The end of freedom of expression online:

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Plus Ultra, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    You don't understand our constitution.
  2. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    The freedom of speech is alwys the freedom of others.

    And the opinions of others are often insulting, because the others are other.

    A Mu-Cu-Society is doomed because of "otherness", it has to lead to double standards, regarding groups, and eventually to Balkanisation.
  3. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    I understand your constitution very well ... and this is why I rate it as inferior to others when it is allowed to do in public! The dignity of human is the highest issue above all and can not be attacked by freedom of speech!
  4. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Maybe an American saying will help. Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. The antifa doesn't understand that either.
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  5. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    When Commies openly deny or whitewash their crimes and display their Commie - Symbols, this is an attack against my human dignity, but this is called "freedom of speech".

    The Commie activity and ideology are not prohibited by law, though they killed way more innocent people than any other totalitarian regime in the 29th century.

    But when a 90 year old woman says in an interview that she does not believe in the official version of some events in WWII, she is put into jail for her nonviolent opinion in a " free" western country.

    As we see, Orwell was right, some "human dignities" are more equal than the others.
  6. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    But words can cause that other take the sticks and stones and so it is a question who is more dangerous: Those who call for doing it or those who follow the call and do it?

    And this has nothing to do with Antifa ... BS ... it is a general issue!
  7. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    First of all have communist of course killed many million people too directly or indirectly in name of their ideology, but there is an important difference to the Nazis:
    The Nazis, with their victims, have been systematically dehumanized, that is, they have no longer been judged and treated as human beings. The Communists did not do it with all their cruel crimes!
    And, quite frankly, when it comes to people-despised crimes against others, the "Stars and Stripes" also has many bloodstains of victims, like most flags of states and countries ... remember the murdering of Natives in the USA for example...

    And this 90 year old Nazi bitch does not believe some official version of WW-2, she denies that the Holocaust ever happened and all concentration camps were build up after the war by Allies and so by the US soldiers too!
    Sorry, even if she is 110 years old, I would have not a spark of mercy with scum like her as with any other old still alive being Nazi bastard or new neo-Nazi scum!
  8. Starjet

    Starjet Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 2, 2009
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    Well, first, there is no right to dignity,and to claim there is is to claim the right to use force against me for you to get this dignity you want. But, yet, all you will get is a fraud, a make believe dignity, and my real hate. Why would you want this? If you want to be treated with dignity behave like a dignified human being, not like some brute with a club. And if a person is not treating you as you judge you deserve, walk away, man, and you'll have that dignity you crave, and your honor, and your life.

    Secondly, writing on your apartment wall is going to be a problem; you don't own the wall, the landowner does. However, if these words were spoken in public, carried on a sign, or printed in a book you're trying to sell on a street corner, they are still protected by the right of free speech and no one is allowed to physically attack you.

    However, the police could certainly arrest you for disturbing the peace, incitement to riot, and other possible charges. However, no private citizen would have the legal or moral right to physically attack you, and would be subject to arrest for assault if they did.

    Miss Ayn Rand: "The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that is crucial. It is the institution of private property that protects and implements the right to disagree—and thus keeps the road open to man’s most valuable attribute (valuable personally, socially, and objectively): the creative mind."--

    Miss Ayn Rand: "To force a man to drop his own mind and to accept your will as a substitute, with a gun in place of a syllogism, with terror in place of proof, and death as the final argument—is to attempt to exist in defiance of reality. Reality demands of man that he act for his own rational interest; your gun demands of him that he act against it. Reality threatens man with death if he does not act on his rational judgment; you threaten him with death if he does. You place him in a world where the price of his life is the surrender of all the virtues required by life—and death by a process of gradual destruction is all that you and your system will achieve, when death is made to be the ruling power, the winning argument in a society of men."--

    Miss Ayn Rand: "Whatever may be open to disagreement, there is one act of evil that may not, the act that no man may commit against others and no man may sanction or forgive. So long as men desire to live together, no man may initiate—do you hear me? no man may start—the use of physical force against others."--
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  9. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Of course Commies did not treat their perceived enemies as human beings!

    You are whitewashing the crimes of Commies and are insulting with your speech my human dignity.

    I perceive your comment as hate speech.

    Can I now become violent?

    Will you now be put into prison or face other persecutions for playing down the crimes of Commies?

