Trump.... what would turn supporters against him

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ARDY, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    What I have always said is that I expect Trump to try to do the things he promised. I have also said that the power of a president is limited, and I have said that Trump will meet resistance from Republicans on some things. So if he tries to do the things he promised, but he fails because of the resistance he meets in Congress, that is not his fault, and I won't blame him for that.

    If he went full-on "McCain" (or "Hillary", come to think of it) and overthrew the government of Syria and occupied the country with 150,000 troops, I'd turn against him. If he ramped up the war in Ukraine, either through direct action or less direct means, I'd oppose that.

    One promise I'd like him not to keep is his income tax plan. I think the imperative of balancing the federal budget outweighs the benefits of a tax cut right now. I would like to balance the federal budget first, and then talk about tax cuts.

    My two cents ...

  2. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    The election night I couldn't say Trump pays more than Clinton.

    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Sadly Ron none of those 4 actions would deter the cultist Trump supporters from him. As a matter of fact those actions you listed would only propel them to strengthen their love for for their president who is nothing but a 12 year old playing big boy in charge.
  4. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    And yet, what percentage of frequency have Trump supporters or Trump himself, actually proved the media wrong?
  5. Conviction

    Conviction Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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  6. therooster

    therooster Banned

    Feb 28, 2014
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    And that's a good one !!!
  7. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Welfare is useful, because it feeds and shelters those who have become victims to the Oligarchy of corporate welfare. That is not unnecessary debt. Obamacare has given 20 million people health care, who couldn't afford it before. Nothing unnecessary about that. Illegal immigration wouldn't cost the country much of anything if we fined and jailed the enablers who hired them. A manufactured debt we started, not the illegals.

    So yes, I (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) about the military because it has become a vehicle for profit through lies and propaganda at the cost of human life.. Something that is totally unnecessary.

    And there is much more of that to come. Possibly sending us into another unnecessary war that is wrong too.
  8. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    First off, that is a prediction, not news. Learn the difference. So, you haven't given us anything as expected.
  9. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Yeah I don't make the rules in regards to the military but the 2 war front is the goal of the US Armed Forces. Well at least it was a few years ago, things may have changed since then I'm not sure. Those sort of decisions are way above my pay grade and they don't really discuss that sort of stuff with us too often. We just go about our daily duties mostly dealing with this terrorism issue.

    There's nothing wrong with the F/A-18 it's a great plane. Our problem is that we still operate based on Cold War mentalities which is both good and bad. We always try to stay one or two steps ahead of the enemy in terms of weapons systems so we keep creating newer and better fighter jets. We are still fighting theoretical wars on paper. If Russia has an Su-37 with thrust vectoring engines that can do cartwheels in the sky then we need something like that. What the general public doesn't understand is that Russia may have cool acrobatic fighter jets that can do cartwheels in the sky, being able to do cartwheels in the sky doesn't matter. An AIM-120 AMRAAM missile doesn't care how many cartwheels you can do, it will still shoot you down from 30 miles away anyway.

    Plus what Russia and China don't have is money. Sure they may have a cool plane that you can watch on youtube doing fancy tricks, but what they don't show you is that they have a total of like 5 of the things, 4 don't work, and the only working one is the one you saw in the youtube video that they parked on the ramp after that and it hasn't moved in 6 months. And if we ever went to war with either of these nations then we aren't going to allow them to start launching waves of fighter jets. We'd be bombing their runways and sinking China's one old piece of crap aircraft carrier within the first 12 hours of the offensive. These nations are not the threat they so desperately try to portray. Yes they are powerful, but if all hell broke loose and America went after one of them full force they wouldn't stand a chance in hell. Don't get me wrong, it would be a war, it wouldn't be us rolling through them Desert Storm style and it would be nasty with a lot of casualties on both sides. But I've been reading articles and just talking to family and friends and there seems to be this huge misconception that Russia or China can actually win a conventional war with the US. No, we would crush both of them, even in our current state. Trust me. That's without nukes. Throw nukes into the equation then we all just die so it's a moot point.

    But yes that was the point you were making that I also agree with. What we have now is good enough. I understand keeping one step above the enemy but like I said before the Pentagon goes overboard with this stuff sometimes and if they had their way they would be out there asking Lockheed Martin to build them a trillion dollar X-Wing they could fly around space with for no reason.

