How much of the white population...

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Chester_Murphy, Aug 7, 2019.

  1. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    that's only if you trust whatever group is deaming them white supremacist. Often times it's the splc which is a propaganda arm of the far-left side of the Democrat Party.

    other times it's a media outlet that wants to label someone as white supremacist.

    so I don't see them popping up everywhere I just see that label being slapped on everything oftentimes inappropriately.

    yes tempests in teapots.
    No affirmative action for anyone is the only way to level the playing field. I'm a great advocate for that. Everybody should be treated equally by the government. And until you do that nobody will be treated equally.

    White people will always have privilege because they are forced to work harder then black people because of affirmative action. they have to compete in a playing field that is stacked against them so they work harder to succeed meaning they deserve the accolades more. This isn't because white people are better it's because the system that you support is corrupt.

    Do you think black people aren't unable to compete with white people I don't know if this is because you think they're dumber than white people you're less resilient than white people or whatever. But it strikes me as the soft bigotry of low expectations.
    Chester_Murphy likes this.
  2. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    I really don't know what white affirmative action is.
    I'm not saying I haven't experienced it. I just don't know.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  3. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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  4. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Racism is a subspecies of bigotry. You can be bigoted about religions, races, ethnicities, cat owners, sports teams, tattooed people and on and on. A lot of the ''racism'' is actually ethnic bigotry. I have a friend who is black from the Caribbean who does not like African Americans because she thinks they are loud and impolite. I had a white coworker who went on a rant about black dating sites being racist. I asked her if she was angry about Jews or Pakistanis having their own dating sites. No, not so much. I thought if she thought of them as an ethnic community she would understand. Both I think were more driven by ethnic bigotry and a lack of worldly knowledge.
    What causes bigotry? Nature and nurture. My parents, by today's standards, were racist. I do not consider myself a racist. I like all ethnicities. I see good in them all, but I do see ''color'' and anyone who says they don't is lying to themselves, but that hardly disproves nurture because you have to have a susceptible nature.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  5. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    that is false. Racism is bigotry based on race not ethnicity. you can have ethnic bigotry without racism case and point the Germans bigotry against the Jewish people all of these people were white.

    that's reasonable there is no difference really outside of appearance between a black person and a white person they might even come from the same ethnic background. Pakistani is a nationality combined with certain ethnic characteristics and Jewish is a religious background type to certain ethnic characteristics. It makes sense to want to date someone within your religion and I understand why people would want to date someone within their ethnicity. Being black is not an ethnicity.

    to me that would be looking at it incorrectly it's racist to assume that people of a race belong to a specific background.

    That being said I have no problem with a dating site catering specifically to black people or white people or Asian people. People are picky on who they date.

    I disagreed. The latter is based on ethnic bigotry. The former is based on race I wouldn't even call that bigotry. oftentimes they complained about a black only dating site is that a white only dating site is not allowed.
  6. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    So black people became the economic and cultural leaders in this country during the period 1865-1965 because they were forced to work harder than whites? Wow, good to know they were so fortunate in that respect. Hey, maybe we should have kept them as slaves? Nah, they'd be telling us to go back where we came from by now.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  7. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    The slaves were kept as property they weren't allowed to pursue whatever they want. And then you had none slave blacks that weren't treated is equal.

    These days white people aren't considered slaves they aren't property. So you're a little off here.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  8. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    Segregation is illegal. This isn't the 1950s. I guess she was being sarcastic.
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  9. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    I am sorry you did not understand what I wrote. In the first sentence I wrote there are many forms of bigotry based on race, ethnicity etc. I did not say racism is based on ethnicity. I did not say being black was an ethnicity or I assumed that people of a particular race had the same background. That was the point of the Caribbean anecdote. You can be a black African, black Jamaican or African American all coming from different ethnicities or cultures. What I was trying to point out a true racist would only see their blackness as a negative. The ethnic bigot would see African Americans in a bad light and be cool with the Jamaican for example. I think a true racist is a rarer breed and the ethnic bigots are common.
    Lastly, referring to the rant against a ''racist'' black dating site you say ''The former is based on race I wouldn't even call that bigotry''? How is it not bigotry if she would not say that about a Jewish or Pakistani site? If I had added a Nigerian site she would have been okay with that too. The African Americans is what she is troubled by.
  10. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    My apologies for misunderstanding.

