MUCH More Obamacare TRUTH

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by Mr_Truth, Feb 28, 2015.

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  1. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    so, it reallywasn't so much about health care as much as it was putting people to work for Obama............thanks for pointing that out..
    I wonder how many jobs were lost due to Bammycare? How many private sector jobs, where the real money is, went to that sucking cesspool in DC...
    bah, less use for them than a used piece of tp.....
  2. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    more Republican hypocrisy about ACA:

    Republican Gardenhire took advantage of ACA's adult-child rule

    Sen. Todd Gardenhire, R-Chattanooga, benefited from the Affordable Care Act by having his adult son enrolled on state benefits, but voted twice to keep Tennessee from using the federal health law to provide health coverage to poor people.

    The law mandates that all employer-based plans allow workers to add coverage for their children up to age 26. Gardenhire adamantly disputed state documents obtained by The Tennessean that showed he had a child on the plan and hung up on a reporter Monday morning, but then called back to "eat crow," apologize and say that his son, Andrew, had been covered.

    Gardenhire touched off the controversy about lawmaker benefits in February by denying he had coverage on the state plan in an exchange with Sen. Jeff Yarbro, D-Nashville. The exchange led to The Tennessean requesting records detailing how many lawmakers receive state health insurance and the cost to taxpayers.

    Even though lawmakers are considered part-time employees, the state has paid nearly $5.8 million in premiums for them since 2008.

    List: What does TN pay for your lawmaker's health care?

    After denying in February he was covered by the state plan, Gardenhire corrected himself, just as he did on Monday about the family coverage. Gardenhire is a licensed insurance agent and a financial adviser for Morgan Stanley in Chattanooga.

    His initial response to being asked Monday if he had a child on the plan: "I do not and never have had. You guys continually misprint information about me. I really don't appreciate it. I have never had a child on my insurance. Never. That is spelled with a capital N."

    But he called The Tennessean reporter back Monday morning to correct himself. He said he asked Connie Ridley, the director of legislative administration, if his son had ever been on the plan.

    "She said 'When you signed up, you signed up for the family and you put him down,' " Gardenhire said. "So I'm here to eat crow with you — if you've ever had to eat crow with someone. I'm having to call up and say I was wrong. You were right."

    His son, Andrew Gardenhire who is now 27, was on the plan in 2012 and 2013. Gardenhire's wife was also on the plan until she qualified for Medicare.

    TN health care: Good for the goose, not the gander?

    Gardenhire said he did not intend to mislead.

    "Look, when I went in and went up to sign papers and signed all the stuff, I did not realize that," he said. "I signed up for family coverage. My son was in college. That's how come he is on so late. He was going to college."

    Andrew Gardenhire never used the health benefits, the senator said, to the best of his knowledge. He said he asked his son, who could not recall ever having to go to see a doctor during the time frame he was on benefits paid for by the state.

    "In January 2014, I canceled all the family stuff and just had me on there," he said. "I canceled that on Feb. 9 of this year. I signed all the paper work and canceled that."

    The senator provided The Tennessean a copy of the cancellation letter.

    State pays $5.8 million for lawmaker health insurance

    On Friday, Ridley also confirmed by email that Gardenhire completed and filed the paperwork to drop from the plan. But Ridley said actuaries "forecast cost and premiums based on the entire risk pool and a full year of premiums."

    "As such, the senator cannot be removed in the Edison benefits system until the open enrollment period in the fall of 2015 with the closing of a full year," Ridley said.

    Gardenhire twice helped keep legislators from having a floor vote on Insure Tennessee, striking down Gov. Bill Haslam's alternative to Medicaid expansion when he served on one committee during a special session and on another committee during the regular session.

    Gardenhire generated media attention after being videotaped in a Legislative Plaza hallway calling a constituent an a--hole. The constituent had yelled out a question about the senator's state health benefits.

    Haslam came up with the Insure Tennessee plan to help working families buy into the employer-based health plans they cannot afford.