    One of the things I praised the Obama Administration for was halting the production of F-22's. It's a state of the art fighter, and it's a damn good one, arguably the best in the world, but the thing is expensive as hell. We don't need 500 of the damn things. We don't dogfight anymore, the last dogfight was nearly 30 years ago. We just launch missiles at you now before we even see you with our own eyes. We have F/A-18s, fighter wings full of F-16s, F-15s, and plenty of F-22s already. We have 10 aircraft carriers, 18 Ohio class subs, and I have no idea how many other destroyers, and cruisers, and other ships out there. We have like 6000 tanks, hundreds of Apache helicopters, etc. China has ONE aircraft carrier that they can barely get in the ocean and so does Russia. At some point we have to stop and say ok we have enough (*)(*)(*)(*). It's time to stop building more stuff and ordering new stuff when what we have now is already much better than anybody else. Just start repairing and keeping operational the huge military that we already have.

    Don't get me wrong, if we could afford this I am all for the US building whatever they please. If we had unlimited funds then yes by all means build a fleet of X-Wings and laser cannons and whatever else we can dream of. But we don't have unlimited funds, we have a budget, and for some reason the Pentagon seems to think the best way to use the defense budget is to keep buying more and more advanced crap when we can already bomb the entire world into oblivion with our so called "out of date" fleet of B-1 bombers. There guys are like the folks who buy a brand new 2017 car because the starter went out on their 2016 model and they "don't want to have any problems in the future" so instead of spending 200 bucks to replace the starter they'll spend $30,000 on a whole new car.

    And wonder why the hell the military fleet is in such disrepair with F/A-18 fighter squadrons only having 20% of their planes operational because the Pentagon thinks it makes more sense to just buy a brand new plane instead of fixing their perfectly good state of the art 2016 model planes. (They were built before that but its just an analogy).
  10. navigator2

    navigator2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2016
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    Prediction? I remember laughing at Clintonistas who were busy eating up the fake news state polls and preparing for the Skankipotimus's coronation. MSM became a victim of their own BS and lies, slanted polls, and misinformation. Nothing was as satisfying as watching CNN's Wolf Blitzer almost put a gun to his head as state by state by state the queen was beheaded.:roflol:[video=youtube;SBJ5FsklZXQ][/video]
  11. TrackerSam

    TrackerSam Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2015
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    Oh I know. Call them names. It worked in grade school and although it didn't stop them from electing President Trump, the DNC is still convinced the tactic will work.
  12. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Not sure what this pivot has to do with the media proving Trump's lies?
  13. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Calling them names should be the least of your worries. The proof of who they have become speaks for itself without the names. If Trump supporters are okay with Trump shooting someone, mocking a person's disability, grabbing a woman, cheating people out of money while getting caught, lying almost every other sentence, you may want to think about why you support a monster such as this, instead of worrying about the names?
  14. ARDY

    ARDY Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2015
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    As always, thx for your well considered inputs
    Yeah, I certainly would give him a break for any instructional resistance he encounters
    But not so much for promises that seemed ill considered and duplicitous for the start
    For instance
    He has promised to balance the budget, pay off the debt (or at least start), give major tax cuts, while also dramatically increasing defense and infrastructure spending ... I am skeptical
    I would oppose more than about 1,000 troops in Syria
    And any plan that would make us inferentially responsible for the future governance there

    Which is saying a lot because that is the one thing he and congress are likely to work on
    Yeah, I am with you 100%

    Personally, my opinion is that deficits are unavoidable and even desirable in the face of depression like events. The problem is that these policies are so addictive that the government never wants to return to a balanced budget after the crisis.

    I hope trump can offer some hope to the ordinary workers.... and think that so far trump has made some effort. But one off deals will not address the larger problem. So we await a more generalized policy

  15. TrackerSam

    TrackerSam Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2015
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    Ah more name calling. It's all you've got. Sounds more like the Clintons. How many Clinton associates are or were in prison, of the ones that survived?
  16. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Trump.... what would turn supporters against him

    Not delivering on his campaign issues.
  17. usda_select

    usda_select Active Member Past Donor

    May 28, 2016
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    Thanks again for the thoughtful post. That was sort of my point…any war directly with Russia or China won’t end well for either nation; or the world for that matter.

