Military Quietly Prepares for a Last Resort: War With North Korea

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by trucker, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Yazverg

    Yazverg Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    China and Russia approved the sanctions against NK (they don't approve it when they don't want it). China in its turn doesn't use NK to threaten. It uses its own military (in seas where the sovereignty over some islands is debatable), rockets (shooting down sattelites) and economic moves (regarding currency). The plot with threatening USA with the help of NK doesn't look even logical. Imagine that both of us are of about the same size and strength. Why do any of us need a skinny boy to threaten another one? There is only one issue making it logical - a plan to invade. In this case a group or the guy who is much stronger sets up a skinny boy under the blows of his future target and then acts as if he is not attacking but protecting. In this very case it is not needed. Russia can attack US for Syria, China can do so for its own territory offshore, which is not controlled by CPC.

    I would rather believe that Trump looked for a war to unite the nation and picked the wrong target.

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