The Resurrection of Jesus - did it really happen?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by independent american, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    Who said they saw him? How do you know they saw him? Your ship has a lot of holes and your sinking fast. Oh the wolf had big teeth (mentioned in Little Red Riding Hood) and would'nt you know it all from the BIBLE! How come thats not a surprise.

    Don't care about atheism. Got nothing to do with atheism. Put the goal post back.
  2. Stucky

    Stucky New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Okay, debating with you is impossible. You win, collect your prize at the end of your life. Bye bye fool.
  3. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    OH! Another INSULT! How charming. No it is possible.
  4. Stucky

    Stucky New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Nah, I couldnt care less what you believe. Like I said, when you get to the end of your life, (7 years at the latest) collect your prize for participating. Wish you luck with that.
  5. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I do not think if Jesus existed that he was stuck in his dead body for days before he could escape it
  6. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    Maybe not. But you see this jesus was supposedly strung up for blasphemy which under Jewish law was punishable by stoning not crucifixion. Pilate if he existed did not consider jesus to have broken any law at least not Roman law. Pilate had the option and so did the Jews they chose to release a convict. Had this jesus accused blasphemy his burial would have been in one or two places. A garbage heap on the street or in the Graveyard of the Condemn where crooks and good for nothings were buried mostly in unmarked graves.
  7. Stucky

    Stucky New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Well, Woody, I couldnt let this one slip by without comment.

    1.) Jesus was CRUCIFIED, not "strung up", for violating the laws of Rome. The Romans crucified their violators. His crime was that he "claimed to be the king of the Jews, when Ceasar was supposedly the king of the Jews.

    2.) Pilate did exist and that has been historically and arceologically proven. Pilate felt Jesus was innocent but wanted to placate the Jews so as not to bring notice to Ceasar of their displeasure. In other words, he didnt want to make waves.

    3.) Jesus was buried in the grave of a rich man because of the faithfulness and love of the rich man. If you're going to pretend to answer questions about Jesus at least read the Bible.
  8. Stucky

    Stucky New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    THAT'S one of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity FreshAir. Jesus body was dead and God, the Father, resurrected Him. Not much of a trick for a being that could create the entire universe and everything in it in sex days. You dont have to believe it. No one will care except God when you die.
  9. Stucky

    Stucky New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Well Woody, I wasnt gonna respond to this one because it's just downright ridiculous but I am in a better mood so now I will.

    THEY said they saw Him. I know it because the Apostles said it was so and they saw Him after His resurrection along with over 500 other peole.

    Throw me a life preserver if you really believe that dude. NOW who's the sarcasting one?

    Has everything to do with atheism.
  10. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    They said they saw him? Who saw him? Not a single NT writer witnessed anything. 40 years after the fact is not eyewitness testimony only hearsay. 500 people huh. Well out of those 500 who else wrote they witnessed this mythical event?

    You call them Apostles.

    So your god man is not the only miracle worker. Does christianity have anything original they have not stolen or killed to change the meaning to fit their on Diabolical Mimicry?
  11. Stucky

    Stucky New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Woody, you're just being a fool now. I dont suffer fools. You state your opinion as facts based on mens writings and then say the Bible was written by men so it cant be true. Dont bother responding to me unless you just want to bloviate, which I'm sure you do. I dont really care what you, an atheist that couldnt believe if he wanted to, believes. Make fun, ridicule all you want. Spout your trash and hope that you can sway some poor sucker into believing it and not believing in God. If God knows that someone is sincerely seeking Him then that person wont be swayed by your trash. Only YOU will suffer for it at the end of your life. God takes very seriously a persons attempts to (*)(*)(*)(*) someone else so you will pay a terrible price for it. For now, God will help you not to believe in Him. He loves you but knows that you nare lost so He will blind your eyes to the truth. I'm a Christian and if you were starving I would feed you but I consider you an ass. As a sinner I am glad that you will probably go to hell. When I am without sin it would make me sad, but I wont know about it because God will wipe away all tears in Heaven. Youo enjoy the next 7 years you have here on earth. Do whatever makes you happy cuz they are your last before you are punished. When you meet God face to face, you will tremble and actually agree with Him that your punishment is justified. I pity you.
  12. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    So you got no witnesses outside the BIBLE that saw it. Figured that.

