In Israel/Palestine the Hatred just Grows and Grows

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by resisting arrest, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. starcitizen

    starcitizen Banned

    Nov 19, 2015
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    The Israelis accepted the two state solution on all of Gaza, 97% of the West Bank, and a capital in East Jerusalem, it was flatly rejected by the Arabs in the disputed territories who would go on to elect Hamas who call for nothing short of the destruction of Israel and the extermination of world Jewry.
  2. SamSkwamch

    SamSkwamch Banned

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Enough already, ethnic cleansing is clearly wrong to all civilized people on this planet.
  3. starcitizen

    starcitizen Banned

    Nov 19, 2015
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    There's no such thing as a Palestinian and the populations of the Arabs in the disputed territories of Israel and Israel proper have grown exponentially since 1948; whereas, the Jewish populations throughout the Arab world and Iran have all but been eradicated.
  4. SamSkwamch

    SamSkwamch Banned

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Do you see why many here disagree with what you call fact?

    As to the rest, be fair for a sec:

    Iran's Jews reject cash offer to move to Israel
    · Expats offer families £30,000 to emigrate
    · Our identity is not for sale, say community leaders

    The following correction was printed in the Guardian's Corrections and clarifications column, Saturday July 28 2007

    In the article below we reported that last year President Ahmadinejad said (quoting the late Ayatollah Khomeini) that Israel should be "wiped off the map". A more literal translation of the statement he made in 2005, at The World without Zionism conference in Tehran, is "the regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

    Iran's Jews have given the country a loyalty pledge in the face of cash offers aimed at encouraging them to move to Israel, the arch-enemy of its Islamic rulers.

    The incentives — ranging from £5,000 a person to £30,000 for families — were offered from a special fund established by wealthy expatriate Jews in an effort to prompt a mass migration to Israel from among Iran's 25,000-strong Jewish community. The offers were made with Israel's official blessing and were additional to the usual state packages it provides to Jews emigrating from the diaspora.

    However, the Society of Iranian Jews dismissed them as "immature political enticements" and said their national identity was not for sale....

    In short, look what you wrote and see for yourself that you cannot EVEN PAY THEM TO LEAVE!
  5. starcitizen

    starcitizen Banned

    Nov 19, 2015
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    The Jewish population has been decimated in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Fascist terror dropping by nearly 90%, the numbers in the Arab world have dropped to 0%. The Jewish population of Iran dropped from 150,000 in 1948 to 100,000 by 1979 to less than 10,000 today, that is ethnic cleansing on a massive scale.
  6. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    From YOUR link :

    Meaning the few that remained there are more loyal than Muslims and do not really practice Judaism but a sort of Judaism.

    You should stick to general accusations and blood libels, facts are not your strong side.
  7. MicrobeCleaner

    MicrobeCleaner Active Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    The expansion came form Israel. So it's different because of Israel's actions.
    But let's forget 67, it was not my intention to suggest Israel should go back to 67. I believe they should but that's not my point here. My point is that Israel takes the liberty to move it's borders. Israel's borders are also Palestine's borders. Tell me, how, or under which conditions can Palestine create a state today if they wanted? Even if Palestine would completely accept all Israel's conditions I don't see how this is possible in reality.

    The truth unfortunately is that Israel sees the whole Palestinian territory as Israeli territory. So by definition a Palestinian state is impossible from Israeli point of view.
    The willingness from Israel to have an autonomous Palestinian state is false.

    Resistance shouldn't necessarily be violent. There is some of that off course. But just the fact that the Palestinians are not trying to flee is a form of resistance. They resist to accept Israel's plans to keep expanding.

    But in a moment of honesty and clarity you did. And you were totally right. The hate and violence is fog, the essence is still the dispute over the territory.
  8. MicrobeCleaner

    MicrobeCleaner Active Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    It was rejected because a majority of people were given a minority of land. They didn't choose to share their land, it was imposed on them, don't forget this. So the proposal was pretty bad from the start.
    By the time Hamas was elected Israel already took great chunks of territory beyond their legal borders, so it's easy to blame the election of Hamas on the expansion of Israel.
  9. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Having survived seven wars of aggression, two intifadas, continuous rocket shelling and back stabbing, it is amazing that Israel did not "shove" Palestinians across the river to where they belong, in Palestinian Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Quite a restrain, eh? :)
  10. starcitizen

    starcitizen Banned

    Nov 19, 2015
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    A) I'm not talking about the partition plan, B) Jews were in the majority within the lands partitioned to them in 1948, C) the Arabs were offered a state in 48 and again in 2000 and they rejected it both times.
  11. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Israel explioted the Arab refusal, the right wingers anyway because there was a great political turmoil worth mentioning when th ebuilding in the WB began, many Israelis protested against that, but it wouldnt have been possible if the Arabs didnt continue to refuse recognizing Israel.