    BTW, you have proven with your post that Orwell was right:

    Some "human dignities" are more equal than others, and a non- violent 90 year old woman can be put into prison and called a "bitch", she is not a human any more and her human dignity can be trampled under foot, no tolerance, no civil rights, no freedom.... just because of her opinion!

    That is the way Commies treated their perceived enemies!

    Non- violent people were put into jail just because they disagreed with the official version of some events of WWII and the role of the Red Army and the Party!

    And of course the Party/Establishment has the monopoly of finding out, what is the truth (Ministry of Truth), who are the "haters" and who can be stripped off their civil rights.

    The dissidents become un- persons and you can spit on their human dignity.... in the name of protecting " human dignity".

    Orwell predicted a Commie future, and he was right!
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  10. Starjet

    Starjet Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 2, 2009
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    If the actions are chosen freely in a free market by free man, it is proper, moral, and beneficial. If it is done using political pull, may they rot in hell.

    Miss Ayn Rand: "In a free economy, where no man or group of men can use physical coercion against anyone, economic power can be achieved only by voluntary means: by the voluntary choice and agreement of all those who participate in the process of production and trade. In a free market, all prices, wages, and profits are determined—not by the arbitrary whim of the rich or of the poor, not by anyone’s “greed” or by anyone’s need—but by the law of supply and demand. The mechanism of a free market reflects and sums up all the economic choices and decisions made by all the participants. Men trade their goods or services by mutual consent to mutual advantage, according to their own independent, uncoerced judgment. A man can grow rich only if he is able to offer better values—better products or services, at a lower price—than others are able to offer."--

    Miss Rand: "A “coercive monopoly” is a business concern that can set its prices and production policies independent of the market, with immunity from competition, from the law of supply and demand. An economy dominated by such monopolies would be rigid and stagnant.

    "The necessary precondition of a coercive monopoly is closed entry—the barring of all competing producers from a given field. This can be accomplished only by an act of government intervention, in the form of special regulations, subsidies, or franchises. Without government assistance, it is impossible for a would-be monopolist to set and maintain his prices and production policies independent of the rest of the economy. For if he attempted to set his prices and production at a level that would yield profits to new entrants significantly above those available in other fields, competitors would be sure to invade his industry."--

    If your complaint is that some companies are so good, no on can compete with them so they must be shackled with regulation--then I suggest we break Tom Brady's legs so at least some one else can win the super bowl for once. the Packers would be fine with me; and I'm sure Matt Ryan would like another crack, though I don't think he'd want to break Brady's legs. Kinda stupid and rotten, don't you think? If its some companies are so crooked they buy political pull to get a competitive edge over their competition, then advocate for laissez-faire capitalism not more regulations and an even larger mixed economy to screw us over. Get with it buddy. You're on the wrong train. Time to fly to tomorrow on private spaceships, not hitch rides on other's backs as part of a pack of parasitic fleas.

    Do you want a future filled with wonder, prosperity, and happiness. Then start learning Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism and start fighting for the right values, reason, capitalism, individual right's, and romanticism. Or to put it another way, a spaceship with a pretty girl next to you flying to the moon. Now that's worth fighting for, not the drudgery of mediocrity created by government controls.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  11. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    The basic problem is in comparison USA to my country (Germany) that our first article in the Constitution is:

    "Human dignity is inviolable"

    This is above all other constitutional rights. The dignity of man can be attacked by many things, including the denial of the Holocaust and its millions of victims!

    Anyone who thinks he can call on constitutional right Freedom of Speech to deny the Holocaust, has a bad luck with us, because this will attack Art. 1 and I really like it as it is!

    On the other hand, the whole thing also has abstract forms, because by means of the supplementary criminal law, all Nazi symbols are forbidden in the public (except for a few exceptions like Museum etc.).
    I am making e.g. as a hobby among other things model ships - scale 1/350. If I wanted to make a model of the famous battleship Bismarck, then there would not only be a Swastika flag, but on the bow on the deck a fat painted Swastika flag for flying recognition also. In Germany the things are not as a decal in the kit, but it is allowed to make it anyway ... if you do not show the model publicly, e.g. on exhibitions. Then you have to cover / cover off, etc.!