    I back my opinions on scholars and what as been written. You back your opinions on a 2000 year old book written by sheep herders.

    Thanks I plan to cause nothing is going to happen not Biblical anyway.

    Thanks I will, if you continue to spout your sewer invested garbage as well.

    You keep repeating this. Whats that they say. Takes one to know one.

    Millions of kids are starving now I do not see your man made god helping them. They are the ones paying the price because your so called god of love cannot produce.

    Does this mean I have to go to my room now?
  13. Stucky

    Stucky New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    I've been chastised, and rightly so, for being overly rude and making personal insults. So, I apologize, I'll play nice if you do. If you dont, I just wont answer you anymore.

    Do you believe that George Washington was the first president of the US? Who saw him?

    So, because God chose "sheepherders" to write His Words, instead of the equivalent of college professors back then, that makes His word unacceptable? Are you hating common men? Maybe He did that because learned men wouldnt have done it. Maybe they thought themselves too wise.

    Well, I'll tell you one thing that's going to happen, if it doesnt you can call me a liar and a fool. Before the year is our Israel is going to wipe Damascus, Syria, from existence with nuclear weapons, and no one is going to do one (*)(*)(*)(*) thing about it.

    Sorry nbout that nasty comment about your trash. I am trying to play nicer.

    Again, sorry for calling you a fool. I need to know when to keep my thoughts to myself.

    You dont? Maybe you should go to Asia, Africa, South America, China and Russia, etc. and see the work being done there by Christian missionaries. I personally donate to charities to feed the kids, do you?

    Nah, you dont have to go to your room unless your Mommy tells you to. ;)
  14. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    The Longest Time Span Of A Near Death Experience (NDE):

    Reverend George Rodonaia was hit by a car in 1976, pronounced dead and left for three days in the morgue.

    It is the most extended case of a near-death experience ever recorded. It wasn't until the autopsy began and an incision was made in his abdomen when he felt the pain and his eyes shot wide open. He was immediately rushed to ER and survived after an extensive recovery. His 'Near Death Experience' made him believe more in God and also to enjoy nature in every aspect. He has spoken in many countries in the world regarding his experience. He is not looking for the answers as to 'Near Death Experience', because he feels one will fail in it's entirety and is more interested in other people's NDE's. He realizes that we are here to enjoy our life in a modest ways and basically not to worry about 'the little things in life.'
  15. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    So this proves exactly what in relation to a jesus?

    Jesus was also stabbed in the heart [John 19:31-34] by the Roman soldiers just to make sure that they were correct in their conclusion that he was indeed dead. Now Josephus I am sure your aware of him. He writes that some people did live through it:

    Proable path of the spear.

    However given the beaten down condition of this jesus I highly doubt if he lived he made it through the crucifixion. And he certainly did not live through a stab wound to the heart.
  16. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    What a stupid comparison. We have portraits acquisitioned of him, contemporaries that wrote about him, and the big deal: his own writings.

    His words are unacceptable because they are contradictory and not supported by extra-Biblical sources.

    What the hell does that have to do with anything? Only Christians can do good things?
  17. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Thomas doubted it also, but after he put his finger in the holes he was sure and testified to that as reported by the apostles for the next 75 years.

    Johm was 15 at time, so he was one of those who testified for 75 years.
  18. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    John 15 at the time? Odd 130 years after the fact hardly an eyewitness even for a kid. Thomas hardly an eyewitness was not there when this JEWISH god man was strung up.
  19. John.

    John. New Member

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Where is this god, "Truth" that you worship in this post?

    Your ability to lie with such ease even though you are obviously making things up to fit some sort of personal agenda is disturbing.

    You are nowhere near Truth.
  20. Stucky

    Stucky New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    1.) We have pictures of Jesus too, and the sho=roud he was buried in that clearly shows His face. Contempraries that wrote about Him. His own dictated writings.

