Australia to save White South African's lifes

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by Glücksritter, Mar 20, 2018.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Well said Scarlet Witch!

    Matthew Fox Ph.D:
    A couple or three decades ago a good friend told me that......
    our English ancestors pursued a plan of total genocide in the province of Newfoundland, Canada but.........
    here in my province of Nova Scotia they feared a combined French plus First Nations army....... so they altered their policies for my province..... and allied with some First Nations tribes ..... not because they were good..... but because they knew that if the French were to give their First Nations allies good equipment...... they could have wiped us out instead.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2018
  2. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    There is no need for a straw man SW but really demonstrates your mindset. You are a totally different person on this topic.

    Anyway, we just get away with it because the aboriginal population is so small. God forbid, but if some foreign entity with the might decided to invade Australia they’d have a bloody good excuse to do so. In saying that the Australian government enacted land rights back in the early 70’s and Native Title rights in early 90’s. Howard later tampered with both. Despite aborigines not being a physical threat based on population Australia introduced many initiatives to support aboriginal welfare, including the overturning of the doctrine of terra nullius. Aborigines can utilise land rights for economic purposes, which some do I understand and others can utilise native title rights for traditional purposes is also my understanding. Others here would be able to shed more light on issue.

    When South Africa set about enshrining explicit racism in their laws Australia was dismantling the white Australia policy.
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  3. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    South Africans do deserve a lot of credit for what they have achieved IMO. They have managed to move from being a racist pariah nation to a leading nation in the developing world.

    They were facing a bloody and bitter civil war that could have turned the place into a bloodbath and set it back decades in terms of economics, healthcare, progress, etc, etc and instead found a path away from death and destruction and towards a means of coexisting with a future for all South Africans.

    Granted there are still a great many problems to deal with but what has been achieved in the last quarter century deserves to be recognized and credit given to all who contributed in both large and small ways to put the past behind them and move forward together.

    Mr_Truth and truthvigilante like this.
  4. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    A strawman... because you don't want to go there, but it's very relevant because the reality is that Australia to this day still have Apartheid, despite you trying to pretend it all ended when White Australia policy ended. Aboriginals were shoved to the far corners of the country... what's that called again... oh yeah Separatism :rolleyes: did you come up with that idea on your own.

    So please don't sit there and preach to me, I'm from a country of people who were brave enough and strong enough to actually give a **** and do something to change Apartheid.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2018
  5. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    As per the bold inserts!
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  6. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    The media most certainly played a role in America and now social media is playing an even bigger role in "state capture" albeit for different players and motives.

    The single pivotal event IMO that cemented "state capture" in the USA was the SCOTUS embracing Citizens United that essentially granted corporations the right to unlimited spending in elections under the fallacious reasoning that money equals "free speech". If the nation ever manages to get beyond this point in one piece then that will go down in history alongside other infamies such as Dred Scott.
    Mr_Truth likes this.
  7. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    On what grounds do you claim that there is apartheid today in Australia? I’m all ears!

    There was a policy of segregation but in the 30’s or 40’s aborigines could apply for an exemption certificate with certain requirements but allowed them to participate in all aspects of society. This wasn’t good either but better than apartheid. Our histories treatment of aborigines was appalling, there is no argument for that. How we addressed it is noted in my previous response.

    Be honest SW, the only reasons for the end of apartheid was for economic reasons and international pressure which included heavy sanctions. No doubt civil war was the next best option but that would have been the beginning of the end for SA!
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  8. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I don't see bold inserts, you're going to have to copy paste... must be someone I have on ignore
  9. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    This is an interesting topic on its own.

    I can see some value in political donations but maybe non tax deductible donations over a certain amount may limit how much a corporation or individual is willing to contribute may help. The Howard government here in Australia actually did the reverse I’m pretty sure. Any contributions under a certain amount were non tax deductible. I’ll have to research to confirm but pretty sure it was something strange like that. Not sure of reasoning?

    America is certainly reknown for being an oligarchy and leaders their puppets!

    The intended recipient obviously seen it and/or understood!
  10. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Clearly you didn't bother to click on the link I posted, if you did you won't ask what grounds I make my claim.... one more time

    'The first thing that strikes me about Australia is how racist this place is': Writer claims our treatment of Aborigines is WORSE than apartheid South Africa

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    Back to the White Farmers. Why do I single them out? Because the corrupt and racist ANC government is throwing them under the bus.

    The ANC have stolen tens of billions of dollars, money that were suppose to pay for
    hospital maintenance,
    public services staff salaries,
    fixing roads,
    running water,
    toilets sewage, etc etc.

    These are all services that were there during apartheid... ANYONE WHO SUGGEST THE APARTHEID GOVERNMENT WERE MORE OR AS CORRUPT AS THE ANC GOVERNMENT ARE LYING, A LIE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. The apartheid government left these services behind in excellent condition in the hands of the ANC.

