>>MOD WARNING>>'White privilege' essay contest ruffles upscale coastal town

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Brewskier, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Do the people who support this nonsense not see how specious and obnoxious and racist is the entire concept?
    Robert likes this.
  2. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Had he been a White first term U.S. senator with Zero meaningful national level experience or leadership or management history then the Left would have laughed him off the debate stage. Obama was the Left's Affirmative Action hire. It's as simple as that.
    Robert likes this.
  3. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    No they do not. If leftists were even capable of that much by way of political or ideological self-awareness then they would cease BEING leftists.
  4. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    That is also my take. Be black and dat's enough.

    Obama was no more qualified to be president than is Lady Gaga.

    While I admit he was a State Senator, so what? Not for a very long time. And as US Senator, his motto was vote present.

    Frankly I challenge any and all senators to explain why a committee assignment means you know government management.

    This is a specialty field. Hillary at least could be viewed in light of managing State department. But when she came to talk to Congress, all that took place is she was petulant and extremely annoyed she showed up. She was an embarrassment.

    I hate to mention Benghazi but how well did she manage that when she told Obama when she ran against him how she is at 3 am in the morning? She acted so shocked by Benghazi that were you not up to date, one might think she never heard of it. She acted as if the guy she sent there was merely roaming around. That he never sought security.

    So when he got killed, into coverup mode she went. She lived her career in cover up mode. I did not like that at all.
  5. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I may make them angry, which is never my intention, but since I spent clear up to age 42 as one of them ...let me chip in.

    When I first voted, my Democrat party vote was really another vote for them coming from my family. The lot of them were Democrats. I did not know a person who admitted to being a republican. Even in high school, none of the kids told me they backed republicans. However, we as teens were not prone to talking politics.

    So i voted for John Kennedy. Who the heck is John Kennedy? I did not care. He could have been Timmy Bowles and I still would have voted for him because his qualification was he was a Democrat. Had Kennedy lost to the other Democrat, he would have done just fine. Any Democrat in other words.

    This was powerful medicine to me for many years. I did not have all that much time on my hands to even think politics.

    Democrat and you were in like Flynn. i mean be a Democrat and you had it made.

    Most Democrats operate from that frame. They never put a minutes thought into principles. They buy the crap sold to them by politicians.

    It took a remarkable event for me to shake out of that anger, that hateful philosophy. I realized they really do not care that the ideas they sell actually harm people. At younger ages, one forms habits. We think we modified them with age, and by golly some really have modified themselves. I still get pangs of thinking democrats might be correct. I tried to see good in Obama. I saw lack of expertise. I saw a narcissist. I saw a tall talker. I saw a person who loved to mock. I saw a guy who sat on the side and the rest fought the fight and he jumped off his behind and took the credit. Anybody can do that.
  6. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    My background is not so very much different so far as why I voted Democrat until about age fifty-two. In fact it took radical leftists selecting Barack Obama BECAUSE of his skin color alone while I was at the time a Hillary Clinton supporter to jar me awake. It was the first time in my life that I got accused of being a racist by a fellow Democrat (by radical and foam at the brain pan Obama supporters). That was what finally made me start . . . thinking for myself for the first time in my life so far as politics and ideology were concerned.
  7. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    A failure? 60% of Americans disagree. Obama has a long list of accomplishments. The only people who consider Obama's Presidency to be a failure are haters, mostly wingnuts and people who don't understand how his political decisions have improved American society. Maybe you are both. Obama did not get in to office based on his skin color alone. All 43 of his predecessors were White men. Being Black doesn't exactly improve your chances of getting elected. And what about all of the other Black Presidential candidates who lost such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Alan Keyes, Herman Cain and Ben Carson? Why didn't their skin color help them win? No, Obama was a special candidate. He is a great speaker, who talked a good game, had a great plan and he kept the majority of his campaign promises. Say what you will about his experience and accomplishment before taking office. His political career was miles ahead of our current President who has no political experience to speak of.

    As for the claim that Obama did nothing for the African-American community that is a lie which deserves to be addressed in its own thread.