    Working people account for more than half of all Tennesseans who would gain health coverage if the state used Medicaid expansion dollars, according to a report issued in August by Families USA. A family of three making up to $27,310 would qualify. (The current cutoff is $21,770 for a family of three.)

    State releases records for lawmaker health premiums

    Insure Tennessee also would extend health coverage to single adults earning less than $16,105 who don't meet current requirements, such as being the parent of a Medicaid-eligible child.

    The Insure Tennessee plan would require no funding from state coffers.

    The Affordable Care Act allows the federal government to pick up the full cost of insuring new people who qualify for Medicaid under the expanded guidelines through 2016. It will then phase down to a permanent 90 percent matching rate in 2020. The Tennessee Hospital Association has agreed to put up the matching money that would be required from the state through an "enhanced coverage fee," which is a voluntary bed tax.

    Hospitals will end up getting $9 back for every $1 they pay if the state legislature passes the plan and it meets federal approval. Tennesseans are already paying the federal taxes for Medicaid expansion.

    Reach Tom Wilemon at 615-726-5961 and on Twitter [MENTION=56]Tom[/MENTION]Wilemon.

    Todd Gardenhire

    Age: 67

    Occupation: Senior vice president, wealth management

    Hometown: Chattanooga

    First elected: 2012

    Republicans love taxpayer financed freebies which create jobs and save lives but also love to deny it to all else.

  3. Micketto

    Micketto New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2013
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    While the exchange has struggled since its creation, it is not for lack of funding. Since 2011 Hawaii has received a total of $205,342,270 in federal grant money from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In total, HHS provided nearly $4.5 billion to Hawaii and other state exchanges, with little federal oversight and virtually no strings attached.

    Despite this generous funding, the exchange has underperformed from day one. In its first year, Hawaii enrolled only 8,592 individuals – meaning it spent almost $23,899 on its website for each individual enrolled. Currently over 37,000 individuals are enrolled in Hawaii’s exchange - well below the estimated 70,000 enrollees that is required to make the website financially viable. Unfortunately, taxpayers will have to hand out an additional $30 million so that Hawaii can migrate to the federal system.
  4. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Democrats Go On The Attack and Exploit The Republican Divide On Obamacare

    Democrats are seizing the opportunity that is being presented by the combination of the increasing popularity of Obamacare and a Republican party that is paralyzed by years of its own ACA rhetoric.

    According to The Hill:

    Democrats are chiding Republican leaders in Congress as standing in the way of improvements to ObamaCare that enjoy bipartisan support.
    More than a half-dozen proposed changes to the law boast approval from at least some Democrats, including legislation to repeal a controversial cost-cutting board for Medicare, which gained its 218th cosponsor this week.
    Democrats are looking to take advantage of a deepening divide within the Republican Party about what to do with President Obama’s healthcare law during his final two years in office, particularly as they await a key ObamaCare decision from the Supreme Court.
    As recent polling has revealed that the Affordable Care Act is becoming a strength for Democrats nationally, Republicans are coming apart at the seams on the one issue that the used to be able to agree on. The problem for Republicans is that their lack of common sense when it comes to Obamacare is catching up to them.

    Democrats have long understood the idea that people want affordable health insurance. Republicans have spent years trying to convince the uninsured that they don’t want health insurance. This is an argument that was never going to work, and the success of the ACA is trapping Republicans into a corner that they have painted themselves into.

    Congressional Democrats are now on the offensive, as Republicans are afraid to touch even popular ACA legislation with bipartisan support. Democrats are masters of exploiting divides within the Republican Party. President Obama has spent much of time in office successfully expanding the cracks and fractures within the opposition.

    Republicans once thought that their Obamacare opposition would deliver them the White House. Instead, it might cost them their total control of Congress.