    Much too general, most of the right wingers I think object a Palestinian state that's true but even "Jewish Home" political party said its goal is to annex area C (residents included...) and the rest of the WB can be an autonomy, put aside for a sec this practiclly means a Ghetto - even they recognize the Indipendance aspirations of the Palestinians and the fact it cannot be ignored forever.

    I think, from ppl I hear around me, there is a vast majurity that want to seperate from the Palestinians compleatly, but Im sure they will be just as hard on Jerusalem topic as we will.

    Israel acknowledged its mistake ignoring the Palestinians when Rabin was elected, so their resistance (hurts to admit) did made a diffrence, however its also what stopped it, when Hamas took it upon themselves to stop Oslo they launched terrible suicide attcks on busses and resturants that halted Oslo and brought Bibi to leadership, I remeber that since I was an "activist" pro peace and I had to argue with all those saying the Arabs dont really want peace.

    Today I belive we are in a place there is zero trust between the sides and PEACE is not a word that ppl use anymore, now we seek some kind of agreement that wont resolve in peace but some kind of normal - or just better lives.

    We need to give Gaza some prosperity and WB more freedoms so they will have somethig to aspire for and something to lose....., if it works we can start talking about borders, IMO.
  12. MicrobeCleaner

    MicrobeCleaner Active Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    After the expulsion of the locals yes off course. However, the land that was partitioned to them was larger than the land that was partitioned to the Arabs, even though the local Arabs were in majority.
    So that might be a reasonable reason to reject a proposal. But let's assume they accepted it. Would this avoid today's situation? Off course not. Israel was going to expand from the beginning. The rejection of the proposal is just part of anti Palestinian rhetoric.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What can I say, everyone is entitled to have an opinion
  13. starcitizen

    starcitizen Banned

    Nov 19, 2015
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    No one was expelled, the land was partitioned in 1948 to give Jews a majority in those lands, Jews held a majority in nascent Israel prior to the Arab rejection of partition. Furthermore; the Arabs were given 90% of Palestine, they were given all of the lands of Palestine East of the Jordan river and 47% of the lands to the West but even that wasn't enough for the Arab invaders of Jewish land, they wanted it all. Israel accepted partition in 1948 the Arabs rejected it, and again in 2000 Israel offered the Arabs a state along the '67 borders minus only 3% of the West Bank for security purposes, and the Arabs rejected it and today the Arabs within the disputed Israeli territories elected a party calling for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of world Jewry it is clear to anyone with half a brain who the aggressors in this situation are and it is the Islamic Imperialist Arabs who have been expanding by the sword throughout the entire region since Mohammad.
  14. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Jews expelled hundreds of thousands of Arabs during the 1947/1948 conflicts, following the plans of Plan Dalet.
  15. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Yes indeed. So post away, my friend.
  16. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    So this pedestal you sit on where you look down on these savages and frown, where did you get it from?

    Lol. No it wasn't made in China.
  17. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    To start with the above is your unsubstantiated subjective belief. Posing it as truth and yourself as immaculate and infallible and a divine one professing truth is delusion with due respect.

    Secondly your subjective perspective in your mind may be truth but whether it is actually fact is another issue and from the sounds of
    it you can't separate your subjective beliefs from the world around you-you believe they are one and the same so I think its pointless trying to suggest to you your subjective opinion is only that and limited by your biases.

    If you ever want to conceive of a world where there might be facts that don't come from your universal truth, let me know. Until then
    I dismiss your comments as just another arm chair genius who has no clue where Israel or Palestine is and what is in conflict but thinks he does because he read an internet article.
  18. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Netanyahu has stated that there will never be a two state solution.

    He has acted on that by expanding the ethnic cleansing of West Bank and continuing the war against Gaza that started about 8 years ago and has never ceased since then.

