Part 38 of Post Your Tough Questions Regarding Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Mitt Ryan, Mar 30, 2017.

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  1. Ronald Hillman

    Ronald Hillman Banned

    Mar 17, 2020
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    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My theory is that the woman who Mary K. Baxter saw in hell......
    was experiencing what she herself might have decreed on her enemies......
    if she had the power to do it..........

    That is the Law of Attraction..... what is inside of us... comes back to be with us.... and we attract beings to us in the afterlife who are actually like we are inside..........
    Who we hang out with in the higher invisible dimensions is actually our decision........

    I believe in Eventual Universal Salvation but.....
    our spirits and souls go through an astonishing array of experiences based on where we are at in our own hearts..... at each stage.....
    One characteristic that will really mess us up is an inability to forgive others... or even ourselves for that matter.....

    Stanley Milgram Lucifer Satan knows that by dragging people downward into unforgiveness....... greed.... anger ... hatred.. .and lust..... he sets us up eventually for Sympathy for the Devil that may result in our expanding the kingdom of Messiah into deeper and deeper levels of the hellish realms..... So by getting us into his mind set.... he is I suppose setting up the eventual redemption of his own kingdom of fear and deception....... or at least that is my guess at a possible somewhat positive motive for the war he has began against heaven????

    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
  3. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Please fell free to read the verses in context and you will see that the God character was always changing his mind, just as if he was clueless as to what he was doing. Remember how he destroyed humanity and all of the creatures after how boasting about how good his creation was? And then he regretted making Saul king because Saul wasn't a complete homicidal maniac like God wanted him to be?

    The fact is that you made a serious error in claiming that the God character doesn't change his mind. Put a different spin on it and move on. A good spin might be that there is no celestial God of any kind in this solar system and that the biblical God character was just a series of emperors and chief priests who ruled the dominate empire in the Middle East during ancient times. Some were halfway sane and others were lunatics. They were all vicious killers with no redeeming qualities.

    We know that no one has ever had faith in the Jesus character because his story is just fiction. So, please stop deluding yourself. If you can't take it all literally then how can you believe any of it? How do you tell the truth from the lies?
    Cosmo likes this.
  4. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I am being very rational when I state that God has free will but He does not do any evil. You cannot view God like how we view other humans. God is not human, He doesn't have faults like we do, we are imperfect whereas God is perfect.

    Here let me list all the attributes of God, I'm pretty sure you'll recognize some of them because you've heard Christians describe Him as such.

    1. God is eternal, meaning He had no beginning and His existence will never end.

    2. He is immortal and infinite.

    3. God is immutable, meaning He is unchanging; this in turn means that God is absolutely reliable and trustworthy.

    4. God is incomparable; there is no one like Him in works or being. He is unequaled and perfect.

    5. God is inscrutable, unfathomable, unsearchable, and past finding out as far as understanding.

    6. God is just; He is no respecter of persons in the sense of showing favoritism.

    7. God is omnipotent; He is all-powerful and can do anything that pleases Him, but His actions will always be in accord with the rest of His character.

    8. God is omnipresent, meaning He is present everywhere, but this does not mean that God is everything.

    9. God is omniscient, meaning He knows the past, present, and future, including what we are thinking at any given moment. Since He knows everything, His justice will always be administered fairly.

    10. God is one; not only is there no other, but He is alone in being able to meet the deepest needs and longings of our hearts. God alone is worthy of our worship and devotion.

    11. God is righteous, meaning that God cannot and will not pass over wrongdoing. It is because of God’s righteousness and justice that, in order for our sins to be forgiven, Jesus had to experience God’s wrath when our sins were placed upon Him.

    12. God is sovereign, meaning He is supreme. All of His creation put together cannot thwart His purposes.

    13. God is spirit, meaning He is invisible.

    14. God is a Trinity. He is three in one, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.

    15. God is truth, He will remain incorruptible and cannot lie.

    16. God is holy, separated from all moral defilement and hostile toward it. God sees all evil and it angers Him. God is referred to as a consuming fire.

    17. God is gracious, and His grace includes His goodness, kindness, mercy, and love.

    May we all wholeheartedly continue to seek after Him.

