons), but in light of all the things shared in this thread... it would be interesting to see what Silhouette and others (who think they know), would offer as REAL, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS to being "gay".
  4. Colombine

    Colombine Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 5, 2005
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    I would encourage readers to do just that. Most of the points made have been examined at great length throughout the course of the thread. It's pointless to keep reviewing the same talking points time and time again.

    I'm gonna have to disagree on that one with you Johnny. This one has been done to death.
  5. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Examined, and then replied to from the likes of Johnny with generic denials void of a shred of substance.
  6. Gator Monroe

    Gator Monroe Banned

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Including a GOP landslide in 12 Election Cycle ?:gun:
  7. Colombine

    Colombine Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 5, 2005
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    There have been numerous considered responses. I re-read the whole thread myself last night. Just encouraging others to do the same.
  8. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Upon further consideration, I also agree with you. Thanks.
  9. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I would agree too, except another teen has just committed suicide and the Gay steamroller is once again revving its engines on the body of more "sympathy-fodder". Anderson Cooper has promised that CNN will do an entire series "on the problem". I'll bet there's going to be a lot of discussion about the CDC's findings that major gay depression is epidemic and intrinsically linked to their being molested by men as kids. Sure, you'll see that visited too in the Agenda's "exhaustive search" to "stop" gay teen suicide.

    Hence the reason I had to resurrect the topic in current events. As soon as the gay stops using the deaths of its members as political wedges, I'll drop the topic too.
  10. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    No, this thread is enough of this here. I can agree that teen suicide (any teen, not mainly gays) is tragic and deserve attention.

    I hope research and effective actions continue to address the problem, in order to reduce or eliminate its impact upon our society.
  11. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    0 get it...

    You only want the recent suicide discussed where the conversation can be monopolized by "it was due to bullying and bullying alone!".

    Sorry. No can do. If there was a chance that teen committed suicide because he was molested and bullying as the final straw, I'm going to talk to it as long as the gays do.

    If lives are being lost due to people wilfully looking away from the CDC's and the Mayo Clinic reports, I'm going to be there yelling about it. We lost a family friend from molestation and subsequent compulsive "gay lifestyle".

    The only time that guy was bullied was when he tried to force himself on other boys sexually and they fought back. Then he got "the reputation" at school. Such was the level of his compulsion. He couldn't get help for the root of it then, nor could he now if gay cult members continue to "have their way" with the APA. Do we fault the would-be rape victims of his for fighting back or do we understand the real causal-cycle and attempt to weed it out by its roots?
  12. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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  13. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Possibly the BEST thing about any such (unlikely) landslide, would be that the majority of Americans would see what a Tea-Party run government would do to this society.

    I suppose the Democrats would hold the majority of power for a very long time after such an era was ended.
  14. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    You can't get the thread shut down by normal means so now you're trying off-topic stuff eh?

    And spamming...

    Remember, you're trying every trick in the book to shut down a conversation that may very well save many lives...all as a political stunt to shove the Gay Agenda into mainstream, marriage and finally!....schools...

    You are part of the cycle. Get out of the way and let healthy people help you..
  15. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Go ahead and say what you want. I'll be reading.
  16. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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  17. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Here's the heading that your link contains:

    So, "Just the Facts [minus the CDC's and Mayo Clinic's recent findings] Coalition" is promoting this "primer" for school staff [gotta get that Agenda into the little kids heads early by coercing parents and guardians to trust it]..

    And who are "Just the Facts" and what are their credentials to dictate to the APA [the source of the article above the Mayo quote.]? The irony is that they are a group "dedicated to keeping gay kids safe" [from anything that would allow them to explore why they are gay also]. This arm of the APA exists as an enforcement/propaganda unit. It holds an iron club over any clinician or other adult who might step up to help a gay kid with unwanted homosexual attraction stemming from early molestation episodes. Ironically, this group may in fact be assisting suicides in this way.

    Read what the CDC has to say about stonewalling a gay teen from wanting [themselves desiring] reparative therapy as to early molestation:

    But the "friends and protectors of gay teens" aka "Just the Facts Coalition" has this to say about any gay teen wanting reparative therapy for major depression [the main cause of gay teen suicides]:

    With "friends" like these, suffering teens wanting and deeply desiring reparative therapy don't need enemies..
  18. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    The AGLP quote above cites reparative therapy as "highly controversial".

    A controversy means there is a dispute and that in that dispute there are more than one side. "Highly" controversial means thath dispute is really heated; but not just necessarily on one side.

    Without resolving the controversy, gay-militants have declared themselves the blind victor and have gone beyond to wield a club over anyone who dares to cross them. Even if that means not getting to the bottom of why some teens commit suicide. The CDC identifies major depression in gay males as "epidemic" and inextricably-linked to having been molested as children. If there is an "epidemic" of gay teen suicide, and gay teen suicides are caused by major depression, perhaps we should look at causal agents identified by the CDC behind gay male "major depression?"...

    Once again...

    Perhaps the prestigious and government-sanctioned institutions as the CDC and Mayo Clinic, staffed by doctorates and acedemics who are the cream of the crop, held in the highest esteem by their peers and colleagues in the fields of science and psychology, are somehow inferior to the APA who takes it's conclusions at the coercion of vocal laymen? I doubt that is the case. It is the current stance of the APA that laymen are superior to the CDC and Mayo Clinic.

    Even while many of those same laymen have unwanted homophilia from molestation in childhood tell the APA they want reparative therapy...that they are suicidal without it, are flatly denied the same type of therapy molested girls would receive without the bat of an eyelash for promiscous orientations they didn't want.. Is the Gay Agenda now simply synonymous with "APA"?

