Putin brags Russia's new hypersonic missiles 'can wipe out US cities' sparking WW3 fears

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Destroyer of illusions, Oct 17, 2021.

  1. Phyxius

    Phyxius Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Serious question:

    What is the effective range of the emitter?

    Boeing indicated that the system would have sufficient precision to target individual buildings, be small enough to fit on the Air Force's air-launched cruise missile, and be capable of 100 discharges per unit. There's even a larger. ground-based unit. The idea of us mounting one on, say, one of the new RQ-180 UAVs should give any potential opposition commander severe night sweats.
  2. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    "Physics is not Chemistry" Tell that to my thermodynamics teacher .. You have to take Physics classes .. you are beyond clueless and way out of your depth.. I suppose the 4th year quantum chemistry class that I took had nothing to do with physics either ... those silly Shrodinger wave equations .. newtonian mechanics... what a joke.

    Ya need power .. more power .. more field strength .. basic "physics" .. "generate its own power" you say - repeating what I said to you ... Exactly .. in other words ..it needs to generate its own power .. which is why I was talking about "Batteries" .. a power source .. you are not going to have that much power .. so your range will be limited.. I asked you what this was .. and you had no clue .. so I threw out a few possibilities .. now you cry and go >> "That is silly" .. don't know .. is it ? you certainly have no idea .

    Not for ICBM's mate . sorry Darkness .. remember the darkness .. and good luck losing GPS .. Do explain how inertial guidance is going to intercept an ICBM ..
    Shinebox likes this.
  3. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Banned

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Totally agree with you. Only you forgot to mention the BLM madmen who are not only destroying monuments, but also destroying the minds of American youth. These insane demands - bring all sane people to their knees.
    Agree - when those who have never been slaves demand apology and repentance from those who have never been a slave owner is 100% idiocy. And the beginning of the end of an adequate world.
    By the way, Trump is creating a new social network. And he promises that this platform is "honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology." You can see it here. https://www.truthsocial.com/thanks/
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
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  4. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Banned

    Aug 8, 2014
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    If, by creating a monster, the American authorities could not tame it, this does not remove their guilt for creating the monster.
    It's like justifying a sadist and a maniac who kills people by having another one like that.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
  5. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Holy lack of understanding batman.. Math is taught as a different subject as well .. but you need math to do both chemistry and physics.

    Of course you have to learn all kinds of Physics - including Ohm's law - for chemistry. How is one going to do resistivity/conductivity calculations without using Ohm's law ?

    Sorry mate .. you are talking out your backside - way out of your depth - and simply wrong about some very simple and well understood things that any high school chemistry would know .. as you can find Ohm's law in any beginner Chemistry textbook - and it is used by every Chemist at some point- often on a regular basis.

    Probably a good place to finish -- you having wandered so far down a rabbit hole - the topic long left in the dust
  7. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Ok... so you went to a school that taught Physics and Chemistry in the same class... probably took one single "science" achievement test for the SAT's too. Ok... was that in in a place that had indoor plumbing?
  8. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Physics is used in Chemistry - just as Math is used in Chemistry .. Ohms Law is one example -- used in conductivity measurmet - electrical property of a fluid -- that us chemists are much interested in.

    Now run along and pester someone else with this silliness ...but always remember - when darkness comes :)
  9. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    So how did you do with just a single class for both Physics and Chemistry on your record? It kind of smacks of a one room schoolhouse. It wouldn't be very acceptable with Lockheed or Boeing, but I bet it was great with your application to that cookie factory in Smelter Springs, Idaho.
  10. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Dude .. your are talking nonsense ... I did not say physics and chem are taught in a single class .. you use math and physics in chemistry . .. not complicated .. now bugger off and go pester someone else with this nonsensical gibberish that relates not to the topic.
  11. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    So since you took physics and chemistry in a single class... what did you fill the second class with? Home ec?
  12. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Don't think they offered Home ec in College .. is that why you didn't make it ? Never did do those "Science" classes in High School either I take it .. so I will try once more to explain to you that while "ohm's" law is from Physics .. you also use this Law in Chemistry .. so to do the chemistry .. you have to be able to do the physics .. and of course the math .. but you only get credit for the Chem Class .. have to take Phycis class separately to get creadit for that..