    We Read in Scripture:

    13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. Jeremiah 29:13 NLT
    gfm7175 likes this.
  5. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Post #804 seems to be heavy with superstition.
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  6. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    While such a theory is a religious belief, akin in framework to our own religious belief, I personally am not convinced that all of the extreme complexities and intricacies of our universe just randomly appeared (the chances of such happening are infinitesimally small). I am, rather, much more convinced that there was some sort of very intelligent mind that specifically designed those things to be the way that they are. I believe this "very intelligent mind" to be the Christian God, as detailed in the Holy Bible.
    Mitt Ryan likes this.
  7. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Oh c'mon now cosmo, you're just spouting off some anger. In my experience people who say things out of anger do not make valid, rational, true statements towards a person they are angry with.

    Now let's do a little exercise in illustrating what common sense is.

    If I were to see two living beings, one being a beautiful voluptuous woman with long beautiful hair and legs and along side of her was a chimpanzee on a leash that this beautiful woman had a hold of, I wouldn't think to myself, oh look at those two animals, one beautiful and the other not so beautiful but cute.

    I would use my common sense and automatically see/know that the beautiful voluptuous woman with long beautiful hair and legs is a human being. I would also know that the chimpanzee that she controlled with a leash was her animal pet.

    I wouldn't think they were somehow related, like this chimpanzee was a distant cousin of this beautiful voluptuous woman with long beautiful hair and legs.

    The point being, human beings are not animals, chimpanzees/apes are animals, therefore human beings are not chimpanzees/apes.

    We Read in Scripture:

    24 Then God said, “Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind—livestock, small animals that scurry along the ground, and wild animals.” And that is what happened. 25 God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.

    26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”

    27 So God created human beings in his own image.
    In the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

    28 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” Genesis 1:24-28 NLT
  8. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Imagine a universe where elephants give birth to chickens and cows give birth to humans and chickens give birth to cows and humans give birth to elephants and giraffes give birth to lions and lions give birth to tuna.

    So, isn't it wonderful how on this planet each animal produces offspring of the same kind?
    Cosmo likes this.
  9. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I whole heartedly agree with everything you said gfm, excellent post! Like you, I am also convinced that there was some sort of very intelligent mind that specifically designed those complexities and intricacies within our universe and that it just didn't randomly appear.

    Just looking out into the night sky God made it so obvious to us, so we know the truth about God, I mean we can clearly see His invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature and so non of us have an excuse for not knowing God.

    We Read in Scripture:

    18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Romans 1:18-20 NLT
    gfm7175 likes this.
  10. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Hey gawd, you forgot to mention us human beings producing offspring of the same kind.

    But yes indeed!, this planet is remarkably wonderful the way God designed it!

    He created all the other non-human beings like the marine animals, all the land animals, the birds that fly in the sky, the little creepy crawlers on the ground...again I'd say simply remarkable!...just mind boggling awesome!

    And He put us human beings in charge of the earth, to govern it and to reign over all His other created living beings. I think we're doing an ok job so far but of course it's not the greatest job but what da heck you can't expect perfection out of imperfect human

    We Read in Scripture:

    27 So God created human beings in his own image.
    In the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

    28 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” Genesis 1:27-28 NLT
  11. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    You claimed you were not so forgiving if you did any kind of wrong but now you're saying all you would do is just live with the guilt if you did something wrong.

    So if you committed a felonious crime and gotten away with it, you would just live with the guilt and not turn yourself in to the authorities to face charges.

    So essentially you are forgiving your own self by not facing any kind of punishment.

    Just living with the guilt is not any real kind of punishment and so you can't say you would be "not so forgiving on yourself". You'd be contradicting yourself if you did.

    So this would indicate you are not a morally responsible person. Sorry to conclude that but your statements leads to this conclusion.
    Overitall likes this.
  12. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Mitt, don't you know that all animals are just worms in specialized bodies? You have brain cells in your gut. Your animal body just lets the worm, your gut, move around more efficiently than if it was still burrowing in the ground. Sure, humans have unique brains but we are still nothing but walking, talking, worms.
  13. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Since we know for certain that A is A, how can God and Jesus who imply A is not A exist?
  14. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    There is also the Holy Spirit. The Christian God is a Triune God or the Trinity, consisting of the Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.

    God is not three entities, nor three beings. God is a trinity of persons consisting of one substance and one essence. God is numerically one. Yet, within the single divine essence are three individual subsistence that we call persons.

    The Trinity can be a difficult concept to grasp. But this does not necessitate an argument against its validity.

    The law of identity states: "each thing is the same with itself and different from another": "A is A and not ~A". By this it is meant that each thing comprises it own unique set of characteristic qualities or features, which the ancient Greeks called its essence.