    2.) There you go again, stating opinion as fact. Bloviating, bloviating, bloviating. :)

    3.) Make up your mind kid, first you ask why God doesnt feed starving children then when I tell you exactly how He does, you want to know "what the hell does that have to do with anything?" If you dont want an answer, dont ask a question. Did anyone say only Christians did good things? Do you have a comprehension problem?
  21. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    I am curious to see the source where he knew John was 15 at the time.
  22. Woody

    Woody New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    No doubt a cruel joke by Da Vinci. Compare the facial features agianst the shroud. No evidence of a jesus.

    What contemporaries? The BIBLE?

    And you know they are his words exactly how?
  23. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    a. A portrait acquisitioned at the time of Washington, you know, being alive, is quite different from paintings of Jesus hundreds to thousands of years after his death.
    b. The Shroud of Turin? It was radiocarbon dated to the Middle Ages, not the turn of the previous millenium. So, unless you think Jesus came back during the Middle Ages, was crucified again and placed under the shroud...
    c. There were no contemporaries that wrote about him nor were there any dictated writings by Jesus.

    2. Mmm, can you provide a contemporary source for Jesus' life, crucifixtion, or resurrection?

    3. Are you talking to someone else? I never asked why God doesn't feed starving children.

    2.) There you go again, stating opinion as fact. Bloviating, bloviating, bloviating. :)

    3.) Make up your mind kid, first you ask why God doesnt feed starving children then when I tell you exactly how He does, you want to know "what the hell does that have to do with anything?" If you dont want an answer, dont ask a question. Did anyone say only Christians did good things? Do you have a comprehension problem?[/QUOTE]
    Doc Dred and (deleted member) like this.
  24. budini

    budini Banned

    Sep 6, 2012
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    to all ::::::::::

    Originally Posted by Stucky
    1.) We have pictures of Jesus too, and the sho=roud he was buried in that clearly shows His face. Contempraries that wrote about Him. His own dictated writings.

    to stucky ::::

    please let me tell you something about the crusaders. they were a hostile gangs of theives and bandits, vikings and pirates, violent psychotics such as that. but they have good puplicity in the west european history books, because they were constantly stealing art objects, some of them once stold a certain type of byzantine painting which is found in every completely equiped byzantine church. it is used as a cuilt object, a fetish object, at the observation of the fantasy crucifixion. it is a painting of a dead man on two sides of one canvas, or on two canvases sewn together. the painting shows the fron image on one side, and the back image on the other. i do not care to go into the details of how this cult object is venerated, it is best to say that it is all very primative and pagan. (yes; the ancient christian religion is neo-pagan) whatever you or i may think about it. that was it. that was the object which some westeuropean pirates stold from a byzantine church, it was the painting of the dead jesus, the crucified jesus. then after it was hidden on board a ship where it was soaked in salt water, and after it was hidden in a crusader predatory war lords castel, where it was molded, and after it was saved from a fire in that (or some other castel) in one of the hudreds of wars which the west european predatory war lords had against each other; eventualy the paint was so damaged that it flacked off. this left the mysterious looking piece of canvas which noe remembered what it was. [[ rememebr there are still thousands of such paintings in thousands of byzantine churches ]] after this canvas became a mysterious object, the vatican decided to make it one of their bigest cult (fetish) objects. and the vatican claimed that this was the original cloth which was the "shroud of jesus".

    that is the truth about that.

    that must be the truth because jesus was never ever crucified, he was stoned to death by the sanhedrine as a form of legal execution. then the dead jesus was displayed on a tree, similar to crucifixion, but not in the roman style; then the dead body was thrown in the great gorge outside of jerusalem, where it was found by wild and feral animals. there was never any shroud, there was never any burial in a cave. it was dyonisius who was buried in a cave every winter, and who resurected every spring. the religion of jesus christ is neo-pagan.

  25. Doc Dred

    Doc Dred Banned

    Dec 6, 2009
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    Jesus not only rose from the dead but can communicated with in the present.

    All one has to do is pray and watch the prayer unfold in one's daily life....

    learning ...



    all to be had with prayer and belief...

    or non belief if you truly apply yourself to the task at hand.

    and not just Bloviating Bloviating Bloviating like our PF atheists do on and on and on....

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