Will We Ever Shed The Hate?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by opion8d, Feb 1, 2020.

  1. opion8d

    opion8d Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Steve Scalise (R-LA) outlined the Republican objective in grand style during the impeachment hearings. The loud message was that Republicans were going to get even for decades of abuse from Costal Elites and Democrats. Scalise promised the Party of Trump was going to “stick it to” them every chance they get. Enthusiastic cheers and applause followed from GOP Congressmen/women.

    I surmise their victims would include anybody that disagrees with Trump, or supports the establishment (deep state) and the free press (fake news). Evidently, they hate all Trump unbelievers and relish the idea of hurting those of us that don’t share those beliefs.

    I find this very troubling.
  2. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    It has been building for some time, at least since the time of Reagan when conservatives started insisting that only they were true Americans.

    That sentiment has come full display over the past couple of weeks. That Republicans, and Dear Leader, thinks that their rule is in the best interest of the country, so whatever they do to gain and retain power is acceptable. But then we have known this for a long time. The voter suppression efforts in many red states is legendary and on going. There is a reason that people vote at twice the rate in bright blue states as they do in dark red states. They can.
  3. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Normally, it should be troubling. However, if you find yourself in a fight with people who make such rules the only rules in the game, treating them nicely will never change a damn thing; they will just continue to think that you will be a nice guy while they act like thugs- in other words, give them license.

    You won't admit you see that conduct among democrats, but I doubt there is a dem supporter anywhere who doesn't know it's true, and hasn't winced a time or two when they pulled the next crazy stunt. There comes a time where tolerance and restraint is obviously wasted, and a trip to the woodshed becomes the only proper response. I think that is where we are.

    Now the republicans could have voted for witnesses- then dragged in Biden, Hunter, Schiff and a host of people who have many skeletons to hide- Turned the charges upside down and ripped them clean in front of the nation. The republicans have voted to spare the democrats that, and the democrats should be eternally grateful they did. Of course they won't be, so the real ass-kicking is still ahead of us. I suspect the November election will be the Come-To-Jesus moment for the democratic party. They have brought themselves to this moment, and deny responsibility for themselves by blaming it on Trump. Fundamentally flawed strategy.
    Talon, Pardon_Me, rkhames and 11 others like this.
  4. ArchStanton

    ArchStanton Banned

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Makes thread trying to brand Republicans as 'haters'.....and tries to play the victim card by referencing the comments of a man that was shot.....almost died...and was permanently maimed by a hater Democrat.

    You can't make this **** up.
    Hotdogr, vman12, ToddWB and 18 others like this.
  5. roorooroo

    roorooroo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2017
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    This is one of those "good grief" threads. The Democrats have been most uncivil for quite awhile now, the Republicans have always been civil (perhaps wusses would be a better term to use), then Trump comes along and fights fire with fire, and the Democrats call foul. GTFOH!
    Hotdogr, Le Chef, ToddWB and 14 others like this.
  6. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    when one side refers to the other side as "human scum"

    it has become a very difficult place to start any conversation or middle ground

    does either side even want to search for middle ground??

    must it be?? "I am right and you are an idiot"
    Kal'Stang likes this.
  7. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Recently I watched a documentary on the Clinton years. At the beginning of his presidency conservatives were promising to block his every effort. Even their principle brain trust at the time, Rush Limbaugh, was referring to the Clinton presidency as an occupation, as if his administration were not legitimate.

    It is kind of funny. The Republicans tried to outmaneuver Clinton on the budget, but in the end, it was Clinton who outsmarted them, giving us a Federal surplus until Bush f&$@ed it up.

    His impeachment was to be expected. Republican operatives, including crybaby Kavanaugh, searched every aspect of his life looking for dirt to tarnish him with. They eventually found a woman who would claim to have been sexually assaulted by him, only to have the case thrown out because the woman lacked credibility. Yet somewhere along the way Clinton had lied about getting a blow job from a very willing woman. For this they impeached him. Petty as petty can get.

    When Obama was president Congressional Republicans, as well as Republican governors and state legislatures, pledged to block Obama at every step. This is where that jerk wad Trump got his political start. Going on television and telling the masses that Obama was not a legitimate president, that he wasn’t an American.

    The Republicans keep going on about how the Democrats are trying to remove a duly elected president. Yet they keep forgetting to mention that Trump was impeached by duly elected representatives of the people. Who I should point out, won by a massively larger margin than Trump had, two years earlier. In both instances, the majority of the people have voted for Democrats.
  8. jay runner

    jay runner Banned

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Only begun to fight!
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  9. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    When you see a post here that starts with slandering the person and/or the subject is totally personal rather than issue of performance related, one should know that discussion isn't possible. A response only serves to keep the scales in some kind of balance for those who read it- but will never change the point of the author.

