Why the right has no chance of winning the Culture Wars

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Golem, Jun 2, 2023.

  1. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    What exactly would there be that was uncommon?

    Yes they were called Democrats.

    ROFLMAO and when during the almost 150 year battle over civil rights did they become these "movers on civil rights", you know what the Republicans had been fighting to move on all those years. How convenient for the Dems when they had finally lost the battle they suddenly become the "movers".

    The Dixiecrats were white Democrats who split from the party to try and elect and even more segregationist administration in 1948 and when they failed they went right back into the Democrat party into leadership positions all except for one who out lived them all stayed in the Democrat party until they either died or were voted out by the Republicans. And BTW the segregationist Democrats were not RW or Conservatives they were Populist. Segregation was never a Conservative or Republican belief or policy or desire. That was all Democrat.
    CharisRose likes this.
  2. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    this is a debate forum...but you win..i know the right with their alternative facts are big here...pretend all you want the southern segregationist civil war people are the democrats of today FDR never existed, nothing has ever changed since 1860 you win
    Rampart likes this.
  3. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    ROFLMAO and when during the almost 150 year battle over civil rights did they become these "movers on civil rights", you know what the Republicans had been fighting to move on all those years. How convenient for the Dems when they had finally lost the battle they suddenly become the "movers".,,
    ,both JFK and LBJ introduced civil right legislation...please name a republican who introduced any
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
  4. bobobrazil

    bobobrazil Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2022
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    What exactly would there be that was uncommon?

    the republicans had a progressive branch in the the late 1800s and became more pro business only in the early 1900s
  5. conservaliberal

    conservaliberal Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2010
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    But, that only applies in a population that is generally well-educated. Ours no longer is. It doesn't mean that our kids are stupid, though, but they are ignorant and kept that way long after they get out of high school. Even after graduating from many colleges and universities, many still know little that is fact-based. That seems to be especially true among those who get Liberal Arts degrees.
  6. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    It's certainly not just the kids of today.

    The main point comes back to the fact that the truths about biology are not going to be changed by social opinion or politics.
    conservaliberal likes this.
  7. Rampart

    Rampart Banned

    Oct 27, 2017
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    is 8 billion a "flourishing population?"
  8. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Sure it's not just those two but there are corporations out here who are way more brazen about it than others. Not a single regular person on the planet knew who that VP of marketing lady was at Bud Light before the controversy arose. Nobody really cares that much that these companies diversity hire woke people to run departments. What folks care about is when it's shoved in their faces which is why Coors has been sponsoring gay pride parades for years and nobody really cared. But when Budweiser crossed a proverbial line folks started to care, same with Target.

    I believe it's disingenuous to believe not shopping at a place that does this would leave somebody living like the Amish. That's the mentality that has directly led to virtually every company doing this and getting more and more brazen with what they do by the day. These CEO's and executives believe what you said themselves which basically boils down to "We know it'll piss them off but they'll buy it anyway because they like our stuff". MLB just allowed a drag queen satanic nun Catholic mockery performance at one of their ball games for crying out loud. NO other religion would be allowed to be blatantly mocked and disrespected like that at a sports game. I'll bet anybody a $10,000 check that if a drag queen Muslim mocking organization requested the MLB allow them to put on a performance it would be denied in seconds and never approved. But Catholicism/Christianity? Fair game. Why? Because folks allow it. They know that they can go so far as to even openly mock your religion and you will STILL watch baseball because you like baseball. Sure some Christians probably said enough is enough and stopped after that fiasco but the majority didn't. And they KNOW you wouldn't.

    What I'm seeing from Conservatives is just the tossing up of the hands in defeat saying to themselves I guess this is just the new normal. If that's folks feel then by all means, but don't fuss about it. The Left doesn't stop, every year they will push the limit more and more and they will never stop. We went from legalizing gay marriage (which I support) 10 years ago to LGB to LGBT to 2XLG/*QANDBJ+ or whatever the hell (not trying to be funny I seriously don't even know what the hell the actual acronym even is at this point). Nowadays ideas that would have gotten you ridiculed and laughed out of even a place like Hells Kitchen New York or downtown San Francisco a mere 20 years ago are being openly debated as if there is validity to something as asinine as transgendering a child. And all of this is the direct result of the so called "silent majority" choosing to remain silent at virtually every turn no matter how extreme it gets. I 100% promise you that your life will be just fine if you don't watch baseball anymore, or shop at a different store than Target or Kohls.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
  9. ButterBalls