    You diagnose the disease well. The problem is that in our current political atmosphere, you can’t be seen as being “weak on defense” in any way shape or form. One of my favorite speeches in history was when a guy name Zell Miller was announcing George W. Bush for President at one of the conventions. He was railing against John Kerry up one side and down the other.

    Listing all the weapon systems that Senator Kerry tried his best to shut down sounds like an auctioneer selling off our national security but Americans need to know the facts.

    The B-1 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, dropped 40 percent of the bombs in the first six months of Operation Enduring Freedom.

    The B-2 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered air strikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Hussein's command post in Iraq.

    The F-14A Tomcats, that Senator Kerry opposed, shot down Khadifi's Libyan MIGs over the Gulf of Sidra. The modernized F-14D, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered missile strikes against Tora Bora.

    The Apache helicopter, that Senator Kerry opposed, took out those Republican Guard tanks in Kuwait in the Gulf War. The F-15 Eagles, that Senator Kerry opposed, flew cover over our Nation's Capital and this very city after 9/11.

    I could go on and on and on: against the Patriot Missile that shot down Saddam Hussein's scud missiles over Israel; against the Aegis air-defense cruiser; against the Strategic Defense Initiative; against the Trident missile; against, against, against.

    This is the man who wants to be the Commander in Chief of our U.S. Armed Forces?

    U.S. forces armed with what? Spitballs?

    He goes on…

    He is not a slick talker but he is a straight shooter and, where I come from, deeds mean a lot more than words.

    I have knocked on the door of this man's soul and found someone home, a God-fearing man with a good heart and a spine of tempered steel.

    And that is the reason we will spend a 4 trillion on defense over an 8 year Presidency….politically you have to. If Donald Trump REALLY wanted to impress me; he would cut the Defense budget. Not because it makes sense, not because it would be smart considering the amount we spend relative to the other nations…but because it would be the first time in history that I can recall it happening when not first precipitated by a geopolitical event.
  18. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Well if Trump wants to continue to impress me then he will continue to do what he did in regards to the F-35 program, the thing costs too much, make it cheaper or we aren't buying any.

    What Trump needs to do is take that business mind of his and start poking around the defense budget and see just where all this money is actually going. The Pentagon itself needs to start being more stern with these weapons and equipment companies and stop letting them virtually turn the Pentagon upside down and shake the change out of their pockets at will.

    Take this example. Once again we are getting new uniforms in the Army. Sitting behind me right now is a closet FULL of different colored crap from years of service. BDU's, ACU's, FRACU's, multi-cam, and now we are moving to this new uniform style that looks virtually identical to the old one we are about to replace. Each time they replace the uniform pattern they have to reissue millions of dollars of new pattern equipment to the troops. It's almost staggering to see just the sheer amount of crap ONE Soldier gets issued. I mean you literally walk into the issuing facility and walk out with 2 shopping carts full of crap. Roughly 90% of the crap in my closet has been sitting there since the day I joined the military, in the plastic wrap or boxes that it came in. We don't even use the majority of this stuff they just give it to us. I mean I get it, they give troops equipment to ensure they are adequately prepared for ANYTHING, and in theory that is good but at the same time it's also wasting money. If I never put on any of this stuff because none of it is ever necessary then what I am left with is roughly $8000 worth of Army stuff that is literally just sitting in a closet gathering dust. That I also have to lug around with me every single time I move because the Army refuses to let me give it back to them because I might need it one day. What they need to do is start going through the different MOS's (jobs) in the military and give you stuff that is necessary for your job and not just a blanket list of stuff for everybody.

    But the reason we are changing uniforms AGAIN is because the old designer got greedy and tried to jack the price up on the contract and thankfully the government told them to pound sand and found another manufacturer who would make virtually the same pattern for less money. So every once and awhile the government stands their ground, I just wish they would do it more often.

