Will we ever tire of being so giving?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Blacks are murdering and attacking white Americans, and these are not being reported in the media, nor logged as race hate crimes.

    If you cannot see that as agenda driven, then I don't know what it would take (probably a personal loss of some sort).

    Then you have the incident with the Dept of Homeland Sec senior employee.

    Then you have an entire black music genre these days which is all about hate, violence, guns, disrespect of women, and hating white people.

    But I guess all of this is okay, since it is only whites that are the victims, and we don't matter do we..
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It's coming at us from all sides, and in many ways. The entire non Jewish world is suffering an occupation in one form or another. All nations that are non Jewish(that is everywhere other than Israel), are under either cultural or conventional attack.

    I am no expert on the music indusrty. However it is as clear as day that what we might call 'black music' has been entirely hijacked and made into something that it wasn't. Anyone could evidence for themselves in a few short minutes.

    If you went back to the 60's and 70's(and before that even), the nature and genre of music that blacks produced was NOT this pumped up, aggressive, racist and violent filth that we see all over the place today.

    There music and artistes were fine before, and over these past few decades it has all changed, and now black music is far from fine.
    I don't believe for one moment that black people themselves went to the music industry and demanded that their previous music styles be abadoned in favour of this garbage that actually damages the black community.

    In other words, the principle of supply and demand is usually that the people demand it, therefore, someone supplies that demand. I believe the above goes against that principle, in that the supply came first, and over time(through making it seem seductive), it became in demand.

    It is obvious to me that the corruption of black music has been a direct result of black music being literally bought over by Jewish music producers, image creators, managers, etc.
    It's political imo.

    On two counts - It's not in the interests of Jews if blacks in the US are listening to positive or benign music genres. Nor if blacks follow positive icons. Music can shape a culture. And a black music culture as existed once upon a time does not suit the sort of culture that Jews wanted to fashion from/for blacks.

    They are destroyers and distorters. It suited them financially and politically to commandeer black music.
    A generation on? It's worked. Black music is now almost entirely defined by violence and overt sexual imagery. And an entire generation of parentless blacks have been seduced by the glamour of this new wrapping.

    The other benefit to Jewry is that music is powerful, and with it they have coached a generation of blacks to believe that hating on whites and even killing them is 'gangsta' and 'cool'.


    They destroyed all possible chance of blacks fostering positive peers and influences, gradually turning them into a parentless and armed mass.

    And they know that sooner or later whites and other non blacks will fight back.

    That is what I believe it is about. All of it, including the open borders.

    Jewry is laying the foundations for domestic race war.

    A race war in which they themselves intend to pull the strings of, but will take no direct part in.
    In the US they have laid those foundations mainly among African Americans.
    In Europe, I think they are doing something the same, but not with Africans as much as Muslims.

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