Tea Party Is Bald-Faced Racists, White Privilege Conference Speaker Tells White ppl

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by blackharvest216, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    Guess that fine southern boy actually believed that his anger towards our first black POTUS was about policy then instead of his race and what his party represents to the fine white southern folk. If that is your position, explain to me why he likely voted for Mitt Romney, the creator of RomneyCare which formed the basis for the ACA along with a blueprint by the Heritage Foundation. Seems that when a white conservative says it's OK, ole bubba here loves it. When a black POTUS from the "other" party says the same thing, he is a communist, tyrant and Muslim. Here's the deal, if these outbursts were rational one could make the case that it is an informed opinion. But they are not rational, they are not informed and they come from white conservatives, mostly in the south and in rural Amurica, where racism is part of the culture. Please don't misconstrue me, I am not saying all conservatives are racists. Some are just greedy sociopaths. But all racists are conservatives or in this case, tea partiers. You can deny it until the cows come home but no one is fooled here. The reaction by the tea party to the election by a huge landslide of our first black POTUS drove them to have a national hissy fit of epic proportions. Here is one of my favorite clips from the sad episodes we endured right after the election:


    This bimbo racist moron made a fool of herself. I want my country back...from who exactly? Now I know the promise is going to come up but do you really want to believe that all insurance companies let you keep your exact same plan every renewal? Of course not. The politics of the statement Obama made forced his hand since the topic is very complicated and as Gruber said, we are just too stupid as a nation to grasp complex subjects. So the essence of this was that this woman got all ginned up over nothing and there is a good chance she is sitting pretty well today under the ACA. So what led her to this outburst? Right wing radio, Fox, ignorance and IMHO, racism.

    And here is a birther burping up racist blather.


    Do I need to show you the clips where racism is out in the open? Tons of them out there and I myself have seen it first hand. I have heard our first black POTUS called a n_-----r more times than I care to count while here in Texas and even from someone in California. Common theme? All white tea party racists.
  2. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Any government policies or actions can be ascribed to support for big government but having the largest and most expensive military in the world is probably the biggest evidence. Try to document for us the link between being pro-constitution and being pro small government and of course that proof should use the actual wording of the constitutionas the base for the proof. And note that state government is still big government.
  3. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    You are living on another planet if you believe AA prevents discrimination. It FORCES discrimination, through social pressure. Sure, the written definition might claim one thing, but the reality is far, FAR more devious. Pray tell how a company becomes MORE diverse? By hiring more minorities and when you purposely HAVE TO hire more minorities to increase your diversity, what are you doing? You're discriminating based on color. Go talk to any HR division and ask how one would hire a higher percentages of minorities? What logically do you have to do to achieve this goal? Rub a few brain cells together and you can figure it out.

    Also, what do you think about AA implementation in the NFL or NBA? What about businesses that are mostly black or Hispanic? I personally deal with agencies in south FL that are completely Hispanic. Not a single white person works there. However, NO agencies are white only. And No I won't "out" them or bring up complaints, because frankly if they want to hire all Hispanics, that is THEIR prerogative. Its Hispanic owned and maybe to them, Hispanics understand their market better? They are run well and the people are great. Wondering if the place will be "better" if a few white people are employed is a farce. No one should force them to hire a certain percentage of anyone. The common argument is that more diversity in the work place makes it better, which is a COMPLETE and utter fabrication.
  4. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    If your employer is able to secure the high dollar government contracts then I commend them. As an employee I loved working on government contracts because the pay was much higher than commercial work in the same field.

    If you and youre boss are spending thousands of hours on trying to convince the government that you're following the AA guidelines then you're either trying to evade compliance or you're just not doing it right. It's so easy to do that major corporations that don't even have government contracts have also implemented the AA guidelines because they're highly beneficial to the enterprise creating a highly diverse and very qualified work force.

    While AA encourages recruitment and even training of qualified individuals that have been historically discriminated against there are no quotas or minimum requirements based upon the criterias for historically discriminated against individual. If an enterprise is employing "quotas" in hiring, compensation, or advancement of employees then it's not really following the AA guidelines.

    As noted above even major corporations not required to have an AA policy have implemented it because it's profitable for the enterprise to do so. Historical discrimination, if fact, resulted in a lower qualified individuals being hired in many cases. Discrimination generally lead to a black person with superior education and job experience not getting a job while a less qualified white applicant would be hired. This is not just a racist practice but also a self-defeating practice for the enterprise.