    ButterBalls Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    LMAO :) Really, let's start from the beginning shall we :rolleyes:
    CharisRose and Rampart like this.
  10. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Getting beyond the fact that your ideology prevents you from even considering anything else, please tell me what the so-called progressives have contributed to the culture over the past twenty years. I do get that your MO is to destroy everything you disagree with, but what have you folks created? What solutions do you propose to any of the problems we face [other than the transfer of wealth]?
    CharisRose likes this.
  11. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Well you kind of make my point. MLB hosting anti Catholic drag nuns might drive a few people away, but ultimately, too few to effect the bottom line because, where are you gonna go? Sports bros are not going turn away from their sports; at least not for long. We had a great example of that with the NFL and kneeling to the national anthem. There was outrage, and some minor dips in viewing, but it ultimately couldn't keep the viewers away. The NBA is practically a subsidiary of Communist China. When China is insulted, they immediately apologize. One can easily imagine an alternate history in which the Nazis weren't defeated and how American corporations would grovel for their business, ignoring past atrocities in the same way the NBA ignores current ones in China.

    As for Bud Lite, let's see the what happens to the (former) marketing director, Alissa Heinerscheid.


    My guess is that she'll land on her feet at a bigger and better position, in the same way that former Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot; a failure as a mayor in virtually any metric you could name, is now teaching at Harvard. If meritocracy meant anything, both of these failures would be unemployable for other than minimum wage work.

    I've been black pilled now on the state of the right for several years. I didn't see any sort of "all hands on deck" response from the right, until it was already too late, instead, it's now too late and I still don't see any "all hands on deck" response, even though the left is now in the child sacrifice stage of degeneracy. We live in an age in which mothers offer their children up, gladly, for brutal, disfiguring surgery, to social acclaim, and the right really can't do anything about it.

    So if that isn't going to move people, they're not going to do any boycotts that are inconvenient. It's easy to boycott Bud Light because it's crap beer, it's a little more difficult to boycott Target because people like their products and shopping environment. I do think there will be future outrages that will motivate people to temporarily stop using their products and services I just think that once the outrage fades, so will the boycotts.
    CharisRose likes this.
  12. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    I was right. You have no sources for this right wing crap.

    You made it up based on far right propaganda.

    Your statements are meaningless.
    Rampart likes this.
  13. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    DeSantis, "We will wage war on the woke."

    Can a Republican please explain what DeSantis is talking about?

    Woke is Republican speak for avoiding at all costs discussions regarding the Republican Party and the party's leader, Trump. DeSantis uses it to avoid talking about his accomplishments, book banning and a declared war against Mickey Mouse.

    No republican was able to explain what woke is.

    This is significant because it is their party that uses the term. Republican leaders use the term because the Republican base has no idea what they are talking about, but it sounds good.

    "Florida is where woke goes to die," DeSantis. See what I mean?

    No, I don't know what that means, either.
    Rampart likes this.
  14. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Blah, blah, blah.
    CharisRose likes this.
  15. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    If the Right has no chance of winning, why do some folks on the Left want to resort to murder of political opponent?

    ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC: Prof: ‘Nothing wrong with’ murder of Trump supporter from a ‘moral perspective.’

    'A Rhode Island professor defended the murder of a right-wing Portland protester.'
    'In a comment on his blog, Loomis said "I see nothing wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective."'

    Asshat prof is "good with' murdering political opponents.

    'In 2012, Loomis came under scrutiny after he called for NRA executive Wayne LaPierre's "head on a stick". Just weeks later, in January 2013, Loomis said, “I know the central mission of the Republican Party is to have a membership made up entirely of old rural white people."

    I guess those are folks that this asshat prof is good with murdering.

    Idiot pro-murder prof also doesn't know when to use is or are.

    'The police is [sic] shot through with fascists from stem to stern. They were openly working with the fascists in Portland, as they were in Kenosha which led to dead protestors," Loomis continued.'