    Freedom of expression is also given to us, no matter what a good or bad opinion you have on one thing. But ... if this opinion is expressed publicly and the dignity of another is attacked, then also article 1 is about it!
  12. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Is your opinion and felt attack a personal rating? Did I deny that Communist made big crimes? No:

    Are Communists who deny any crime of communists put into legal charge too at us? Yes,. they are!
  13. Starjet

    Starjet Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 2, 2009
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    Well, your constitution is wrong, and has a poison pill. Dignity is not a right, its fidelity to the principles you hold sacred. Its an action you must take to be considered dignified. So I treat Bill Gates to some degree of dignity, but I spit at the soul of Kim Jong-I

    Dignity, like respect, pride, and admiration must be earned and come from within you. Demanding others treat you like a hero, doesn't make you one. George Washington has dignity, Noam Chomsky does not; Michelangelo has my respect, Picasso does not. And lastly, Ayn Rand has my admiration, Immanuel Kant has my condemnation. In other words, from each for what they've done to each for what they've earned.

    Additionally, Germany can not consider itself a free nation if it is using force to prohibit free expression. I would not choose Germany as my nation, nor do I have a lot of respect for it, even though my ancestors came from there. It will take a lot of years, and deeds before Germany earns man's forgiveness and redeems itself. Same with Japan and Russia. And personally, other than the Roman Empire, I think Italy will always be a joke.

    However, I do not hold the generations of todays former axis nations responsible for their ancestors sins, and hope they learn from them and spend their whole lives making sure liberty is never surrendered again in their nations.

    And lastly, all men should get on their knees and thank the goodness of the universe that there is an America, because without her, the world would be drenched in more blood than it already is.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  14. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    I say that our constitution is the better one, right because we have dignity as Article 1 inside. We have learned out of our history what unlimited freedom of Speech can cause, because this was the main reason why Hitler raised power with the well-known results.
    Democracy and their constitution needs to defend themselves against any threat ... and people who want to miss-use constitutional rights under the cover of freedom of speech with the goal to destroy the constitution including freedom of speech needs to be prevented!
  15. Starjet

    Starjet Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 2, 2009
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    So sad. You will be doomed to repeat your errors.

    Miss Rand: "The communists and the Nazis are merely two variants of the same evil notion: collectivism. But both should be free to speak—evil ideas are dangerous only by default of men advocating better ideas."--
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  16. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    You denied that Commies did treat their perceived enemies like un-humans, speak you downplayed their crimes, and you rationalized that it is OK when Commies can display their hate symbols and legally promote their hate ideology, speak you supported the existing double standard regarding the sensibilities and dignity of victims of different totalitarian regimes.

    No, they are not.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  17. Starjet

    Starjet Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 2, 2009
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    100,000,000: Stalin, the KGP, and the Slaughter.

    I'd suggest ask the Kulaks, or Ayn Rand, or read We the Living, or the excellent Russian Revolution book, Black Night, White Snow. That should answer the argument.

    Miss Ayn Rand: "When, at the age of twelve, at the time of the Russian revolution, I first heard the Communist principle that Man must exist for the sake of the State, I perceived that this was the essential issue, that this principle was evil, and that it could lead to nothing but evil, regardless of any methods, details, decrees, policies, promises and pious platitudes. This was the reason for my opposition to Communism then—and it is my reason now. I am still a little astonished, at times, that too many adult Americans do not understand the nature of the fight against Communism as clearly as I understood it at the age of twelve: they continue to believe that only Communist methods are evil, while Communist ideals are noble. All the victories of Communism since the year 1917 are due to that particular belief among the men who are still free."--

    Miss Ayn Rand: "The Communists’ chief purpose is to destroy every form of independence—independent work, independent action, independent property, independent thought, an independent mind, or an independent man. Conformity, alikeness, servility, submission and obedience are necessary to establish a Communist slave-state."--
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  18. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Many German politicians openly admitted that Germany did not have any genuine independence after WWII.

    But what to the freedom of speech - almost all EU countries have Commie - Like laws, regarding the freedom of speech.

    BTW, former Commie - Countries talked a lot about "human dignity", and they imprisoned dissidents in the name of protecting "freedom" and "human dignity" (dissidents were not humans, they were "haters of humans").