    Once agian the hiring of those traditionally discriminated against is not mandated by AA while policies and procedures that attempt to rectify the problem of historic discrimination is a requirement. As noted if an employer is hiring 'just to fill an imaginary quota' then they're really not getting the point of AA and they're not following the actual guidelines.

    Of note, as with all federal mandates for government contracts, the federal government pays handsomely for that compliance. It's not like a federal contractor isn't being paid for compliance with the AA guidelines. The overhead costs of AA can literally be included in a submission for a contract proposal under a government RFQ (request for quote) and I'd encourage that by an enterprise. For example if women are going to be hired and trained to work on a government contract that training will be paid for (with profit) by the federal government under the contract. All the company has to do is list it as a cost on the RFQ.
  5. justonemorevoice

    justonemorevoice Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Bravo! I dont think all tp'ers are racists but i think all racists tend to be cons/tp'ers. Thats a fact.
  6. I am rage

    I am rage New Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    I still have yet to disagree with your endless rant on Affimative Action, yet you seem bound and determined to argue that point anyway. Why? You admit to there being racism in the Tea Party. Yet your concern isn't in the slightest on that, and only on their opposition. You seem beyond blinded by bias. Pointing out the racism among liberals does not cancel out the racism shown by members of the Tea Party. Which was what I said I don't even know how long ago before this endless anti-liberal rant of yours.
  7. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I assume that you mean anti-white male discrimination so here's my challenge for you. Show me a scientific study that shows there is discrimination against white males in education, employment, and/or compensation in the United States. Every study I've ever read reflects discrimination against virtually everyone except white males in the United State.

    If Affirmative Action results in social pressure to reduce racial and gender discrimination that is documented by every scientific study I've ever read then I'm for it. As a libertarian I'd far rather see the end to discrimination based upon social pressure than government mandates but alias that is not happening in society today. Instead we have social conservative groups like the Tea Party movement that want to put their head in the sand and ignore the racism and misogyny in America.

    It's actually not hard and several employers I worked for have and are doing this. For example Boeing sends recruiters into predominately black communities to locate qualified candidates. You're not going to find qualified black applicants in a white community because they're not there. Boeing doesn't hire unqualified individuals but by recruiting in black communities they have more black applicants and often times they're more qualified than the white applicants. Simply "targeting a group for recruitment" results in more employment applications to be reviewed without any discrimination taking place.
  8. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Blah, blah, blah, interpreted racism over and over again. That is why no one takes people like you seriously. It is like paranoid personality complex.

    On top of that, you only prove your own bigotry by not being able to prove your point at all.
  9. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Then stop responding if you don't seem to care? Good day.
  10. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Challenge accepted. Any "study" about men being discriminated against would be deemed misogynist anyway and dismissed. That's the whole point. You did it. The labeled the whole Tea Party and there is zippo proof of any of it. Explain why its a problem that not enough women are in industry X, yet no social outrage over not enough men in industry Y? There aren't many male grade school teachers. Is that a problem? Probably not. The fact there aren't enough female programmers, isn't a problem either, but we get to read about it fairly regularly if you follow tech. The fact that more women are graduating college than men, is not a problem? It SHOULD be. Its actually seen as a good thing. Considering men are the primary bread winners(for the most part) less college graduates should be considered a far bigger problem. Then again, women's groups say its all a good thing. Women should spend more time working then raising children, when biologically they're much better at that job. Not saying women should be staying home, but ideally its better if one parent does and ideally women are more suited. Its science. The studies proving women are paid less than men are all FLAWED, using cherry picked data to prove a point. They don't take into account intangibles, like experience and aggressiveness or others like loyalty or how potentially disruptive/distracting a woman could be on a team of all men. They just look at broad numbers which never tell the whole story.

    Ellen Pao is a perfect example, suing for millions when there is NO CASE. She &$*#(*@#( up and burned bridges and now wants payback. You think firms aren't going to think twice after this case?

    Are there less women in certain industries? Yup! Is it a problem? Nope. Video games won't get better if more women are designing. Movies won't get better if more women direct. Apps won't be built better if more women program. Football won't get better if they get to be place kickers. Life will go on and won't miss a step.

    And let me guess....my post will be called misogynist, because like the race card, as soon as you disagree with a supposed "problem", you're labeled to get you to shut up. Its pathetic and only shows intellectual dishonesty and a lack of logic.
  11. Deno

    Deno Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Hey, what ever it takes to kick liberal Butt.