    I think we fully agree on your point, and it's well said.
  10. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2011
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    Really? Were the birthers civil to Obama? Didn't they criticize his religion, his education, and the looks of his wife? Wasn't Hillary investigated over and over? Wasn't the impeachment of Bill Clinton almost parallel to the Trump impeachment? Haven't the Trump supporters called foul too?
    No, no one has been very civil recently and we need to get past that and get back to doing what is right for the American people, and division is not right.
  11. roorooroo

    roorooroo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2017
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    The old rhino republicans are a bunch of wusses, they let the democrats walk all over them and hardly put up a fight to save America. The Republican base is too busy working and being responsible for themselves to go out and riot and block traffic and shut down free speech, and to be a nuisance to the general public. It is about time the conservatives started fighting back.
    ToddWB, SiNNiK, Pardon_Me and 4 others like this.
  12. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I guess that is why there is a large network of right wing radio that is known for feeding conservatives questionable narratives. A phenomenon often referred to as hate radio.

    Of course they always fire back that the left has their radio, like NPR where you can spend your afternoons listening to cooking shows.

    Conservatives sit down to an evening of Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham on FOX while liberals sit down to an evening of Nature, Nova, and a British comedy on PBS.
  13. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    We will continue downward in our decaying, inflamed death-spiral -- ripping each others' guts out at every opportunity. This 'trench warfare' between the Right and the Left in the United States will not end until the country finally collapses, with each 'side' furiously stabbing at the other 'side' in an orgy of elaborate, deepening HATRED.

    I'm an old guy... I grew up in a very different, much better America, but now it is GONE... 'and it ain't comin' back....' :oldman:

    [​IMG]. "Yup, it must suck to be you... and it just breaks my fuggin' heart...." :tears:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
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  14. roorooroo

    roorooroo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2017
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    Here we go again... the left has ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, WDC, PBS, ESPN, and increasingly, FOX. And you cry about some radio programs that only get listened to when people are driving to and from work? Get outa here!
    SiNNiK, Tim15856 and Rush_is_Right like this.
  15. Josephwalker

    Josephwalker Banned

    Nov 25, 2016
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    Excellent example of revisionist history.
    Talon, Tim15856 and ButterBalls like this.
  16. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I could give you a lot more credibility if you kept your thumb off the scale in these things. In this post, you seem to be bashing the way republicans treated Clinton, which was wrong- but only a fraction of the level of abuse that democrats are treating Trump with today. Now I voted for Clinton- despite his being democrat, because I thought he would do the best job. In many ways he did; it's unfortunate his moral and his wife weren't of higher standards. Point is, I'm not locked to a party allegiance. Party policies are general and often shifting with the wind, but I go my own way on my own values consistently. It is our values and morals that make us who we are. Thus generally, I'm a conservative, and loosely- a republican leaning person, providing that party is on my path at the time.

    We are seeing something unprecedented in today's politics. It's happening for only one reason- that being that Trump is changing the game of politics. It's the change that all of us have been saying was needed for decades- to clean up the abuses in Washington. To drain the swamp, if you will. An old saying say's "When you are up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember your original objective as to drain the swamp..... But Trump does remember, and the swamp has proven to hide a great many alligators- and they in turn seem to have a great many supporters who think the alligators are trustworthy so long as they are not attacking them personally. That's what alligators do.

    When the eagerness to destroy someone who you feel threatens your unearned and illicit privilege over-rides your character and integrity, nasty things are going to happen, and they will be wrongful acts driven by fear and hate. Those who do it fail to see it that way; they use conventional rationale, with a degree of license, to justify things they would have condemned if the risk wasn't to their personal privilege. That is what is happening right now. It falls mostly on the democratic side, but not completely. It would help a lot if those of us not in the business of politics would keep a clear head, and remain loyal to the good of the nation rather than any political wind.
    Hotdogr, Pardon_Me, Spim and 4 others like this.
  17. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    All Scalise was saying is that America has been begging for change. sick of the social engineering that has taken place here for the last five decades in a cynical effort to create a super majority and a one party country. We are sick of the criminal machinations of the left, now the Democrat party, including the farcical impeachment which has proven to be the grand finale of their treachery. They have no shame, there is nothing off the table when it comes to feeding their lust for power. They are the Swamp. Much of what America is all about has been attacked, denigrated, perverted and faded by the left. So much has been lost and nobody under forty has noticed because it's happened in slow motion, the frog in the pot. We were an extremely divided and agitated country before Trump came along and that was a roll of the dice born of desperation and the payoff has been substantial. The better things get the more shrill and demonic the Democrats have become. The Democrats deliver nothing but division and demoralization. Since 2016 Americans have had reason to hope and things have changed for the better and we intend to keep fighting for that. What Steve Scalise described is zero pandering to the left, to fight fire with fire. The Dems are getting a huge dose of their own medicine and they're not liking it.MAGA!!!!!
    Pardon_Me, Tim15856, cyndibru and 3 others like this.
  18. ButterBalls

