Charles Krauthammer: Iran deal amounts to worst in U.S. diplomatic history

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Pollycy, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    No, but Krauthammer, who you cited for the OP, and was an full supporter of the "idiot Bush" foreign policy in Iraq, is.

    I don't trust Krauthammer, and ardent supporter of the "idiot Bush" foreign policy, to be an accurate or unbiased source of information.
  2. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Well, it depends on what you mean by "soon". No, I'm not trying to pull a "Clinton" here by asking some kind of bull(*)(*)(*)(*) question like, "What does "is" mean".... Soon? If we say, "I'll be out of the bathroom soon" it probably means something different than "Mankind will soon be able to master interplanetary travel".

    Hell, I don't stand here and tell you that Krauthammer is 100% right about everything -- what I have asked ALL of you on the Left to do is tell me one thing he got wrong in THIS column he wrote a couple of days ago:

    To go from having no nuclear facilities to being able to manufacture nuclear weapons and being in possession of ICBM missiles to deliver them in, say, ten years... is that "soon"...? To take another slam at Krauthammer, you would surely say it is not! Someone less jaundiced against him and other spokesmen on the Right might say it is actually quite reasonable.

    Once those crazy bastards start exploding nuclear devices, while screaming, "Death to America" at the top of their lungs, it will all be academic what "soon" means... don't you think? :roll:

    Meanwhile, in order to avoid any further embarrassment that would be part of future endless announcements about how the negotiations have had to be "extended" again and again and again, now the Obama regime just says that they will go on day by day.

    And every day and night that they do, the Iranian nuclear centrifuges go on spinning and spinning....
  3. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Looking I did in my previous post....Krauthammer has been 100% WRONG in his predictions about Iran....

    both on "when" it's going to get a nuke....also Israel attacking Iran to stop it from getting one.

    Consistantly wrong....for atleast 6, if not more years.

    Yet for "some reason"...he is still considered a "brilliant analyst" by those who want to carpet-bomb Iran....because he keeps coming up with reasons to and plans for....

    carpet-bombing Iran.

    BTW, apart from "They're crazy...they'd love to commit suicide so they get 72 virgins"....

    you Neo-cons can't adequately explain why Iran would launch a nuke at Israel or the US.....and be willing to endure a MASSIVE retaliatory strike (that the world would support) that would destroy their regime and themselves.

    I know in your mind "All Muslims are crazy and love to die".....but such bigotry doesn't explain the clear illogic of such a move by men who have obviously SOME brains, to rise to positions of power in their theocratic dictatorship.

    Wouldn't it be SMARTER for Iran, if they did have a nuke, to never actually use it....just use it as leverage against a nuclear Israel? As the Soviets did during the Cold War?

    or do you already know that? And your REAL goal is to keep Israel's monopoly on being the only nuclear power in the Middle East. Not oout of a fear of "an Iranian nuke going off in New York".....but so that Israel has more power than anybody else?

    IOW....pure Zionism....not a true fear of nuclear terrorism?

    I'm sure that's the case with Krauthammer.....unless he simply is so warped and twisted that he fantasizes about the deaths of Iranians in some para-masturbatory way.
  4. Lee S

    Lee S Moderator Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 20, 2012
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    Of coourse I respect Charles Krauthammer's opinion, even when he criticizes Republicans and American politics. No, make that espseially when he criticizes Republicans.

    Did you know that Charles Krauthammer was a Democrat for most of his life? Did you know he was the chief political speech writer for Walter Mondale when he was the Democratic Party nominee for President. Did you know he is a New York Times best selling author? Did you know his criticism of Republicans is often harsher and more pointed than his criticisms of Democrats?

    You marginalize Charles Krauthammer at your own peril.
  5. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Krauthammer must work for the Israeli government as a lobbyist because he clearly wants yet another war. Obviously he is a traitor who wants to make more war profits.
  6. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Zionists and other America haters use this as "proof" that Iran's leaderships wants war.

    Contrary to these anti-America lies, the leadership wants peace:

    The new President of Iran has suggested that the country's famed 'Death to America' slogan be banned as the government has begun taking steps to re-establish relations with the West.
    President Hassan Rouhani has been seen as a reformer in the eyes of many- especially since he had the landmark phone call with President Obama just weeks ago.
    Now his mentor has publicly stated that the regular chants of 'Death to America' should be dropped, saying that the anger dating back to the capture of the American embassy in 1974 is not helping the country move forward.

    Why do Zionists and neocons hate America as much as they do?
  7. Day of the Candor

    Day of the Candor Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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  8. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    It's proof that the US, and not Iran, is the aggressor.