    ACA - saving lives and money every day!
  5. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Obamacare... like pouring water down a gopher hole.
  6. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Opposition to Obamacare like booking passage on the Hindenburg.
    Mr_Truth and (deleted member) like this.
  7. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    you ignored my post and instead continue to make unfounded statement, such as, 45,000 americans dead each due to lack of health care. And, your absurd comment that the "far right" finds when people die is not anywhere near true. We want people to have good insurance, worth the premium they are charged without putting a financial burden on taxpayers and without forcing health insurance companies to limit providers and services, charge premiums and deductibles and out of pocket expense that is too high to make the coverage/premium cost effective.

    You don't respond to anything anyone posts in specific terms and only continue to spout "democratic talking points", that are IMO not worthing reading.
  8. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    LOL! You have posted that before but you still keep reading and responding to my posts thereby drawing more attention to them.

    Obviously it is because you know they are the TRUTH.

    Much to the displeasure of the far right, ACA continues to save money and lives. All real patriots approve, naturally.
  9. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Anti-Obamacare Republican renounces ‘pigheaded’ GOP

    — and he wants you to know why
    The 49-year-old South Carolina man who garnered attention — and thousands of dollars in donations — after revealing his medical issues online is now supporting the Affordable Care Act and turning away from the GOP, Think Progress reported.

    “Now that I’m looking at what each party represents, my wife and I are both saying, ‘Hey, we’re not Republicans!'” Luis Lang said, adding that he wants to rip his voting registration card up on national television to confirm his change of political affiliation.

    As of Tuesday night, Lang had received just over $22,000 in online donations to help him seek treatment for a partially detached retina and bleeding from his eyes.

    While Lang initially blamed President Barack Obama for his inability to sign up for a healthcare exchange program, he said he was motivated to learn more about the federal mandate after his case was widely reported online.

  10. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    low cost for obiecare just went out the window, It is no longer "affordable"
    what a load of hooey. Only a traitor to the Constitution would support Obiecare
  11. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    while millions are benefiting from ACA, more work needs to be done to improve it:

    Healthcare reform is not done. Not by a long shot. While Obamacare has gone a very long way toward getting people insured, and in creating some good reforms and regulations on private insurance, private health insurance can still be pretty sucky. And according to a new report from the Commonwealth Fund it's pretty sucky for nearly a quarter of the population which has private insurance.

    The Commonwealth Fund counts adults as underinsured if they meet one of two conditions: their out-of-pocket costs totaled 10 percent or more of their income or if their deductible was 5 percent or more of total income. And they found that 23 percent of Americans with insurance fit into this category—up from 12 percent in 2003.

    Underinsurance matters because it appears to deter people from seeking care. Underinsured people are far more likely to not go to the doctor when they have a medical problem; a quarter of the underinsured report doing this, compared with 12 percent of those with more robust coverage. They skip prescriptions, follow-up tests, and specialist visits at a rate that's inching closer to the uninsured —people with no coverage at all.

    That's a very large group of people and they have been hit very hard financially: "47 percent of respondents said they exhausted their savings to pay medical bills, 23 percent were dealing with collection agencies and 7 percent had to declare bankruptcy." The major problem is deductibles, which just keep growing.
    The share of privately insured adults who had a health plan without a deductible fell from 40 percent in 2003 to 25 percent in 2014
    That chart shows the shrinking number of health plans that don't include deductibles—from 40 percent in 2003 to 25 percent in 2014 at the same time that deductibles are growing. Now more than in 10 people with private insurance has a deductible of $3,000 or more, up from just 1 percent in 2003. Wages and salaries are not keeping up with those increases, and in fact employee compensation has largely stagnated because health insurance costs are growing so fast for employers.

    It does help that Obamacare includes essential benefits, including basic physical exams, cancer screenings, etc. But if one of those screenings requires specialized care, or follow-up testing or expensive prescriptions, co-pays and deductibles can put that follow-up care in jeopardy for too many people—44 percent in this study. That's how many "reported not getting needed care because of cost in the past year, including not going to the doctor when sick, not filling a prescription, skipping a test or treatment recommended by a doctor, or not seeing a specialist."