    If you are really curious about why Obama is so well liked by the African-American community then listen to some of his speeches aimed directly at the African-American community. African-Americans generally don't care that his mother is White any more than they care that Halle Berry is half White or any other biracial celebrity. He actually didn't grow up in an upper class White community. His Grandparents who helped raise him were working class. If you read Obama's book you would know that he never felt that he fit in with White society because he was never treated as White. He experienced racism. He had an identity crisis because he saw a Black person in the mirror but wasn't connected to his Black father or his Black family (who he tried to reconnect with in adulthood) and was fed messages from the American media about what it meant to be Black. The few Black friend he had in Hawaii invited him to majority Black parties. When he went to college he joined Black social clubs. When he graduated instead of pursuing a career on Wall Street where he could have made a lot of money he got involved in community organizing and became a civil rights attorney helping people in majority Black communities. He married a Black woman and joined a majority Black church. Obama has had the life experience of being Black in America. Obama is comfortable with being around Black people. Obama identifies as a Black man. He's not one of those biracial people who proclaims "I'm Biracial not Black dammit!" or invents new categories for himself like Tiger Woods and only socializes with White people or other groups. He said in his book that while growing up he stopped advertising his mother's race because he felt by doing so he was ingratiating himself to White people. Malcolm X was one of his role models.

    But over time he became enlightened on racial issues. He stopped letting labels define him. He tried to connect to his Kenyan roots by visiting his family there. When he ran for President he ran as the President for everybody. People were inspired by his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 because he had an inclusive and positive message where he talked about his Multiracial and Multicultural upbringing. His enemies on the far-right did their best to destroy him and demonize him with all kinds of ridiculous smear attacks but he kept the same calm, cool and collected resolve through it all while being remarkably bi-partisan despite having to deal with a Republican majority congress who tried to say no to everything he proposed and was very open about not accepting him and trying to ruin him. Obama is one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had and all people, not just Black people, should be grateful for his efforts to make this country and the world better. You really have no excuse for this level of ignorance about the man. He was President for 8 years. But when I have time I will make that thread about how his policies benefited the Black community.
  8. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Many people settle into some comfort zone. I was very comfortable until I questioned my own voting ideas. I knew too many people in business to accept that old saw how evil businessmen are. That is a myth. Business puts too much money into charity for me to accept them as evil. Locally for instance, we held a benefit softball tournament in the spring. And the money from attendance and sales of food was given to the poor or needy. It was a huge hit with we in real estate and the public enjoyed the competition as well.

    The longer I have spent away from the Democrats, the cleaner I feel.
  9. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Myself as well.
  10. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Oh good grief.

    So he talked well. But what about freelancing? Do you want to view when his teleprompter broke down? Good speakers know their speech. Bush knew his so well he did not actually need the teleprompter. Had he stuck to it, he would never have got called dumb.

    Look, my deceased sister had boys and girls. One of the girls was much the rebel. But her Mom, my older half sister was also a rebel. The apple was dropped close to the tree in this case. She in fact had one son that was awesome. He moved not far from Disneyland and I visited Raymond there. Ray was one heck of a well adjusted hard working family man who was also religious.

    Back to the rebel daughter. She was what girls call a easy girl. And she joined the Air Force and while in England she hooked p with a black man and they married. They had a Son. Named him Marlique. Well, this kid is very smart. An adult today that graduated from Stanford, U and teaches school. I honestly don't keep up with him.

    She and that guy divorced. She was stuck from then on with blacks. She complained all the time over the guy and ran him down.

    She up and marries number 2. Him I did meet and thought highly of him. I last saw him at travis AFB here in this part of California. Spent a xmas with them one year. Then they got shipped to Guam. There the story is she was the one cheating. They had a son. This kid was a criminal in life. No idea how two brothers could be raised with the same mom and turn out directly opposite. Last I heard he was in prison. Germaine is his name. Both boys were welcome at my parents who liked both kids. As small kids, both were fine all the times I saw them. I saw them many places. My sisters daughter the way I saw her was not much of a decent mom. Last time I saw her was that xmas day at the air force base housing area.

    I realize this is just one tale. But talking of Obama is just one tale too.
  11. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    One of my major complaints at the Democrats their dogma is that blacks are treated terrible. They say it about whites who are not in unions too.