    Consequently, things that have the same essence are the same thing, while things that have different essences are different things.

    Since God is a trinity of persons consisting of one substance and one essence, the law of identity is not violated.
  15. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Only the All Powerful, Almighty God!, can be three persons but numerically one.

    3 = 1 God, the Christian Triune God, the Trinity. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.

    We Read in Scripture:

    Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ said,

    30 "The Father and I are one." John 10:30 NLT
  16. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    It is because the law lf identity holds that no given thing can be of three different things at once. Furthermore, it tells us that nothing can be omnipotent, nothing can be infinite and nothing can be miraculous. God is all of the above and does thus violate reality and to believe in him one has to evade reality.

    I do not want to sh-t on your religion or anything. For all I care you should be allow to practice it. However, it is clear to me that God is anti-reason.
  17. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I did say the Trinity can be a difficult concept to grasp. So based on your statements, you failed to grasp the concept.

    If you read what I wrote exactly, you will find that I didn't say, "The Triune God was three different things at once" but what I did say was, "God is not three entities, nor three beings, God is a trinity of persons consisting of one substance and one essence. God is numerically one." Maybe you should read again my entire post very closely.

    Christians believe God is omnipotent, infinite, miraculous, and including a whole list of other attributes, that I just posted recently on this page.

    Lastly, when the critic says God is anti-reason, he is basing this on his own insight and unless he has insight into 100% of all knowledge he can never be sure he is right.

    We Read in Scripture:

    13 If one gives an answer before he hears,

    it is his folly and shame. Proverbs 18:13 ESV
  18. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Hey gawd, have you ever thought about becoming a night club comedy act? j/k my friend.

    Well, I don't know if you've heard the talk that Adam and Eve opened up a can of worms right after they disobeyed God and committed the first sins in the Garden of Eden.

    That was the start of the fallen, sinful world in which we live in.

    Our bodies are inhabited by all kinds of parasites, you name a parasite and it's probably in someone's body right now.

    We have parasites living in our bodies, from the worms you mentioned, to viruses, bacteria (good bacteria/bad bacteria), cancerous cells, etc..etc.

    All are a result from the sins of a fallen world.

    So according to you now, we are nothing but walking, talking, worms. Well not too long ago, a close friend of yours said we humans are part of the ape family. You folks have no consistency in your belief system.

    Furthermore I strongly believe both of you are wrong, we are just human beings who are all sinful, not even one of us is righteous and so we all are in need of a Savior.

    God has giving us a Savior in Lord Jesus Christ.

    We Read in Scripture:

    10 As the Scriptures say,

    "No one is righteous—not even one." Romans 3:10 NLT

    Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ said,

    16 "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NLT

    25 Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. 26 Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?” John 11:25-26 NLT
    gfm7175 and DennisTate like this.
  19. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Maybe because it is ungraspable by default?

    Perhaps I am just too stupid to get it it really does not make any sense to me.

    Sure, water can take three different forms, but the same entity of water cannot be liquid, ice and steam at once , can it?

    Regardless, the essence of God is that he is supernatural and nothing in nature can act outside its nature. The very nature of supernaturality is a contradiction and cannot be regarded as anything but mysticism and whim. I would assume this is tje reason he can only be accept by faith and not by reason.

    There are many more aspects of the Christian doctrine that do not tickle me the right way. For example, what they regard as sin and virtue and its overall altruistic bend.

    Again, I really do not mean any offense by my criticism and am not here to ridicule you or any other believer.

    That is simply not true. I don't need to see all tables in the world to recognise what is a table at IKEA or when I walk into a room. I can for certain know that a table is a table because I fully understand the concept.

    So, Christians are skeptics? How can this quote even justify belieg in God? Is the Christian answer to "Is God real?" a "I don't know"?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2021
    Cosmo likes this.
  20. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    What does the Bible say? It says that we are worms. Therefore, if that is true and if man was created in God's image isn't it reasonable to conclude that God is a worm?

    Job 25:6 (CEV) = So how can we humans, when we are merely worms?

    Now, visualize your favorite deity as a worm.
    DennisTate likes this.
  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Could G-d be composed of Super Strings??????

    And perhaps Super Waves?????????

    In the Beginning... was Super Strings and Super Waves/ Super Energetic Matter!