    Yeah I get the whole "everyone is a Soldier" thing, but the reality is that no everyone is not. I'm not a grunt, I'm a pilot, I don't need 16 kinds of infantry load bearing equipment. I don't wear this stuff, it's never left the box, but they make me take it and the Pentagon pays for it for me to take it. Our arms room at work is FULL of various types of weapons. We have loads of heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, tricked out M-4s with nice scopes and attacked laser sights and underside grenade launchers. I'm like what the hell do we have this stuff for? It makes our enlisted kids happy because they think it's cool but I always tell them the same thing. "Man if YOU are ever personally firing that thing at the enemy then we are in BIG TROUBLE, you're a crew chief, not a grunt, if the bad guys ever got this deep into the base then yeah we're screwed".

    We're basically arming everybody to the teeth like they are all front line infantry troops with state of the art munitions. I understand being prepared for anything but damn, once again, who is buying us all this stuff? Buy us parts to fix our broken aircraft, stop buying our aircraft mechanics expensive tricked out guns from Call of Duty. They don't NEED that, they NEED engine parts. And the worst part about it is that we NEVER even use this stuff, not even in training. Yeah they'll go out and shoot the rifles a few times a year but as far as those heavy machine guns and grenade launchers and stuff, never. Stuff has been sitting in the weapons locker since the day I got here.

    The problem here is whoever is negotiating these contracts with these arms manufacturers. These companies LOVE the government because they seemingly get free will to nickel and dime the living crap out of the government. Like I said before I don't understand how this works, all I see are the results, but I swear it's almost like these companies have the Pentagon by the throat and basically say either you buy 10,000 rifles or you can't buy any or something. Or knowing the Pentagon it wouldn't surprise me if they were like "Yeah we want EVERYBODY to have super duper rifles with lasers and scopes and stuff, even the desk clerks, how much? No problem we'll take it!" I have no idea, what I do know is that it's unnecessary.

    Army can no longer afford to give the traditional pension to it's Soldiers.....meanwhile the girl working the front desk at the local dentist clinic has a $5000 M-4 with lasers and optics on it....

    We don't have a budget problem, we have a budget mismanagement problem.
  19. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    Yeah... cept our welfare system is a broken, corrupt, cesspool that wrongly costs the US trillions more then the military does. And thanks for revealing what you truly are. "Oligarchy" lmfao

    Obama care? You mean that thing that even the people who (*)(*)(*)(*)ing made it say it is a disaster and I'm a deathspiral and is costing the tax payers trillions and was designed for the here and now but was never actually created to work in the long run and most definitely was not created to sustain itself? Yeah but 20 million people got health insurance. At the cost of 310 million other people suffering for them. Great plan.

    And illegal immigration wouldn't cost us anything if employers didn't hire them? What the (*)(*)(*)(*)?

    You mean like that war Hillary wanted to start with Russia? Oh but it's only an unnecessary war of trump starts it right? And what war is it that he's going to start exactly? With who?
  20. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    Yeah... cept our welfare system is a broken, corrupt, cesspool that wrongly costs the US trillions more then the military does. And thanks for revealing what you truly are. "Oligarchy" lmfao

    Obama care? You mean that thing that even the people who (*)(*)(*)(*)ing made it say it is a disaster and I'm a deathspiral and is costing the tax payers trillions and was designed for the here and now but was never actually created to work in the long run and most definitely was not created to sustain itself? Yeah but 20 million people got health insurance. At the cost of 310 million other people suffering for them. Great plan.

    And illegal immigration wouldn't cost us anything if employers didn't hire them? What the (*)(*)(*)(*)?

    You mean like that war Hillary wanted to start with Russia? Oh but it's only an unnecessary war of trump starts it right? And what war is it that he's going to start exactly? With who?
  21. usda_select