    These services were there.... now they are gone. This is why South Africans are protesting, they are furious and blaming the right people... the ANC who are currently in charge. They are not blaming the whites... only you who don't know ****...and the ANC government are blaming whites. (ANC are blaming white farmers in particular)

    Why are the ANC blaming white farmers?
    They are using white farmers as a scapegoat. Ramaphosa is travelling the world looking for $100 billion to fix this mess. And he cannot tell overseas investors that he needs the money because his government stole billions of dollars. So he throws white farmers under the bus and say, they have kept all the land to themselves and look at the state of the country now. Fact is for farming you need large parcels of land, you can't farm on 400sqm. These people feeds the country, you take away their ability to do this, everyone will suffer.
  11. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    You’re grasping at straws now SW. The article is a subjective personal view and observation. Aborigines actually choose to live where they do because of cultural and kinship reasons not by government restriction. Yes, our forefathers stuffed up when they restricted their cultural practice and access to land. Should we expect aborigines to live the western lifestyle? Hell no....this is our biggest issue. If they don’t want material possessions then that is their prerogative. Unfortunately we have destroyed the important glues that kept their culture and societies surviving for 70k years or whatever it has been.

    In 1967 there was a massive Yes vote to include aborigines as citizens of the country. 97% of voters in fact. Many Australians already thought they were citizens. This speaks volumes. As stated, aborigines could live wherever they liked but obviously had to assimilate, which was since the 30’s or 40’s. We are collectively still ignorant of cause and effect regarding aboriginal plight and is reflected by Hanson views. The biggest gripe Australians have is the perceived special treatment that aborigines get. Of course there are going to be efforts to address inequities but people see it as inequality. As I’ve stated, I don’t think Hanson is a racist, I just think she is an ignorant intellectually defective nasty piece of work. Aborigines have been free to live where ever they like for decades as was alluded in previous post, not to say that discrimination was non existent. The racial discrimination act came into effect before the sex discrimination act and a number of other social discrimination acts. I guess our civilization was still maturing in terms of protective measures across a number of social issues.
    • There are NO laws that allow discrimination SW and if people are discriminating based on “any” race and is proven they’ll have the law to deal with. Of course that may happen but it isn’t enshrined in law but importantly is protected by law if found guilty. Women are still discriminated against, disabled people are still discrimated against despite laws protecting against this. Our white members on struggle street are discriminated against.
    You are constantly going over old ground that has been addressed throughout thread. It all looks desperate SW, especially with loads and loads of speculation and innuendo. It depends on what you read or listen to whether what you are saying is true and whose perspective. Again, it seems black farmers who have also been raped, bashed and murdered aren’t important to you. I just think your whole angle on this issue leaves a lot to be desired and certainly doesn’t leave me with a good impression. A number of comments are dubiously cringey and the seeking of justification is as much so.
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  12. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    :lol: yes because through law is the only way people discriminate and current laws prevent all discrimination :roflol: so naive, what about all the rants we see on social media.. you going to tell me those are actors, :rolleyes:

    The reality is you yourself would not contribute even A$25 a week to Aboriginal people for rent, but you wholeheartedly support other people giving up their homes... you are a hypocrite.

    You are also grossly uninformed, the white farmers are taking the fall for the ANC's thievery and you simply don't care... well then don't care... but for god sake at least get of your ****ing high horse...
  13. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    yes because through law is the only way people discriminate and current laws prevent all discrimination

    Wow, here we go again. So apparently I stated that discrimination does not occur due to are loosely carrying on with rubbish now SW. To be frank you are being silly.

    so naive, what about all the rants we see on social media.. you going to tell me those are actors,

    Of course there is heaps of carry on but on a number of issues. Everybody vents their spleen on social media. Young boys and girls are bullied frequently on social media, even to the point of suicide sadly. There is clearly a nasty side with social media that isn’t specific to aborigines.

    The reality is you yourself would not contribute even A$25 a week to Aboriginal people for rent, but you wholeheartedly support other people giving up their homes... you are a hypocrite.

    What are you talking about? Our governments way back starting with Sir Gough Whitlam started the process of handing back land. I’ve already mentioned a number of initiatives our government has introduced but it is all selective reading or comprehension problems seemingly SW. Lands rights and Native Title were enacted. There was a scheme known as the ILC, which was land buy back. Yulara resort was a purchase under this scheme which employs and trains many young aboriginal people. I don’t begrudge my tax dollars supporting these schemes. Aborigines were able to make claims for free hold titles and with many successful acquisition.

    You are also grossly uninformed, the white farmers are taking the fall for the ANC's thievery and you simply don't care... well then don't care... but for god sake at least get of your ****ing high horse...

    Out of the 74 farmers that were murdered in 2016/2017, 40% of them were apparently black. This is another report that disputes the 400 farmer figure.