    Except there is no nuclear threat posed by Iran. It is a complete fabrication.

    Once again, both Israeli and US intelligence both say there is no evidence that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon.

    And assuming they were, purely for the sake of argument, there is absolutely no reason to believe they would ever use it in some kind of offensive strike against America.

    The past has every relevance to the present. You are simply trying to dismiss it because it is inconvenient to your anti-Iran narrative which attempts to paint them as some kind of a grave threat to America. In reality, it is the US government, and not Iran, who poses the greatest threat, not only to Iran, but to the entire world, including America. That is why international polling data has the US as the number one threat to world peace by a wide margin: In Gallup Poll, The Biggest Threat To World Peace Is ... America?

    Except Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons, and a country like Russia, which has the ability to annihilate America, has just as many people in it who speak ill of the US, yet I do not see you taking such an aggressive and war-like posture towards them. Indeed, you actually correctly identified the US government as the aggressor in our relationship with Russia. The question is why are you having such a problem applying that same sound logic to Iran?

    The same thing that gives America the right to exist. If you want a more full explanation of the principles of political independence and national sovereignty, then simply read the DOI.

    The reason the world is like that is because people such as yourself are legitimating it through your words and deeds.
  9. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    How can I "marginalize" somebody who has been DEAD WRONG on Iran and its nuclear program .....for over six years?!?!?
  10. Bo_4

    Bo_4 Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Mar 10, 2013
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    If it were up to Chuck E Snoutslammer, we'd have bombed Iran into the stone-age years ago.

    He's an Obama-hating neocon simp.
  11. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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  12. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    BTW, I have some heart-breaking news for the Neo-Cons and Krautites....

    EVEN IF Jeb Bush wins the Presidency in November 2016...or any viable Republican....

    given the political disaster that occurred for Jeb's Brother....both losing Congress in 2006 and helping to elect Obama in 2008 (among other things that helped)....

    NO ambitious Republican President who wants to be re-elected in 2020 or NOT see his poll numbers crash into the 30s....

    is going to start a war with Iran.

    And YES...."surgical strikes" against Iran is ...starting a war with Iran, as much as the Neo-Cons try to deny it. The Iranians will respond with a full mobilization, invade Iraq with 100s of 1000s of troops, the US (under that GOP President) would be forced to first launch air strikes, massively, then failing....a new ground invasion with 200,000 or more American troops.

    There would be ZERO support from the rest of the world...even the UK wouldn't support us.....and it would become a quagmire that would make Iraq look like Reagan's invasion of Grenada and Vietnam look like a National Guard weekend outing.

    Even surrounded by Dubya's old Neo-con advisors....NO Republican President would make such a move....despite the pleadings of those Neo-Cons and the ones in the GOP Base.

    He would REMEMBER what happened to Bush....and he would not want to repeat it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Krauty claimed that ISRAEL was going to bomb Iran before the 2012 Elections or soon after it.....given it was "the only way to stop Iran."

    Even Netanyahu didn't listen to Dr. Strangelove's advice. :D
  13. Bo_4

    Bo_4 Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Mar 10, 2013
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    Ah yes, Krauty is right up their with Dick "Always Wrong" Morris in the prediction department.

    Speaking of which.. here's his latest - A Walker Landslide! :)
  14. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    When Jeb becomes the Nominee, Dr. Chuckie will act like he was "always" Jeb's biggest fan.

    And then predict a "Jeb Landslide".

  15. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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  16. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Bingo! :cheerleader: FINALLY, something from you Left-overs that I can agree with! Yes, indeed, Idiot Bush blew it badly on Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, on and on. And, yes, we can ALWAYS count on you hyperliberal Obama apologists to drag out the ghost of Idiot Bush, on cue, every single time anything in discussion tends to reflect poorly on Idiot Obama. OK?

    Now, back on topic... in the year 2015... and, in the month of July, in 2015! None of the Left-over contingent wants to look at the actual text that Krauthammer wrote (I've only provided the link about three times), so, since it's relatively short, I'm going to put it right here, right now:

    Krauthammer: Worst agreement in U.S. diplomatic history

    WASHINGTON – The devil is not in the details. It’s in the entire conception of the Iran deal, animated by President Obama’s fantastical belief that he, uniquely, could achieve detente with a fanatical Islamist regime whose foundational purpose is to cleanse the Middle East of the poisonous corruption of American power and influence.

    In pursuit of his desire to make the Islamic Republic into an accepted, normalized “successful regional power,” Obama decided to take over the nuclear negotiations. At the time, Tehran was reeling — the rial plunging, inflation skyrocketing, the economy contracting — under a regime of international sanctions painstakingly constructed over a decade.