  22. David Landbrecht

    David Landbrecht Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Read or heard stories are hearsay evidence. Only witnesses to an event (which has passed through the filters of their perceptions) have anything to tell us, and that itself passes through the filters of our perceptions. Remember that when thinking about deity, etc.
    Cosmo and DennisTate like this.
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Hey Mitt!

    I am fascinated by Christian Prophecies and I actually began to attend the local LDS ward back in 2019 after the gifted Mark Taylor
    .... mentioned that Mr. Mitt Romney probably actually won the 2012 election but......
    it was probably stolen from him through voter fraud....... that reminded me of
    The White Horse President Prophecy and I started to do some research that included
    attending the local ward of the LDS as often as I am free to get there?!

    The White Horse President prophecy and saving the USA constitution and dollar.

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In what I suspect may have been an open vision.......
    but it could have been an out of the body experience.....
    in at least some ways it could be termed a "near death experience" in the sense that I was seconds away from dying......
    I really don't know for sure but here is the context.......
    In 1990 I am thinking that the world is headed into a time period worse than the 1930's and 1940's so.......

    I resort to rather drastic measures and I put an offer into the courtrooms of heaven..... for me to pay off the debt / guilt of Azazel......
    based on the idea that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus has paid off my debt... my guilt... my sin..... through His fulfillment of Passover.... so..... I attempt to build a Yom Kippur event on top of His Passover event.........

    I consider that the debt - guilt of Azazel is heavy.... so.... I put in a high bid..... proposed investment... wager... offer.....
    dowry payment?????????????? ..... that I come back to the earth an infinite number of times and bring more and more and more and more lost souls to the Ancient of Days the Heavenly Father...........
    as I live out my life from any point in time from the time of Adam and Eve before or after their fall.... .until 1990........

    ......and I was really, really, really angry with Messiah Yeshua - Jesus based on this theme......

    Could the Christian gospel be much worse news?

    My offer was based on this verse.....

    "but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD
    to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness
    to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10)

    I assumed that the name "Azazel" in this verse was prophetic of a truly positive event......
    I suspected the repentance - teshuvah of a fallen angel......... or son of G-d...... or as I learned later on a fallen king of the Watchers.......
    would DIVIDE THE KINGDOM OF SATAN... and cause the kingdom of Satan to fall........
    which would usher in the Era of Moshiach........ or as Christians call it... the Millennium......

    Anyway......... I was taking a nutritional product that I was having a negative reaction to.....
    I felt a surge or anger and I was wanting to go to hell and go looking for Azazel to take him and put him on my throne in heaven..... and then I was planning on going back down to hell..........
    and begin to attempt to empty it.........

    anyway.... I was close to suicide... .I had a bullet in the chamber of the 30.30.......
    I was praying...... .and I met a tall guy who looked like the proverbial Pan.... and he said to me......
    "What doest thou here Elijah?"
    I looked to the right and saw darkness..... I looked left and saw darkness....... then I clued that he meant me........
    so I took the bullet out of the 30.30 and staggered out of my insulated and heated prayer closet.........
    and went away kind of shaking my head.... kind of staggering....... because that had been really, really wild.........!

    It is kind of like a major league member of the Nephilim stopped me from committing suicide..............!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Hey gawd you cannot mock God indefinitely, there will be a day when your mocking stops, you can count on that.

    But anyway I found an interesting article below for you to read. It's from the Christian website Compelling Truth.

    Why does God let people mock Him?

    Every day, people mock and blaspheme God, some unintentionally and some intentionally. When we think of the all-powerful God of the universe being mocked daily, it is natural to wonder, "Why does He keep putting up with this?" The reason goes back to the fact that God is our Creator and He has made us in His own image (Genesis 1:26–27).

    As beings created in the image of God, we have free will. This includes having the freedom to mock the very God who created us. God loves us and created us for His joy and delight, but He doesn't force us to choose Him; He desires that we choose to love Him willingly (Revelation 4:11). Because He created us, He desires to have a relationship with us and He cares about us as individuals. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us and when we seek Him we find Him (James 4:8; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 7:7–11; Hebrews 11:6).

    Even though we have the ability to mock God, we need to be aware that it will have eternal repercussions. Galatians 6:7 says: "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." We may be able to mock God now, but we will reap the consequences later. We shouldn't mock God, and we should stay away from those who do. Psalm 1:1–2 says: "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." God has given us the incredible opportunity to have a personal relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus. When we choose to enter into this loving relationship with our Creator, we will not have a desire in our hearts to mock Him.
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