    The Tea Party will end up taking the Republican Party over.

    Go Scott Walker, we all know he scares the living snot out of you.
  12. Deno

    Deno Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Hey, I work 40 hrs a week or better and I take care of my Lavish Estate all by myself.

    Conservatives know how to manage their time.

    That's why most of us are very successful.

    It really doesn't take that much effort to kick liberal butt on these forums.

    The facts are all on our side.
  13. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Wow, what absolute ignorance about scientific studies. A study on discrimination does not have pre-determined results. A study on race discrimination does not and cannot make predeterminations on the outcome. For example we can take the Economic Policy Institute study done on employment discrimination between white job applicants and black job applicants from 2003.


    It wasn't the study that created the discrimination, it was the employers, and the study could have reflected that whites were being discriminated against but that didn't happen and has never happened.

    Scientific studies identify and quantify discrimination but they don't "target" anyone nor are they designed to support pre-determinations or conclusions.

    Only ignorant anti-science social conservatives, often members of the Tea Party movement, believe anything to the contrary. You know, the same ignorant numb-nuts that don't believe in the scientific evidence of global warming and/or evolution.
  14. Deno

    Deno Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    Hey, I got news for you.

    Who's talking color but you.

    You make an insane statement that nothing I said was true.

    Did obama not go to a Racist Church for over 20 years?

    Is al sharpton not a Racist with blood on his hands?

    Can you say Freddie's Fashion Mart?

    Did obama not make this same Racist his go to man on race?

    Is gates not a Racist?

    Has obama not fanned the flames of Racism? Now he has cops being shot and killed.

    We all know the types obama was raised and mentored by, hence his frame of reference.

    We have all had just about all we can take from your ill-informed element.

    It's time normal people told you Racist socialist progressives to go jump in a lake and take all your Quacks with you.

    Obama by nature is a vindictive mean Racist person. Just look at his Actions.....

    He has destroyed the democratic party.

    The Tea Party Is going to mow over you liberals like a Freight Train in 2016.
  15. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Sorry, there ARE "eggshells" to step on in this society. You/I didn't cause that... it's just reality.

    Learn to talk about it period; that's what I say. No, it isn't simple stuff (there are 'delicate' nuances to navigate).
  16. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Okay, garyd. YOU 'believe' that. (I'm fairly certain you are incorrect.)
  17. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You are correct.

    And notice how Santorum essentially 'approved' of what was being said, via his silence.

    It's really pitiful. :(
  18. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Wonderful, just wonderful

    "Y'all blacks better listen up and stop all this reverse discrimination and affirmative action which has given you some slight compensation for a hundred years of oppression and at least keeps us from making your lives even worse. You've just got to vote us white bigots into office so we can discriminate against, persecute and kill you even more"

    Yeh, steamroller in 2016. Typical conservative, not realizing that rollers have run on Diesel since the 30's
  19. Deno

    Deno Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    I love it when I spank a liberal silly.

    But then again it really doesn't take much effort.

    Your lame retort has nothing to do with anything.

    You can't dispute a single Fact.

    Plain to see.

    "Yeh" whats up with the steamroller deal? I said Freight Train...............

    You are very confused.........
  20. I am rage

    I am rage New Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    That's not what I call honesty. I don't know how we can fix anything like that.
  21. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Originally the Tea Party did not start based on racism but they quickly attracted racists. In fact, some of the people who call themselves leaders of the movement held racist signs


    But there is an effort to purge the tea party of racists but they run into a problem because it has become whack-a-mole as it seems that the more they push them out more times someone pops up with a racist statement.

    The Tea Party is not necessarily racist on paper but many of their members seem to have racist tendencies and that is an issue.
  22. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Interesting that your link does not prove your imagined allegation.
  23. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    You have said it by yourself. Non compliance = economical punishment.
    Taking into account that 30 - 50% of the economy is a government spending. The punishment is very severe.
    Yes, you can look for another sources of income, in private places, BUT in some areas those places do not exist.
    Even if you deal with government subcontractor you have to spend substantial resources on compliance with AA.
    No matter how government tries to twist it, the impact on private business is straightforward, hire unqualified AA recipients or die.

    That essentially makes males with light skin and european features a slave of all the others.
  24. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    What accusation are you suggesting it doesn't prove.
  25. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Your accusation.

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