    as far as the website's go I don't think it's bigotry to have a website for black people finding black people white people finding white people Farmers finding farmers trans meeting trans people. It doesn't matter to me. Some people want to date within their ethnic group within the religion within their nationality or a specific race I honestly don't care. I can't figure out why anyone would.
  11. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    You had male affirmative action
    You weren’t denied anything because of your white race.
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  12. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    Oh, Renee, you are going to have to explain male affirmation for me to understand.
    I wasn't denied anything by whom?
  13. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Probably Koreans are the most racist group among Asians. The book titled "Anti-Japan Tribalism" has become the number one bestseller this month in South Korea, written by intellectuals who oppose anti-Japan stereotypes common in the country. Their tribalism is getting out control under President Moon who pushes this agenda to stay in power. Millions staged state-sponsored rallies across the nation to profess their undying hatred toward the Japanese in August.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2019
  14. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Isn't this a bigoted post in itself?
  15. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    OK you weren’t denied admission to Harvard or Yale or Princeton. Women were. You weren’t denied your own credit card after you got married, women were. In New York City the city colleges required boys to have a lower average than girls.
    My husband knew that he was given opportunities to go on the trading floor strictly because he was a white male. The only women on the trading floor were the secretaries. It’s good that you can take for granted all the privileges that were denied to women but thank goodness that is changing
  16. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    No, not Harvard or the others, but a trade school that was placed in a minority heavy part of the city and less expensive than any of those. I still did not have the money to attend. I had no job. I needed the education to get a good job where I live. I couldn't get a loan, since I had no job. I was told I could not attend. The state would not pay, and neither would the school give me a stinkin' $1000 to attend the next set of classes to be able to get a job so I could pay with a loan and attend the third part while working. I had the first part. I needed the second of the three to get a decent job. I wanted all three.

    Not only my light complexion, but the fact that I am considered privileged today, stopped me from being able to get a decent job.

    I don't have, nor ever had the kind of money you do, Renee. I will never have it. When I retire, I will barely survive. I did put my daughter through university, but I was forced to pay through higher child support than my income would allow. I only found out after the children were grown. That period of my life drained everything I had, including my hope. I knew I could not ever recover. My time had come and gone.

    I will never know the privilege you have. Yet, you complain like you have been so wronged in life, it has affected everything you do. You are looking at the post of a white man who has been chewed up by the system, even the one you are fighting for. Still, I harbor no ill will for you, but sometimes I get tired of hearing and reading about it. Sometimes, I wish for a moment you could fully understand.

    Your fight is not wrong. It's misguided. It's tough to support someone who is always pointing fingers. It's even tougher when that finger is pointing at me.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
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  17. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    You proved my point. Your being denied these things wasn’t because of your gender, just that you didn’t qualify or didn’t have enough money. I was qualified and I had enough money but because I was a girl I could not apply to the best universities And same with specialized high schools
    I never said that I have been so “wronged in life” but yes, my goals were limited because of being a girl. Do you think it is just a coincidence that when I grew up girls were 5% of medical schools and now they are 51%
    I never dreamt that I would have the privileges I have now when I married my husband. And neither did my husband but at least he is honest and admits that because he was a white male he was given the opportunities that a black person or a woman at the time would never have had. Your daughter has opportunities I never could dream of and I hope she fulfills them
    I am sorry that your life didn’t turn out as you would have wanted it to but for some reason you conclude that I am indifferent. I do fight for people like you in that I think I should pay a lot more taxes than you and you should pay less. You should have more services. Because one champions a certain cause does not mean she is indifferent to others
    edna kawabata likes this.
  18. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Life isn't fair I was born knowing physical pain and was disabled in multiple areas, had a heart with a thinner muscle and skin casing around it so have a bad heart and barely graduated high school due to it being private and they counted accounting for me towards math credits. I struggled to even get work often having to work off the books for under the minimum wage and did some jobs I didn't like and were illegal but paid well. I'm now better off on SSI and government help but still struggle. So cry me a river I wish I was many of you and could know one pain free day but do I feel sorry for my lot well things happen. In many nations women are far worse off than you are and you know that be grateful for first world problems you could have been born a poor person in India to a low caste and trust me on this your life would never be nearly as good as you have it. That's how I think I had it bad but could have been born in some shathole country with my problems and be a beggar unable to walk and in pain without any medical support compared to that I'm grateful being an American with a social safety net to help me.

    The biggest factor isn't race its money, if some of you who were complaining came from families with money and privilege regardless of race you would get opportunities to go to medical school even if a woman back in the day if you couldn't get into a medical school in the US you could go abroad and study and come back to enter the profession. You could go to private schools earlier and get the best educations. If your family was rich enough odds are you would never have to work and worry about a thing. Most people are poor or working class so don't get such grand choices we make do and struggle and enjoy what pleasures we can have these might be hobbies, families, watching tv or just a cold can of beer with friends after work.
  19. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    No, Renee, there were women there, but very few. They got pushed through the class and were offered special attention by the instructor, if they needed it. Any women who did work there had their machined part put on display in the front office and they would make sure to show folks the work and talk about it and the opportunities to women.

    What my explanation does is tell you how a white man was discriminated for being white. It tells you how a white man was tricked into paying for a BS degree and being forced to live below the poverty level when he was making enough to live above it. It shows the bias the female hearing master, now judge had toward men and in my case, a white man.

    It shows you how folks like you who make way more than you need, have very little understanding of life at my level, which is similar to the level of many other black and brown folks or any number of the 65% of the nation expected to help pay for the education of folks like you and your husband.

    It's always us poor who pay to the point of detriment. You folks never feel it. Yeah, you had to eat noodles while going to college and partying and living in or off campus and studying. You complained how tough the subjects were and how you might not get an A for the semester.

