What the hell did this post mean USSR? This was like some rambling Unibomber manifesto! LOL!!! AboveAlpha
This reply was left so it seems you are capable of making one that eludes editing. It probably has a lot to do with the fact you didn't call me names or otherwise insult the poster according to the rules. A habit you might consider making a regular occurrence.
Sorry unable to discuss Talmud child abuse so no point in discussion your support for theis aberration of humanity that quite rightly disgusts right thinking human beings. I shall not reply to you unless moderators allow free discussion and your posts to stand scrutiny by P.F.users. Until such time ditto...... Highlander
A condescending egotistic old fart, aren't you! I post those little nuggets missed out by those bigoted hypocrites that deliberately ignore. but threats are those things reprobates thugs and low life's stoop, and you need not look further that your dictators that run your political system. Irrational, you mean the murder and torture of men women and children by American death squads....that's not irrational, it's facts! I have no interest in you per se nor any threat for telling truthfully the degenerate behaviour of the American military, CIA and FBI. But why would you need to threaten me and at the same time imply I'm irrational! You belong to a sick disgusting political and military society that's just wrong! So talking up for those murdered, those tortured, those assassinated, maimed and going mad in your secret prisons, those raped, men women and children makes me irrational, unbalanced, according to you...... In my eyes, you wouldn't manage to reach up into the gutter from your lowly self serving sewage drain. Highlander
Unlike you I don't read the Talmud and furthermore, have no idea of what relevance it has to this thread about Japan unless China and Japan are going to war over a Jewish book. Seems we are free to discuss it seems though that you feel that discussion is best when you are calling others names and personally assaulting them on the forums. And, Ditto back at 'ya my Rush Limbaugh ditto head friend!
It ALWAYS amuses me to watch this kind of TRAIN WRECK!! LOL!!! The sad thing is this person does not even realize I am trying to help them....because not everyone is such a nice guy as I am. AboveAlpha...p.s...take your Meds!
Just musing about the total lack of understanding the Asian Psych , by the arrogant leadership of US Imperialism ,Obama is just as pathetic ,in his foreign Policy as his domestic, see as an Asian myself ,Australian ,or AustralASIAN.,face is everything ,to the Nations to my north ,or northern Asia ,as well as SE Asia ,for that matter . So sending Number 2 ,man vice President 'WHO"?, and John ? Kerry is well ,TAKEN AS AN INSULT! Number 1 man of US Imperialism ,didn't show at the last Meeting of Asian Nations ,therefore sees his .Asian "Allies" ,Japan and Sth Korea and others ,in the Struggle against China ,as unimportant .or less important . See ,just what is considered Minor ,questions ,have a habit of Biting one on the Arse . Even the Australian \US government ,had to be cajoled .And told how Obama still loves them !
Well...I TRY very hard to stay away from Idiot Politicians but sometimes they are just everywhere. AboveAlpha
I am starting to think that they are not ,"idiot Politicians " ,just ordinary below average Idiots .Politicians, are required to have some Political knowledge ,if you know what I mean .
I have always thought about just why a person runs for office and there are two types one of which is rare. Basically the majority of Politicians run for office as they have a deep seated desire to control things and enjoy being Popular as that is all running for office is about as it is a Popularity contest. The RARE Politician is one that usually is THRUST INTO THE POLITICAL SCENE as some people run for office to try to change an injustice or unfair law....and some of such people who might do a good job have other people see this and get behind them as the people will push such Politicians up to higher and higher positions. Those are the good ones. AboveAlpha
Dear dear me, please try and present facts in context ,as when one uses context ,then one can NOT SAY ,that the AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ ,Military quagmires and Debacles ,as "FREEDOM ", dear ,the understanding of what is Democracy and Freedom ,is at a very low level .
The corruption of the current mob ,of Pseudo -Politicians, is evident in the fact that on the same days as the Asian Conference was on ,Obama was off in fund raisers ,with the Hollywood set! As corrupt and criminal the Old political "elite " were they still at least went through the Motions .