    Orwell was right, predicting a Commie - Like "double speak" in the West, we live in an Orwellian dystopia right now!
  19. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    So we turn around here meaninglessly with our opposing opinions.
    I accept your view, but do not share it ... as you accept (hopefully) my view, but do not share!

    But to the explanation once more the reason why we put the dignity of the human being above all and why we do not want to have an unrestricted Freedom of Speech ...

    The constitution of the German republic after the WW-1 was from complicity with the power of Hitler 1933 and that the Jews could be deprived ...

    1. The dignity of man was not sufficiently protected and therefore there was no constitutional right on the part of the Jews and all other persecutors, which prevented their dehumanization by the Nazis. Therefore the article 1 with us:

    (1) The dignity of man is inviolable. To respect and protect it is the duty of all state power.

    (2) The German people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the foundation of every human community, of peace and justice in the world.

    (3) The following fundamental rights bind legislation, executive power and jurisprudence as directly applicable law.

    This part of our constitution can by nothing being changed and so will prevent that a dehumanization can happen by authority side again!

    2. also the constitution of this republic after the WW-1 had the passage of Freedom of Speech and Hitler appealed to his constitutional right of Freedom of Speech with its declared purpose to annihilate the constitution! Nothing could restrict this and the constitutional violence could intervene to protect itself from this clear and open attack!

    We never do this again, and that is why we have, incidentally, also on American advice and suggestion ... the constitution we have.
    And the constitution does not defend itself against Holocaust deniers! No, synonymous left-wing extremists with the same goal are fought and even religious groups who want to abolish the Constitution and called for the achievement of this goal on freedom of speech!

    In short: freedom of speech is given to us, but woe you abused it to eliminate the constitution! This is the right way!
  20. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    They are ... the KPD party is in Germany forbidden ... and KPD stands for Kommunistische Partei Deutschland (Communist Party Germany). Sure, communists still exist with other party names but they are mostly observed same way by the "Verfassungsschutz" what stands for "Agency for protection of the Constitution" as are the Neo Nazi parties too! And woe they show serious constitution attacking signs...

    Also... you forget the point that there were from 1945 up to 1991 2 different Germanys existing and one of them was communist lead as we all know. This has much influence too in things ...
    And don't forget that Hitler was not only beaten by the Western Allies, but by the USSR in majority at least. Aside some old dickheads who die out slowly the clear majority rates and accepts the history that we were at least also being freed / exempt by the allies by our own created Devil in head of State, administration and minds! So shall we only accept memorials for the fallen Western Allies but destroy those of the Russians because having red stars?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  21. Starjet

    Starjet Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 2, 2009
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    Every dictatorship starts with controlling right of free speech. When men are no longer allowed to say what they wish, the concentration camps and gulags will be along shortly, and no one will be able to say anything about it. The greatest book I ever read from Germany was a book titled The White Rose. Its the story of Hans and Sophie Scholl and their fight for free speech against the Nazi regime. It should be required reading for every high school student in the world. Perhaps then the world will see no more Hitlers, Stalins, Maos, Pol Pots, and Castros, just to name a few.

    The White Rose shows why nothing is above free speech.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  22. Starjet

    Starjet Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 2, 2009
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    I won't go that far, but we are close.
  23. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    No ... because our constitution prevents right out of this that this will happen.

    And this is the devils rock now... because Hitler raised power by abusing Freedom of Speech right, eliminated it and then people like those of the White Rose fought him and used Freedom of Speech what was not existing.

    And by the way ... my family, Germans, suffered from Nazis much and parts were in Concentration camps too and 2 of them were killed by Nazis there. Grandfather A was Social Democrat and had to flee from Germany and fought later in French Foreign Legion against Germany in Northern Africa and Italy (and because Gestapo found out, his relatives went into concentration camps). Grandfather B was private and made a joke about Hitler which was not rated as funny by his commander and ended in a penalty battalion where he survived only with luck the war (nice to clear or lay a minefield unarmed and with a knife only in front of a Russian machine gun... for example).
  24. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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  25. Canucker

    Canucker Member

    Sep 4, 2017
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    It is strange when I hear an American speak of "commie" activity because not long ago they were cherry picking people off the street, illegally detaining them without legal counsel then torturing them. I mean they were actually debating the virtues of torture in public. Could it possibly get any worse?. Even the commies were probably blushing thinking wow that's just embarrassing.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
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