    Then, instead of welcoming Congress’ attempt to tighten sanctions to increase the pressure on the mullahs, Obama began the negotiations by loosening sanctions, injecting billions into the Iranian economy (which began growing again in 2014) and conceding in advance an Iranian right to enrich uranium.

    It’s been downhill ever since. Desperate for a legacy deal, Obama has played the supplicant, abandoning every red line his administration had declared essential to any acceptable deal.


    They were to be anywhere, anytime, unimpeded. Now? Total cave. Unfettered access has become “managed access.” Nuclear inspectors will have to negotiate and receive Iranian approval for inspections. Which allows them denial and/or crucial delay for concealing any clandestine activities.

    To give a flavor of the degree of our capitulation, the administration played Iran’s lawyer on this one, explaining that, after all, “the United States of America wouldn’t allow anybody to get into every military site, so that’s not appropriate.” Apart from the absurdity of morally equating America with the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, if we were going to parrot the Iranian position, why wait 19 months to do so — after repeatedly insisting on free access as essential to any inspection regime?

    Coming clean on past nuclear activity

    The current interim agreement that governed the last 19 months of negotiation required Iran to do exactly that. Tehran has offered nothing. The administration had insisted that this accounting was essential because how can you verify future illegal advances in Iran’s nuclear program if you have no baseline?

    After continually demanding access to their scientists, plans and weaponization facilities, Secretary of State John Kerry two weeks ago airily dismissed the need, saying he is focused on the future, “not fixated” on the past.

    Sanctions relief

    These were to be gradual and staged as the International Atomic Energy Agency certified Iranian compliance over time. Now we’re going to be releasing up to $150 billion as an upfront signing bonus. Yet three months ago, Obama expressed nonchalance about immediate sanctions relief. It’s not the issue, he said. The real issue is “snap-back” sanctions to be reimposed if Iran is found in violation.

    Good grief. Iran won’t be found in violation. The inspection regime is laughable and the bureaucratic procedures endless. Moreover, does anyone imagine that Russia and China will reimpose sanctions? Or that the myriad European businesses preparing to join the Iranian gold rush the day the deal is signed will simply turn around and go home?

    Non-nuclear-related sanctions

    The administration insisted that the nuclear talks would not affect separate sanctions imposed because of Iranian aggression and terrorism. That was then. The administration is now leaking that everything will be lifted.

    Taken together, the catalog of capitulations is breathtaking: spot inspections, disclosure of previous nuclear activity, gradual sanctions relief, retention of non-nuclear sanctions.

    What’s left? A surrender document of the kind offered by defeated nations suing for peace. Consider: The strongest military and economic power on earth, backed by the five other major powers, armed with what had been a crushing sanctions regime, is about to sign the worst international agreement in American diplomatic history.

    How did it come to this?

    **** OK, hyperlibs, there it is.... NOW, please have a ball showing us all that what Krauthammer said in this piece is WRONG! Go for it! Knock yourselves out! ****

  17. conservaliberal

    conservaliberal Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2010
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    Your condemnation of an agreement with Iran is premature because there is no agreement yet. It is true that we have been making one concession after another but those can be reversed if the Iranians refuse to cooperate. Plus the issue of an agreement will be settled one way or another long before Iran would really have a weapon. But it is not good that the talks go on missing one deadline after another. This makes us look weak and disorganized and the Iranians will take advantage of that every way they can.
  18. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Once you've put all the ingredients in the pot to cook chicken soup, it is highly unlikely that you're going to pull beef stew out of it! What Krauthammer enumerated were things that are in the negotiations "pot" right now!

    Yes, in theory, it would be possible to throw out the entire basis for negotiations and start all over again... and that is the only way that you or any of Krauthammer's other detractors can be right in saying that criticism is "premature". The features that Krauthammer described are already baked-into this "once-and-future" agreement. And if the Iranians refuse to agree, what is the Obama clown circus going to do? Visit the bidet one last time and then go home?

    Can Obama stand the smirking derision of the world's leaders for having given the Iranians nearly two free extra years to spin their centrifuges and come much closer to manufacturing a nuclear weapon while his "team" wasted time and effort that can never be gotten back?

    Lastly, it is highly unlikely that the U. S. could ever put together another negotiations "coalition" like the one that is literally falling apart today. As it is, the Russians are breaking ranks and demanding an end to the weapons embargo that was placed on Iran: ...