Did you know that when a Politician Retires that Politician get's to keep all the money in his Political Campaign War Chest? ALL OF IT!!!! Scum Bags!!! AboveAlpha
Thanks ,no I didn't know that .One would think the party would get it ,oh that's right in the USA ,they are not actually Political structures ,just Pseudo-Party's . Does anyone pay party Dues to be a member of the Republicans or Democrats ? Can one be a member ,or is it just as registered voter that alligence is determined ,I feel that neither entity can be described as a Political Party ! Now back to the collapsing Chinese economy ,with growth rates down and failing , http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/01/21/chin-j21.html Economic crisis just in time to add fuel to the Fire.
No...there are no dues and a person can join any political party that want to and as well a U.S. Citizen can vote for anyone on the Presidential Ballot and can even write in a name of anyone they wish to cast a vote for. As long as a person is born in the United States any such American Citizen can run for President. In fact a person does not even have to register as a Presidential candidate as even if a peron is not on the ballot if they were to say use the Internet to build a Grass Roots following a week before the Presidential elections and then tell all their internet followers to write their name in the ballot as this casts a vote for such a person for President....they could actually win the Presidency!!! Now as far as China is concerned...China had better get their S#!% together because if they continue to pull this crap THEY...CHINA...are the ONLY ones who are going to be hurt by such idiocy. AboveAlpha
Thanks for that ,so it verifies what I thought was the case ,the Political Party's of US Imperialism are a hoax . Mirages ,non -existent ,no structure and No real membership .How fragile is the Political structure then ,as no-one is prepared to die for their Party . Thanks for that as it makes the Development of the Political Party of the US working Class ,the Socialist Equality party ,more powerful as a real Political Party .
Well...you could look at it that way...or you could look at it from the perspective that the individual is considered to have the same rights as any number of people in a group. I want to ask you something and if you could PLEASE tell me the truth. I want to know if you are living in Russia or a former Soviet state. The reason I am asking is I have been to Russia and as well I have been around mostly for the purpose back in the 80's of keeping the lines of communication open as people like me on BOTH sides understood that such a thing was very important in order to avoid....misunderstandings. The worse time for such...misunderstandings was when Yuri Andropov took power and the Soviet equivalents of people such as myself were coming up to us saying..."We BOTH have a problem." Such people on both the Soviet side and mine were WORRIED TO DEATH about Andropov as he was dying and had become delusional. Do you remember this? AboveAlpha
I live in Australia ,have been a Trotskyist \Communist for 30years ,I consider the USSR as the first successful Workers Revolution in history ,the problem was its betrayal by the Stalinist Bureaucracy. The USSR ,was the first shot in the World Socialist Revolution ,not a National revolution of any form . I speak for the Class conscious Proletariat Internationally .In other words ,I am the real deal ,as far as being a Communist Revolutionary .My political allegiance is to my Class ,not my Nation ,as Workers have no Country ,and a world to win .I hope that clarifies. As far as Andropov , it did lead to a crisis as the instability of the Cold war relationships ,between US Imperialism and the USSR were shifting ,and the uncertainty with the death of Brezhnev, created a crisis of leadership . Soon , resolved with his "sudden death " ,suspicious circumstance ,and the bringing to power ,of a relatively unknown ,Gorbachev ,created the conditions with Glasnost and Perestroika for the Collapse and dissolution of the USSR ,Yep ,I remember . And yes I think the Soviet Working Class still exists .Irrespective of the dissolution of the USSR ,the re-establishment of Capitalism in Russia ,is a highly unstable situation ,and as far as the Stalinist KGB ,hack Putin well the more things change the more they seem to stay the same ,the crisis is No tradition of Capitalist rule ,as the Russian revolution ,took Russia ,from Tsarist feudalism to Nationalised Property with the USSR ,no Capitalist tradition for 73 years .Is something to think about ,Yeltsin to Putin ,one Stalinist hack to another! Andropov ,was murdered in my personal opinion ,hey ,when we were much younger .How more stable things were ,today its US Imperialism Unleashed and Unhinged ,like a madman with a razor blade. That includes ,Bush and Obama .