    Now go and pester someone else with your silly nonsense that relates not to topic .. desperate to demonize the messenger because you had it handed to you .. and have no material and so a pouting we go :)

    Fear not ... when the darkness comes - cause although there will be no champs to save you . perhaps you will be one of the lucky refugees .. get a new start in a non radioactive wasteland...
  13. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Wen the darkness comes, it will be preceded by brownouts due to lib energy policies.
  14. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Probably ... and the Blue - "Not in my back yard - Dump it in the Ocean" enviro policy will likely have destroyed the Oceans by that time - decreasing the world Oxygen supply which precipitates the war.
  15. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    I notice how little is said about Lenin and the other monsters, while Stalin is being blasted big time. One has to wonder why? Is it because he defeated Nazi Germany, or is it because he went after the Bolsheviks - who really didn't deserve to live after all their church burnings and killings?

    Anyway to Stalin's credit, he did open the churches in WWII - that is the churches that weren't destroyed. Khruschev on the other hand, closed the churches again after the war, and restarted the persecution of Christians. Funny how nothing is said about him?

    Khruschev is also the one who was in charge of the distribution of grain in Ukraine during the Holodymir - so who do they blame? Stalin of course for asking him to send some grain to
    Kazakhstan to ease their suffering.

    As for the Gulag, I read a compilation of stories about Father Arseny who was in and out of the Gulag and yet survived for over 30 years - something that was considered impossible. He survived mainly because he took care of a sick criminal in the Gulag and he protected him from the other criminals.

    Let's not minimize what went on there. It's one thing to have criminals incarcerated, and another thing to have devout Christians and those who commit minor offenses jailed with them.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2021
  16. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    Were you the one who went running to a moderator about me calling people "liars"?

    Fight your own battles kid.
  17. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Banned

    Aug 8, 2014
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    I don't understand - have you read the gospel and the bible? You stand up for religion with the fury the impression is made - you of not reading these books?
    The Bible and the gospel are so full of nonsense that they are, in fact, the best anti-religious manual.
    Will explain. Jesus, nicknamed Christ, who called "Thou shalt not steal," himself did not disdain to steal. For example, he stole donkeys from an innocent peasant. At the same time, he stole not because of hunger or want, but because of his overwhelming pride - Jesus, nicknamed Christ, did not want to enter Jerusalem on foot, pride did not allow him.
    The second example - The next morning after entering Jerusalem on stolen donkeys, Jesus got hungry and, running up to fig tree , tried to find fruit on the tree, but not finding fruit, cursed the innocent tree. I think that only an idiot can look for fruits in early spring on a tree that bears fruit in late autumn. And not finding fruit, to impose a curse on this tree.
    Another example - Jesus named Christ in the Sermon on the Mount preached a parasitic way of life with special persistence - "26. Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow, nor reap, nor collect in granaries; and your Heavenly Father feeds them. their? Are you not much better than them?
    27. And who of you, by worrying, can add one cubit to his stature?
    28. And why are you anxious about clothes? Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;
    29. But I tell you that Solomon, in all his glory, did not dress like any one of them;
    30. If the grass of the field, which is today, and tomorrow will be thrown into the oven, God will dress like that, if you are more than you, you have little faith!
    31. So do not be anxious and do not say: what do we have? or what to drink? or what to wear?
    32 because the Gentiles are looking for all this, and because your Father in Heaven knows that you have a need for all of this.
    In general, all religions are fraudulent. That is, crime against any society .... "(from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6)
    Jesus lived all his life at the expense of society, giving nothing to society. A typical swindler and parasite of society. Who made friends with the scum of the human race, such as the publicans, who robbed their people in favor of the occupiers.
    Give me at least one example of the benefits to society from Jesus named Christ?
    In general, I consider it foolish to believe religious swindlers.
    Now about Lenin, Stalin and the Bolsheviks.
    They have done a lot for the benefit of society.
    For example, made an 8-hour work day, paid parental leave, 100% paid sickness period, .... 100% free medicine and education of any level ... and much more. For the Bolsheviks, at that time (especially considering the civil war and the intervention) it was not profitable, but they did it.
    And your Jesus, called Christ, is not costs the tip of the nail tip of people like Lenin and Stalin.
    Lenin and Stalin created the best social and political system in the world - your Jesus is just a pitiful person compared to these people.
    Once again - show me at least one example of what Jesus, nicknamed Christ, did useful for society - he did not fight the slavery, he did not fight the invaders, he lived at the expense of society and stole.
    All his "philosophical" statements are taken from philosophers who lived long before him. He is a pathetic plagiarist.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
  18. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Wasn't me but not surprised - you seem to forget what you say and when folks remind you cry "Liar Liar" and what do you mean "fight your own battles" - I was one of the folks you were name-calling -bereft of material with which to defend nonsense made up claims.