    If we didn't get an 'A', we might not eat. We might not have gasoline to go to work. We might not be able to pay the water bill or the electric and have it shut off during the summer months. Then, we can't keep sandwich meat cold or milk or anything. It is like a snowball rolling down a snow covered mountain. It just gets larger and larger.

    You've never experienced that for a lifetime. You could never understand.

    I get so sick and tired of hearing the whining and crying of those who have no clue. Even though I am not black, I could hug many of them when I see them. I feel a sense of comradery. I don't believe it is possible for you to feel that unless you have lived it. You haven't had enough experience with it to know. You see these little things and think your life is over.

    You are disillusioned.
  20. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    Women who are educated do not want a husband who is less educated and cannot provide for their safety and security. This is inherent in the brains of women. Some, yes there will always be some, will be okay with having a husband who makes less or is less educated than them.

    I am not advocating men having better opportunities than women. What I am saying is, you will have a continued problem with single parent homes. You will continue to have suicides. You will continue to have children who are struggling with life.

    How do you propose changing women to accept a man who is less educated and therefore unable to provide safety and care for the woman they love? I have no clue.

    There are so many issues connected with this one particular issue, it's mind boggling. Of course, I want women to do well. My own daughter ended up having children and marrying a man who was better educated. She wasted her education and essentially, the rest of my life.

    Yes, I am quite bitter.
  21. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    I am not afraid without checking, to say that most women will want to leave their chosen profession to pursue motherhood. Would it be better if they were trained in technology instead of management and engineering? Are there some professions that could more easily withstand the absence of an employee without detriment to the lives of those who are dependent upon them? I don't know. Maybe this isn't even an issue?

    If you want to explore that, I'm fine with it.
  22. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    I am so sorry about your disabilities but that has nothing to do with your race or your gender. It was just being dealt a tough hand. You say that women in many nations are far worse than women here and that is absolutely true. I guess I could tell you about people who have much worse disabilities than you but it doesn’t make yours any less. Because women have it worse doesn’t mean that we had to accept i fairness here. if you were born in some country where people were much sicker than you would it make your illnesses less debilitating?
    I too am grateful for living in this country. I don’t know why you are comparing countries like India etc. It reminds me of years ago when my mother quoted to me when I wanted new shoes,”I cried because I had no shoes but stopped when I saw the boy with no feet” yes I felt sorry for the boy with no feet but I still wanted shoes. Do you see the point?
    You are also trivializing the problems in my day when you flippantly say that I could have just gone abroad and study in medical school. I did not grow up in a family with money. But why should I have to do that anyway? But there was one other point, in school girls were encouraged to be nurses and the boys were encouraged to be doctors because those were the doors that were opened to them.
    I came from a lower middle class family and I worked every summer in high school and college . You seem to think I was privileged And you are missing the point about sexual discrimination.
  23. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Once again I have to bring my husband into it. I grew up in a lower middle class background my husband grew up in the worst poverty. It was so bad that he was taken away and put in foster care for four years by abusive people. He was dependent on the Salvation Army to get clothes so he could go to school. When I met him I thought he might be exaggerating but when I met his family for the first time I was shocked. His sisters were all married at 15 and 16 and his family didn’t even have indoor plumbin
    He dropped out of school in the 10th grade and joined the Navy. He became a back room clerk on Wall Street and was given the opportunity to be a trader....And as I have repeated his words over and over he admits he never would have been given the opportunity has he been not a white male. My husband was a very generous man when he became wealthier
    I really find it offensive that you make these observations like I have no clue about poverty, For my entire teaching career I chose to work in the poorest areas of Brooklyn New York. And yes race was just one more handicap. I guess using your logic, You have no right to speak about abortion since you’ve never been pregnant. I also find your last line extremely obnoxious but this is what happens when people are extremists. Because I fought to make changes for women somehow you conclude that I think my life is. Yes once again I will use your logic. Since you have never been a woman you have no understanding of our discrimination
    I also have no idea what you mean when you say you were tricked into education and what that has to do with your race or gender
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
  24. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    I think you have no right to tell women what they would want. Women are actually lucky because we have more options today that we didn’t have years ago. We can be homemakers if we choose or we can be executives and managers and engineers if we want. Men have it worse because they don’t have the options and men unfortunately are judged by how much money they earn.
    Most educated women may pursue motherhood for a few years but most of them now choose professions
  25. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    I use something like what you were talking about in my workshops. Women always sought men who earned as much or more than them and men sought women who earned less. Somehow it was emasculating to a man if a woman earned more. My husband retired quite comfortably in his 40s but I loved my work and I continued and then I started making speeches and getting “too much money”( I say that because I thought I was paid too much but I learned that the more they pay you the better they think you are) Someone actually asked my husband if it bothered him that I made money. He laughed and said, “yes it just bothers me so much that she brings home money”
    I married a man who was a lot less educated than I A reality is that women prefer marrying their equal or better and men prefer marrying their equal or less
    Why do you see your daughters education as a waste? Why do you see her having children and marrying a better educated man wasting her life? I do not see why that makes you bitter
    How old are her children?
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
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