    I certainly don’t argue that ANC members are doing dodgy sh!t. It is pretty clear based on numerous reports but certainly haven’t found anything regarding your latest claims and many of your others.
    In Australia and the USA there is always speculation about fraudulent dealings and favours for the elite! None of it is okay! I hope you are wrong or at least hope all South Africans can live happy and productive lives free from this rubbish....yes, I mean black, white and coloured South Africans SW!
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  14. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    While researching the allegations about white farmers being killed I came across the figure of 130/100,000 people which is astronomical even by South African standards. It turned out that those pushing this narrative were taking a very small subset of what can be defined as those involved in farming and applying any and all deaths on farms as being "white".

    Closer examination revealed that according to how crime statistics are gathered by the police anyone with a small holding or even just living in a farming area was all a single category and total crimes were just under 700 for a combined population of about 2.3 million people of all races. When that is factored in the deaths were in the region of 3.2/100,000 which is considerably safer than that of the overall population itself.

    Further research indicates that the majority of the murders are confined to very specific areas and not endemic across the entire nation. This is not all that different to here in the states where firearm killings are largely concentrated in defined areas. What is significantly different is that mass killings here in the USA are not confined to those areas but rather are happening anywhere and everywhere.

    Whites in America are facing a demographic change that will see their influence dwindle and other races and ethnic groups take over. It is still a way off but the kinds of hysteria that I am seeing here resemble that I am seeing coming from who are those fallaciously alleging that there is a "slaughter" of "white farmers". The math, the media and the statistics are just not demonstrating that to be the case.
  15. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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  16. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    R13.5bn municipal debt burden 'really beyond Eskom'
  17. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Some South African Cities Are ‘on Brink of Collapse,’ Finance Minister Says
  18. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Some posters in this thread

  19. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Perhaps nobody wants to be branded as
    Racy-ist for saying something non politically correct.
    scarlet witch likes this.
  20. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    An example, a very long plane flight, and I decide the Pilot and crew has got to go, so I put parachutes on the entire crew and kick them out to land safely somewhere.

    However, now there is nobody left that can fly the plane and I did not bother to think it through about small details like that, and the plane crashes, killing Everbody on board not to mention the people killed by the plane smashing into buildings etc....

    There are decisions that have unintended consequences despite the original noble intentions.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
    scarlet witch likes this.
  21. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Yeah there is no doubt that something is amiss. What I find interesting is that a google search on “white farmer attacks” all relates to Australian reports related mostly to that idiot Dutton.
  22. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Here's what is happening atm due to Land expropriation plans from the South African Government.

    1. Poor South Africans want urban land....not farm land. Why because they can't get to the cities where the work are from farms.
    2. The government does not plan on giving ownership to poor blacks, they will retain ownership and offer a lease. No one will be able to use property as collateral, it's rent for life.
    3. Money that were meant for building new homes on the land squatters are occupying have been stolen by corrupt ANC officials, the poor are angry, the government is blaming white farmers.

    Squatters in Alexandra (one of South Africa's poorest townships) have decided they are entitled to urban land in Waterfall, situated near Protea Glen (middle/lower class suburb in Soweto near Johannesburg).

    Protea Glen residents are now protesting because they had to pay R500 000 (approx $50 000) for their small but neat and tidy 2 -3 bedroom dwellings. Once squatters claim land the property will become worthless and crime will escalate

    Typical home in Protea Glen


    Last edited: May 7, 2018
    DennisTate and Sallyally like this.
  23. Denizen

    Denizen Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2013
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    Why aren't UK and Netherlands stepping forward? Why should Australia give these people preferential entry when there are many more people in more dangerous environments.
  24. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Well I think every country who joined in sanctions and forced millions of South Africans into poverty should take South Africans in black and white. Quick to sanction but now turning their backs on South Africans that the ANC have ruined the country.

    South Africa is in real trouble, the ANC's corruption and mismanagement along with Black Empowerment program have brought the country to the brink of collapse.

    Eskom (South Africa's electricity public utility) will soon run out of coal, it seems money is not the only thing to disappear in South Africa. Eskom is owed round R30 billion (aprox $3 billion) by municipalities around the country. Once the power goes out, people are going to start dying... oh wait, people are already dying on mass. Where's the is the UN... oh wait allow me..... RACISM!!!!!!!

    Eskom suspends power station managers while coal figures ‘don’t add up’

    A whole lot of coal said to be there was not there’, an energy expert says, while ‘Eskom is not admitting it is on the brink of collapse’.

    DennisTate likes this.
  25. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    West Australian Liberal MP Andrew Hastie has thrown his support behind a special humanitarian intake of persecuted South Africans and he said that the more white South Africans, the better for Australia. Australia is the only Western country which welcomes white South Africans as the country is starving for white migrants. I think it's better for the rest of the world, if they disappear into Australia's rural communities where they perfectly fit in.

    This is similar to Syrian refugees in Turkey. Turks are broadly supportive of Syrian refugees and Turkey continues to provide protection to more than 3 million Syrian refugees in the country. Australia is actually the closest Western country from South Africa and it's obliged to take in South African refugees as much as its annual refugee quota permits (up to 30,000).
    Last edited: May 10, 2018

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