    Having health insurance is better than not having health insurance. But if you can't afford to actually use that insurance without risking financial disaster, then it's clearly not much of a safety net. These costs have to come down. The best way yet demonstrated for healthcare spending to be controlled is through single-payer systems. So healthcare reform in this country is going to have to take the next step and expand Medicare.

  12. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    More Obamacare TRUTH:

    [URL="]Obamacare Insurance Premiums to Jump, up to 51%

    Meet the new Republican voter base:


    Thank you, President Obama.
  13. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    this may all be moot......this obiecare is gonna get flushed, then what are the moochers gonna do?
    The accidental case against Obamacare

    How a lawyer, a law professor, and a libertarian found the Affordable Care Act's secret weakness

    by Sarah Kliff on May 26, 2015
    true patriotism comes from independence, not kneeling
  14. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    you are chasing your tail about that mystical number. There is no such thing. It is a meme from the ACA site. There is no proof of what he claims, he cannot produce such evidence. It's just about tyranny and theft of private property. Some are happy when they think they've gotten away with stealing.
    I've queried this fellow about thanking his neighbors for paying his way. He hasn't. Like most Liberal Progs, they think they are automatically entitled to someone else's money, just cuz
  15. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    are you sure that wasn't the sound of Gruber farting?
  16. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Your response is the perfect example of what the article was saying. Republicans have no data or no evidence just massive self delusion.
  17. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Here is the source of the 45,000 number. Of course it comes from Harvard so it is probably not credible.
  18. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    you guys are the ones in denial.
    As usual....
    Where is the money going to come from to pay for all of this failure?
    States are falling off like an over-load of ticks.
    If you like your insurance
    if you like your doctor...
    all of this is a sham.
    Worthless insurance is still worthless insurance.
  19. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    drug over-doses? gangland shootings? Illegals? How many of those 45,000 didn't have it because they just didn't have it?
    How many are gangsters shot by the police? How many people were involved in car accidents that didn't have insurance.
    Regardless, some folks just wont and cannot afford insurance. ACA is hardly affordable.........
    insurance at gunpoint is no different than mob-styled protection/insurance.
    and Harvard...isn't that where obie got his eddycation?
    btw, they sure got a case of sticker shock when the bill landed on their doorstep
  20. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Well, progress. At least now you know the number isn't imaginary. And the study very clearly says the deaths are due to lack of healthcare so you can no longer debate the number. Now if you want to parse the 45,000 number into individual causes I am sure you can go to the original data source on the article and do the work yourself. But you can no longer pretend the 45,000 number is imaginary. You lose so now you will try to move the discussion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    See, you still can't debate the benefits. Just keep repeating the same old meaningless rant with no data or no ideas.
  21. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Getting a bit desperate when you have to rely on imaginary data.
  22. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Yeah, because Americans paying twice as much for health insurance are really ecstatic.

    Thank you President Obama!
  23. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Ruling may gut 'Obamacare,' but Republicans would feel the heat if millions lose subsidies

    Ruling may gut 'Obamacare,' but Republicans would feel the heat if millions lose subsidies

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Supreme Court ruling due in a few weeks could wipe out health insurance for millions of people covered by President Barack Obama's health care law. But it's Republicans — not White House officials — who have been talking about damage control.

    A likely reason: Twenty-six of the 34 states that would be most affected by the ruling have Republican governors, and 22 of the 24 GOP Senate seats up in 2016 are in those states.

    will those who lose their insurance be ready to vote against those who took it away?
  24. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    you cannot steal from people and not expect to pay the consequences. You should not have stolen it to begin with. What do I care about thieves? They are whining because we wont be stolen from anymore?
    oh boo (*)(*)(*)(*)ing hoo......
  25. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Then you should feel that way when our tax dollars are used to pay for Israel's health care.
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