    usda_select Active Member Past Donor

    May 28, 2016
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    Sounds like a great analysis to me. My point is simply this and then I'll comment further on what you had to say. Just consider the M4 you referenced. As I think I've read somewhere, the M4 replaced the M16 which replaced the M14 which replaced the M1 which was carried in WWII. You can correct me if I'm wrong, no doubt. So since 1945, it has been 72 years and we have had 3 replacements meaning that the average life of a weapons system is 24 years when talking about the standard service rifle. What happened to the M1's, the M14's, the M16's? Can't you move them around the chessboard to where guards at a stateside AFB would be carrying the M16's or whatever instead of the front line weapon carried by troops trying to retake Basra or whatever??? This would mean that in FY 2018 you'd spend $0.00 to outfit the guards at ________AFB with weaponry, likely pennies worth of ammo as well. And utilize this across the board. Maybe the F18 that you said was "a great plane" is great for forward areas where you may encounter an enemy fighter. At a stateside AFB where the only enemy you encounter is maybe someone who strays into your airspace, you can get away with F16's or older planes??? Which makes the FY 2018 budget for air defense in the ___________AFB sector $0.00 save for fuel and parts. I know it's simplistic but it would seem as though the costs should be coming down at some point; to me anyway.

    As far as Trump impressing us, the only way the contractors are going to cut prices is to cut capabilities. Getting aircraft cheaper is no great feat if the cost is reduced through reduced capabilities (as long as they are needed capabilities). My concern would not be the army so much as the Navy. I'm sure the army is an expensive operation but compared to the costs for a carrier, submarine, or cruiser...that would seem to be where the billions are being spent indiscriminately. Does every President get a carrier named after them like they get a library?
  22. usda_select

    usda_select Active Member Past Donor

    May 28, 2016
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    How does he plan to "Kick ISIS's ass" as he said he was going to do in the campaign without putting boots on the ground? Didn't he also say that he was going to take their oil? Are they going to just give it away?
  23. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    Ummmm... you do realize we have been fighting groups like Isis for decades now, right? Were you not old enough to remember obama bombing Isis and putting boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq and dozens of other countries to fight these groups? It was only a few months ago but I understand if you were still to young to understand such complicated things.
  24. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Well IIRC the Marines still use the M16, just an updated version of it. I've heard it's because they just don't like the M-4 and they don't want it. It may also be because the Marines are the least funded of the services and they usually tend to be the last ones to get updated equipment so that may also play I part. I'm honesty not sure. As far as the M1s and the older M16s I'm not sure where they are. I think the US sells some older stuff to other countries and we probably just scrap the rest. As far as I know gate guards don't carry rifles unless the threat level is higher than normal, they just carry pistols but I understand your underlying point and I agree 100%. Those who actively fight need these more advanced weapons, those who are in support elements don't really need them as much. Now granted in today's times with these terrorism wars the lines between combat and non combat units have blurred quite a bit. Support units were out there doing foot patrols like infantry units all the time over the past decade. But even still, the majority of people deployed overseas never leave the wire and huge chunks of troops are stationed on installations the size of bases located here in the US. Equipped with Taco Bell's and stuff...It mainly just depends on where you are and that will determine what you probably need as far as weapons are concerned.

    The Army has this thing where it wants every unit to regardless of who they are to have a certain standard weapons loadout to be able to fight and/or defend autonomously in whatever situation. That's why we have mechanic units equipped with heavy machine guns and stuff. It theory I guess that makes sense. It's not really the weapons themselves that I'm talking about, those actually don't cost that much and many of them have actually been around for a number of years especially the machine guns, it's the expensive add-ons that the Army thinks EVERYBODY needs that costs so much. Yeah everybody needs a rifle regardless of your job, you are still a Soldier even if you're the desk clerk at the hospital. But you don't need a multi thousand dollar optic sight and laser on the thing. But once again that goes back to the way unit's are allocated funds. Big Army gives a unit X amount of money per year for whatever, so when the unit runs out of necessary stuff they start ordering unnecessary stuff to make sure they spend it all so the Army doesn't give them less next year. So that in turn results in the desk clerk at the local MWR having an assigned M4 with lasers and optics on it, or an empty room in a building full of 100 brand new computer chairs...

    It's not uncommon at all for the unit "supply guy" to walk in and say "Hey guys what do you want? We have to spend X amount of money by next week". Happened all the time during my last deployment recently. Each of us was allocated a certain amount of "free" money PER MONTH to order military stuff from an online catalog that the Army runs. It's to help us replace equipment that we wear out while in the war theory. What actually happens is we just go online and buy random crap because the Army gave each person money to do so. So what's the result? Us spending the Army's free money on random stuff that none of us needed and/or used. By the end of the deployment we were actually just saying screw it and letting the money go to waste because we were literally running out of room to put stuff. We left home with 2 bags and came home with 4...