    Did you notice what they're after? They want access to ballistic missiles! Ha! If their nuclear ambitions are so "peaceful", why are they trying so hard to get ballistic missiles?! The Iranians have thrown up yet another roadblock to an agreement on this point, and it's doubtful, given the rotten relationship we have with Russia now, that Lavrov will be of any help to us:

    One last time I ask you who criticize Krauthammer's column to point out ONE SINGLE THING that's he's gotten wrong. I'll concede that it's "premature", but as deadline after deadline passes with the U. S. position getting to be more and more pathetic and laughable, it's just a matter of time -- and the Iranians are using this time very well!
  19. Day of the Candor

    Day of the Candor Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Oh were you talking to me? I thought you were describing your own post because it said nothing. I'll bet you never even read the story at the link. OK, see if you can see what is right in front of your face when you don't read this one,

    BTW, the Iranians also demand that sanctions be lifted so that they can get ballistic missiles too,

    You guys on the Left and Obama are going to walk us right into WW3, just mark my words.
  20. katzgar

    katzgar Banned

    Jan 12, 2013
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    the fact that you have no clue what the agreement is and you go out stomping around like a child in public is concerning.

  21. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Believe me, I'd love nothing more than to see the Iranians agreeing to a full inspection regimen, and for John Kerry and company to come back to America as triumphant heroes, wearing smiles and laurel wreaths. But. Ain't gonna happen.

    Did you know that now, on TOP of everything else, the Iranians are demanding to be let out from under the sanctions that prohibit them from acquiring ballistic missiles? I don't make this stuff up! Link:

    And for a peaceful nuclear power development project, they need ballistic missiles WHY?

    Meanwhile, their military leaders keep right on whipping up the war flames at home:

    The baffling thing is that I'm having to convince anybody who supposedly has rational thought processes that this is what's really going on with Iran! Their Supreme Leader crackpot religious zealot is always preaching hatred and "death to America", and none of you on the Left get it!

    I guess I should just let it go. We are GOING to have a war with these people eventually, and that's a damned shame. I've known two Iranian citizens quite well, working side-by-side with one, and I was in a professional relationship with the other in which my life was quite literally in her hands for hours at a time. Now, it's come to this! Don't think for a minute that I enjoy the fact that we Americans are such incredibly inept negotiators. We've been at this off and on since 2006, and focused on it now for two freaking years! And THIS is what we've got to show for it?

    We will annihilate them, eventually, of course, but how much damage will they do to us in the meantime...?
  22. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Why does Iran insist on being able to acquire ballistic missiles?

    Why does Iran insist on being able to acquire ballistic missiles?

    Our mutual-assured destruction understanding with the Soviet Union and now, the Russian Federation, has worked quite well for decades. Why? Because the Russians are not driven toward some kind of insane Islamo-"armageddon" nightmare by a bunch of religious idiots in a state theocracy! The Russians may have wanted to kill us all, but they didn't want us to kill them, too -- there, is that simple enough for you...? If nothing else, meditate on this -- for nearly 100 years, Russians have been led by people who were mostly atheists, who do not believe in an afterlife. Does it not follow that people with this guiding philosophy have every reason in the world to want to make certain that they get to go on living in THIS life...?

    But to an Muslim "holy man", the exact opposite is true! They WANT to bring on the "end of the world", complete with the return of kind of Islamo-"messiah" wearing a blue turban, killing all the "infidels", etc., etc., etc. And you think it's just fine for people with THAT mindset to come into possession of nuclear power and ballistic missiles to deliver them with?! :eekeyes:
  23. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    One has to appreciate the irony and the chutzpah of Krauthammer. He has no place commenting on anything related to foreign policy at this point. Sure, he can say whatever he wants. But his credibility is ZERO.

    This is a man who was a card carrying member of the Project for a New American Century and who was one of the loudest cheerleaders for the largest disaster in the history of US foreign policy, Mr Bush's misbegotten, mismanaged, and unnecessary Iraq war.
  24. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Krauthammer is an avowed Israeli mole here in the US press who would whine about anything less that Iran's total capitulation to whatever his hero Netanyahu wants. Who gives a rat's ass what Chuckie thinks about any deal being made with Iran? If I were negotiating for Iran, I would not agree to any inspections until the sneaky Israelis allow full access to Dimona.
  25. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Why does any country want any weapons. Perhaps because their enemies have them and they would like to be able to defend themselves in case they are threatened. Pretty simple concept in my book. Why does Israel insist on having one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world? Why don't they subject themselves to a complete anal inspection of all of their weapons systems? The ridiculous fake outrage continually puked out by supporters of Israel regarding what weapon systems other sovereign countries wish to develop is a bad joke. Get a grip man!

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