    You know how they say that those who tell tall tales can't remember from one tale to the next .. Yeah ..
  19. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Oh, then Christ rode on a donkey because he was prideful and it wasn't because only the poor rode on donkeys - and one that wasn't even his, but belonged to someone else. Anyway Christ is not a nick name, it means the anointed one.

    I'm sorry! If you can't see the beauty in the Sermon on the Mount, then I feel sorry for you:

    Let's see now, what did Jesus do? Well his disciples and the other martyrs converted the Roman Empire and stopped human sacrifice and the games to the death of prisoners in places like the coliseum. Mothers didn't have to throw their first born into the fire to appease the gods when under attack. Daughters didn't have to be entombed in bridges to please the gods so they wouldn't collapse, etc., etc.

    The Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) preserved all the ancient Greek writings and sent their teachers to Italy and that started the Renaissance and pulled Europe out of the Dark Ages. The Europeans then through their dominance in trade and missionaries spread Christianity even further, so today all the humane laws in every nation whether they are Christian or not - as well as in the UN, can be traced back to Christ. This is why we have an AD and BC.

    So before condemning Christ, take a look around you because He is part of your make up and everything positive that exists in the world today. As for the 'negations' such as Lenin and the Bolshevik murderers, well their influence was from another source.

    Contrary to what you're saying, I heard that every institution that survived in the Soviet Union was put in by Saint Tsar Nicholas II, and everything that did not survive was put in by the Soviets.

    At the time of the revolution, Russia had one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Tsar wanted to give up all his lands to the peasants and the plans were all made up - probably together with Stolypin who was assassinated by a terrorist in Kiev. Lenin knew he had to work fast to keep the Tsar from carrying out his plans, so they could take over and steal whatever they could.

    The Tsar had given the Russian people a free press, so the criminal Bolsheviks and the other anarchists used it to slander and calumniate the Tsar and his family. One of their lies was that the Tsar didn't plan on giving his own land to the peasants. But that he was going to give the lands of the nobility so that they would turn against him. Then in the usual way of liars and criminals, Lenin said he was the one that was going to give land to the peasants - and we see how honest he was in that one.

    The war intervened and it worked to Lenin's benefit. Germany wanted to stop Russia from entering the war in support of Austria, so the German Ambassador told him that Germany would support Austria. It was too late though for the Tsar to call back the troops, they were already at the front.

    They did nothing for Russia. And instead the criminals were riding around in stolen cars and enriching the jewelry stores in New York. It took 20 years for the Russian economy to catch up to what it was before the revolution.
  20. st256

    st256 Banned

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Lady, I am not sure you know what Holodomor is. As for Khruschev. He didn't relate to that tragedy because he headed Ukraine later.
  21. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    I do forget. I post on four different political discussion boards and they each have their own rules.

    Here you are not supposed to call people "liars". On at least two of the other ones calling people 'liars" is about the most common attack thrown around.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
  22. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    I have to bite my tongue because some people here flat out lie and I have to get creative on how to call them out ...
    Dayton3 likes this.
  23. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I don't say people have lied .. unless they have - your problem is that you used the tactic as a substitute for valid argument.

    What you sometimes notice .. is folks crying "Liar" - but then don't state what the lie is .. the mark of a true moron in my books .. but .. what do I know :)
  24. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    I read that Khruschev was in charge of the distribution of grain in Ukraine at the time of the holodymir somewhere, but I haven't been able to find any information that would verify it - so it might not be true. Other than that, I did come across Kaganovich as the one who formed the purges and the policies under Stalin during the famines in the Soviet Union.

    I believe the grain collected in Ukraine was to help relieve the famine in Kazakhstan where almost 2 million died, but instead of leaving the Ukrainian people some grain as they should have done, they took everything.
    What annoys me is that nothing is mentioned about the weather anomalies which would have been the real cause of the famines that were going on, since there were also farm failures in Eastern Germany as well. While here in the States we had the dustbowl that sent migrants from Oklahoma and Texas to California.

    Another thing that annoys me, and I don't mean this to minimize Stalin's crimes, but why do certain Ukrainians keep harping on the Holodymir when the Nazis killed off 1/6 of their population?
    Bill Carson likes this.
  25. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    The people I saw entering the Capital building looked like they were going to an open house - that is with the exception of John Sullivan of Antifa who admitted he broke a window.

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