    So what was the Army trying to do with this "free" money thing? Support it's troops by making sure they had new and fresh gear if necessary while deployed. What did the Army actually do with this "free" money thing? Fund everybody's private hunting trips when they got home. Literally, that's what everybody was buying this stuff for, and I'm not kidding.

    As far as the fighter jets are concerned we do actually sort of do what you were saying only we do it backwards. We keep the state of the art jets home and we deploy the less sophisticated ones to the war zones. You won't see F-22's flying over Iraq, they don't do that they stay in the US and in Europe and I think there's some in Asia. But not the actual war zones. We sent the F-15s and F-16s there. It's mainly because its cheaper to fly the older planes and also because we REALLY don't want the negative publicity of one of our super advanced F-22's getting shot down. But in all reality we have A LOT of planes and almost all of them are like 40 plus years old. So we are both keeping the brand new state of the art fighters home and we're also keeping loads of old planes home while also sending lots of them off to fight the wars.

    In regards to the cost of maintaining this stuff it's basically the same concept as owning an older car. The smart thing to do is to keep fixing your old car until it just becomes more financially logical to buy a new one. As in it costs less overall to just buy a new car than it does to spend X amount on repairs every year for your older car. That's basically how it works with these aircraft. You have to remember that a lot of our fleet are old planes that we just keep updating with more advanced avionics. The F-15s and F-16s are 40 year old planes that we started building back when the Vietnam war was still going on. So the Pentagon IS sort of trying to do the logical thing and just keep fixing the planes we have until it becomes financially illogical to do so. That's why they want the F-35 which is a new plane that is supposed to replace pretty much everything else in the fleet across all branches of military. They're overall plan is to eventually scrap all of the F-15s, F-16s, F-18's etc and replace all of them with just a whole bunch of F-35s and then go from there. That was the plan, the problem is that after the cost of that thing kept going up it's starting to become illogical to buy it instead of just continuing to fix what we have. Plus in some cases what we already have, although old, is actually BETTER than the F-35 and costs less. So that's another debate going on in the military right now.

    My problem with this whole program is for one the cost of it and two I'm sitting here trying to figure out how the budget is going to support keeping all of those things operational. We don't even have the money to repair half of our current aircraft, what makes them think they can afford to buy a fleet of brand new more expensive ones and find the money to keep those operational? But once again I'm about to dive into things I honestly don't know much about, but I'm thinking we already have F-15s and F-16s. We know how to build them...the most advanced F-16 that we have now costs about 20 million bucks per plane, the F-35 costs about 120 million bucks per plane...I'm like hell just build more F-16s that other plane costs FIVE TIMES AS MUCH. Yes it's a much better plane it's stealth but there comes a point to where the cost of these things needs to match the benefit. Buy a few of them to supplement our existing fleet but don't buy like 500 of them to replace everything. How are we supposed to afford that? I'm sure the folks up there much smarter than me have calculated all of this I suppose.

    I don't know, I may very well be way out of my league even trying to talk about or understand any of this financial stuff. I don't know much about it. To be honest it just personally irks me to get told the Army can no longer afford to give traditional pensions to it's troops when I see the Navy buying a brand new 13 BILLION DOLLAR freakin aircraft carrier. I'm like we have 10 of those things already holy crap. Or the Air Force getting ready to shell out billions of dollars for a bunch of new stealth bombers.

    The Air Force and Navy are where most of the money goes as you said. The financially ignorant part of me is just sitting here saying hey Navy, can you PLEASE not buy another multi billion dollar ship and give that money back so the military can afford to pay it's troops their traditional retirement plan. I know it doesn't work anywhere near that way but I wish it did.
  25. usda_select

    usda_select Active Member Past Donor

    May 28, 2016
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    You do remember 8:27 last night when you wondered who Donald Trump would be starting a war with. Apparently, it's putting more boots on the ground in the fight against ISIS...or was deferment Donald bluffing???? I know it's hard to remember all of the lies coming out of his mouth but perhaps you should look into the campaign some there skippy.

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