    If you as a political party can denounce somebody and blame them for what a group fails to do, offer them affirmative action, etc, no wonder blacks feel down in the dumps. When blacks quit feeling sorry for themselves, they have joined we republicans. We give them a far better offer. Great schooling, high paying jobs, etc. Check out Oprah Winfrey for instance. We turn out more like her than do the Democrats. This is not to claim she votes for republicans. But she is our kind of human.

    Let me give you instances of super citizens who are blacks.

    Walter Williams; Thomas Sowell, Justice Thomas, Alan Keyes; Ben Carson.

    The list is far longer folks. Those are blacks who do not pity themselves over skin color.

    I enjoy citing Reverend Olu Bareola. He is easily googled. I used to appraise homes for him at the loan company he worked for.

    Olu told me one day, a nice day in San Jose, CA ... Robert, nobody can make me feel inferior without my permission.

    We never talked politics and I might call him to see who he voted for. I don't care since he is such a nice man.

    Olu Bareola

    He came to the USA from Nigeria.

  12. Sharpie

    Sharpie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 30, 2015
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    Better yet, their very large homes should be subdivided as was done in the Russian revolution. Then invite some inner city folks to live with them. Syrian refugees too. All together behind their estate walls.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  13. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Bush got called dumb for the many stupid things he said during his Presidency. You can reference some gaffes made by Obama but not on the level of Dubya. My assessment of Obama's speech is that his thoughts move faster than his ability to structure them in to sentences. When he is reading everything comes out cleanly which is why he sounds so articulate with a teleprompter. But when he is speaking normally without a script he sometimes stammers and pauses to collect his thoughts. This is not unusual for people with very high IQs (which isn't in dispute given Obama graduated from Harvard Law school with high honors). What you should be paying attention to is what Obama is actually saying when he talks including his vocabulary, knowledge and reasoning ability. The quality of his speech is what separates him from someone like Bush.

    What was the point of you talking about your sister and her children? What does that have to do with Obama?
  14. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Bush also graduated from Harvard. That was his second degree.

    Let's stop pretending Bush is dumb. The man has been judged by peers and they who know him know he is very smart.

    My point of my story was that there are smart blacks and dumb blacks. Being black is no qualifier. I don't call Obama stupid as you do to Bush because he is not that. But his IQ seems to me to be lower than is GW Bush.

    So you did not like some of Bush's mannerisms. So what?

    Oh you bragged over the Harvard Review thing. When have you seen Obama's class grades?

    Oh, like never. He never allowed anybody to see them. Bush was a party animal in college yet he holds a degree from Yale a top university along with one from Harvard.
  15. Marcus Moon

    Marcus Moon New Member

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Anyone who thinks all Blacks have Black privilege is a racist.

    Anyone who thinks all Whites have White privilege is a racist.

    Anyone who thinks privilege is a generally attributable situation is an idiot.

    Anyone who thinks success in life or failure in life is attributable to privilege is a racist and an idiot.

    We all show up as naked babies, and have to adjust to the society we live in. None of us makes the rules, and all of us are subject to them. We all have to figure out the rules and obey them if we want to succeed.

    In the US almost anyone who obeys the following rules will succeed.
    Pay attention and behave in school.
    Complete your education.
    Speak correct English.
    Get a job.
    Work hard.
    Do not do illegal or addictive drugs.
    Obey the law and do not associate with people who break the law.
    Do not reproduce until you can support the child, and have no more children than you can afford to support.
    Only have children in the context of a committed relationship and raise the children in that committed relationship.​

    It is important to note, the last four will increase the chances of the offspring being successful, too. This may be interpreted as constituting privilege, but it is not related to race, but rather whether or not the parents are irresponsible idiots.
  16. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I said that Bush said many stupid things, so many that there are extensive highlight reels on Youtube. By the standards of Presidents and politicians in general Bush is not very smart. I would rank him above Palin but below his father and well below Obama. Your peers are going to speak more highly of you than the regular people. The majority of Americans did not approve of Bush by the end of his term and actually considered his Presidency a dismal failure. Bush was a C student at Yale. Obama graduated with high honors (magna cum laude) from Harvard Law School placing him in the Top 10% of his class. So while we don't have his college transcripts we can reasonably assume that he got very good grades based on his academic accomplishments alone.

