300 Thousand Connecticut Gun Owners Face Jail Time Under New Law

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Right Wing, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. hiimjered

    hiimjered Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 6, 2010
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    It is similar to any other privacy restriction. What is the problem with the government tracking your internet history and the contents of your computer's hard drives? If you are a responsible computer owner, you'll have nothing to hide.

    The right to privacy exists to protect the innocent from government tyranny. The government isn't some pure, infallible entity. It is simply a group of people - often very corrupt people. These people have abused their power in the past. The more power you give them over yourself, the more vulnerable you are to a random politician or bureaucrat deciding to abuse that power and wrongly harm you.

    I'm sure you've seen or heard of situations where a politician gets a personal vendetta against someone, so they use things like tax audits, "random" inspections, legal injunctions and other such abuses of power to harm them. The same politicians will bury criminal activity by their friends. These are the people that you are talking about giving even more power to - giving them a nice list of every gun owner and firearm, but more importantly giving them a great law with strong criminal charges that they can tack on to other charges. Like was mentioned before, this law will likely be selectively enforced. If you make the wrong bureaucrat angry, they will search your home for one of these suddenly illegal firearms, and if one is found they will add on this felony to whatever charges you previously had. Since between a quarter and a third of Americans own firearms there are pretty good odds that one of these violations could be found.
  2. letshavelunch

    letshavelunch Banned

    Mar 18, 2014
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    So you have no trouble with a $50 fine?

    You have just given up on principle. All you are now talking about is the quantum of the penalties.

    Has it occurred to you that the people who don't want to register their gun may be just the people you bought a gun to defend yourself from?
  3. letshavelunch

    letshavelunch Banned

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Oh yeah. The "government tyranny" old chestnut. Well, good luck with the next civil war or British invasion.

    And is your government so corrupt that some bureaucrat will come looking for your gun without good cause and a proper warrant? You must live in a really sad society. Fear of one another. Fear of government bureaucrats. Fear that your constitution will be misused.

    You know, there are societies where people register their guns, go through extensive background checks and training without a single fearful thought. Obviously you are not one of them.

    I hope I am not visiting America when your Armageddon arrives. I have no wish to get caught up in the crossfire of millions of unregistered guns being shot off by people who are hallucinating imaginary fears,
  4. Right Wing

    Right Wing New Member

    May 28, 2013
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    I agree. Another good group is Gun Owners of America.
  5. hiimjered

    hiimjered Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 6, 2010
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    But in exchange, most people in the countries you describe don't own firearms, don't know how to use them and have an unnatural fear of them. Sure there are a few citizens who are willing to jump through all of the hoops needed to get a gun, but the majority of people don't. Thus those laws effectively have disarmed their nations.

    As for the corruption, it exists in every government, not just the US. Bureaucrats all over the world abuse their power.
  6. Right Wing

    Right Wing New Member

    May 28, 2013
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    No, I have a problem with the fine, too. With the gun law, people are facing fines, confiscation, and jail time, while people not registering pets or cars are fined, but do not face jail time or confiscation. I don't agree with the fines. I just did not want to give the impression people were not getting fined for not registering pets or cars, because this would not be correct. I wanted to avoid you looking up and posting some link to prove people were in fact being fined for not registering cars or pets.
  7. letshavelunch

    letshavelunch Banned

    Mar 18, 2014
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    That is fond rubbish. One of the countries I have recently visited has one gun for every 4 of its population. No-one even bothers to think about any risk they might pose. And hardly anyone gets shot. Nor is anyone planning a violent revolution.

    You should get out more.

    And the country in question is one of the least corrupt countries on the planet according to Transparency International. No-one there would dream of having to arm themselves against their government. Or one another.

    The difference between you and them is that they live in a sane society.
  8. letshavelunch

    letshavelunch Banned

    Mar 18, 2014
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    You are still arguing only about the quantum of the penalty. And, as I have said, is it not possible that the people who don't want to register their guns have a criminal reason for not wanting to do so and are a danger to society?

    How would you like to get shot by some maniac with an unregistered gun? Or do you back yourself to be quicker on the draw?
  9. Right Wing

    Right Wing New Member

    May 28, 2013
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    No, I'm not. Rights are fundamental and inherent. They are not granted by the government. They are protected by the Constitution and I do not believe this law is constitutional, regardless of what the penalty is, however, when confiscation and jail time are involved, then there are even more violations. If someone's property is confiscated, this is a major violation of their property rights. If someone is jailed, their freedom has been taken away, all because they owned a firearm and after the fact, the state government passed a law.

    It's also possible someone who does register their guns is a danger to society and it is also possible someone who does not register their guns is not a danger to society.

    If I got shot I would care if the gun was registered or not registered.

    Registration does not affect someone's ability to draw.
  10. letshavelunch

    letshavelunch Banned

    Mar 18, 2014
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    This whole gun thing is simply the product of fear and an irrational symbol of supposed "independence" from a government that has never tried to take their "freedom" since 1862.

    It a strange reflection on American society that Americans cannot feel "free" without a gun, preferably an unregistered gun. At the core of this is, of course, racism. The real fear is that the minorities will take over.

    As, inevitably, they will.
  11. Right Wing

    Right Wing New Member

    May 28, 2013
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    You have not heard of the Patriot Act or NDAA?

    Many Americans cannot feel free with their property rights being infringed on and their constitutionally protected natural and inherent rights being infringed on. This is what this comes down to. Yet, you claim the core of this is a belief among Americans one race is genetically superior to another? That quite a stretch, especially considering people of all races believe in liberty. No thanks to the racism. We'll leave the master race thing to you guys.