    ButterBalls Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    I think it's to late for the left! They have finally created an outlet for they're chronic affliction. They have been pissing and moaning since the sixties and nothing has changed except for the intensity and REASONS to be angry and hateful..

    Think about it! It's true, hippies loved to bitch and hate, they taught their children to bitch and hate and now after sixty years we are seeing third generation of institutionalized and parental cultured haters..

    And the irony, they started out as 60's love child's :) But like I always say, the greatest record the Democrats hold is that they are the best at bastardizing everything they have control of in a very short time!
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
    Tim15856, Red Lily and Pollycy like this.
  19. opion8d

    opion8d Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 6, 2018
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    That's a stunning admission and revelation of the nature and source of America's division and hatred; I thank you for it. Posters of similar views have also confessed to a declaration of war on half of America. This is the America Trump supporters have always wanted so there is little to profit by any attempt at reconciliation. It is a world of vengeance, destruction, and loathing clearly demonstrated at every Trump rally.

    The breathtaking admission and acceptance of the world of Trump is a world only the most disagreeable would ever agree to accept as a new normal. Fortunately, the elections of 2018 and multiple polling results show that American's are sickened by Trumpian acts of corruption, hatred, and division that marks their brand. Election after election in states, state houses, and localities have marked the end of this malignant rein. I thank God for it.
    Derideo_Te, ImNotOliver and Lucifer like this.
  20. Robert E Allen

    Robert E Allen Banned

    Jul 17, 2018
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    I find the hatred coming from the Democrats troubling as well.

    The deep state and fake news both of which have proven to be very real are just symptomatic of a huge problem. That is communists trying to take over the country.
  21. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    trumpets are submissive to trump. And his followers are his bitches

    I will market a dog collar for them with trumps name on it soon

    the Democrats and not submissive to any one person

    did you see the Bernie supporter that said BOO about Hillary ??

    a trumpet does not have the balls to be anything but submissive to trump

    Romney being shunned from the cpac rally is a good example. Romney grew some hair and voted to hear more evidence , now he is a liberal hack according to trumpets

    I never listened to that deep state BS. Saying there is a deep state is the real hoax There is no deep state and if there is it is bill barr and trump and his lawyers and guys like Lev Parnas.

    Obuma and Hillary are gone. Get over it. They are gone. gone gone gone

    so I say to trumpets. Take off the collar. Walk on your own and stop kissing ass. Life is much better when your quality of life is not dependent on one person.

    one thing I am sure of.

    whoever is president or whatever party is in control.

    I will be happy healthy and rich

    I don’t need a crooks like trump or obuma to be successful and have my own thoughts
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
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  22. Robert E Allen

    Robert E Allen Banned

    Jul 17, 2018
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    LOL totally not true... what republicans aren't doing is bending over and taking it from democrats anymore..
    I am sorry you are a sore loser and are not getting everything you want anymore like you have since 1968..

    fact is Trump with all his fault have give republicans back their spines and are beginning to tell progressives to shove it where the sun don't shine, which they should have been doing all along.
    progressive = bad and it's time people had the balls to stand up and say it, Trump or no Trump.
  23. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Look in the mirror. Those who claim not to hate are most often the most hateful... I'm kinda a hate expert on hatred :twisted:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
    Hotdogr, FatBack, Tim15856 and 2 others like this.
  24. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Scalise was shot by a Bernie-Bro and there are posters on this forum who defend Antifa. You guys (the left of of stripes) have gone crazy. We've gone through a fake Russian collusion hoax, a fake Kavanaugh rapist hoax, and the latest impeachment hoax. Your hysteria is frightening and is THE primary reason we've lost the ability to have civil discourse.
    Le Chef, Tim15856, cyndibru and 4 others like this.
  25. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    As long as this hate is so effective and profitable, it won't end.
    Derideo_Te and ImNotOliver like this.

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