    I don't see the relevance of saying there are smart Blacks and dumb Blacks. There are smart and dumb people in every group. My point about Obama is that he was a successful President by any reasonable standard and there is no reason to not understand why he is so popular in the African-American community.
  17. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Well, so long as you keep making it a black issue, I will prop you up until you fall.

    So, you claim he graduated Magna cum laude eh?

    Seems that year the standards were low.


  18. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    How am I making it a Black issue? I responded to your comment where you asked why Obama's race matters and proposed other candidates that could have been the first Black President such as Alan Keyes and Herman Cain. Read my first response. I said I wouldn't support them for political reasons and simply explained why many Americans got so excited over Obama (being an appealing candidate + the prospect of electing the first African-American President). I am not making this discussion a Black issue. TheBlaze is a very biased website. Conservatives are really desperate to discredit Obama's academic achievements and portray him as less than intelligent than he is. There are all kinds of lies about Obama on the internet including false claims that records of his college grades were sealed.

    Factcheck.org debunked a lot of these rumors as did Snopes.com.

    I would have to look at the information on the lower standards at Harvard. I don't trust the source and it seems very convenient. However the fact that Obama was selected as the President of the Harvard Law Review indicates that he was an exceptional student and regardless of the standards getting in to Harvard Law School is no joke.
  19. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Well hell, had Trump been a black Reality T.V. star with zero political experience in any way shape or form, the right would have laughed him off the debate stage.

    So while Obama may have been the left's "affirmative action hire" it seems the right followed with their own "affirmative action hire", who was chosen as the GOP nominee entirely due to his race baiting AND skin color over 15 other vastly more qualified candidates.
  20. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    And Trump was no more qualified to be president than Joe the Plumber. What's your point?
  21. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Actually, in a thread that has mentioned both Asian Americans AND affirmative action, I think an interesting point can be made here. The right constantly shrieks about affirmative action when it comes to blacks, ignoring the fact that the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women, hence why clowns like Sarah Palin who've really accomplished nothing are where they are at today. So Asian Americans, as the right likes to point out, are a group in fact HURT by affirmative action, while white women, a GOP voting bloc who helped put Trump into office, are in fact the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action. So with all that said, that could in fact explain why Asian American voters for the past few election cycles have been giving a collective middle finger to the GOP. They are probably sitting back and watching worthless right wing affirmative action hacks like Sarah Palin and Kellyanne Conway moving up the ladder because of their skin color AND gender over more qualified Asian Americans, and are probably thinking "Geez, all this talk from the GOP about affirmative action, when one of their own voting blocs are in fact the BIGGEST beneficiaries of it? What hypocrites!".

    So yeah, there is one theory as to why Asian Americans have abandoned the cesspool known as the GOP. There are probably a multitude of other reasons as well.
  22. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Any Trump supporter who calls Obama an Affirmative Action President is a hypocrite of the highest order. I admit that Obama was not the most experienced Presidential Candidate we've ever had however we are talking on the level of John F. Kennedy as in young, idealistic and well educated with some political experience. Trump really is about as qualified as Lady Gaga or Kanye West to be President. He was a rich businessman who hosted a reality TV show before he became President. He had zero political experience. Zero!
  23. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Really? It took the Left to destroy Herman Cain's presidency by ginning up false sexual accusations against him. The Right did not do that. Come to think of it the Left ALWAYS plays racist or misogynist when a Right of Center Black or Woman gets . . . uppity.
  24. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    1. How do you know that the allegations against Herman Cain were false?

    2. Look up the Larry Sinclair story. Conservatives were drooling over the idea that Obama is a bisexual crackhead who murdered his gay lovers to protect his reputation.

    I have never seen so many smears against a politician as I have seen against Obama. They couldn't combat him on political issues so they engaged in character assassination to destroy him. But Obama didn't have any personal scandals while in office.
  25. BodiSatva

    BodiSatva Active Member

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Nope. It is generally not rich white people making this argument it is middle to upper class black people making it. The whites that go along just feel guilty or are afraid to speak out.

    In a town that is 93% white just look at the TEAM Diversity Council of Westport and of the Pres. Harold Bailey Jr.


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