    So, this post of yours seems like a denial of a very real national security problem faced by the US and the rest of the world - let alone the humanitarian disaster Israel continues to perpetrate.
  19. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    The GOP has rejected any 2 state solution..

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    The GOP has rejected any 2 state solution..
  20. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    This was clearly a disaster. Once again, the "West" decided to give away territory that didn't belong to them without the participation and agreement of those who lost there lands.

    Then, we sit here and decry the very idea that those in the region might not accept that their land had been given away!!!

    When I hear these statements, I just wonder how the people that make them could be so absolutely stupid.

    Of course, we're beyond that now, so even bringing it up is stupid. Even Hamas has agreed that Israel is permanent and that Palestine and Israel must live beside each other in peace. And, West Bank's leadership has been dedicated to this direction for a long time now. In fact, the ADF considers Abbas its key partner in security.

    The real issue is that Israel continues its ethnic cleansing operations today, continuing to steal the land, the houses, the water rights, the farms of individual Palestinians in West Bank.

    This is just a clear cut criminal operation - a denial of the rule of law, a massive humanitarian crime. And thinking that Netanyahu will stop it has been proven to be a fantasy. After all, why should Israel stop when there is so much land to be stolen, backed by the overwhelming military force contributed by the USA?
  21. starcitizen

    starcitizen Banned

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Wrong again chuckles, 90% of the lands partitioned to the state of Israel were either owned outright by Jews or were British Crown Land and before that they were Ottoman Crown Lands, they were never Arab lands and within these lands once again the Jews held a majority.

    It wasn't their land your whole premise is based on a complete and total lie.

    Well at least we're not liars.

    Absolute nonsense, Hamas has never accepted the two state solution and calls for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of world Jewry right in their charter.

    Simply not true the Arab leadership of Fattah and the PLO says one thing to a western audience and another to the Arabs, but Abbas let his mask slip in front of EU Parliament the other week and accused Jews of poisoning Arab wells in a classic blood libel canard, ya that overt anti-Semite Nazi sounds like a real partner for peace.

    Just more overt nonsense, the Arab population in the disputed territories of Israel and Israel proper have grown exponentially since 1948 and continue to do so today; whereas, the Jewish population has all but been completely destroyed in the Arab world and Iran.

    The Arabs in point of fact have no business in the West Bank or Gaza they are colonialists who started invading the Levant during the height of the Islamic Imperialist conquests and never left, genetic testing proves that this is true. Israel though has accepted this two state solution farce and the Arab invading occupiers flatly rejected it because they will not stop until they push the Jews into the sea.
  22. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    By 1948 Jews owned less than 6% of the land.. and the "Crown" never owned any of it.
  23. starcitizen

    starcitizen Banned

    Nov 19, 2015
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    You're just simply lying, the vast majority of the land partitioned to the state of Israel was British Crown Land IE the public lands within the British Mandate of Palestine or owned outright by Jews the Arabs owned jack and (*)(*)(*)(*).
  24. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    The "Hamas Charter" has been long superseded and won't be changed as Hamas isn't interested in that kind of unification.

    Hamas acceded to the unity government of Abbas which required Hamas to agree to the permanence of Israel and the intent to live in peace beside Israel. It required Hamas to reject violent means of pursuing that goal. And, even that wasn't a change, as Hamas agreed to Israel's permanence in conversations with President Clinton.

    To ignore this progress with Hamas is criminal. It is YOU pushing for permanent conflict.

    The ADF is not Palestinian, you may remember. So, the fact that the ADF sees Abbas as their key partner in security in Palestine can not be ignored so lightly.

    The fact of Israeli ethnic cleansing hasn't reduced the Palestinian population, but that is not in conflict with the definition of ethnic cleansing. Nobody has claimed Israel is guilty of genocide - just ethnic cleansing.

    Palestinians have been in West Bank for a long time. Individuals own property there. Even if the borders were changed to include West Bank as part of Israel those individuals would, by international law, retain every right to that property and would become Israeli citizens by virtue of the border change.

    Yet, Israelis are stealing their land, their houses, their water rights, their farms as they drive out the residents early in the morning before they can so much as retrieve their belongings.

    Israel is building a generations long record of thoroughly documented humanitarian crime that will be difficult for Israelis to EVER live down.
  25. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    You don't seem to know what "mandate" means.. The British didn't own any land in Palestine.. and the Jews only owned 6% in 1948.. which is what they looted and destroyed over 300 Arab villages.

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