    Gays should be "repaired" if they choose it, if they desire it strongly. Just as promiscuous prostitutes who are exhibiting signs of early molestation should be able to "repair" their sexual compulsions and orientations. If a teen has homosexual compulsive behavior from molestation, and wishes to be rid of it, you'd better believe he should be able to access reparative therapy. Who are you do decide what is right for that individual Johnny?? Some may choose to be gay still and never go through reparative. But if they are suicidal without it, you're helping to kill them if you don't allow them access to what their heart desires.
  19. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Silhouette, what about 'gay' people needs to be 'repaired'? Are gay people so DIFFERENT or WRONG, that they must be 'repaired'?

    Look, I think your approach to gay kids and homosexuality is harmful overall. Yes, I'm sure you believe in what you are promoting here... but you are going down an old and dehumanizing path; something that leads into the PAST (unnecessary suffering and rejection, depression and even death).

    The reference I offered, listed more than a few reputable organizations; and their findings are commensurate with what I've heard/read over the last 10-15 years of paying attention to these related issues.

    So, in short... just a reminder. If you push reparative therapy while I'm paying attention to what you say, I will oppose what you say in whatever ways I can.

    A question for you: Can you show (statistically) how many young people have been saved from suicide, by having their sexual-orientation "repaired" (switched)...etc.??
  20. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I will push reparative therapy if it saves lives. You will oppose it even if it costs lives.

    Which one of us has an agenda?

    If a teen wants to be rid of homosexual compulsion and it is his desire, then to deny him that therapy, even if it means he may kill himself from feeling like he has nowhere else to turn, is unethical, sick and wrong. Imagine being told as a rape victim thus imprinted with that particular style of compulsive sexuality, like promiscuity in girls who believe their only value to a "loved one" [typically the molester's status] is as a sex object, that you "should embrace it" instead of seek regressive/reparative therapy?

    Talk about the icing on the cake. It's like giving them the gun and loading it for them. Being despondent and then told to embrace and "love" the cause of your wow...
  21. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Silhouette, do you think/believe "reparative" therapy (or attempting to alter a person's sexual-orientation) is a good/healthy thing?
  22. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I absolutely believe it is a good and healthy thing to repair a person's orientation if they are suffering from major depression from it and it stems from earlier molestation epidsodes:

    My turn:

    Do you, Johnny, think it is good/healthy to watch a molestation victim kill himself because he feels nobody will help him rid his unwanted homosexual compulsions, the source of his major depression [as substantiated by the CDC quote above]?

    Answer me. I answered you..
  23. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Silhouette, what are the statistics you have? I'm not interested now in your 'beliefs'. This is far too serious a thing in people's lives... to base upon opinion and belief.

    What REAL evidence to you have, to support what you say here? The MOST of the reputable organizations have pointed out the serious risks of attempting to change a person's sexual-orientation; but you seem to think conversion therapy is a life-saver; most scientific evidence strongly suggests that it is not a good thing at all.

    So, how many people in-general, are "gay" due to childhood trauma?

    Are there REAL statistics showing that they are "homosexual" due to such "trauma"?

    THAT IS A VERY STUPID QUESTION!! Come on, I don't know of anyone in this forum who has suggested that a person should not get help for some adjustment disorder. :(

    Please, you are promoting something here, that is nearly a myth (that sexual-orientation can actually be altered). This is DANGEROUS stuff you are promoting here; really.

    That 'gay' people can be suppressed in this society for reasons that you and others who are anti-homosexual don't understand, isn't far-fetched. Of course having to live in this society/culture as a homosexual, carries with it extra weight. Still, I've looked up things on this topic, and it appears that there are specific factors that mental health professionals are researching concerning what affect homosexual kids most. The final outcomes will take time; the research is ongoing.

    What you bring to the table, is mere conjecture... based upon you beliefs and YOUR interpretations of data, which lead to conclusions which fly in the face of the most reputable mental health organizations on the planet.

    If you aren't completely 'wrong' about the conclusions you have reached... you should at least be held suspect in your positions on these matters.

    Hey, I hope you just get lost. I'm not answering your BS. Sorry.
  24. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    If a teen who is "gay" or, rather, experiences compulsive same-gendered attraction as a result of being molested as a boy by a man, and who is majorly depressed as a result of it, so much so that he wants to commit suicide unless he can find a way to stop his compulsive sexual fixation, he must be able to find a therapist who will help him achieve his great desire.

    What could be more "DANGEROUS' than him successfully committing suicide from unwanted and untreated homophilia?

    You are promoting that no attempt be made to allieviate his suffering. Your only solution is to tell him to "embrace what was done to you"! Can you IMAGINE telling a young prostitute in therapy for having been molested as a girl to "embrace what happened to you" and to go on in her promiscuous lifestyle believing love = sex? [Because that's what was imprinted in her mind early on]. How would you feel if you felt a compulsion to burn yourself with cigarettes and it was ruiing your life and causing you untold misery. And you didn't want to keep doing it but due to psycho-social reasons you imprinted an association of endorphine release [also happens at orgasm] to that behavior? And lets say there was an organization of cigarette-burners who banned the APA from allowing you any therapy. And the only therapy you WERE allowed was to be told to "join the culture of cigarette-burners and embrace your behavior"??!

    Small wonder teens who are homosexuals are offing themselves.. [refer back to the Atlanta CDC report]
  25. Wanderer

    Wanderer New Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    In 3 decades of being an openly gay man I've never met another person who suffered any depression from their orientation. I have met several who suffered depression due to the ill treatment they received from anti-gay bigots like you, however. I also haven't met any gay person who felt they were gay due to a "molestation episode" in their childhood.

    You pseudo-scientific, anti-gay fantasies should be ignored, and you should be denounced for the ignorant bigot you are.
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