    I don't have a problem with that as long as they believe in liberty.
  12. letshavelunch

    letshavelunch Banned

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Do you any clue what "liberty" is? Americans use the word like sugar in their coffee. But, without a gun, they seem to think they can't have liberty. It's a very strange notion redolent of fear most people reserve for death and dying.

    And yes. I have heard of the Patriot Act. A silly piece of legislation enacted by a panicky Republican president and congress. Just before they invaded an innocent country.
  13. Right Wing

    Right Wing New Member

    May 28, 2013
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    You applaud a state for infringing on the privacy rights and property rights and ask me if I know what liberty means?
  14. letshavelunch

    letshavelunch Banned

    Mar 18, 2014
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    You live in a society that makes rules for its well-being. That's what societies have to do. You don't like the rules? Vote at the next election. But remember, your vote is only one of millions, many of whom might quite like the rules as being a sensible solution to a massive social problem.

    No-one is infringing your privacy or property rights. That's just standard right-wing claptrap. The rules are simply trying to protect you from perople who should not have guns.

    If you don't like that, go live in a cave. With your gun.
  15. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Yes, I do but I aint he~ So can I have this dance? FYI strict gun laws will cause at the very least more searches for the fun of it, IMO.

    That might be true in wonderland, you know, the place where Alice lives. Let me ask; In the real world, how in the real world (lol) does one know where the criminals guns are? So what good is knowing where all law abiding gun owners firearms can be had, but allow the criminals to keep theirs?????

    Lol! Your papers and OTHER ITEMS***** have a right to be secure...that is ANOTHER right we in the USA supposed to have. Try this bad analogy it’s a thought experiment movie based on a true portrayal of history that hasn’t happened just yet… June 10 2016 AD. After waiting in a miles long traffic jam created by the Federal Police Force Of The USA John Doe nervously watched as the Gestapoish’ officer gestured for him to pull to the curb and sez; "Der fatherland requires your traveling papers, passport, health card, and of course proof that you have met the requirements* for health insurance. Obama-power trip aka health insurance!

    *ie the government forcing you to buy a product
    ***** Search and seizure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects
    , against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no ...

    Uh Huh!!! Maybe not in the middle of the night but I don’t care if its in the middle of the freaking day in a freakin’ police convention !!!! If a law abiding citizen is packing its his business not the feds cops nor business of the puzziefized worlds citizens!!!

    Really?....REALLY??? Lol the key words here is ‘OUTSIDE THE USA’. In anycase Hurry and bestow that fine title then. If those with such a mentality ie opinion really think such things incomprehensible, I consider 'gun freak' a title of high respect amongst those citizens of the world that still have a set of mental balls and a brain that actually extrapolates the world as it really is! As for these poor naive souls that can not comprehend why we love firearms, I imagine they would find fighting for their freedoms incomprehensible, most sheep do. Remember those mostly Asian and European are citizens of cities that have historically, redundantly, with mind numbing levels of perplexity allowed their own government to routinely gang bang them in nether reasons due to their terminal stupidity. Even our English speaking brothers in parts of the UK are perpetually postured in a semi-bent over manner ready to receive, maybe I should say ready to ’submit another to another government demand.

  16. therooster

    therooster Banned

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Really cant argue with the rev. On that post...
  17. letshavelunch

    letshavelunch Banned

    Mar 18, 2014
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    So, what you seem to be saying is that, along with not being able to regulate for safe gun possession, you can't regulate for responsible law enforcement either.

    And I'm the one in Wonderland???
  18. nra37922

    nra37922 Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Damn, just damn. One I just love being lectured on gun RIGHTS and ownership by Europeans and two everyone remember or ever hear of the German phrase "Lebensunwertes Leben" and know of Operation Reinhard? I guess its easy for revisionists to forget or conveniently white-wash history. I wonder if Europeans even teach their children the horrors inflicted on masses of their citizens by their governments before and during WW2. So all you European gun right haters all I have to say to you is take your bleating elsewhere you bunch of sheep.
  19. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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  20. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    You do not have to register cars. In most places you do not have to register pets either. Your comparison is a false one.
  21. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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  22. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    They have been banned. Current owners can register them. No future sales are allowed. That is infringement.
    When the owner of record dies the family gets to take that rifle possibly worth several thousand dollars, smash it over a rock and relinquish it to the state police. Or if that thought angers them and they don't, more ct felons on the books.

    Can you expound on why you think any of this is a good idea?
  23. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    There is nothing racist about it.

    'In fact minorities are the ones who most need to be armed and no one objects.

    You are out out of touch with reality. Probably comes from living in an inferior and reressive nation where you believe the government is the nation and can therefore dictate to the people how they live.
  24. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Therein lies the rub. Ct has already been collecting registration info and keeping it as a data base for many many years. They know who bought those firearms, everything not just assault weapons, everything purchased through a background check is in a database, well hidden but there. And while they do use it for policing it's only a matter of time someone gets wise to what they've been doing.

    Banning and requiring registration of existing assault weapons is a means to get their collection of data some essence of legitimacy.
    Ask yourself this. How will they round up the guns from the unregistered if they don't already know who has them? They've cheated themselves into a tight spot. They know who has them but legally they're not supposed to know. If they act on such a large scale as this that illegal database will be in the limelight, not just used against thugs but now turned against formerly upstanding citizens.

    The Constitution was written so politicians wouldn't get themselves into trouble like this. Somehow the founders knew the future politicians would have an unscrupulous, incompetent party.
  25. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Any chance we could entice you into leading the breeching parties?
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