    Folks that assume they can win elections, why would they justify murdering folks that they think they can defeat at the ballot box?

    CharisRose likes this.
  16. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    LOL... As if. Democrats seem to believe that transitioning folks into their "proper" gender will do what then? If you're a boy, and you like boys, and the democratic think police say you must then be a girl, what is the effect? Off to surgery for the gay boy, then, no? I understand that you never considered this, but no one I know trusts that y'all progressives aren't the Mengelesque folks you now demonstrate yourselves to be in public.
    CharisRose likes this.
  17. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    NO! I do not tolerate intolerance. I couldn't care less what anybody here likes or doesn't like or what they prefer or don't prefer.. "ACTIONS" are a completely different thing, when they are intended to harm people because of what THEY like or don't like, or what THEY prefer.... that's intolerance.

    The ONLY thing we should never tolerate is intolerance. Intolerance, in the end (when all is said and done has NEVER won a "culture war") against a movement that seeks tolerance.

    Sure... they might manage to get Target to hide the rainbows with which they have always decorated the baby department so that MAGA terrorists don't destroy them. Or Budweiser stock to lose a point or two... but this is temporary. Tolerance always prevails. And fascists are destined to lose.
  18. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Interesting that you couldn't back that up with facts.

    And funny how you throw in "owning guns", as if that were a universal human right in any way equivalent to the others, to leave yourself a backdoor open to try to hide from the fact that you have no facts to support your claim.
    Rampart likes this.
  19. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    You would have to ask that question to MAGAs who believe the sexual preferences of OTHERS are important enough to them to start a boycott.

    What the universe DOES pivot around are human rights. Including the right to marry whoever you want, and do with your own body whatever the hell YOU want so long as it's not affecting the rights of others.
    Rampart likes this.
  20. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Gay marriage...

    But that's not progressives who created it. All we did was protect the right. If by "contribute" you mean "create" something, you don't "create" culture. We just want to protect the human rights that already exist.

    We most definitely want to destroy intolerance. It's the only thing I can think of that I want to destroy.

    The only thing we should never tolerate is intolerance.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
    Rampart likes this.
  21. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I'd ask why Repubs are so enamoured with the party attitudes towards blacks that have flipped over time but I know the answer. It's a deflection away from the Repub's attitude NOW.
    Rampart likes this.
  22. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    You obviously haven't done your homework on this topic.

    Intolerance is EXACTLY what progressives have become. Speech is violence? What kind of Maoist non-sense is that? Cancelling this, that, and the other thing? Fearing discussing issues...cowardice everywhere.

    In my own profession, medicine, there is no tolerance. Even the scientific method has been extricated to the benefit of this sick political agenda that only cares about the illusion of D,E,&I. Probably hundreds of millions [maybe billions] of people were adversely affected by all the COVID craziness that took place because of progressive ideology. Yet you people still will not admit you were wrong. My God, what would have to happen to demonstrate to you just how sick all this is?

    You have tolerance for only your POV. It's a sickness, my friend, and its going down like every pathological ideology that attempted to impose its will on everybody else. People have had it with this non-sense. And how did you buy into this? You seem like a very bright person. You can't see through this?
    CharisRose likes this.
  23. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Uh oh, you went there. Now I bet you got many groomer responses to this post.

    But yes, culture changes are generational.
    I sometimes say, today's conservatives are tomorrows liberals. As those staunch conservatives die off and the kids of those conservatives realize what had been terrible to parents and/or grandparents, is normal in their world.
    WhoDatPhan78 likes this.
  24. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    You have it all backwards. Who, besides you, claims speech is violence? Did you make it up or is there some source that tells you this?

    What was wrong with the way most of the WORLD responded to Covid?
    If one were to look at the % of people that died during the Spanish Flu of 1919 vs the Covid pandemic of 2019, the % of population that died was significantly less.
    Rampart likes this.
  25. WhoDatPhan78

    WhoDatPhan78 Banned

    Sep 10, 2021
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    Yea, and then the goalposts move without anyone noticing.

    Homosexuality will never be illegal in the US. The culture war of MAGA's grandparents were already lost long ago.

    They think that preventing gender transitions for kids would be winning the culture war, it is just them negotiating their defeat.
    dairyair likes this.

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