You will find I am not constrained by any Political Ideology. I can tell you because I have been there....various 1980's Soviet States including Russia and I can tell you if YOU had been there and seen what I had seen you would have a VERY different opinion that your opinion that...consider's the USSR as the first successful Workers Revolution in history...end quote USSR. They took Carl Marx's Work and basically used the concepts to justify the massive in number MURDERS during the Bolshevik Revolution....and even though the Czar and the Russian Royalty didn't have it coming...the creation of the USSR or CCCP and it's Leadership....and Politburo and Communist Party was simply just another way to keep a NEW ROYALTY in Power. Under STALIN....the Soviet People suffered Millions upon Millions of death's due to relocation as Stalin killed more Soviets than the NAZI's did. But you can't call the the creation of the USSR as the first successful Workers Revolution in history...as the USSR neither was run by or supported by the Workers....as the Communist Party Leadership made CERTAIN...the actual rights of the workers was to make too little money for too far much work and NEVER have an opportunity to advance or get ahead. I remember talking with soon to retire Soviet Air Force Pilots who I asked what they intended to do and work for once they retired from the Military. When I told them what the average Pan-Am Pilot made a year plus insurance and Stock Options....a few of these Russian's almost fainted! AboveAlpha
It always makes me chuckle ,when a human says "I don't hold an Ideological Position ,BUT " and then advances an ideological position ,Not blaming you for it ,but you advance the Ideology of capitalism ,in all your positions ,its something in the water I guess, but all thinking humans have an ideological position ,its a a Human thinking thing . Despite the crimes of Stalinism ,and I am from the Ideological and political tradition of Trotsky ,Permanent Revolution ,against Stalin's "socialism in one country ". The USSR ,proved historically ,that the Working Class could take Political power .All the Privileges of Stalinism ,and they did have them over the ordinary worker or peasant .were based not on Private ownership ,but Nationalised Property . The eventual collapse was the Isolation of the USSR ,from Global economy ,trade ,always remember that it was Embargoed from International trade.It wasn't that the revolution was wrong ,it was that it didn't extend to Europe AND around the world ,the disparity in living standard was also a big factor ,as Trotsky predicted ,it is the Lower productivity of Labour ,that would eventually be the death knell of the USSR ,if World Socialism didn't revigorate and end its Isolation . Why ,didn't World Socialist Revolution take place ,well ,IT DID but was betrayed time and again ,by Stalinism ,in its Perspective of "socialism in a single Country " ,"peaceful co-existence with Imperialism ," and I could go on ,essentially the Stalinists were the grave diggers of Socialism , and the International Working Class in WW2, which their betrays laid the basis for ,Particularly in 1931-32 Germany and the rise of Hitler . The perspective of Marxism ,was never Revolution in a Backward semi-Feudal Nation ,Russia 1917, but an advanced Capitalist Nation ,eg ,Germany ,France ,Britain. Presented with the USSR ,hey we took it as I say ,The first shot in the International ,or WORLD SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. Socialism ,is Anti-Nationalism ,its a Internationalist Political movement or it is nothing . To hold these views on Socialism ,would have got me shot in the USSR ,after 1934,Stalin Organised Trotsky's assassination in 1940 ,the greatest political crime of the 20th century. Let Trotsky speak on the subject ,best go to source. http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2008/10/stal-o20.html
Japanese imperialism is to modern China as the Xiongnu threat was to ancient China. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=337134 Xiongnu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiongnu
The problem is that Uncle Sam had purposely left some of the "imperialist virus" in the Japanese society to deal with any potential rivalry from Asia. These "Japanese imperialist virus" are now multiplying at an alarming rate. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=337134